Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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when m the absence of the W . M ,, the Rev . E W . Woodcock , the chair was taken by the D . Prov . G . M . ; there were also present Bros . Weare , P . M . ; Clarke , S . W . ; Adiard , J . W . ; Eide , S . D . ; Stretton , J . D- ; and others . The lodge having been opened in the first degree the minutes were read and confirmed . A F . C . ' s lodge was then opened , and Bro . Thos . Blunt was called to the pedestal and passed a satisfactory examination , after which the lodge was opened iu the third degree , and he was duly raised thereto . ( The lodge was afterwards closed in the several degrees , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . MOXJIOUTII . —Logal Monmouth Lodge ( So . 457 ) . —At a meeting of this lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , on the 6 th inst ., Bro . Davis , P . M ., was presented with a testimonial , consisting of a valuable set of studs , aud diamond scarf-pin in the form of a Masonic emblem , for his untiring exertions for the promotion of the welfare of the Order , and his willingness at all times to assist in the administration of his lod BroKingPM
ge . . , .., Mayor of Monmouth , in presenting llie testimonial , expressed the obligations of both the past and the present Masters , as well as of the mevnbevs of the lodge generally , to Bro . Davis for his services . The members afterwards adjourned to Bro . Mills ' s , Angel Hotel , where a capital spread was laid before them , and a pleasant evening was spent , the brethren separating at an early hour .
IitEDEGAlt . —The prayer of the petition for the St . George ' s Lodge has been granted b y Lord Zetland , M . W . G . M . of England , and the first meeting will now . we hear , be held on the ^¦ second Thursday in April next . H ^ OXFOEDSH 1 EE . ^^ ' OXEOED . —Churchill Lodge ( No . 478 , )—On March tho 3 rd , the regular meeting of the lodge was held at the Masonic Hall
Alfred-street . In the absence of theW . M ., the Hon . W . U . -I . North , who being engaged in his duties of Master of the South "Warrickshire hounds , would not arrive until late , the chair was -taken by the D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Alderman Spiers , who in his usual able manner , raised Bro . the Rev . C . L . Acland , follow of Eadley College , to the third degree ; passed Bro . S . Pepys Cockerill , aud Arthur Wilson , both of Christ Church , to the
second degree , and initiated the Rev . George IV . Hinxton in the first degree . The W . M . had by this time arrived , when Bro . C . W . Spencer Stanhope , of Merton College was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Alderman Spiers , Treas . Among the guests aud members present , were Bro . tho Rev . W . F . Short , W . M . of the Apollo Lodge ; Bros . Houghton , P . M . ; Martin , P . M . the Earl of Jersey ; Lord Wark worthE . R . Dowdeswill
, , ; , Christ Church , and many others . About forty sat down to an excellent banquet , and toast and song passed merrily round till the brethren broke up . BAUBURY— Cherwell Lodge ( No . 599 ) . —On the 26 th ult . the AV . M ., officers , and brethren of this lodge assembled in their lodge room for the pun . ose of installing the W . M . elect , Bro .
Alban Samman , P . Prov . G . S . il ., of Deiiington . The ceremony of installation was mist ably and impressively performed by Bro . Havers , P . M . The following brethren were present and assisted in the installation . Bros . Colonel Bowyer , Prov . G . M . Oxfordshire ; Alderm . m Spiers , Prov . G . M . ; Eev . V . Blake , Alderman Thompson , Dr . Riy , Havers , Martin , Harrison , Seroggs , Beavers , P . M . ; Bros . J . Smith , W . M . Sawyer Lodge ; GallandS . W . Ap . llo UniversitLodgeBradfordJ . W . ; Rev .
, , y , , T . Russell , Bower , Parson ., Chamberl ' m , J . Hartley , T . Fowler , E . J . Hal-Hoy , II . Margetts , Pettit , Bishop , Wells , Pemberton , Hurford , P _ owm . i : i , & e . O . i the conclusion of the ceremony the "W . M . appointed his olnjers for the year , and invested them with their insignia of otfi . e . Arthur B . Rye , P . M . ; Henry Churchill , S . W . ; !•_ . J . Hartley , J . W . ; Rev . T . Russell , Chap . ; R . Havers , Treasurer ; J . ! 5 . L joker , Secretary ; Henry Margetts ,
S . D . ; Charles Pettit , J . O .: C . L . Pemberton , Organist ; John Griffin , P . M ., Master of the Ceremonies ; T . S . Wells , I . G . ; W . Chamberlain and T . P . i . vlor , Steward- ; T . Moss , Tyler . The b-niness of the lodge b-iing brought to a termination , the brethren proceeded to the assembly room , where a sumptuous banquet , provided by thj host , Bro . Bishop , in his accustomed liberal an 1 excellent style awaited tliem . The banquetto ivhich
, about thirty-five sat down , could not well be surpassed for tho abundance , excellence , as well as taste and style , which characterised it . The Prov . G . M ., with his wonted generosity , contributed a ease of champagne of the first quality , and the dessert and wines were of the choicest character , and elicited the highest
commendations . The W . M . presided , and during the evening some interesting speeches were made , and the proceedings wore diversified by the singing of several brethren and by the performances of an excellent quadrille band , stationed outside the banquet room . About ten o ' clock tea and coffee was served , and at half-past ten the brethren from Oxford took their leave in order to return by a special train ivhich the Cherwell had very liberally provided for them , so that they were enabled to reach Oxford a little after eleven o'clock . The entire arrangements were most completely and admirably carried ont .
