Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 6 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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M . P . ; Fred . Jennings , | R . Capon , Rev . J . A . Brereton , Geo . Bond , E . F . Alston , AV . AVhifcinore , ancl others . Tho following also were among fche visitors : Rev . E . J . Lockwood , Prov . D . G . M . ; G . Harper , Prov . D . G . AV . ; AV . Lucia , Prov . G . S . ; Newson Garrett , P . Prov . G . R . ; D . Adams , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; the Rev . E . Catlow , P . Prov . G . Chap ., Oxford ; A . J . Barber , Prov . G . Org . ; G . S . Golding , AV . M . 228 ; G . 0 . Lias , WM NorfolkJnoReadSee 308 The lod was opened bthe
; . , . . ge y AA . Master , Bro . Capon ; who then vacated the chair , which was taken by the Past Master , Bro . Jennings , who after passing ' a candidate to the second degree , proceeded to install Lord Henniker as Master of the Lodgo 555 , and was assisted in the ceremony by a large Board of Installed Masters . The newly installed AA . Master , after thanking the lodge for the honour conferred upon him , proceeded to invest his officers for
the year . After closing the lodge the brethren adjourned to the Castle Hall , ( which was most tastefully decorated for the occasion ) , ancl sat down to a splendid banquet , provided by Bro . King . On the cloth being withdrawn , the noble chairman gave the usual Masonic toasts . In proposing " The Health of the Queen , " he said that it was a toast which would always be received in Masonic circles with gratification , she being both the daughter and mother of a Mason . In proposing '' The Health of the Grand Master ol England , " be said ib was very satisfactory for Masons to welcome him back to England on his
return from America , where his mission hacl been a truly Masonic one , being for the cause of peace . AA . Bro . Jennings proposed the toasfc of the evening , "The Health ofthe newly installed AVorshipful Master , Lord Henniker , which was most enthusiastically received ; he said the Lodge Fidelity had availed itself of the privilege which every lodge hacl once in every year , to select a Master to rule over them ; their choice fell unanimously upon the Senior AVarden , and that result had been
satisfactory nofc only to themselves , but it had been endorsed by all the Masons ofthe province , as proved by the large gathering this evening , to do honour to their choice . The new Master , he said , bad been chosen for his many Masonic qualities , as the liberal landlord , the courteous gentleman , and open handed neighbour , and not because he was a peer of the realm . The AA . M ., in returning thanks , expressed his gratification at the manner in which the toast had been given and received , ancl he hoped he should prove
himself worthy , and he would exert himself to become proficient . As a young Mason , he should require some aid from the past officers of the lodge . The "Healths of the Dep . Prov . G . Master , Rev . J . Lockwood , W . Bro . F . Jennings , F . S . Corrence , M . P . ; " " The Visitors , coupled with the name of tho Rev . E . Catlow , P . Prov . G . Chap ., Oxford , " were given and responded to . Some excellent singing by Bros . Head , Flick , Robt . Capon , & c , accompanied by the Prov . G . Organist , Bro . Barber , enlivened the evening's proceedings ; ancl the brethren of Suffolk will long remember the meeting as a ' most pleasant one .
Royal Arch.
LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBKAT —De Momlray Chapter ( No . 113 ) . —The second anniversary of this nourishing chapter was held on Thursday 1 st inst . Present Comps . E . J . Orford , M . E . Z . ; Newcome , P . Z . as H ., in the absence of Comp . Douglass , through a professional engagement ; J . J , Fast as J . ; Rev . AVm . Langley P . Z . ; Buncombe , Ackock , Johnson , Bugg , and Selby ; apologies
were received from other companions , who , from various causes were unable to be present . The minutes having been rend and confirmed the M . E . Z . proceeded to invest Comp . Buncombe i , s Scribe E . ; Comp . Adcock as Treas ., Comp . Johnson as Assist . Soj ; the chapter was then closed , ancl the companions sat down to an excellent banquet provided by Comp . Selby . The usual Loyal and R . A . toasts were given " The health of fche respected M . E . Z . " by Comp . Langhy-, P . Z . ; the I . P . Z ., by Comp . Adcock ;
Comp . Buncombe proposed the health of Comp . Langley , the first M . E . Z . of this chapter , which was most enthusiasticall y received . The M . E . Z . proposed " The Officers , " acknowledged by Comp . Fast , which brought this agreeable evening to a close .
