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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC AKCHSOLOGICAL INSTITUTE . —The fourth meeting of this Institute will be * held at Freemason ' s Hall , on Friday , the 30 th inst ., when a paper will be read by Bro . Gnospelius , and subjects connected with Mason's Marks will be brought before the meeting . DOMATIC LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 177 ) . —This lodge
will meet at the Palmerston Arms Tavern , Palinerston-street , Grosvenor-park , Camberwell , on . Tuesday evening , May 4 th , when the fifteen sections will be worked . Bro . John Thomas , P . M . 507 , 720 , 857 , & c , will preside . THE order for the new clothing for the Grand Officers taking part in the inaugural ceremony of Wednesday last , was entrusted
to Bro . Joseph Starkey , of 23 , Conduit-street , Bond-street . The rich edges of the aprons are embroidered with pomegranate and Egyptian lotus , in the highest style of art , and with the greatest care and skill , the figures of the bag presenting rather the appearance of fine goldsmith's work than that produced from the needle . The great care and accurate taste with which
the whole of the work was carried out , both as to artistic design , workmanship , and quality of the materials employed , reflect great credit upon Bro . Starkey , and will at any rate satisfy the brethren that the art and mystery of the " Broderer " : is by no means lost .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
At a Quarterly General Court , held at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the 12 th inst ., Bro . J . Symcnds , P . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., r in the chair , after the close of some ordinary business , a ballot was opened for the election of fifteen boys out of a list of fiftyfour , with the following results : — SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES .
No . on list . Name . A otes polled . 39 Lane , Francis Dalrymple 1501 46 Lane , John 1422 27 Sweet , Edward George Leigh 1370 18 Gilkes , Edgar Lawson 1242 3 Smith , Lewis 1183 2 Mace , William Francis 1179
47 Shaw , Henry Giles 1151 8 Hennis , Charles 1124 5 Dowsing , John Edward 1047 53 Walkington , Arthur John 995 4 Marjason , Josiah 954 38 Bruford , William Alexander ... 872 32 Harrison , Edward Maxwell 864 17 Chappell , Charles Webster 860 37 Sherry , Maurice 833
Inauguration Of The New Masonic Hall And Buildings.
On AVednesday last the great event which has for so long a period occupied the attention of the entire Masonic Craft of Great Britain , was celebrated in a manner commensurate with the interest which has been manifested in reference to it . Tho large hall was completely filled by members of the Craft from all parts of the kingdom , and the brilliancy of the scene is without a parallel in the history of Masonic proceedings . The
enrichments of the great hall , from henceforth destined to be devoted exclusively to the celebration of Masonic rites , must be described on some future occasion , but for the present it may suffice to say that the entire fittings are of the most gorgeous character , and it reflect the highest credit upon the Committee , by whom they have been carried to completion . We cannot refrain , however , from noticing now the splendid addition made to the Grand Lodge of those magnificent chairs formerly used by the Earl of Moira , and his predecessors , which were for some years laid aside , hut have now been redecorated , and were used for the first time on this occasion .
The time of meeting was named as four o'clock , and at that time the large nail was completely filled , although the proceedings were stated not to commence before half-past four o ' clock . At half-past four a procession was formed in the corridor on the ground floor , aud proceeded in the following order up the grand staircase and along the corridor to the great hall ,
viz .: — Stewards of tho Inauguration Festival . Grand Stewards . Past Grand Pursuivants . Grand Pursuivant . Grand Organist . Past Assistant Grand Secretary .
Past Grand Sword Bearers . Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies . Past Grand Superintendent of AYorks . Past Grand Deacons . f The Cornucopia , with Corn , "} Grand j borne by tho Master of a Lodge . I Grand Steward . { Two Ewers , with AVino ancl Oil , [ Steward . ^ borne by Masters o £ Lodges . J Grand Superintendent of AYorks ,
with tne . Flans . Members o £ tho Building Committee . Past Grand Registrar . Grand Registrar , carrying the Seal . Grand Treasurer . Past Grand Chaplains . Past Grand Wardens .
Past Provincial Grand Masters . Provincial Grand Masters . Visitors of Distinction . The Column of the J . G . AV . borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Junior Grand AYarden , with Plumb Rulo . Tho Column of tho S . G . AV . borne by tho Master of a Lodge . The Senior Grand AYarden ,
with Level . Junior Grand Deacons . Grand r The Grand Chaplain , ¦) Grand Steward . £ bearing tho Sacred Law on a Cushion . $ Steward . Tho Deputy Grand Master , with the Square . The Grand Sword Bearer . Grand Steward . Tho Grand Master . Grand Steward . Senior Grand Deacons . Two Grand Stewards . Grand Tyler .