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL . CAI . EISLE . — Cumberland Lodge ( No . GO ) , —This highly esteemed lodge held a meeting on Tuesday , the Gth inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . W . Murray , W . M ., aud the lodge was opened in due form , and after the minutes of a former meeting were read and confirmed in the usual manner among Mark Masters , the ballot was taken for Bro . William James , of 129 ivhich proved unanimous in his favourand being in
attend-, , ance , was duly prepared and advanced to tlie degree of a Mark Master by Bro . G . G . Hayward , J . W ., at the request of the W . M ., and supported by Bro . F . W . Hayward , P . M ., J . G . D ., as S . W ., ably seconded by Bros . Thomas Dean , S . D ., and J . A . Wheatley , J . D ., and officers present , except J . G ., Bro . Woodhouse , Sec , acting in his place , after ivhich ceremony five brethren were proposed to become members of this lod andif
ge , , all be well , will be advanced next May meeting . This being the night for election of W . M . for the ensuing year , votes were taken , which proved in favour of Bro . J . Howe , S . W . No other business being on hand the lodge was closed by Bro . William Murray , W . M ., with solemn prayer , and retired to refreshment room , and parted in harmonv .
Knights Templar.
NORTHUMBERLAND . N ' EWCASTLE-os--Ty _ s E . — Eoyal Kent Encampment . —A regular encampment was opened on March 9 th , by the E . C . Sir Knt . Hotham , and on the muster roll being called the following answered to their names , Sir Knt . Henry Hotham , E . C . ; Sir Knt . W .-Pnnshon , P . E . C , Grand Master Grand Cross of the Order ; Sir Knt . C . J . Bainster , P . E . C ., G . C . K . T ., 1 st Grand Captain of England , G . L . L . 31 ° ; Sir Knt . G . Ludwig , Sir Knt .
R . J . Banning , M . TD . ; Sir Knt . Jens Jensen , Sir Knt . C . Claphani , Sir Knt . F . P . Jonn , Sir Knt . X H . Thompson , Sir Knt . Emra Holmes . The ballot was then taken for the following Companions proposed by Sir Knt . Emra Holmes , seconded by Sir Knt . H . Hotham , who wore all unanimously elected , Comps . W . C . Ward-Jackson , J . P ., of Greatham Hall , Stocktonon-Tees , Chapter Strict Benevolence , Sunderland ; W . H . Marwood and G . Buchanan , Britannia Chapter , Whitby ; and
W . lt . Fitzgerald , Chapter of Concord , Durham . Sir Knt . Edward Shotton was unanimously elected K . C . for the ensuing year ; Sir Knt . , T . S . Trotter was elected Equerry . The Companions being al 1 in attendance , they were duly admitted and regularly installed Masonic Knights Templar , the beautiful ceremony being conducted by Sir Knt . C . J . Banister . At the conclusion the Sir Knts . attended a banquet , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were givenincluding "The Most
, Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , Sir Knt . W . Stuart , " and "The Grand Officers of Grand Conclave , " responded to by Sir Knt . C . J . Banister ; and "Our newly-installed Knight Companions , " to ivhich Sir Knt . W . J . Ward-Jackson responded . ROSE CROIX . —The convocation of the Royal Kent Chapter of Sovereign Princes Rose Croix H . B D . M ., K . D . S . H ., met at Newcastle-on-Tyue on the 9 th inst ., when the chapter was
opened by P . M . W . S . C . J . Banister , 31 ° . S . P . R . J . Banning , JU . TD ., was then regularly presented , and installed into the chair of M . W . S . of this chapter . He then proceeded to appoint the following officers : —S . P . Wm . Punshon , Prelate ; S . P . J . Jensen , 1 st Gen . ; S . P . J . Story , 2 nd Gen . ; M . W . S . P . H . Hotham , Recorder ; S . P . H . G . Ludwig , Treas . ; S . P . Wm . Foulsham , G . Marshal ; S . P . J . Thompson , E . ; S . P . Emra Holmes , Capt . of Guard . S . P . Emra Holmes proposed , and M . W . S . P . H . Hotham seconded , Sir Knts . W . C . Ward ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
when m the absence of the W . M ,, the Rev . E W . Woodcock , the chair was taken by the D . Prov . G . M . ; there were also present Bros . Weare , P . M . ; Clarke , S . W . ; Adiard , J . W . ; Eide , S . D . ; Stretton , J . D- ; and others . The lodge having been opened in the first degree the minutes were read and confirmed . A F . C . ' s lodge was then opened , and Bro . Thos . Blunt was called to the pedestal and passed a satisfactory examination , after which the lodge was opened iu the third degree , and he was duly raised thereto . ( The lodge was afterwards closed in the several degrees , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . MOXJIOUTII . —Logal Monmouth Lodge ( So . 457 ) . —At a meeting of this lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , on the 6 th inst ., Bro . Davis , P . M ., was presented with a testimonial , consisting of a valuable set of studs , aud diamond scarf-pin in the form of a Masonic emblem , for his untiring exertions for the promotion of the welfare of the Order , and his willingness at all times to assist in the administration of his lod BroKingPM
ge . . , .., Mayor of Monmouth , in presenting llie testimonial , expressed the obligations of both the past and the present Masters , as well as of the mevnbevs of the lodge generally , to Bro . Davis for his services . The members afterwards adjourned to Bro . Mills ' s , Angel Hotel , where a capital spread was laid before them , and a pleasant evening was spent , the brethren separating at an early hour .
