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SOUTH AVALES , ( EASTERN DIVISION . ) CAEDIIF . —Bute Lodge , ( No . 960 . —At the regular meeting of this flourishing lodge on Tuesday , there was a very large attendance of the brethren , and the altogether inadequate accommodation of the Lodge Room in Consulate Chambers was was sorely tried by the addition of au unusual number of
visitors , including the AV . M . of the Glamorgan Loelge , No . 36 , the AV . M . of the Isca Loelge , No . 683 , Newport , and the AV . M . of the Silurian Lodge , No . 471 , Newport , who , together with his past Masters , Officers and brethren to the number of thirty , paid a special visit to Bro . AVare , upon this his last night of office as W . M . Lodge was opened punctually at 6 o ' clock , by
the AV . M ., supported by Bro . P . Bird , as I . P . M . Bros . Jas . Hurman , S . W . ; S . AA eichert , J . W . j Rev . N . Jacobs , Chap . ; AV . H . Martin , P . M ., Treas . ; D . Blelloch , Sec . ; W . J . Yoratb , Assist . Sec ; T . C . Shelper , S . D . ; AV . E . Vaughau , J . D . j F . Atkins , Org . ; T . AV . Jacobs , I . G . ; T . B . Bell , P . M . ; P . Prov . G . S . W . ; anel other members of the lodge to the number of over
thirty . Visitors , Bros . S . Fox , P . Prov . G . Chap ., AV . M ., 471 ; R . J . Chambers , AV . M ., 683 ; Geo . Robertson , Prov . G . S . D ., AV . M . 36 ; R , J . Fisher , P . Prov . G . 0 ., P . M . 36 ; Edw . Wells , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . M . 471 ; Wm . Pickford , P . Prov . G . Treas ., P . M . 471 ; Wm . AVilliams , P . Prov . G . Sec , P . M . 471 ; B . Thomas , P . Prov . G-S . D ., P . M . 471 ; H . S . Gratte , S . AV . ( and AV . M . elect , ) 471 ; W . Rauelall , J . AV . 471 ; AV . Wade , S . D . 471 ; AV . Watkins , J . D . 471 ; Chas . Rowe ,
I . G ., 471 ; Alfd . Tayler ; F . Orders ; W . Oliver ; C . W . Ingram ; C . P . Evans ; G . B . Passaelaro ; Jno . James ; A . Isaacs ; S . Haskin j A . P . Williams ,- AV . E . Raymond ; Geo . Tweedy ; A . Jueld ; W . Sines ; 3 . Horner ; W . Waele ; B . Briggs ; H . Bailev ; Jos . Davis ; H . Fletcher ; all of 471 ; J . H . Cohen , 188 ; R . A . Luther , 120 ; 0 . Johnson , 320 ; H . Doberty , 374 ; & e . The minutes of the last loelge and of a Lodge of Emergency having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for two canelidates ; one of the gentlemen was in attendance , but the loelge was deprived of the interest of au initiation ceremony from the unusual circumstance of the candielate demanding time to study the declaration before
signing it . This being the night appointed for tire election of Master , tho voting papers were distributed , and having been deposited upon the pedestal for examination by the AV . M ., be declared the result to be for the Senior AVarden 29 votes , and for a P . M . ( evidently in mistake ) 1 vote , whereupon an irrepressible brother , to the evident amusement of the visitors , but slightly to the annoyance of the lodge , with a much greater amount of zeal than judgment ,
insisted that "scrutineers" be appointed in accordance with a Bye-Law framed in view of a contest for the chair , and voted a bore in a case where perfect unanimity was known to exist . Bro . Hurman suitably acknowledged the honour conferred upon him . Upon the proposition ofthe W . M ., Bro . AA . II . Martin , P . M . was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Davies , Prov . G . Tyler . The banquet iu connection with the Annual Festival of tbe lodge , on Friday 30 th inst ., was fixed to be helel at the Royal
Hotel . The AV . M . now requested that in accordance with the nneleviating custom of the loelge , a cordial welcome might be given to the numerous visiting brethren , anel particularly to the W . M . and members of the Loelge , 471 , who hael done him the honour of paying an official visit on this occasion . He reminded the brethren that the most cordial , and intimate relations hael always existed between the Silurian and Bute Lodges , and felt sure they would not soon forget the truly fraternal and