Mark Masonry.
GRAND MARK LODGE . The half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , Wales , and the colonies and dependencies of the British Crown , was held on Tuesday , in the Crown Room , Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street . The proceedings commenced at half-past three o ' clock , at which hour a Lodge of Improvement was held , and the Mark Master degree worked with great excellence by V . W . Bro . Stevens , P . M . 104 , assisted by Bros . Hammerton and Hargreaves , as AVardens , ancl Bros . Rosenthal ancl Binckes , as
Overseers . At the opening of Grand Lodge , there was a large muster of Mark Masters present , and a good attendance of Grand Officers . Amongst them were Bros . \ A . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., G . M . ; J . B . Stebbing , G . Treas . ; Colonels Burdett ancl Adair ; the Revs . J . Huyshe , T . F . Ravenshaw , D . Shaboe , and Bigsby ; Jas . Stevens , G . S . O . ; C . H . Hammerton , John Hervey , Eugene Cronin , AY . Worrell , Morton Edwards , S . Rosenthal , T . Hargreaves ,
Joshua Nunn , M . Lazarus , J . C . Parkinson , and H . Massey . A procession was formed in due order of precedence , ancl the M . W . G . M ., the Rev . G . R . Portal , was escorted with proper formality to the chair . Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , the minutes of the meeting of Grand Lodge of December , 1870 , were read and confirmed . Tbe brethren then proceeded to take into consideration , whieh
ultimately terminated in adoption , of treaties which had been entered into by the M . AV . G . M . and the Supreme Grand Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , and the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital ancl Malta , for the better maintainance of Masonic discipline , as well as of mutual defence and support , and also for the purpose of discountenancing all other Masonic jurisdictions whatsoever , except the Grand Lodge of Craft and Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons throughout England and AVales .
These several treaties were ratified and confirmed , wifch considerable unanimity of feeling , with what result time alone can decide , because the Grand Commander of the Royal Ark Mariners , an order , it is alleged has long been in abeyance , and has lately been resuscitated , who wasipresent , on boing asked to surrender his authority to the Most AVorshipful Grand Mark Master , could nofc be induced , after very lenghtened debate , so to do , and as the Grand Master's intention is to advise every Mark Lodge under his jurisdiction to work the Ark degree also , offering every reasonable facility in his power , here is a difficulty at once to
contend with , an independent Grand Lodge of that order being in full work . This lengthy discussion having terminated , Grand Lodge proceeded to elect a Grand Master and Grand Treas . for the ensuing yeai-. the result being that the M . W . G . M . M . M . was re-elected for a third year of oflice , being tho last time according to the constitution of the Order he can remain in the chair : Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , P . G . D ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer .
The M . AV . GM . M . M . haviug been appropriately saluted , returned thanks for the high honour done him , and proceeded to invest the grand officers , as follows : —Bro . Earl Percy , D . G . M . ; J . R . Stebbing , G . Treas . ; F . Binckes , G . S , ; Lord Skelmersdale , G . S . W . ; J . C . Parkinson , G . J . W . ; Rev . Bigsby , G . Ch . ; R . A . Benson , G . Reg . ; Magnus Ohren , G . M . O . ; G . Hardy G . S . O . ; Thos . AVilliams , G . J . O . ; E . Cronin , G . S . D . ; M . EdwardsG . J . D . NormantonG . Sup . AVks . F . LongG . D . C . ;
, ; , ; , AV . Hudson , G . Asst . D . C ; Trigg , G . Sd . B . ; AVickens . G . Std . B . ; Robt . Gregory , G . Org . ; and Dawson , I . G . A numberof jewels where then presented by theM . AV . G . M . M . M to brethren who on various occasions hacl signalised themselves in tne cause of masonic charity , in connection with the Mark degree , and after the transaction of some other business Grand Lodge was closed . A banquet was afterwards served , presided over by the
M . W . G . M . M . M . Tho usual toasts were given , and the enjoyment of the evening was much enchanced by the presence of Bros . Coward , Carter , Distin , and Jekyll , who gave an admirable selection of music In the course of the evening the Grand Master gave a gratifying account of the results of a conference lately held here with a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , on the subject of mutual rights and rccognition . and announced that between the last meeting of Grand Lodge and the end of May no fewer than 16 warrants for new lodges and 699 certificates had been issued .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
