Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTH AFRICA. Page 1 of 1
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that of the visitors was eloquently responded to , by the Rev . Bro . Haycroft , who bore warm testimony to the very efficient manner in which the duties of the lodge had been perform sd . On the following Thursday evening the last meeting , for tbe season , of the lodge of instruction attached to lodges No . 279 and 523 , took place , when the seven sections of the first lecture were worked by the D . P . G . M . and Bros . Buzzard , Crow , Scultborpe , and Partridge — greatly to the edification and instruction oi' the numerous newly initiated brethren whose attendance had been especially invited . The Rev . Bro . Haycroft was again a visitor .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NE - WPOET . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —Friday , the 2 nd inst ., will long be remembered by the members of this lodge as a red-letter day—it being known that a P . M . ' s jewel would be presented to Bro . Bartholomew Thomas , P . M ., and a similar complement would be paid to Bro . Oliver , P . M . The W . M ., Bro- Parnalloccupied the chair . There was a very large
at-, tendance of brethren . The minutes of the previous lodge having been read and confirmed , and some ordinary lodge business transacted , the AV . M . instructed the J . W . to call the brethren from labour to refreshment . This being done , and the healths of Bros . Thomas and Oliver having been drunk in a bumper , the brethren returned into the lodge room , aud the W . M . having resumed his gavel , spoke as follows : — "Brethren ,
we now come to what is essentially the most interesting and pleasant part of our duties this evening , viz ., the presentation of these jewels to two brethren who ( or two preceding years have worthily filled this chair I have now the honour to occupy , and who have so well and faithfully discharged the duties devolving on them . Addressing Bros . Thomas and Oliver , the W . M . said , —I have much pleasure in investing you , on behalf of the members of 471 , with these Past Masters' jewels which
your brethren of the good old Silurian—recognising your distinguished zeal in the promotion of the great principles of morality and virtue as illustrated in Freemasonry—have unanimously voted you . You have both on previous occasions received the cordial thanks and approbation of this lodge in respect of the fulfilment of the duties of the various offices to which yon have been elected and so worthil y filled ; but tho brethrendeeming that your devotion to the Craft in general
, and your labours on behalf of the interest and well being of this lodge in particular , especially deserved something more than a mere expression of their appreciation of such services , desire your acceptance of these jewels , which they offer not for their intrinsic value , but in the hope that you will both look upon them as a small material token of their good feeling and affectionate ^ regard for you . AVe hope you may long be spared to wear them in your accustomed laces among usand when
p , you shall have fulfilled your Masonic duties on earth , may you each receive an immortal jewel from the Great Architect of the Universe in the Grand Lodge in Heaven . " Bros . Thomas and Oliver respectively returned thanks in very effective speeches replete with true Masonic feeling , which we regret we are unable to give . After one candidate for initiation at the next meeting bad been proposed , the lodge was closed in harmony at 9-55 p . m .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOTLE ' LODGE OF FELLOWSHIP ( NO . 84 )— The regular monthly meeting- of this lodge was held on the 10 th ult ., at the Masonic Rooms , Court-place . There were present — Bros . Gallienne , P . Dep . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Gardner , AA . M . in the chair ; Bros . P . Masters , Martin , I . P . M . ; Guilbert , Strickland , Churchouse . Wilcocks , and Hutchinson , Treasurer . Bros . Glcncross , S . AV . ; Millington , J . AV . ; Sarchet , Secretary ; Clarke ,
Assist . Secretary ; Parker , S . D . ; Muntz , J . D . ; Cohen , I . G . ; and Manger , Tyler ; also Bros . Thorn , Lucas , Barter , Rowe , Carey and Abbott . A isitors—Bros . Smytlisori , P . M ., lfiS ; Le Page , Dawson , and Sharpe , 803 . The lodge was opened at seven , and at once proceeded to business . The minutes of the lodge held in February , were read and confirmed , and inasmuch as no report of that meeting was sent to this magazine , it may be stated here that those minutes comprised ( intervals ) the resolution of the lodge to contribute their customary annual subscription ] to the fund for the relief of decayed Masons and
Channel Islands.
