Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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Parsons , of No . 523 . After some preliminary business , Bro ' Charles J . AVorthington , having been duly examined , was passed to the degree of Fellow Craffc , after which Mr . Thomas Henry Kirby , M . B . C . S ., was duly initiated into our mysteries , the ceremonies being performed by tbe Provincial Grand Master , and the working tools being explained by Bro . Toller . At the last meeting Bro . AVilliam Pettifor , an old and highly respected Past Master of the lodge , had a vote of thanks accorded to him for
past services , and he was nominated an honorary member , the ballot being on the list of business for this meeting . His death having , however , occurred iu the previous week , the W . M . announced the fact to the lodge in appropriate terms of regret . The Provincial Grand Master , after alluding in high terms of eulogy to the zeal of the late Bro . Pettifor as a Mason , and his character as a man , proposed a resolution expressive of the deep regret of the brethren at the decease of onesvho as a PMof
, .. the Lodge , a P . Z . of the Chapter , as P . Prov . S . G . AV . of the Province , & c , " during more than a quarter of a century had rendered valuable services to Masonry in tbe Province in general , and to this Lodge in particular ; whilst his- quiet unobtrusive manner , his obliging disposition , his strict integrity of character , and his other sterling good qualities , in all the relations of life , had gained for him the respect and esteem of all with whom he was associated . " The resolution concluded with
an expression of sympathy wifch the widow and youthful family of the departed brother in their bereavement . This was seconded by Bro . L . A . Clarice , P . M ., and supported by the AV . M ., and also by the W . M . of tho John of Gaunt Lodge , who stated that Bro . Pettifor was no less esteemed , and his loss would be no less deplored by the members of that lodge than by those of St . John ' s Lodge . The resolution was carried unanimousland a of it ordered to be signed bthe principal
y , copy y officers , and to be transmitted to Mrs . Pettifor . The W . M . proposed his son for initiation at the next regular meeting ofthe lodge in October , which would oconr on the day after the candidate ' s coming of age . The lodgo was then closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASHIRE . LEIGH . —CONSECRATION OP THE MAUQUIS OP LOUSE LODGE ( No . 1354 ) . On AVednesday , May 31 st , tho ceremony of consecration of this lodge , which was to have been performed by the V . AVorshipful Deputy Grand Master of the province , tbo Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , was conducted by Bro . A . C . Mott , P . M . P . Z . P . Prov . S . G . D . aud PProvGSAVassisted b
, , , . . ..., y Bro . H . S . Alpass , Prov . Grand Sec . The lodge was opened hy the consecrating officer , assisted by Bros . John Bowes , P . Prov . G . R ., Cumberland and AVestmoreland , and P . G . S . B . West Lancashire , as S . AV . ; D . W . Finney , P . M . 148 , as J . W . ; Dr . S . D . Lees , P . Prov . S . G . W . East Lancashire ; J . Barker , P . Prov . G . Treas . East Lancashire ; Jos . Leach , P . M .. P . Z . 300 ; Dr . J . F . Pennington , P . M . 484 ; Nat . Dmnbillo , 152 ; J . C . Gillman , W . M . 1345 ; W . S . Hawkins , 1250
; J . Smith , 300 ; J . Kershaw , 300 ; John Foaar , 484 ; John Bury , J . W . 325 ; R . V . Woodruff ; W . M . 325 ; Tims . J . Broad - bent , AV . M . 430 ; Fred . Cook , P . M . 300 ; Jos . Taylor , P . M . 300 ; Ed . Beswiek , 1134 ; G . P . Broekbanlr , P . M . 221 ; Jas . Pilkington , 37 ; D . P . Isherwood , S . W . 325 . The lodge was opened in due form in the three degrees , when the Presiding Officer called upon the Provincial Grand Secretary to read fche petition and warrantand to enquire if the brethren
, of the new lodge expressed their approval of the officers named therein . This being answered in the affirmative , the Consecrating Officer called upon the acting Chaplain to deliver an oration , after whieh the choir , under the direction of Bro . Beswiek , sang the anthem : — " Behold , how good and joyful a thing ifc is : brethren to dwell together in unity .
