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ALBION LODGE ( No . 9 . ) — This lodge met on Tuesday the Gfch inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queenstreet , Bro . E . Coste , the AV . M . in the chair . Bros . Bnllen , S . AV ., and Baylis , J . AV ., supported by tho P . M . 's , S . Coste , Vallentine , Moving , Abbot , & c . A ballot being taken for the admission of Mr . Cater , he was duly initiated by tlie W . AI . in a very impressive manner . A sum of five guineas was voted
from the funds of the lodge for the purpose of presenting the J . P . M . with a P . M . ' s jewel , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Abbot proposed that the summer banquet should be held at Broxbouvne , which was carried nem con . The brethren then sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Gosden . After the usual toasts some very capital songs were sung by Bros . Lemiere and Charl s Sloman , —the latter Bro . delighting the brethren with an extemporaneous song . The brethren
separated at an early hour . NEW AA AND 3 \ vORTii LODGE ( NO . 1 . 044 ) — This excellent working lodge met on Wednesday the . 7 th iust ., at the Spread Eagle Hotel , Wandsworth , Bro . R . Ord- in the chair . Bio . J . Daly having answered the necessary questions , was duly passed to the degree of a F . C . Bros . Foaln and Boldy , were then raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ' s in a very excellent manner . This being the nig ht for installation , the
J . W . Bro . R . Duly , ( in consequence of Ihe retiring of the S . AV . ) was presented to the lodge for that purpose , and Bro . F . A \ .-dtcrs , P . M ., performed that ceremony in Ids usual excellent and impressive manner . Tbe AV . M . then invested his officers as follows . —Bros . Oswin , S . AV . ; Barrett , P . G . Orir . ; Oxford , J . W . ; Ord , I . P . M . Honorary Secretary ; Smiti , , ' f . D . ; Challinger , J . D . ; Lamb , I . G . ; Hatchings , D . C . ; Bradley , T y ler . The brethren then adjourned to a very excellent banquet . The visitors were—Bros , 'ferry , P . M . ; Hariss , P . M . ; H . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 ; and several others . The brethren then returned to town at an early hour .
CmrsTAL PALACE LOT > GE ( NO . 742 . )—Tbe above lodge met on Thursday the 1 st inst ., at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham . The A \ . M . Bro . T . Fox-all , having taken tbe chair tbe minu l"es ofthe former lodge were rend and confirmed , —a ballot was taken for the admission of Bros . Henry Speedy , of the Yitvuvian Lodge , and T . Norman , of the Strong Alan , which was carried unanimously . A ballot was also taken for the admission of Mr . Oscar Sheffield , and it being unanimous , he was duly
initiated . Bros . Farrar and Payne , were passed to the degree of F . C . 's , and Bros . Cock and Lamhson , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ' s in a perfect manner , the AV . M . being thoroughly proficent iu his working . An audit committee was then elected , consisting of Bros . Weeks , Candick and Thomas . Notices of motion "were then given that the subscription , joining , and initiation fees bo raised , the latter should bo eight guineas , also that a benevolent fund should he formed . This
being the night for tlie election of AV . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . S . G . Foxall the S . AV ., was unanimousl y elected . Bro . S . P . Acton , Treasure ! , and Bro . AVoodstoek , Tyler . It was then proposed that a jewel of the value of live guineas , should be given from the funds of the lodge , to the retiiing W . AI ., for the able manner he has conducted tbe duties of the chair during his year of office . The lodge being closed , the brethren eig hty-two in number sat down to a splendid banquet provided
in Bros . Bertram and Roberts' best style , that gave great satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and some excellent speeches were made . The visitors were—Bros . R . H . Jones , P . G . D ., Surrey , N . Jennings , P . G . Org ., Surrey , R . Tanner , W . M ., Dominic ; Mitchell , No . 9 ; T . White , 21 ; W . AVorrell , 7 GG ; Murto , 1 , 227 ; Ohren , 33 ; Lindas , 2 . 3 ; J . Hart , ( La Tolerance ) 538 ; AA eisre , 59 ; Smith , 995 ; Reynold 1 : , 183 , and Bro . Charles Sloman , No . 25 : during the evening some very excellent songs were sung by Bros . Seymour Smith , Organist to the lodge , Ohren , and Charles Sloman . Tlie brethren at an earl y hour returned to town .