their widows , and the same with the addition of one guinea to the Boy ' s and Girl ' s schools . Bros . F . A . Carey , and . lames Le Page , who had been duly proposed and seconded as joining memhers , were balloted for and elected . Captain Edward John Collings , who at the meeting in February was proposed by Bro . Barter , and seconded by Bro . Gallienne as a candidate for Freemasonry , was then balloted for and approved . Immediately afterwards the candidate having been properly preparedwas
, received at the door of the lodge iu tbe usual manner by the deacons , and subsequently initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the AV . M . in a most impressive manner . This was the first time the \ Y . M . since his installation had been called on to work any ceremony , beyond that of opening and closing the lodge , and the way in which he " collared his work " was really most capital ; thoroughly
composed and mindful of every word of the ritual , he was solemn in his delivery , which was distinct and well emphasised . The charge was given to Bro . Collins , by the P . Dep . Prov . G . M . Bro . Clarke the Steward , to tbe Zetland Commemoration Fund , mentioned that in addition to the guinea given by the lodge , he had received various subscriptions from different brethren , and that by the next meeting he hoped to be in a position to state
that the amount would in the aggregate amount to £ 5 or more . Bro . Gallienne proposed , and Bro . Hutchinson , seconded Bro . Sharpe , F . C ., 803 , as -a joining member . The lodge was nowclosed aud tbe brethren retired to the banqueting room where a few hours were agreeably spent in refreshment , the social enjoyment of which was much enhanced' by the capital singing of the Entered Apprentice by Bro . Gallienne , an interesting and well studied recitation , and songs by that most obliging of songsters , Bro . Smythson , Bro . Muntz and others .
South Africa.
MAURITIUS . BEITISII LODG-E ( NO . 73 G ) . —A meeting of this lod ge was held on Tuesday , the 16 bh December , 1868 , for the transaction of its monthly business , and to instal the AV . M . for the ensuing year . The attendance of the brethren was rather numerous , and amongst the visitors we noticed AV . Bro . Kyshe , P . M ., ex-Military Lodge ( I . C . ); leery , P . M . ; AY . Bio . Robinson , R . W . M .,
Lodge Friendship , No . 439 ^ S . C ); Bro . Series , President of the Chapter of La Loge La Triple Esperance , and Bro . Bergus , President of the Chapter of La Loge La Paix , and several visiting brethren from the sister lodges in the colony . YV . Bro . George Britter , W . M ., presided , supported by his officers . The lodge having been duly opened , Bro . Thompson , the Secretary , read the minutes of the last lodge , ancl the report of the Audit
Committee , which were received and confirmed . The AA . M . elect then handed over the gavel to P . M . de Lissa , as Installing Master , and subsequently retired . The AV . M . elect was introduced and presented by P . M . Kyshe and leery , and was duly installed into the chair of K . S . by P . M . de Lissa , which ceremony was most ably performed , and elicited approbation from every one who witnessed it . Tlie W . M . caused a vote of thanks to be recorded in the minutes to AY . Bro . do Lissa , for kindly
officiating as Installing Master in the absence of the I . P . M ., AV . Bro . Lewison . The AV . M . also thanked the several deputations and visitors for their kind attendance on so auspicious an occasion . The AV . M . elected as bis officers for the ensuing year , —Bro . J . T . Jones , S . AV . ; T . H . Thompson , J . AY . ; AY . Aitchison , Treas . and Acting Sec ; J . Sullivan , S . D . ; R . Hermes , J . D . ; J . Mitchell , D . C . ; J . Smith , I . G . ; and Bro . GilotTyler . The lodge having been resumed to the first
, degree , tlie W . M . said be had received a communication from the Grand Secretary in England in reference to the intended celebration , on the occasion of the Grand Master , tbe Earl of Zetland , completing a service of twenty-five years in that office . The W . M . proposed , seconded by P . M . de Lissa , and unanimously approved by the brethren , "That the sum of £ 5 be given by this lodge towards the object iu view . " A sum of
. -62 was also given to a poor distressed brother . The lodge having been closed , the W . M . invited the brethren to the refreshment hall . About sixty brethren sat , down under the presidency of the A \ . M ., AA . Bro . Britter . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and [ responded to , and a very pleasant evening was spent , which was considerabl y enhanced by the excellent singing of several of the brethren .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
that of the visitors was eloquently responded to , by the Rev . Bro . Haycroft , who bore warm testimony to the very efficient manner in which the duties of the lodge had been perform sd . On the following Thursday evening the last meeting , for tbe season , of the lodge of instruction attached to lodges No . 279 and 523 , took place , when the seven sections of the first lecture were worked by the D . P . G . M . and Bros . Buzzard , Crow , Scultborpe , and Partridge — greatly to the edification and instruction oi' the numerous newly initiated brethren whose attendance had been especially invited . The Rev . Bro . Haycroft was again a visitor .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NE - WPOET . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —Friday , the 2 nd inst ., will long be remembered by the members of this lodge as a red-letter day—it being known that a P . M . ' s jewel would be presented to Bro . Bartholomew Thomas , P . M ., and a similar complement would be paid to Bro . Oliver , P . M . The W . M ., Bro- Parnalloccupied the chair . There was a very large
at-, tendance of brethren . The minutes of the previous lodge having been read and confirmed , and some ordinary lodge business transacted , the AV . M . instructed the J . W . to call the brethren from labour to refreshment . This being done , and the healths of Bros . Thomas and Oliver having been drunk in a bumper , the brethren returned into the lodge room , aud the W . M . having resumed his gavel , spoke as follows : — "Brethren ,
we now come to what is essentially the most interesting and pleasant part of our duties this evening , viz ., the presentation of these jewels to two brethren who ( or two preceding years have worthily filled this chair I have now the honour to occupy , and who have so well and faithfully discharged the duties devolving on them . Addressing Bros . Thomas and Oliver , the W . M . said , —I have much pleasure in investing you , on behalf of the members of 471 , with these Past Masters' jewels which
your brethren of the good old Silurian—recognising your distinguished zeal in the promotion of the great principles of morality and virtue as illustrated in Freemasonry—have unanimously voted you . You have both on previous occasions received the cordial thanks and approbation of this lodge in respect of the fulfilment of the duties of the various offices to which yon have been elected and so worthil y filled ; but tho brethrendeeming that your devotion to the Craft in general
, and your labours on behalf of the interest and well being of this lodge in particular , especially deserved something more than a mere expression of their appreciation of such services , desire your acceptance of these jewels , which they offer not for their intrinsic value , but in the hope that you will both look upon them as a small material token of their good feeling and affectionate ^ regard for you . AVe hope you may long be spared to wear them in your accustomed laces among usand when
p , you shall have fulfilled your Masonic duties on earth , may you each receive an immortal jewel from the Great Architect of the Universe in the Grand Lodge in Heaven . " Bros . Thomas and Oliver respectively returned thanks in very effective speeches replete with true Masonic feeling , which we regret we are unable to give . After one candidate for initiation at the next meeting bad been proposed , the lodge was closed in harmony at 9-55 p . m .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOTLE ' LODGE OF FELLOWSHIP ( NO . 84 )— The regular monthly meeting- of this lodge was held on the 10 th ult ., at the Masonic Rooms , Court-place . There were present — Bros . Gallienne , P . Dep . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Gardner , AA . M . in the chair ; Bros . P . Masters , Martin , I . P . M . ; Guilbert , Strickland , Churchouse . Wilcocks , and Hutchinson , Treasurer . Bros . Glcncross , S . AV . ; Millington , J . AV . ; Sarchet , Secretary ; Clarke ,
Assist . Secretary ; Parker , S . D . ; Muntz , J . D . ; Cohen , I . G . ; and Manger , Tyler ; also Bros . Thorn , Lucas , Barter , Rowe , Carey and Abbott . A isitors—Bros . Smytlisori , P . M ., lfiS ; Le Page , Dawson , and Sharpe , 803 . The lodge was opened at seven , and at once proceeded to business . The minutes of the lodge held in February , were read and confirmed , and inasmuch as no report of that meeting was sent to this magazine , it may be stated here that those minutes comprised ( intervals ) the resolution of the lodge to contribute their customary annual subscription ] to the fund for the relief of decayed Masons and
Channel Islands.
their widows , and the same with the addition of one guinea to the Boy ' s and Girl ' s schools . Bros . F . A . Carey , and . lames Le Page , who had been duly proposed and seconded as joining memhers , were balloted for and elected . Captain Edward John Collings , who at the meeting in February was proposed by Bro . Barter , and seconded by Bro . Gallienne as a candidate for Freemasonry , was then balloted for and approved . Immediately afterwards the candidate having been properly preparedwas
, received at the door of the lodge iu tbe usual manner by the deacons , and subsequently initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the AV . M . in a most impressive manner . This was the first time the \ Y . M . since his installation had been called on to work any ceremony , beyond that of opening and closing the lodge , and the way in which he " collared his work " was really most capital ; thoroughly
composed and mindful of every word of the ritual , he was solemn in his delivery , which was distinct and well emphasised . The charge was given to Bro . Collins , by the P . Dep . Prov . G . M . Bro . Clarke the Steward , to tbe Zetland Commemoration Fund , mentioned that in addition to the guinea given by the lodge , he had received various subscriptions from different brethren , and that by the next meeting he hoped to be in a position to state
that the amount would in the aggregate amount to £ 5 or more . Bro . Gallienne proposed , and Bro . Hutchinson , seconded Bro . Sharpe , F . C ., 803 , as -a joining member . The lodge was nowclosed aud tbe brethren retired to the banqueting room where a few hours were agreeably spent in refreshment , the social enjoyment of which was much enhanced' by the capital singing of the Entered Apprentice by Bro . Gallienne , an interesting and well studied recitation , and songs by that most obliging of songsters , Bro . Smythson , Bro . Muntz and others .
South Africa.
MAURITIUS . BEITISII LODG-E ( NO . 73 G ) . —A meeting of this lod ge was held on Tuesday , the 16 bh December , 1868 , for the transaction of its monthly business , and to instal the AV . M . for the ensuing year . The attendance of the brethren was rather numerous , and amongst the visitors we noticed AV . Bro . Kyshe , P . M ., ex-Military Lodge ( I . C . ); leery , P . M . ; AY . Bio . Robinson , R . W . M .,
Lodge Friendship , No . 439 ^ S . C ); Bro . Series , President of the Chapter of La Loge La Triple Esperance , and Bro . Bergus , President of the Chapter of La Loge La Paix , and several visiting brethren from the sister lodges in the colony . YV . Bro . George Britter , W . M ., presided , supported by his officers . The lodge having been duly opened , Bro . Thompson , the Secretary , read the minutes of the last lodge , ancl the report of the Audit
Committee , which were received and confirmed . The AA . M . elect then handed over the gavel to P . M . de Lissa , as Installing Master , and subsequently retired . The AV . M . elect was introduced and presented by P . M . Kyshe and leery , and was duly installed into the chair of K . S . by P . M . de Lissa , which ceremony was most ably performed , and elicited approbation from every one who witnessed it . Tlie W . M . caused a vote of thanks to be recorded in the minutes to AY . Bro . do Lissa , for kindly
officiating as Installing Master in the absence of the I . P . M ., AV . Bro . Lewison . The AV . M . also thanked the several deputations and visitors for their kind attendance on so auspicious an occasion . The AV . M . elected as bis officers for the ensuing year , —Bro . J . T . Jones , S . AV . ; T . H . Thompson , J . AY . ; AY . Aitchison , Treas . and Acting Sec ; J . Sullivan , S . D . ; R . Hermes , J . D . ; J . Mitchell , D . C . ; J . Smith , I . G . ; and Bro . GilotTyler . The lodge having been resumed to the first
, degree , tlie W . M . said be had received a communication from the Grand Secretary in England in reference to the intended celebration , on the occasion of the Grand Master , tbe Earl of Zetland , completing a service of twenty-five years in that office . The W . M . proposed , seconded by P . M . de Lissa , and unanimously approved by the brethren , "That the sum of £ 5 be given by this lodge towards the object iu view . " A sum of
. -62 was also given to a poor distressed brother . The lodge having been closed , the W . M . invited the brethren to the refreshment hall . About sixty brethren sat , down under the presidency of the A \ . M ., AA . Bro . Britter . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and [ responded to , and a very pleasant evening was spent , which was considerabl y enhanced by the excellent singing of several of the brethren .