" It ^ is like the precious ointment upon the head , that ran down into the beard : even unto Aaron ' s beard , and went down to the skirts of his clothing . " Like as the dew of Hormon : which fell upon tbe hill of Sion .
' lor there the Lord promised His blessing : and life for evermore . " 'The first portion of the Consecration Prayer was then given , followed by the chant , « Glory be to Thee , O Lord , " and the Invocation .
Bros . _ Alpass , Lees , and Barker carried the vessels containing corn , wine and oil thrice round the lodge , to solemn music , and halting in the East , tbe anthem : ~ Glory be to God on high , Peace on earth , Good will towards men , was sung by the choir .
The acting Chaplain then carried tho censer three times round tbe lodge , and halting in the East , delivered the second portion of the consecration prayer . The authem : — Glory to God on high , Let heaven and earth reply , Praise ye his name ; Masons His love adore , Tyled iu their mystic lore , And cry out evermore
Glory to God 1 was then sung by tho choir . The Presiding Officer proceeded to solemnly constitute tlio lodge in ancient form , the ceremony of consecration being coneluded by the singing of the Hallelujah Chorus . The lodge having been resumed in the second degree , Bro . J . T . Lancashire , W . M . designate , was presented to the Presiding Officer for the benefit of installation . The ceremony proper to this
degree being concluded , a Board of Installed Masters was opened , and the AV . M . designate was solemnly installed into the chair of K . S ., and proclaimed and saluted according to ancient custom , Bro . J . Longworth was invested as I . P . M . The W . M . having been proclaimed from the E ., 'W ., and S . proceeded to appoint and invest tho following brethren as officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . James Jsckson , S . W . ; Joseph Hartley , J . AV . ; ' W . Bryce , Treas . ; George Dickenson , Hon .
Sec ; Robt . Nield , S . D . ; AV . Duncan , J . JJ . ; Thos . Smith , I . G . ; H . Heap , Tyler . At the close of the business the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The cloth having been withdrawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank : — Bros . Alpass and Mott , being obliged to leave at an early hour the AV . M . begged to call them fco address the brethren
upon . Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , said that his visit to Leigh had been a pleasant one . From the AV . M . downwards , they seemed to be inbued by a truly Masonic spirit , which augured well for the future . He was pleased that they hud been enabled to secui-e private rooms , for he believed the time was fast approaching when Masons would cease to meet in houses of public entertainment . He regretted that he was compelled to leave so early ; and concluded by proposing the health of the AV . M .
Bro . Capt . Mott was well pleased with the work of the day . He could endorse all that the Prov . G . Sec . had said , and he counselled each to do his duty individually , and the lodge would ilourish . The W . M . had impressed him wifch the belief that he was the right man in the right place , ancl that being so , he was suro his selection of officers would be good . Bro . Mott dilated in eloquent terms on the excellence of Masonry , and concluded by joining Bro . Alpass in wishing the W . M . health and happiness during his period of office . Bros . Alpass ancl Mott then withdrew , amid the hearty cheers of those assembled .