IitEDEGAlt . —The prayer of the petition for the St . George ' s Lodge has been granted b y Lord Zetland , M . W . G . M . of England , and the first meeting will now . we hear , be held on the ^¦ second Thursday in April next . H ^ OXFOEDSH 1 EE . ^^ ' OXEOED . —Churchill Lodge ( No . 478 , )—On March tho 3 rd , the regular meeting of the lodge was held at the Masonic Hall
Alfred-street . In the absence of theW . M ., the Hon . W . U . -I . North , who being engaged in his duties of Master of the South "Warrickshire hounds , would not arrive until late , the chair was -taken by the D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Alderman Spiers , who in his usual able manner , raised Bro . the Rev . C . L . Acland , follow of Eadley College , to the third degree ; passed Bro . S . Pepys Cockerill , aud Arthur Wilson , both of Christ Church , to the
second degree , and initiated the Rev . George IV . Hinxton in the first degree . The W . M . had by this time arrived , when Bro . C . W . Spencer Stanhope , of Merton College was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Alderman Spiers , Treas . Among the guests aud members present , were Bro . tho Rev . W . F . Short , W . M . of the Apollo Lodge ; Bros . Houghton , P . M . ; Martin , P . M . the Earl of Jersey ; Lord Wark worthE . R . Dowdeswill
, , ; , Christ Church , and many others . About forty sat down to an excellent banquet , and toast and song passed merrily round till the brethren broke up . BAUBURY— Cherwell Lodge ( No . 599 ) . —On the 26 th ult . the AV . M ., officers , and brethren of this lodge assembled in their lodge room for the pun . ose of installing the W . M . elect , Bro .
Alban Samman , P . Prov . G . S . il ., of Deiiington . The ceremony of installation was mist ably and impressively performed by Bro . Havers , P . M . The following brethren were present and assisted in the installation . Bros . Colonel Bowyer , Prov . G . M . Oxfordshire ; Alderm . m Spiers , Prov . G . M . ; Eev . V . Blake , Alderman Thompson , Dr . Riy , Havers , Martin , Harrison , Seroggs , Beavers , P . M . ; Bros . J . Smith , W . M . Sawyer Lodge ; GallandS . W . Ap . llo UniversitLodgeBradfordJ . W . ; Rev .
, , y , , T . Russell , Bower , Parson ., Chamberl ' m , J . Hartley , T . Fowler , E . J . Hal-Hoy , II . Margetts , Pettit , Bishop , Wells , Pemberton , Hurford , P _ owm . i : i , & e . O . i the conclusion of the ceremony the "W . M . appointed his olnjers for the year , and invested them with their insignia of otfi . e . Arthur B . Rye , P . M . ; Henry Churchill , S . W . ; !•_ . J . Hartley , J . W . ; Rev . T . Russell , Chap . ; R . Havers , Treasurer ; J . ! 5 . L joker , Secretary ; Henry Margetts ,
S . D . ; Charles Pettit , J . O .: C . L . Pemberton , Organist ; John Griffin , P . M ., Master of the Ceremonies ; T . S . Wells , I . G . ; W . Chamberlain and T . P . i . vlor , Steward- ; T . Moss , Tyler . The b-niness of the lodge b-iing brought to a termination , the brethren proceeded to the assembly room , where a sumptuous banquet , provided by thj host , Bro . Bishop , in his accustomed liberal an 1 excellent style awaited tliem . The banquetto ivhich
, about thirty-five sat down , could not well be surpassed for tho abundance , excellence , as well as taste and style , which characterised it . The Prov . G . M ., with his wonted generosity , contributed a ease of champagne of the first quality , and the dessert and wines were of the choicest character , and elicited the highest
commendations . The W . M . presided , and during the evening some interesting speeches were made , and the proceedings wore diversified by the singing of several brethren and by the performances of an excellent quadrille band , stationed outside the banquet room . About ten o ' clock tea and coffee was served , and at half-past ten the brethren from Oxford took their leave in order to return by a special train ivhich the Cherwell had very liberally provided for them , so that they were enabled to reach Oxford a little after eleven o'clock . The entire arrangements were most completely and admirably carried ont .