M . P . ; Fred . Jennings , | R . Capon , Rev . J . A . Brereton , Geo . Bond , E . F . Alston , AV . AVhifcinore , ancl others . Tho following also were among fche visitors : Rev . E . J . Lockwood , Prov . D . G . M . ; G . Harper , Prov . D . G . AV . ; AV . Lucia , Prov . G . S . ; Newson Garrett , P . Prov . G . R . ; D . Adams , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; the Rev . E . Catlow , P . Prov . G . Chap ., Oxford ; A . J . Barber , Prov . G . Org . ; G . S . Golding , AV . M . 228 ; G . 0 . Lias , WM NorfolkJnoReadSee 308 The lod was opened bthe
; . , . . ge y AA . Master , Bro . Capon ; who then vacated the chair , which was taken by the Past Master , Bro . Jennings , who after passing ' a candidate to the second degree , proceeded to install Lord Henniker as Master of the Lodgo 555 , and was assisted in the ceremony by a large Board of Installed Masters . The newly installed AA . Master , after thanking the lodge for the honour conferred upon him , proceeded to invest his officers for
the year . After closing the lodge the brethren adjourned to the Castle Hall , ( which was most tastefully decorated for the occasion ) , ancl sat down to a splendid banquet , provided by Bro . King . On the cloth being withdrawn , the noble chairman gave the usual Masonic toasts . In proposing " The Health of the Queen , " he said that it was a toast which would always be received in Masonic circles with gratification , she being both the daughter and mother of a Mason . In proposing '' The Health of the Grand Master ol England , " be said ib was very satisfactory for Masons to welcome him back to England on his
return from America , where his mission hacl been a truly Masonic one , being for the cause of peace . AA . Bro . Jennings proposed the toasfc of the evening , "The Health ofthe newly installed AVorshipful Master , Lord Henniker , which was most enthusiastically received ; he said the Lodge Fidelity had availed itself of the privilege which every lodge hacl once in every year , to select a Master to rule over them ; their choice fell unanimously upon the Senior AVarden , and that result had been
satisfactory nofc only to themselves , but it had been endorsed by all the Masons ofthe province , as proved by the large gathering this evening , to do honour to their choice . The new Master , he said , bad been chosen for his many Masonic qualities , as the liberal landlord , the courteous gentleman , and open handed neighbour , and not because he was a peer of the realm . The AA . M ., in returning thanks , expressed his gratification at the manner in which the toast had been given and received , ancl he hoped he should prove
himself worthy , and he would exert himself to become proficient . As a young Mason , he should require some aid from the past officers of the lodge . The "Healths of the Dep . Prov . G . Master , Rev . J . Lockwood , W . Bro . F . Jennings , F . S . Corrence , M . P . ; " " The Visitors , coupled with the name of tho Rev . E . Catlow , P . Prov . G . Chap ., Oxford , " were given and responded to . Some excellent singing by Bros . Head , Flick , Robt . Capon , & c , accompanied by the Prov . G . Organist , Bro . Barber , enlivened the evening's proceedings ; ancl the brethren of Suffolk will long remember the meeting as a ' most pleasant one .
Royal Arch.
LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBKAT —De Momlray Chapter ( No . 113 ) . —The second anniversary of this nourishing chapter was held on Thursday 1 st inst . Present Comps . E . J . Orford , M . E . Z . ; Newcome , P . Z . as H ., in the absence of Comp . Douglass , through a professional engagement ; J . J , Fast as J . ; Rev . AVm . Langley P . Z . ; Buncombe , Ackock , Johnson , Bugg , and Selby ; apologies
were received from other companions , who , from various causes were unable to be present . The minutes having been rend and confirmed the M . E . Z . proceeded to invest Comp . Buncombe i , s Scribe E . ; Comp . Adcock as Treas ., Comp . Johnson as Assist . Soj ; the chapter was then closed , ancl the companions sat down to an excellent banquet provided by Comp . Selby . The usual Loyal and R . A . toasts were given " The health of fche respected M . E . Z . " by Comp . Langhy-, P . Z . ; the I . P . Z ., by Comp . Adcock ;
Comp . Buncombe proposed the health of Comp . Langley , the first M . E . Z . of this chapter , which was most enthusiasticall y received . The M . E . Z . proposed " The Officers , " acknowledged by Comp . Fast , which brought this agreeable evening to a close .