THE Pall Mall Gazette , in noticing a new bronze relief of the Emperor at the Louvre , says " It is much to be doubted whether in London anything more hideous could be found . The bronze is on white marble , and bis Majesty is represented as a , Cresar on horseback—a Ctesar with moustache ii la gendarme . The impression conveyed by this work of art is that a gentleman in his night-dress has mounted a g ingerbread steed . ' '
DEVONSHIRE . TEIGNJIOUTII . —Benevolent Lodge ( No . 303 ) . —A limited number of the members responded to the call of the W . M . by - attending at the Masonic Hall , at 6 o ' clock p . m ., on Monday the 5 th inst . The lodjje was opened in the first degree by Bro . H . M . Bnrtletr , AV . M ., assisted by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., & c , ( who had been specially invited ) acting as S . AV ., Bro . HallettJ . AA ., and others . Subsequently Bro . Captain AA'alrond ,
, occupied his chair of I . P . M .: Bros . Burden , S . AV . ; Taylor , J . D . ; Blanchford , Secretary ; Bro . Toms , was in his place as I . G . Bro . Richards , as Steward ; Bro . Ilaggerty , as Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A second pedestal having been placed in front of that of the W . M ., the chair behind it was occupied during the ceremonies by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , wiio worked them . Bros . Morris and Gary were presented as candidates fur the second degree ,
examined and entrusted . The AV . M . opened the lodge in the Fellow Graft ' s degree , to which rank the candidates were duly passed by Bro . Dr . H ., who also gave them the charge and the lecture in explanation of the tracing board . Bro . Newman was then presented as a candidate fur the rank of M . M ., examined as to his proficiency and entrusted . The lodge having been opened in the third degree by the W . M ., the candidate was re-admitted and raised to the rank of M . M . by the visiting P . M .,
who gave the traditionary history and charge . The lodge was resumed by the AV . M . in the second , and afterwards in the first degree . Several matters of private business interesting only to the members , were discussed , and the proceedings having been brought to an end at about quarter to ten , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Queen's Hotel for refreshment ,
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . — St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday the 7 th iust ., and was well attended . The chair was taken soon after seven o ' clock hy the AV . M ., lii-o . Kelly , D . P . G . JI ., and the fallowing brethren were present , viz ., —Bivs .
Clarke , Kinder , Morris HIUMYW P , P . M . ' s , Stretton , J . W ., Crew , Sec . aud Org ., Thorpe , S . D ., Burton , , 1 : 1 ) ., Adlar , ] , Ride , Rowbotham , . 1 . AVrigbt Smith , AViddowson , Pegg , Astell ,. Skevington , Porter and Tin rath . A isitors—Rev . N . Haycrott , ( Pastor of tbe Baptist Church , Alctoria-road . ) Universal Lode-e No . 181 , at'd Toller , S . W ., Buzzard , J . AV ., Sargeant , S . D ., Partridge , J . D ., and Moor , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . The lodge having been opened in the fir .-t degrtP , the
minutes of the hist regular lodge , and also of a lodge of emergency , were read and confirmed . A letter was read from Bro . Stanley , S . W ., apologising for his absence owing to his having met with an accident by being thrown Irom his horse . A ballot was taken for Mr . James St . miv . u'd of Bauk-buiklings , Architect , as a candidite for Freemasonry , which was unanimous in his f . ivour . Bro . John Frederick Klein , P . M ., No . 21 , London , and a P . G . S . ( who for upwards of thirty years has been a frequent visitor to the lodge ) was unanimously elected as honorary member .