hospitable manner in which they were received when they paid a similar visit to the former lodge a few months since . Bro . Fox , W . M ., in reply , expressed the gratification it afforded him , to receive and to return such friendly and truly Masonic visits , and also spoke in very flattering terms of the abilities of the AV . M . Having been present at his Installation , nearly a twelvemonth since ho then felt satisfied that the Bute Lodge had made the best possible selectionand was therefore bno means surprised
, y to find that the honour , usefulness , anel reputation of the lodge had been fully sustained by the skill and ability with which he had manageel its affairs , and the happiness of the brethren generally , promoted by the zeal aud assieluity with which he had promulgated the general tenets and principles of the order . The brethren were then called off to refreshment , when the
W . M . in suitable terms proposed " Prosperity to the Silurian Lodge , and the health of the AV . M ., Rev . Bro . Fox , " to which Bro- Fox responded in an eloquent manner , anel afterwards proposed " Prosperity to the Bute Lodge , and the health of Bro . Ware , W . M . " This compliment having been duly acknowledged , the lodge was again called on to labour , and the business of a most delightful meeting was closeel in ample time for the comfortable return of the Newport brethren by the 9 o ' clock train . The next meeting of the Lodge will take place on Friday 30 th inst ., when the Installation ceremony , proceeded by initiations will be performed by the retiring W . M .
GLAMORGAN . — Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 ) . —An interesting meeting of this ancient lodge was held on Friday evening , 9 th inst . when , according to previous announcement , the W . M . of the Bute Lodge , No . 960 , paid an official visit , together with bis officers , and a large number of the brethren . The officers present were i Bros . Geo . Robertson , Prov . G . S . D ., AV . M . ; R . J . Fisher , P . Prov . G . Org ., P . M . ; S . Cooper , S . AV . ; Rees Jones , J . W ., P . M . ; Roberts , P . Prov . G . J . AV ., P . M ., Treas ., and Sec . ; R . Fisher ,
S . D . ; F . C . Hill , J . D . ; Dr . Taylor , & c . Amongst the visitors were Bros . F . AVare , Prov . G . Registrar , W . M . 960 ; J . Hurman , S . AV .. and AV . M . elect 960 ; S . AVeichert , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .. and J . AV . 960 ; AV . H . Martin , P . Prov . G . S . D ., and P . M . and Treas . 960 : D . Roberts , P . AI . 960 ; W . H . Davies , 960 ; Thos . Haynes , 960 ; Dr . Richards , 963 ; T . W . Jacob , 960 ; H . Fothergill , 960 ; H . E . Allen , 960 ; S . Roberts , 960 ; and R . Fisher , 960 . Lodge was opened in due form at half-past seven
o ' clock , when'the minutes ofthe last regular lodge were confirmed . Tho W . M . then accorded to the AV . M . and brethren of tbe Bute Lodge a most fraternal greeting . He regretted that there was not a fuller attendance of members of his own lodge , but explained that several of the Past Masters and Officers had not returned from Swansea , whither they had been attracted by the interesting and important ceremony which had then just taken place . He alluded , in the most feeling manner , to the
very intimate and cordial relationship which now existed between the Sister Loelges , and amidst the plaudits of his brethren , expressed his determination by every means in his power , both in and out of office , to promote that good feeling , and to cement the bond of union . Bro . AVare , W . M . 960 , thanked the brethren of the Glamorgan Lodge most sincerely for the truly fraternal and in every way Masonic manner in which he , the officers , anel members of his lodge had been received during the evening . Having been much accustomed to a frequent interchange of these
friendly lodge visits in his native province ( Bristol ) , he has felt rather disappointed upon settling in the province to find them of such rare occurence . In addition to the mutual instruction which the loelges might by this means receive in their ritual observances , and in addition to the fact that such visits were strictly enjoined by their ancient constitutions , he ( Bro . Ware ) from long experience , could affirm that nothing so much tended to foster and nourish that spirit of harmony anel that kind of
