Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 6 →
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Masonic Mems.
* ^ All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
The Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and "Westmoreland has announced , that the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Kendal , at the latter end of September , or , the beginning of October . PROVINCIAL GEAND LODGE OP SOMERSET . — The next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge will be on the ISth of July
at Crewkcrne . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , under the Grand Mastership of Lord Holmesdale , will be holden at Dover , on Wednesday the 2 Stb inst . LODGE MUSIC POE THE MAKE DEGEEE . —We beg to call attention to the announcement in our Advertisement columns
of the Music for the Mark Degree , just re-published in a convenient form , for use in lodges . It is dedicated by authority to the Grand Mark Master , who has given his express sanction for its use in lodges under tbe English Jurisdiction .
ANGEL LODGE , ( NO . 51 . )—The Annual Festival of St . John the Baptist , is fixed to take place at the Cups Hotel , Colchester on Thursday , Juno 22 nd , Bro . Henry Samuel is tho W . M . Eleet . The Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire will be held at Ripon , on tho 12 th of July next . A Grand Festival will be held
on tbe same day , at Fountain ' s Abbey , and the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , K . G ., M . W . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . WestYorkshire , has given the Craft the privilege of visiting the magnificent ruins of Fountain ' s Abbey and the adjacent grounds of Studley on that day . A banquet will be held in the spacious cloisters , in which ladies will be admitted . The proceeds of the Festival will bo devoted to the fund of the De Grey Scholarships .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . LODGE or JOPPA , ( NO . 1 SS . )—The last meeting of the lodge for the present season was "held on Monday , the 5 th inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . The chair was taked by the Vf . il ., Bro . llanrice Alexander ; supported by Bros . Berkowith ,
S , W . ; E . Hunt , J . W . ; J . Elkan , Treas . ; E . P . Albert , Hon . Sec . ; 0 . Roberts , S . D . ; C . Nathan , J . D . ; S . Hickman , I . G . ; Dobson , D . C . ; J . Goldsmid , Steward ; E . P . Van Noordan , Ore ; and Past Masters Bros . B . W . Aaron , I . P . M ., L . Alexander , II . Harris , M . Van Diepenheim , J . Abrahams , Ii . M . Levy . L . Lyons , and others . Visitors , Bros . A . L . Emanuel , P . G . J . D . Hants , 1069 ; J . Harvey , W . M . 957 ; M . H . Benjamin 4-16 ; L . H . Beck , 185 ; J . Freeman 1287 ; J . G . Shearman . ' sS ; B . Rothchiltl ( late 188 );
, and Webb , J . D ., 11 . The lodge having been opened the minutes were read and confirmed . Ballots were then taken for the admission of Messrs . G . Gregory and Nathan , who were duly initiated into the Order . Bros . Morris aud Frank , having answered the usual questions satisfactorily , wero passed to tho degree of fellow Craft , and Bro . C . Hyman was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The lodge was called oif , and tbe brethren adjourned to the banquet . The W . M . gave
the usual loyal and Masonic tonsts . Tho toast of the Joppa Benevolent Fund was responded to by Bro . B . W . Aaron , P . M . and V . P ., The toast of the Newly Initiated was responded to by Bros . Gregory aud Nathan . The toasts of the W . M ., Past Masters and Officers , were proposed , and the toast ofthe Visitors
Craft Masonry.
was responded by Bros . Emanuel Webb and M . H . Benjamin in very eloquent terms . The lodgo was then called , and several propositions were made ; audit was then closed until October next . PEETECT ASHLAE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 178 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on Thursday , the 1 st inst ., at the Gregorian Arms , Jamaica Road , Bermondsey . Bro . F . Walters opened the lodge ,
Bro . James W . Avery , P . M ., raised Bro . A . Lewis to the third degree ; passed Bro . C . A . Swaine , No . 73 , to the second degree ; and initiated a new member . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at next meeting , and notice of motion was given by Bro . F . Walters to change the place of meeting , in accordance ivith the desire of the landlord . HAEEOW LODGE ( NO . 1310 ) . —On Tuesday the 6 th inst . the
, , members of this Lodge met at the Railway Hotel , Harrow . Brn . George Pymm , the recently elected Master , occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . E . Harper , J . W . ; Samuel Homewood , S . D . ; and Frederick Walters , Sec . The minutes of the Lodge were confirmed . Bro . Tyte was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Martin and Rawson were passed . The Lodge then proceeded to ballot for Mr . William Spellsfor initiationand also for the introduction of Bros
, , . Wickham , 719 , Thomas Arno , 749 , Thomas Hammond , 212 , snd James Moore , 212 , as joining members of the Lodge . At theclose of the business , the company sat down to an excellent repast , after which , the usual loyal , patriotic and Masonic toasts were given and responded to .