Mark Masonry.
GRAND MARK LODGE . The half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , Wales , and the colonies and dependencies of the British Crown , was held on Tuesday , in the Crown Room , Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street . The proceedings commenced at half-past three o ' clock , at which hour a Lodge of Improvement was held , and the Mark Master degree worked with great excellence by V . W . Bro . Stevens , P . M . 104 , assisted by Bros . Hammerton and Hargreaves , as AVardens , ancl Bros . Rosenthal ancl Binckes , as
Overseers . At the opening of Grand Lodge , there was a large muster of Mark Masters present , and a good attendance of Grand Officers . Amongst them were Bros . \ A . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., G . M . ; J . B . Stebbing , G . Treas . ; Colonels Burdett ancl Adair ; the Revs . J . Huyshe , T . F . Ravenshaw , D . Shaboe , and Bigsby ; Jas . Stevens , G . S . O . ; C . H . Hammerton , John Hervey , Eugene Cronin , AY . Worrell , Morton Edwards , S . Rosenthal , T . Hargreaves ,
Joshua Nunn , M . Lazarus , J . C . Parkinson , and H . Massey . A procession was formed in due order of precedence , ancl the M . W . G . M ., the Rev . G . R . Portal , was escorted with proper formality to the chair . Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , the minutes of the meeting of Grand Lodge of December , 1870 , were read and confirmed . Tbe brethren then proceeded to take into consideration , whieh
ultimately terminated in adoption , of treaties which had been entered into by the M . AV . G . M . and the Supreme Grand Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , and the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital ancl Malta , for the better maintainance of Masonic discipline , as well as of mutual defence and support , and also for the purpose of discountenancing all other Masonic jurisdictions whatsoever , except the Grand Lodge of Craft and Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons throughout England and AVales .
These several treaties were ratified and confirmed , wifch considerable unanimity of feeling , with what result time alone can decide , because the Grand Commander of the Royal Ark Mariners , an order , it is alleged has long been in abeyance , and has lately been resuscitated , who wasipresent , on boing asked to surrender his authority to the Most AVorshipful Grand Mark Master , could nofc be induced , after very lenghtened debate , so to do , and as the Grand Master's intention is to advise every Mark Lodge under his jurisdiction to work the Ark degree also , offering every reasonable facility in his power , here is a difficulty at once to
contend with , an independent Grand Lodge of that order being in full work . This lengthy discussion having terminated , Grand Lodge proceeded to elect a Grand Master and Grand Treas . for the ensuing yeai-. the result being that the M . W . G . M . M . M . was re-elected for a third year of oflice , being tho last time according to the constitution of the Order he can remain in the chair : Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , P . G . D ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer .
The M . AV . GM . M . M . haviug been appropriately saluted , returned thanks for the high honour done him , and proceeded to invest the grand officers , as follows : —Bro . Earl Percy , D . G . M . ; J . R . Stebbing , G . Treas . ; F . Binckes , G . S , ; Lord Skelmersdale , G . S . W . ; J . C . Parkinson , G . J . W . ; Rev . Bigsby , G . Ch . ; R . A . Benson , G . Reg . ; Magnus Ohren , G . M . O . ; G . Hardy G . S . O . ; Thos . AVilliams , G . J . O . ; E . Cronin , G . S . D . ; M . EdwardsG . J . D . NormantonG . Sup . AVks . F . LongG . D . C . ;
, ; , ; , AV . Hudson , G . Asst . D . C ; Trigg , G . Sd . B . ; AVickens . G . Std . B . ; Robt . Gregory , G . Org . ; and Dawson , I . G . A numberof jewels where then presented by theM . AV . G . M . M . M to brethren who on various occasions hacl signalised themselves in tne cause of masonic charity , in connection with the Mark degree , and after the transaction of some other business Grand Lodge was closed . A banquet was afterwards served , presided over by the
M . W . G . M . M . M . Tho usual toasts were given , and the enjoyment of the evening was much enchanced by the presence of Bros . Coward , Carter , Distin , and Jekyll , who gave an admirable selection of music In the course of the evening the Grand Master gave a gratifying account of the results of a conference lately held here with a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , on the subject of mutual rights and rccognition . and announced that between the last meeting of Grand Lodge and the end of May no fewer than 16 warrants for new lodges and 699 certificates had been issued .