The M . AV . Grand Master took his place on the throne , and amongst those present we noticed the Right Hon . the Earl of Limerick , Prov . G . M . for Bristol ; the Rev . John Huyshe , Prov . G . M . for Devon ; Stephen Blair , Prov . G . M . for East Lancashire ; T . T . Hall , Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire ; R . J . Bagshaw , P . G . M . for Essex ; Sir F . Burroughs , D . G . M . for Ireland ; F . Roxburgh , P . G . Reg . ; Bentley Shaw , D . P . G . M . for AVest Yorkshire Dr . Jabez HoggP . G . D . ; SavageP . G . D . ; J .
; , , Cox , P . G . D . ; J . Hervey , G . Sec . ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , G . Chap . ; Rev . J . Ravenshaw , G . Chap . ; John Emmens , P . G . Purst . ; John Smith , P . G . Purst . ; T . A . Adams , P . G . Purst . ; T . Lewis , G . Purst . ; AV . Ough , Assist . G . Purst . ; LUewelyn Evans , President ofthe Board of General Purposes ; A . J . Macintyre , G . Reg . ; Samuel Tomkins , G . Treas . ; Clabon , P . G . D . ; J . Mason , P . G . S . B . ; Albert AVoods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Fenn , Assist . G .
Dir . of Cers . ; Frederick Dundas , P . G . W . & Representative of the Grand Lodge of Prussia ; Colonel Burdett , representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland ; Colonel Lowry Cole , P . G . W . ; J . Havers , P . G ' . AY . ; E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; J . Spiers , P . G . S . B . & D . P . G . M . for Oxfordshire ; Maior Creaton , P . G . D . ; AV . Smith , C . E ., P . G . Steward , AV . M . 1238 , P . M . 33 , & o . ; Stacey , Senior P . M . of Etonian Lodge , 209 ; Willis , W . M . 209 ; J . R . Stebbing , P . G . D . ; Main , P . M . New Concord ; Maples , P . M . St . Luke's ;
Halsey , P . M . Caledonian : AVinn , P . M . Eastern Star and Temple ; States , P . M . & See . Prudent Brethren ; H . Wellington Vallance , P . M ., Tuscan ; Bolton , P . M . Justice ; Tanner , W . M . 177 ; Foulger , S . W . 177 ; H . Thompson , P . M . 177 & 1158 ; K . Potter , P . G . D . & Treas . of Moira ; J . G . Marsh , P . M . 28 & 192 ; R . A . Brown , P . M . 145 ; R . Spencer , P . M . 26 , 263 ; Charles E . Thompson , of Domatic 177 , S . D . and Sec . Southern Star Lodge , & c , and a large hodj whose names we were unable to ascertain .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC AKCHSOLOGICAL INSTITUTE . —The fourth meeting of this Institute will be * held at Freemason ' s Hall , on Friday , the 30 th inst ., when a paper will be read by Bro . Gnospelius , and subjects connected with Mason's Marks will be brought before the meeting . DOMATIC LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 177 ) . —This lodge
will meet at the Palmerston Arms Tavern , Palinerston-street , Grosvenor-park , Camberwell , on . Tuesday evening , May 4 th , when the fifteen sections will be worked . Bro . John Thomas , P . M . 507 , 720 , 857 , & c , will preside . THE order for the new clothing for the Grand Officers taking part in the inaugural ceremony of Wednesday last , was entrusted
to Bro . Joseph Starkey , of 23 , Conduit-street , Bond-street . The rich edges of the aprons are embroidered with pomegranate and Egyptian lotus , in the highest style of art , and with the greatest care and skill , the figures of the bag presenting rather the appearance of fine goldsmith's work than that produced from the needle . The great care and accurate taste with which
the whole of the work was carried out , both as to artistic design , workmanship , and quality of the materials employed , reflect great credit upon Bro . Starkey , and will at any rate satisfy the brethren that the art and mystery of the " Broderer " : is by no means lost .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
At a Quarterly General Court , held at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the 12 th inst ., Bro . J . Symcnds , P . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., r in the chair , after the close of some ordinary business , a ballot was opened for the election of fifteen boys out of a list of fiftyfour , with the following results : — SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES .
No . on list . Name . A otes polled . 39 Lane , Francis Dalrymple 1501 46 Lane , John 1422 27 Sweet , Edward George Leigh 1370 18 Gilkes , Edgar Lawson 1242 3 Smith , Lewis 1183 2 Mace , William Francis 1179
47 Shaw , Henry Giles 1151 8 Hennis , Charles 1124 5 Dowsing , John Edward 1047 53 Walkington , Arthur John 995 4 Marjason , Josiah 954 38 Bruford , William Alexander ... 872 32 Harrison , Edward Maxwell 864 17 Chappell , Charles Webster 860 37 Sherry , Maurice 833
Inauguration Of The New Masonic Hall And Buildings.
On AVednesday last the great event which has for so long a period occupied the attention of the entire Masonic Craft of Great Britain , was celebrated in a manner commensurate with the interest which has been manifested in reference to it . Tho large hall was completely filled by members of the Craft from all parts of the kingdom , and the brilliancy of the scene is without a parallel in the history of Masonic proceedings . The
enrichments of the great hall , from henceforth destined to be devoted exclusively to the celebration of Masonic rites , must be described on some future occasion , but for the present it may suffice to say that the entire fittings are of the most gorgeous character , and it reflect the highest credit upon the Committee , by whom they have been carried to completion . We cannot refrain , however , from noticing now the splendid addition made to the Grand Lodge of those magnificent chairs formerly used by the Earl of Moira , and his predecessors , which were for some years laid aside , hut have now been redecorated , and were used for the first time on this occasion .
The time of meeting was named as four o'clock , and at that time the large nail was completely filled , although the proceedings were stated not to commence before half-past four o ' clock . At half-past four a procession was formed in the corridor on the ground floor , aud proceeded in the following order up the grand staircase and along the corridor to the great hall ,
viz .: — Stewards of tho Inauguration Festival . Grand Stewards . Past Grand Pursuivants . Grand Pursuivant . Grand Organist . Past Assistant Grand Secretary .
Past Grand Sword Bearers . Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies . Past Grand Superintendent of AYorks . Past Grand Deacons . f The Cornucopia , with Corn , "} Grand j borne by tho Master of a Lodge . I Grand Steward . { Two Ewers , with AVino ancl Oil , [ Steward . ^ borne by Masters o £ Lodges . J Grand Superintendent of AYorks ,
with tne . Flans . Members o £ tho Building Committee . Past Grand Registrar . Grand Registrar , carrying the Seal . Grand Treasurer . Past Grand Chaplains . Past Grand Wardens .
Past Provincial Grand Masters . Provincial Grand Masters . Visitors of Distinction . The Column of the J . G . AV . borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Junior Grand AYarden , with Plumb Rulo . Tho Column of tho S . G . AV . borne by tho Master of a Lodge . The Senior Grand AYarden ,
with Level . Junior Grand Deacons . Grand r The Grand Chaplain , ¦) Grand Steward . £ bearing tho Sacred Law on a Cushion . $ Steward . Tho Deputy Grand Master , with the Square . The Grand Sword Bearer . Grand Steward . Tho Grand Master . Grand Steward . Senior Grand Deacons . Two Grand Stewards . Grand Tyler .
The M . AV . Grand Master took his place on the throne , and amongst those present we noticed the Right Hon . the Earl of Limerick , Prov . G . M . for Bristol ; the Rev . John Huyshe , Prov . G . M . for Devon ; Stephen Blair , Prov . G . M . for East Lancashire ; T . T . Hall , Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire ; R . J . Bagshaw , P . G . M . for Essex ; Sir F . Burroughs , D . G . M . for Ireland ; F . Roxburgh , P . G . Reg . ; Bentley Shaw , D . P . G . M . for AVest Yorkshire Dr . Jabez HoggP . G . D . ; SavageP . G . D . ; J .
; , , Cox , P . G . D . ; J . Hervey , G . Sec . ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , G . Chap . ; Rev . J . Ravenshaw , G . Chap . ; John Emmens , P . G . Purst . ; John Smith , P . G . Purst . ; T . A . Adams , P . G . Purst . ; T . Lewis , G . Purst . ; AV . Ough , Assist . G . Purst . ; LUewelyn Evans , President ofthe Board of General Purposes ; A . J . Macintyre , G . Reg . ; Samuel Tomkins , G . Treas . ; Clabon , P . G . D . ; J . Mason , P . G . S . B . ; Albert AVoods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Fenn , Assist . G .
Dir . of Cers . ; Frederick Dundas , P . G . W . & Representative of the Grand Lodge of Prussia ; Colonel Burdett , representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland ; Colonel Lowry Cole , P . G . W . ; J . Havers , P . G ' . AY . ; E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; J . Spiers , P . G . S . B . & D . P . G . M . for Oxfordshire ; Maior Creaton , P . G . D . ; AV . Smith , C . E ., P . G . Steward , AV . M . 1238 , P . M . 33 , & o . ; Stacey , Senior P . M . of Etonian Lodge , 209 ; Willis , W . M . 209 ; J . R . Stebbing , P . G . D . ; Main , P . M . New Concord ; Maples , P . M . St . Luke's ;
Halsey , P . M . Caledonian : AVinn , P . M . Eastern Star and Temple ; States , P . M . & See . Prudent Brethren ; H . Wellington Vallance , P . M ., Tuscan ; Bolton , P . M . Justice ; Tanner , W . M . 177 ; Foulger , S . W . 177 ; H . Thompson , P . M . 177 & 1158 ; K . Potter , P . G . D . & Treas . of Moira ; J . G . Marsh , P . M . 28 & 192 ; R . A . Brown , P . M . 145 ; R . Spencer , P . M . 26 , 263 ; Charles E . Thompson , of Domatic 177 , S . D . and Sec . Southern Star Lodge , & c , and a large hodj whose names we were unable to ascertain .