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL . CAI . EISLE . — Cumberland Lodge ( No . GO ) , —This highly esteemed lodge held a meeting on Tuesday , the Gth inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . W . Murray , W . M ., aud the lodge was opened in due form , and after the minutes of a former meeting were read and confirmed in the usual manner among Mark Masters , the ballot was taken for Bro . William James , of 129 ivhich proved unanimous in his favourand being in
attend-, , ance , was duly prepared and advanced to tlie degree of a Mark Master by Bro . G . G . Hayward , J . W ., at the request of the W . M ., and supported by Bro . F . W . Hayward , P . M ., J . G . D ., as S . W ., ably seconded by Bros . Thomas Dean , S . D ., and J . A . Wheatley , J . D ., and officers present , except J . G ., Bro . Woodhouse , Sec , acting in his place , after ivhich ceremony five brethren were proposed to become members of this lod andif
ge , , all be well , will be advanced next May meeting . This being the night for election of W . M . for the ensuing year , votes were taken , which proved in favour of Bro . J . Howe , S . W . No other business being on hand the lodge was closed by Bro . William Murray , W . M ., with solemn prayer , and retired to refreshment room , and parted in harmonv .
Knights Templar.
NORTHUMBERLAND . N ' EWCASTLE-os--Ty _ s E . — Eoyal Kent Encampment . —A regular encampment was opened on March 9 th , by the E . C . Sir Knt . Hotham , and on the muster roll being called the following answered to their names , Sir Knt . Henry Hotham , E . C . ; Sir Knt . W .-Pnnshon , P . E . C , Grand Master Grand Cross of the Order ; Sir Knt . C . J . Bainster , P . E . C ., G . C . K . T ., 1 st Grand Captain of England , G . L . L . 31 ° ; Sir Knt . G . Ludwig , Sir Knt .
R . J . Banning , M . TD . ; Sir Knt . Jens Jensen , Sir Knt . C . Claphani , Sir Knt . F . P . Jonn , Sir Knt . X H . Thompson , Sir Knt . Emra Holmes . The ballot was then taken for the following Companions proposed by Sir Knt . Emra Holmes , seconded by Sir Knt . H . Hotham , who wore all unanimously elected , Comps . W . C . Ward-Jackson , J . P ., of Greatham Hall , Stocktonon-Tees , Chapter Strict Benevolence , Sunderland ; W . H . Marwood and G . Buchanan , Britannia Chapter , Whitby ; and
W . lt . Fitzgerald , Chapter of Concord , Durham . Sir Knt . Edward Shotton was unanimously elected K . C . for the ensuing year ; Sir Knt . , T . S . Trotter was elected Equerry . The Companions being al 1 in attendance , they were duly admitted and regularly installed Masonic Knights Templar , the beautiful ceremony being conducted by Sir Knt . C . J . Banister . At the conclusion the Sir Knts . attended a banquet , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were givenincluding "The Most
, Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , Sir Knt . W . Stuart , " and "The Grand Officers of Grand Conclave , " responded to by Sir Knt . C . J . Banister ; and "Our newly-installed Knight Companions , " to ivhich Sir Knt . W . J . Ward-Jackson responded . ROSE CROIX . —The convocation of the Royal Kent Chapter of Sovereign Princes Rose Croix H . B D . M ., K . D . S . H ., met at Newcastle-on-Tyue on the 9 th inst ., when the chapter was
opened by P . M . W . S . C . J . Banister , 31 ° . S . P . R . J . Banning , JU . TD ., was then regularly presented , and installed into the chair of M . W . S . of this chapter . He then proceeded to appoint the following officers : —S . P . Wm . Punshon , Prelate ; S . P . J . Jensen , 1 st Gen . ; S . P . J . Story , 2 nd Gen . ; M . W . S . P . H . Hotham , Recorder ; S . P . H . G . Ludwig , Treas . ; S . P . Wm . Foulsham , G . Marshal ; S . P . J . Thompson , E . ; S . P . Emra Holmes , Capt . of Guard . S . P . Emra Holmes proposed , and M . W . S . P . H . Hotham seconded , Sir Knts . W . C . Ward ,