brotherly love which ought to exist between all lodges , more particularly between lodges of the same proviuce , still more between loelges in tbe same town , and most of all between such as stood in the close relationship as are the Bute and the Glamorgan , viz . that of mother and daughter lodges . During his tenure of the chair it hail been his pleasure anel privilege to visit every loelge in the province , anel not long since , accompanied by about thirtmembers of his lodgehe had paid an official visit to
y , the W . M . of the Silurian Lodge , Nesvport , which visit had been returned at the last meeting of the Bute Lodge , when nearly forty brethren paid him the compliment of travelling from Newport to attend his loelge . He ( Bro . AVare ) had been told by some brethren , he supposed a little more ceremonious than himself , that it woulel be something like a " breach of Masonic Etieraette" on the part of the 'Bute' at this time to visit the ' Glamorgan , ' inasmuch as there was already a visit due by the
latter to the former , but he had not allowed any such ' crotchet ' as that to influence him one moment , in regarel to that which he considered his Masonic duty . He felt satisfied that any such omission had been purely of accident , and by no meaus of design , anel it had afforded him the greatest pleasure to embrace the only remaining opportunity his expiring year of office , admitted to pay that mark of respect which be trusted would never be neglccteel by any succeeding AV . M . of the Bute Lodge . Bro . Sherman , W . M . elect ( by request of his AV . M . ) , followed with an invitation to the brethren to attend his installation ceremony
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SOUTH AVALES , ( EASTERN DIVISION . ) CAEDIIF . —Bute Lodge , ( No . 960 . —At the regular meeting of this flourishing lodge on Tuesday , there was a very large attendance of the brethren , and the altogether inadequate accommodation of the Lodge Room in Consulate Chambers was was sorely tried by the addition of au unusual number of
visitors , including the AV . M . of the Glamorgan Loelge , No . 36 , the AV . M . of the Isca Loelge , No . 683 , Newport , and the AV . M . of the Silurian Lodge , No . 471 , Newport , who , together with his past Masters , Officers and brethren to the number of thirty , paid a special visit to Bro . AVare , upon this his last night of office as W . M . Lodge was opened punctually at 6 o ' clock , by
the AV . M ., supported by Bro . P . Bird , as I . P . M . Bros . Jas . Hurman , S . W . ; S . AA eichert , J . W . j Rev . N . Jacobs , Chap . ; AV . H . Martin , P . M ., Treas . ; D . Blelloch , Sec . ; W . J . Yoratb , Assist . Sec ; T . C . Shelper , S . D . ; AV . E . Vaughau , J . D . j F . Atkins , Org . ; T . AV . Jacobs , I . G . ; T . B . Bell , P . M . ; P . Prov . G . S . W . ; anel other members of the lodge to the number of over
thirty . Visitors , Bros . S . Fox , P . Prov . G . Chap ., AV . M ., 471 ; R . J . Chambers , AV . M ., 683 ; Geo . Robertson , Prov . G . S . D ., AV . M . 36 ; R , J . Fisher , P . Prov . G . 0 ., P . M . 36 ; Edw . Wells , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . M . 471 ; Wm . Pickford , P . Prov . G . Treas ., P . M . 471 ; Wm . AVilliams , P . Prov . G . Sec , P . M . 471 ; B . Thomas , P . Prov . G-S . D ., P . M . 471 ; H . S . Gratte , S . AV . ( and AV . M . elect , ) 471 ; W . Rauelall , J . AV . 471 ; AV . Wade , S . D . 471 ; AV . Watkins , J . D . 471 ; Chas . Rowe ,
I . G ., 471 ; Alfd . Tayler ; F . Orders ; W . Oliver ; C . W . Ingram ; C . P . Evans ; G . B . Passaelaro ; Jno . James ; A . Isaacs ; S . Haskin j A . P . Williams ,- AV . E . Raymond ; Geo . Tweedy ; A . Jueld ; W . Sines ; 3 . Horner ; W . Waele ; B . Briggs ; H . Bailev ; Jos . Davis ; H . Fletcher ; all of 471 ; J . H . Cohen , 188 ; R . A . Luther , 120 ; 0 . Johnson , 320 ; H . Doberty , 374 ; & e . The minutes of the last loelge and of a Lodge of Emergency having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for two canelidates ; one of the gentlemen was in attendance , but the loelge was deprived of the interest of au initiation ceremony from the unusual circumstance of the candielate demanding time to study the declaration before