The AV . M ., on rising to propose " The Queen , " said it was always found on a Masonic toast list , and Her Majesty had nomore loyal subjects than Masons . The AV . M . next proposed " H . R . H . Bro . Albert Echvard Prince of Wales , fche Princess of AVales , and fchs rest of the Eoyal Family . " He said no words of his were needed to ensure for the toasfc , i hearty reception . His Royal Higucss was allied to them as a brothei ' , and he believed he was " a good man and true . " The
U ' . M . proposed "The Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , M . AV . G . M ,, the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnavon , R . AV . D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers . " The S . AV ., Bro . Jackson , on rising to propose the next toast , viz , "Sir T . G . Former Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., H . W . Prov . Srand Master ; Lord Skelmersdale , V . W . Dep . Prov . G . AI ., and fche rest ofthe Provincial Grand Officers , " said the G . M . and his Deputy were , he had no doubt , well known fco most of them , setter even than to himself . For his own part , he must say he hould not rest content till the lodge deserved " the purple , " and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parsons , of No . 523 . After some preliminary business , Bro ' Charles J . AVorthington , having been duly examined , was passed to the degree of Fellow Craffc , after which Mr . Thomas Henry Kirby , M . B . C . S ., was duly initiated into our mysteries , the ceremonies being performed by tbe Provincial Grand Master , and the working tools being explained by Bro . Toller . At the last meeting Bro . AVilliam Pettifor , an old and highly respected Past Master of the lodge , had a vote of thanks accorded to him for
past services , and he was nominated an honorary member , the ballot being on the list of business for this meeting . His death having , however , occurred iu the previous week , the W . M . announced the fact to the lodge in appropriate terms of regret . The Provincial Grand Master , after alluding in high terms of eulogy to the zeal of the late Bro . Pettifor as a Mason , and his character as a man , proposed a resolution expressive of the deep regret of the brethren at the decease of onesvho as a PMof
, .. the Lodge , a P . Z . of the Chapter , as P . Prov . S . G . AV . of the Province , & c , " during more than a quarter of a century had rendered valuable services to Masonry in tbe Province in general , and to this Lodge in particular ; whilst his- quiet unobtrusive manner , his obliging disposition , his strict integrity of character , and his other sterling good qualities , in all the relations of life , had gained for him the respect and esteem of all with whom he was associated . " The resolution concluded with
an expression of sympathy wifch the widow and youthful family of the departed brother in their bereavement . This was seconded by Bro . L . A . Clarice , P . M ., and supported by the AV . M ., and also by the W . M . of tho John of Gaunt Lodge , who stated that Bro . Pettifor was no less esteemed , and his loss would be no less deplored by the members of that lodge than by those of St . John ' s Lodge . The resolution was carried unanimousland a of it ordered to be signed bthe principal
y , copy y officers , and to be transmitted to Mrs . Pettifor . The W . M . proposed his son for initiation at the next regular meeting ofthe lodge in October , which would oconr on the day after the candidate ' s coming of age . The lodgo was then closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASHIRE . LEIGH . —CONSECRATION OP THE MAUQUIS OP LOUSE LODGE ( No . 1354 ) . On AVednesday , May 31 st , tho ceremony of consecration of this lodge , which was to have been performed by the V . AVorshipful Deputy Grand Master of the province , tbo Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , was conducted by Bro . A . C . Mott , P . M . P . Z . P . Prov . S . G . D . aud PProvGSAVassisted b
, , , . . ..., y Bro . H . S . Alpass , Prov . Grand Sec . The lodge was opened hy the consecrating officer , assisted by Bros . John Bowes , P . Prov . G . R ., Cumberland and AVestmoreland , and P . G . S . B . West Lancashire , as S . AV . ; D . W . Finney , P . M . 148 , as J . W . ; Dr . S . D . Lees , P . Prov . S . G . W . East Lancashire ; J . Barker , P . Prov . G . Treas . East Lancashire ; Jos . Leach , P . M .. P . Z . 300 ; Dr . J . F . Pennington , P . M . 484 ; Nat . Dmnbillo , 152 ; J . C . Gillman , W . M . 1345 ; W . S . Hawkins , 1250
; J . Smith , 300 ; J . Kershaw , 300 ; John Foaar , 484 ; John Bury , J . W . 325 ; R . V . Woodruff ; W . M . 325 ; Tims . J . Broad - bent , AV . M . 430 ; Fred . Cook , P . M . 300 ; Jos . Taylor , P . M . 300 ; Ed . Beswiek , 1134 ; G . P . Broekbanlr , P . M . 221 ; Jas . Pilkington , 37 ; D . P . Isherwood , S . W . 325 . The lodge was opened in due form in the three degrees , when the Presiding Officer called upon the Provincial Grand Secretary to read fche petition and warrantand to enquire if the brethren
, of the new lodge expressed their approval of the officers named therein . This being answered in the affirmative , the Consecrating Officer called upon the acting Chaplain to deliver an oration , after whieh the choir , under the direction of Bro . Beswiek , sang the anthem : — " Behold , how good and joyful a thing ifc is : brethren to dwell together in unity .