Bros . Astell and Skevington were called to the pedestal , and having passed an examination as E A . ' s , retired , when the lodge was opened in the second degree and they were passed F . C . ' s , after which the AV . M . gave the lecture on the tracing board of the decree . The lodge was then closed down to tha first decree , and Mr . James Stannard was made a Mason in due form . At the conclusion of the ceremony the AV . M . delivered the lecture on the tracing board and tbe final change . A letter
was read from tlie widow of the late Bro . John Holland , a . Past Master of tbe lodge and a P . P . S . G . AV . of the Province , in reply - to the address of condolence in his decease adopted at a former meeting , and which was ordered to be entered on tbe minutes . A notice of motion by Bro . Kinder , P . M ., for an alteration in the subscription to tbe lodge , stood over by permission , to a future meeting . Three candidates were present for the third which however postponed until the next
degree , ceremony , , w « s lodge , there not being ' time to take it on the present occasion . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and passed an hour or two very pleasantly in social intercourse and harmony , to which the excellent secretary and organist Bro . Crow , greatly contributed by his brilliant performance ou the fine pianos belonging to lodges 279 and 523 . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were of course , dul y honoured ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ALBION LODGE ( No . 9 . ) — This lodge met on Tuesday the Gfch inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queenstreet , Bro . E . Coste , the AV . M . in the chair . Bros . Bnllen , S . AV ., and Baylis , J . AV ., supported by tho P . M . 's , S . Coste , Vallentine , Moving , Abbot , & c . A ballot being taken for the admission of Mr . Cater , he was duly initiated by tlie W . AI . in a very impressive manner . A sum of five guineas was voted
from the funds of the lodge for the purpose of presenting the J . P . M . with a P . M . ' s jewel , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Abbot proposed that the summer banquet should be held at Broxbouvne , which was carried nem con . The brethren then sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Gosden . After the usual toasts some very capital songs were sung by Bros . Lemiere and Charl s Sloman , —the latter Bro . delighting the brethren with an extemporaneous song . The brethren
separated at an early hour . NEW AA AND 3 \ vORTii LODGE ( NO . 1 . 044 ) — This excellent working lodge met on Wednesday the . 7 th iust ., at the Spread Eagle Hotel , Wandsworth , Bro . R . Ord- in the chair . Bio . J . Daly having answered the necessary questions , was duly passed to the degree of a F . C . Bros . Foaln and Boldy , were then raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ' s in a very excellent manner . This being the nig ht for installation , the
J . W . Bro . R . Duly , ( in consequence of Ihe retiring of the S . AV . ) was presented to the lodge for that purpose , and Bro . F . A \ .-dtcrs , P . M ., performed that ceremony in Ids usual excellent and impressive manner . Tbe AV . M . then invested his officers as follows . —Bros . Oswin , S . AV . ; Barrett , P . G . Orir . ; Oxford , J . W . ; Ord , I . P . M . Honorary Secretary ; Smiti , , ' f . D . ; Challinger , J . D . ; Lamb , I . G . ; Hatchings , D . C . ; Bradley , T y ler . The brethren then adjourned to a very excellent banquet . The visitors were—Bros , 'ferry , P . M . ; Hariss , P . M . ; H . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 ; and several others . The brethren then returned to town at an early hour .
CmrsTAL PALACE LOT > GE ( NO . 742 . )—Tbe above lodge met on Thursday the 1 st inst ., at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham . The A \ . M . Bro . T . Fox-all , having taken tbe chair tbe minu l"es ofthe former lodge were rend and confirmed , —a ballot was taken for the admission of Bros . Henry Speedy , of the Yitvuvian Lodge , and T . Norman , of the Strong Alan , which was carried unanimously . A ballot was also taken for the admission of Mr . Oscar Sheffield , and it being unanimous , he was duly
initiated . Bros . Farrar and Payne , were passed to the degree of F . C . 's , and Bros . Cock and Lamhson , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ' s in a perfect manner , the AV . M . being thoroughly proficent iu his working . An audit committee was then elected , consisting of Bros . Weeks , Candick and Thomas . Notices of motion "were then given that the subscription , joining , and initiation fees bo raised , the latter should bo eight guineas , also that a benevolent fund should he formed . This
being the night for tlie election of AV . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . S . G . Foxall the S . AV ., was unanimousl y elected . Bro . S . P . Acton , Treasure ! , and Bro . AVoodstoek , Tyler . It was then proposed that a jewel of the value of live guineas , should be given from the funds of the lodge , to the retiiing W . AI ., for the able manner he has conducted tbe duties of the chair during his year of office . The lodge being closed , the brethren eig hty-two in number sat down to a splendid banquet provided
in Bros . Bertram and Roberts' best style , that gave great satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and some excellent speeches were made . The visitors were—Bros . R . H . Jones , P . G . D ., Surrey , N . Jennings , P . G . Org ., Surrey , R . Tanner , W . M ., Dominic ; Mitchell , No . 9 ; T . White , 21 ; W . AVorrell , 7 GG ; Murto , 1 , 227 ; Ohren , 33 ; Lindas , 2 . 3 ; J . Hart , ( La Tolerance ) 538 ; AA eisre , 59 ; Smith , 995 ; Reynold 1 : , 183 , and Bro . Charles Sloman , No . 25 : during the evening some very excellent songs were sung by Bros . Seymour Smith , Organist to the lodge , Ohren , and Charles Sloman . Tlie brethren at an earl y hour returned to town .