signing it . This being the night appointed for tire election of Master , tho voting papers were distributed , and having been deposited upon the pedestal for examination by the AV . M ., be declared the result to be for the Senior AVarden 29 votes , and for a P . M . ( evidently in mistake ) 1 vote , whereupon an irrepressible brother , to the evident amusement of the visitors , but slightly to the annoyance of the lodge , with a much greater amount of zeal than judgment ,
insisted that "scrutineers" be appointed in accordance with a Bye-Law framed in view of a contest for the chair , and voted a bore in a case where perfect unanimity was known to exist . Bro . Hurman suitably acknowledged the honour conferred upon him . Upon the proposition ofthe W . M ., Bro . AA . II . Martin , P . M . was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Davies , Prov . G . Tyler . The banquet iu connection with the Annual Festival of tbe lodge , on Friday 30 th inst ., was fixed to be helel at the Royal
Hotel . The AV . M . now requested that in accordance with the nneleviating custom of the loelge , a cordial welcome might be given to the numerous visiting brethren , anel particularly to the W . M . and members of the Loelge , 471 , who hael done him the honour of paying an official visit on this occasion . He reminded the brethren that the most cordial , and intimate relations hael always existed between the Silurian and Bute Lodges , and felt sure they would not soon forget the truly fraternal and
hospitable manner in which they were received when they paid a similar visit to the former lodge a few months since . Bro . Fox , W . M ., in reply , expressed the gratification it afforded him , to receive and to return such friendly and truly Masonic visits , and also spoke in very flattering terms of the abilities of the AV . M . Having been present at his Installation , nearly a twelvemonth since ho then felt satisfied that the Bute Lodge had made the best possible selectionand was therefore bno means surprised
, y to find that the honour , usefulness , anel reputation of the lodge had been fully sustained by the skill and ability with which he had manageel its affairs , and the happiness of the brethren generally , promoted by the zeal aud assieluity with which he had promulgated the general tenets and principles of the order . The brethren were then called off to refreshment , when the
W . M . in suitable terms proposed " Prosperity to the Silurian Lodge , and the health of the AV . M ., Rev . Bro . Fox , " to which Bro- Fox responded in an eloquent manner , anel afterwards proposed " Prosperity to the Bute Lodge , and the health of Bro . Ware , W . M . " This compliment having been duly acknowledged , the lodge was again called on to labour , and the business of a most delightful meeting was closeel in ample time for the comfortable return of the Newport brethren by the 9 o ' clock train . The next meeting of the Lodge will take place on Friday 30 th inst ., when the Installation ceremony , proceeded by initiations will be performed by the retiring W . M .
GLAMORGAN . — Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 ) . —An interesting meeting of this ancient lodge was held on Friday evening , 9 th inst . when , according to previous announcement , the W . M . of the Bute Lodge , No . 960 , paid an official visit , together with bis officers , and a large number of the brethren . The officers present were i Bros . Geo . Robertson , Prov . G . S . D ., AV . M . ; R . J . Fisher , P . Prov . G . Org ., P . M . ; S . Cooper , S . AV . ; Rees Jones , J . W ., P . M . ; Roberts , P . Prov . G . J . AV ., P . M ., Treas ., and Sec . ; R . Fisher ,
S . D . ; F . C . Hill , J . D . ; Dr . Taylor , & c . Amongst the visitors were Bros . F . AVare , Prov . G . Registrar , W . M . 960 ; J . Hurman , S . AV .. and AV . M . elect 960 ; S . AVeichert , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .. and J . AV . 960 ; AV . H . Martin , P . Prov . G . S . D ., and P . M . and Treas . 960 : D . Roberts , P . AI . 960 ; W . H . Davies , 960 ; Thos . Haynes , 960 ; Dr . Richards , 963 ; T . W . Jacob , 960 ; H . