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Grand Orient Of France.
so-called Freemasons ) , of whom the greater part , we are happy to state , are not under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France . It is not the custom of the Council of the Order to publicly notice acts of this nature , which should
ordinarily be brought under the cognigzance of the General Assembly , but we desire to publicly announce that although the Grand Orient , in consequence of the scattering of its members , has been unable to prevent such acts , ifc has nofc
participated in them in any manner , but on the contrary has denounced them . Since tbe 29 th April , the very day on which these culpable manifestations took place , and with great regret at not having been able fco act
soonerthe present members of the Council addressed to the W . Masters of all the lodges , and inserted in various journals , a protest against the resolution adopted at a meeting of Freemasons at Chatelefc . A number of "W . Masters of lodges had also
protested against and endeavoured to prevent these manifestations . All these efforts were vain , and were rendered abortive against passions raised by interested and perverse interests .
In the absence of the Grand Master the memhers of the Council of the Order , present in Paris , consider it their duty , without delay , to notify to all Freemasons this resolution , so that ; of fche acts which have been committed the responsibility rests
individually with the authors of them ; and they desire it to be distinctly understood thafc French Masonry , as a constituted body , has nofc for a moment wandered from the principles upon which it is founded , and the wise laws which govern it . Accept being , dear Brethren , the assurance of our fraternal-regards .
De St . Jean . Montanier . Becourt . Galibert . Grain .
Renaud . Poulle . Vienofc . Portallier . Members of the Council of the Order .
P . S . —The W . Masters of Lodges are requested to cause this circular to be read at the next meeting of the lodge .
"Pomeroy's Democrat," New York, And The " Freemason," London.
The following appeared in "Pomeroy's Democrat " of June 7 th .: If it were not for the fraternal kindness of a brother contemporary in this city , who called our attention to the fact , we should not have been aware that the editor of the "Freemason , " London had
been making flippant remarks about us , in the 6 th of May number of that paper , for subsequent to date of April 22 nd , no copy of it had been received by us . AVhy the paper in which the article headed " Pomeroy's Democrat and the Rochdale brethren " appeared ,
was nofc sent us , seems extraordinary , as among honorable journalists , ifc is always customary , when a contemporary ' s position is assailed , or statements denied , thafc a copy of the paper containing the same be sent , so that , if deemed advisable , a reply can be
made . It is an act of cowardice , to say the least , not to do so , unworthy the character of a genuine British Mason , as well as a breach of the laws governing gentlemen . But to the case in point .
The " Freemason ' s " editor writes , " we have received a letter addressed to the ' Editor of Pomeroy ' s Democrat , ' New York , by Bro . William Ashworth , of Rochdale . Now , beyond question , our brother editor did use some hard language respecting the Rose Croix Chapter at Rochdale , but this we conceive he did upon imperfect information as to the facts . "
Our contemporary ' s conceiving is entirely at fault , in fact it was " a false conception . " We again repeat , what we stated in these columns , March 29 th last , that " we have the most positive information from England that the said body" —meaning the Rose Croix Chapter at Roch dale— " is entirely illegitimate and not
recognised by the Supreme Council 33 ° , for England and Wales . " Now , let us see if our information was imperfect . The Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General , 33 ° , of the Ancient Accepted Rite , whose Grand Secretary General ' s Office , is at
33 , Golden Square , London , is the acknowledged and legitimate head of that Rite for England and Wales and Dependencies of the British Crown , and is recognised by all the ^ Supreme Councils of the world . It is the ruling power over all legitimate Lodges ,
Councils , Chapters , and Consistories , and its laws and regulations for the government of each one of the bodies enumerated must be obeyed . This Supreme Governing Body does not recognise the Rose Crois Chapter , at Rochdale , as a lawful body , but on the contrary ; and when this Rose Crois
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Orient Of France.
so-called Freemasons ) , of whom the greater part , we are happy to state , are not under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France . It is not the custom of the Council of the Order to publicly notice acts of this nature , which should
ordinarily be brought under the cognigzance of the General Assembly , but we desire to publicly announce that although the Grand Orient , in consequence of the scattering of its members , has been unable to prevent such acts , ifc has nofc
participated in them in any manner , but on the contrary has denounced them . Since tbe 29 th April , the very day on which these culpable manifestations took place , and with great regret at not having been able fco act
soonerthe present members of the Council addressed to the W . Masters of all the lodges , and inserted in various journals , a protest against the resolution adopted at a meeting of Freemasons at Chatelefc . A number of "W . Masters of lodges had also
protested against and endeavoured to prevent these manifestations . All these efforts were vain , and were rendered abortive against passions raised by interested and perverse interests .
In the absence of the Grand Master the memhers of the Council of the Order , present in Paris , consider it their duty , without delay , to notify to all Freemasons this resolution , so that ; of fche acts which have been committed the responsibility rests
individually with the authors of them ; and they desire it to be distinctly understood thafc French Masonry , as a constituted body , has nofc for a moment wandered from the principles upon which it is founded , and the wise laws which govern it . Accept being , dear Brethren , the assurance of our fraternal-regards .
De St . Jean . Montanier . Becourt . Galibert . Grain .
Renaud . Poulle . Vienofc . Portallier . Members of the Council of the Order .
P . S . —The W . Masters of Lodges are requested to cause this circular to be read at the next meeting of the lodge .
"Pomeroy's Democrat," New York, And The " Freemason," London.
The following appeared in "Pomeroy's Democrat " of June 7 th .: If it were not for the fraternal kindness of a brother contemporary in this city , who called our attention to the fact , we should not have been aware that the editor of the "Freemason , " London had
been making flippant remarks about us , in the 6 th of May number of that paper , for subsequent to date of April 22 nd , no copy of it had been received by us . AVhy the paper in which the article headed " Pomeroy's Democrat and the Rochdale brethren " appeared ,
was nofc sent us , seems extraordinary , as among honorable journalists , ifc is always customary , when a contemporary ' s position is assailed , or statements denied , thafc a copy of the paper containing the same be sent , so that , if deemed advisable , a reply can be
made . It is an act of cowardice , to say the least , not to do so , unworthy the character of a genuine British Mason , as well as a breach of the laws governing gentlemen . But to the case in point .
The " Freemason ' s " editor writes , " we have received a letter addressed to the ' Editor of Pomeroy ' s Democrat , ' New York , by Bro . William Ashworth , of Rochdale . Now , beyond question , our brother editor did use some hard language respecting the Rose Croix Chapter at Rochdale , but this we conceive he did upon imperfect information as to the facts . "
Our contemporary ' s conceiving is entirely at fault , in fact it was " a false conception . " We again repeat , what we stated in these columns , March 29 th last , that " we have the most positive information from England that the said body" —meaning the Rose Croix Chapter at Roch dale— " is entirely illegitimate and not
recognised by the Supreme Council 33 ° , for England and Wales . " Now , let us see if our information was imperfect . The Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General , 33 ° , of the Ancient Accepted Rite , whose Grand Secretary General ' s Office , is at
33 , Golden Square , London , is the acknowledged and legitimate head of that Rite for England and Wales and Dependencies of the British Crown , and is recognised by all the ^ Supreme Councils of the world . It is the ruling power over all legitimate Lodges ,
Councils , Chapters , and Consistories , and its laws and regulations for the government of each one of the bodies enumerated must be obeyed . This Supreme Governing Body does not recognise the Rose Crois Chapter , at Rochdale , as a lawful body , but on the contrary ; and when this Rose Crois