" It ^ is like the precious ointment upon the head , that ran down into the beard : even unto Aaron ' s beard , and went down to the skirts of his clothing . " Like as the dew of Hormon : which fell upon tbe hill of Sion .
' lor there the Lord promised His blessing : and life for evermore . " 'The first portion of the Consecration Prayer was then given , followed by the chant , « Glory be to Thee , O Lord , " and the Invocation .
Bros . _ Alpass , Lees , and Barker carried the vessels containing corn , wine and oil thrice round the lodge , to solemn music , and halting in the East , tbe anthem : ~ Glory be to God on high , Peace on earth , Good will towards men , was sung by the choir .
The acting Chaplain then carried tho censer three times round tbe lodge , and halting in the East , delivered the second portion of the consecration prayer . The authem : — Glory to God on high , Let heaven and earth reply , Praise ye his name ; Masons His love adore , Tyled iu their mystic lore , And cry out evermore
Glory to God 1 was then sung by tho choir . The Presiding Officer proceeded to solemnly constitute tlio lodge in ancient form , the ceremony of consecration being coneluded by the singing of the Hallelujah Chorus . The lodge having been resumed in the second degree , Bro . J . T . Lancashire , W . M . designate , was presented to the Presiding Officer for the benefit of installation . The ceremony proper to this
degree being concluded , a Board of Installed Masters was opened , and the AV . M . designate was solemnly installed into the chair of K . S ., and proclaimed and saluted according to ancient custom , Bro . J . Longworth was invested as I . P . M . The W . M . having been proclaimed from the E ., 'W ., and S . proceeded to appoint and invest tho following brethren as officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . James Jsckson , S . W . ; Joseph Hartley , J . AV . ; ' W . Bryce , Treas . ; George Dickenson , Hon .
Sec ; Robt . Nield , S . D . ; AV . Duncan , J . JJ . ; Thos . Smith , I . G . ; H . Heap , Tyler . At the close of the business the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The cloth having been withdrawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank : — Bros . Alpass and Mott , being obliged to leave at an early hour the AV . M . begged to call them fco address the brethren
upon . Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , said that his visit to Leigh had been a pleasant one . From the AV . M . downwards , they seemed to be inbued by a truly Masonic spirit , which augured well for the future . He was pleased that they hud been enabled to secui-e private rooms , for he believed the time was fast approaching when Masons would cease to meet in houses of public entertainment . He regretted that he was compelled to leave so early ; and concluded by proposing the health of the AV . M .
Bro . Capt . Mott was well pleased with the work of the day . He could endorse all that the Prov . G . Sec . had said , and he counselled each to do his duty individually , and the lodge would ilourish . The W . M . had impressed him wifch the belief that he was the right man in the right place , ancl that being so , he was suro his selection of officers would be good . Bro . Mott dilated in eloquent terms on the excellence of Masonry , and concluded by joining Bro . Alpass in wishing the W . M . health and happiness during his period of office . Bros . Alpass ancl Mott then withdrew , amid the hearty cheers of those assembled .
The AV . M ., on rising to propose " The Queen , " said it was always found on a Masonic toast list , and Her Majesty had nomore loyal subjects than Masons . The AV . M . next proposed " H . R . H . Bro . Albert Echvard Prince of Wales , fche Princess of AVales , and fchs rest of the Eoyal Family . " He said no words of his were needed to ensure for the toasfc , i hearty reception . His Royal Higucss was allied to them as a brothei ' , and he believed he was " a good man and true . " The
U ' . M . proposed "The Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , M . AV . G . M ,, the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnavon , R . AV . D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers . " The S . AV ., Bro . Jackson , on rising to propose the next toast , viz , "Sir T . G . Former Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., H . W . Prov . Srand Master ; Lord Skelmersdale , V . W . Dep . Prov . G . AI ., and fche rest ofthe Provincial Grand Officers , " said the G . M . and his Deputy were , he had no doubt , well known fco most of them , setter even than to himself . For his own part , he must say he hould not rest content till the lodge deserved " the purple , " and