THE Pall Mall Gazette , in noticing a new bronze relief of the Emperor at the Louvre , says " It is much to be doubted whether in London anything more hideous could be found . The bronze is on white marble , and bis Majesty is represented as a , Cresar on horseback—a Ctesar with moustache ii la gendarme . The impression conveyed by this work of art is that a gentleman in his night-dress has mounted a g ingerbread steed . ' '
DEVONSHIRE . TEIGNJIOUTII . —Benevolent Lodge ( No . 303 ) . —A limited number of the members responded to the call of the W . M . by - attending at the Masonic Hall , at 6 o ' clock p . m ., on Monday the 5 th inst . The lodjje was opened in the first degree by Bro . H . M . Bnrtletr , AV . M ., assisted by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., & c , ( who had been specially invited ) acting as S . AV ., Bro . HallettJ . AA ., and others . Subsequently Bro . Captain AA'alrond ,
, occupied his chair of I . P . M .: Bros . Burden , S . AV . ; Taylor , J . D . ; Blanchford , Secretary ; Bro . Toms , was in his place as I . G . Bro . Richards , as Steward ; Bro . Ilaggerty , as Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A second pedestal having been placed in front of that of the W . M ., the chair behind it was occupied during the ceremonies by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , wiio worked them . Bros . Morris and Gary were presented as candidates fur the second degree ,
examined and entrusted . The AV . M . opened the lodge in the Fellow Graft ' s degree , to which rank the candidates were duly passed by Bro . Dr . H ., who also gave them the charge and the lecture in explanation of the tracing board . Bro . Newman was then presented as a candidate fur the rank of M . M ., examined as to his proficiency and entrusted . The lodge having been opened in the third degree by the W . M ., the candidate was re-admitted and raised to the rank of M . M . by the visiting P . M .,
who gave the traditionary history and charge . The lodge was resumed by the AV . M . in the second , and afterwards in the first degree . Several matters of private business interesting only to the members , were discussed , and the proceedings having been brought to an end at about quarter to ten , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Queen's Hotel for refreshment ,
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . — St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday the 7 th iust ., and was well attended . The chair was taken soon after seven o ' clock hy the AV . M ., lii-o . Kelly , D . P . G . JI ., and the fallowing brethren were present , viz ., —Bivs .
Clarke , Kinder , Morris HIUMYW P , P . M . ' s , Stretton , J . W ., Crew , Sec . aud Org ., Thorpe , S . D ., Burton , , 1 : 1 ) ., Adlar , ] , Ride , Rowbotham , . 1 . AVrigbt Smith , AViddowson , Pegg , Astell ,. Skevington , Porter and Tin rath . A isitors—Rev . N . Haycrott , ( Pastor of tbe Baptist Church , Alctoria-road . ) Universal Lode-e No . 181 , at'd Toller , S . W ., Buzzard , J . AV ., Sargeant , S . D ., Partridge , J . D ., and Moor , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . The lodge having been opened in the fir .-t degrtP , the
minutes of the hist regular lodge , and also of a lodge of emergency , were read and confirmed . A letter was read from Bro . Stanley , S . W ., apologising for his absence owing to his having met with an accident by being thrown Irom his horse . A ballot was taken for Mr . James St . miv . u'd of Bauk-buiklings , Architect , as a candidite for Freemasonry , which was unanimous in his f . ivour . Bro . John Frederick Klein , P . M ., No . 21 , London , and a P . G . S . ( who for upwards of thirty years has been a frequent visitor to the lodge ) was unanimously elected as honorary member .
Bros . Astell and Skevington were called to the pedestal , and having passed an examination as E A . ' s , retired , when the lodge was opened in the second degree and they were passed F . C . ' s , after which the AV . M . gave the lecture on the tracing board of the decree . The lodge was then closed down to tha first decree , and Mr . James Stannard was made a Mason in due form . At the conclusion of the ceremony the AV . M . delivered the lecture on the tracing board and tbe final change . A letter
was read from tlie widow of the late Bro . John Holland , a . Past Master of tbe lodge and a P . P . S . G . AV . of the Province , in reply - to the address of condolence in his decease adopted at a former meeting , and which was ordered to be entered on tbe minutes . A notice of motion by Bro . Kinder , P . M ., for an alteration in the subscription to tbe lodge , stood over by permission , to a future meeting . Three candidates were present for the third which however postponed until the next
degree , ceremony , , w « s lodge , there not being ' time to take it on the present occasion . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and passed an hour or two very pleasantly in social intercourse and harmony , to which the excellent secretary and organist Bro . Crow , greatly contributed by his brilliant performance ou the fine pianos belonging to lodges 279 and 523 . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were of course , dul y honoured ;