CUMBERLAND . COCKEKMOTFTH ' . —SKIDDAW LODGE , NO . 1 , 002 . —INSTALLATION The eighth Installation Festival in connection with this Lodge was held on Tuesday , 6 th inst . The members , together with a strong contingent of visiting brethren , from sister lodges , met at the handsome and well-appointed rooms in the Marketplace , at "high-twelve . " The Installing Master of the day was
Brother Crowther Morton , P . Prov . S . G . W ., P . M . 872 , 1 , 002 , and 1 , 267 ; and tbe other brethren present were Brothers G . W Kenworthy , Prov . J . G . W ., 119 ; E . Busher , Prov . G . Sec , P . G . S . B . Eng „ 129 ; Rev . H . L . Puxlev , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , W . M . 1 , 002 ; R . Robinson , Prov . G . J . D ., P . M . 1 , 002 ; Rev . W . Williams , Prov . G . Assistant-Chaplain , J . W . 1 , 002 ; J . R . Tickle , Prov . G . P ., 371 ; J . Rothery , W . Alsop , 119 ; J . Jackson , 1 , 267 ; Joseph Morton 873 ; P . do FCollinDr . JonesT . MandleAV .
, , , , , Armstrong , G . M . Tickle , 371 ; W . Gaspev , E . Hinks , W . Lamonby , D . Crosthwaite , 1 , 073 ; W . Shilton , " P . M ., W . Taylor , S . W ., I . Evening , Treasurer , C . Mayson , Secretary , W . H . Lewthwaite , S . D ,, J . Allinsou , J . D ., R . Brown , I . G .. W . Potts , T ., J . Bolton , , 1 . Pearson , Joseph Hay son , Joseph Graham , R . Bailey , H . Hammil , and W . F . Lamonby , 1 , 002 . Brother Puxley , the retiring Master , having opened tbe lodge in form , the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and
confirmed , after which Brother Puxley returned thanks for tbe support accorded to him by the members of the lodge during his term of office , and he added that he was about to be succeeded by a brother who would well and worthily govern the lodge lor the next twelve months . The Installing Master then assumed the presiding position in in the East , whereupon Brother Puxley presented to him Brother John Pearsonfor installation as W . M . this heiug followed by the
, , deliveiy and reading ofthe usual obligation aud charges by the presiding ollicer aud the Prov . G . Secretary . All those who had not passed the chair were than requested to retire , and an Installing"Board was formed as follows;—Brothers Kenworthy , E . Busher , ' II . L . Puxley , B . Robinson , W . Shilton , and J . R . Tickle . On the re-admittance of the lodge , the newly-installed W . M . was successively saluted by the brethren , according to the seveial degrees of the blue ritual , during the progress of
which Brother W . H . Lewthwaite played on the harmonium tbe customary salutary marches . The retiring officers having divested themselves of their collars aud jewels , the newly-installed Master invested their successors , viz;—C . Mayson , S . W . ; R .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
* ^ All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
The Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and "Westmoreland has announced , that the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Kendal , at the latter end of September , or , the beginning of October . PROVINCIAL GEAND LODGE OP SOMERSET . — The next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge will be on the ISth of July
at Crewkcrne . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , under the Grand Mastership of Lord Holmesdale , will be holden at Dover , on Wednesday the 2 Stb inst . LODGE MUSIC POE THE MAKE DEGEEE . —We beg to call attention to the announcement in our Advertisement columns
of the Music for the Mark Degree , just re-published in a convenient form , for use in lodges . It is dedicated by authority to the Grand Mark Master , who has given his express sanction for its use in lodges under tbe English Jurisdiction .
ANGEL LODGE , ( NO . 51 . )—The Annual Festival of St . John the Baptist , is fixed to take place at the Cups Hotel , Colchester on Thursday , Juno 22 nd , Bro . Henry Samuel is tho W . M . Eleet . The Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire will be held at Ripon , on tho 12 th of July next . A Grand Festival will be held
on tbe same day , at Fountain ' s Abbey , and the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , K . G ., M . W . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . WestYorkshire , has given the Craft the privilege of visiting the magnificent ruins of Fountain ' s Abbey and the adjacent grounds of Studley on that day . A banquet will be held in the spacious cloisters , in which ladies will be admitted . The proceeds of the Festival will bo devoted to the fund of the De Grey Scholarships .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . LODGE or JOPPA , ( NO . 1 SS . )—The last meeting of the lodge for the present season was "held on Monday , the 5 th inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . The chair was taked by the Vf . il ., Bro . llanrice Alexander ; supported by Bros . Berkowith ,
S , W . ; E . Hunt , J . W . ; J . Elkan , Treas . ; E . P . Albert , Hon . Sec . ; 0 . Roberts , S . D . ; C . Nathan , J . D . ; S . Hickman , I . G . ; Dobson , D . C . ; J . Goldsmid , Steward ; E . P . Van Noordan , Ore ; and Past Masters Bros . B . W . Aaron , I . P . M ., L . Alexander , II . Harris , M . Van Diepenheim , J . Abrahams , Ii . M . Levy . L . Lyons , and others . Visitors , Bros . A . L . Emanuel , P . G . J . D . Hants , 1069 ; J . Harvey , W . M . 957 ; M . H . Benjamin 4-16 ; L . H . Beck , 185 ; J . Freeman 1287 ; J . G . Shearman . ' sS ; B . Rothchiltl ( late 188 );
, and Webb , J . D ., 11 . The lodge having been opened the minutes were read and confirmed . Ballots were then taken for the admission of Messrs . G . Gregory and Nathan , who were duly initiated into the Order . Bros . Morris aud Frank , having answered the usual questions satisfactorily , wero passed to tho degree of fellow Craft , and Bro . C . Hyman was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The lodge was called oif , and tbe brethren adjourned to the banquet . The W . M . gave
the usual loyal and Masonic tonsts . Tho toast of the Joppa Benevolent Fund was responded to by Bro . B . W . Aaron , P . M . and V . P ., The toast of the Newly Initiated was responded to by Bros . Gregory aud Nathan . The toasts of the W . M ., Past Masters and Officers , were proposed , and the toast ofthe Visitors
Craft Masonry.
was responded by Bros . Emanuel Webb and M . H . Benjamin in very eloquent terms . The lodgo was then called , and several propositions were made ; audit was then closed until October next . PEETECT ASHLAE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 178 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on Thursday , the 1 st inst ., at the Gregorian Arms , Jamaica Road , Bermondsey . Bro . F . Walters opened the lodge ,
Bro . James W . Avery , P . M ., raised Bro . A . Lewis to the third degree ; passed Bro . C . A . Swaine , No . 73 , to the second degree ; and initiated a new member . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at next meeting , and notice of motion was given by Bro . F . Walters to change the place of meeting , in accordance ivith the desire of the landlord . HAEEOW LODGE ( NO . 1310 ) . —On Tuesday the 6 th inst . the
, , members of this Lodge met at the Railway Hotel , Harrow . Brn . George Pymm , the recently elected Master , occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . E . Harper , J . W . ; Samuel Homewood , S . D . ; and Frederick Walters , Sec . The minutes of the Lodge were confirmed . Bro . Tyte was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Martin and Rawson were passed . The Lodge then proceeded to ballot for Mr . William Spellsfor initiationand also for the introduction of Bros
, , . Wickham , 719 , Thomas Arno , 749 , Thomas Hammond , 212 , snd James Moore , 212 , as joining members of the Lodge . At theclose of the business , the company sat down to an excellent repast , after which , the usual loyal , patriotic and Masonic toasts were given and responded to .
CUMBERLAND . COCKEKMOTFTH ' . —SKIDDAW LODGE , NO . 1 , 002 . —INSTALLATION The eighth Installation Festival in connection with this Lodge was held on Tuesday , 6 th inst . The members , together with a strong contingent of visiting brethren , from sister lodges , met at the handsome and well-appointed rooms in the Marketplace , at "high-twelve . " The Installing Master of the day was
Brother Crowther Morton , P . Prov . S . G . W ., P . M . 872 , 1 , 002 , and 1 , 267 ; and tbe other brethren present were Brothers G . W Kenworthy , Prov . J . G . W ., 119 ; E . Busher , Prov . G . Sec , P . G . S . B . Eng „ 129 ; Rev . H . L . Puxlev , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , W . M . 1 , 002 ; R . Robinson , Prov . G . J . D ., P . M . 1 , 002 ; Rev . W . Williams , Prov . G . Assistant-Chaplain , J . W . 1 , 002 ; J . R . Tickle , Prov . G . P ., 371 ; J . Rothery , W . Alsop , 119 ; J . Jackson , 1 , 267 ; Joseph Morton 873 ; P . do FCollinDr . JonesT . MandleAV .
, , , , , Armstrong , G . M . Tickle , 371 ; W . Gaspev , E . Hinks , W . Lamonby , D . Crosthwaite , 1 , 073 ; W . Shilton , " P . M ., W . Taylor , S . W ., I . Evening , Treasurer , C . Mayson , Secretary , W . H . Lewthwaite , S . D ,, J . Allinsou , J . D ., R . Brown , I . G .. W . Potts , T ., J . Bolton , , 1 . Pearson , Joseph Hay son , Joseph Graham , R . Bailey , H . Hammil , and W . F . Lamonby , 1 , 002 . Brother Puxley , the retiring Master , having opened tbe lodge in form , the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and
confirmed , after which Brother Puxley returned thanks for tbe support accorded to him by the members of the lodge during his term of office , and he added that he was about to be succeeded by a brother who would well and worthily govern the lodge lor the next twelve months . The Installing Master then assumed the presiding position in in the East , whereupon Brother Puxley presented to him Brother John Pearsonfor installation as W . M . this heiug followed by the
, , deliveiy and reading ofthe usual obligation aud charges by the presiding ollicer aud the Prov . G . Secretary . All those who had not passed the chair were than requested to retire , and an Installing"Board was formed as follows;—Brothers Kenworthy , E . Busher , ' II . L . Puxley , B . Robinson , W . Shilton , and J . R . Tickle . On the re-admittance of the lodge , the newly-installed W . M . was successively saluted by the brethren , according to the seveial degrees of the blue ritual , during the progress of
which Brother W . H . Lewthwaite played on the harmonium tbe customary salutary marches . The retiring officers having divested themselves of their collars aud jewels , the newly-installed Master invested their successors , viz;—C . Mayson , S . W . ; R .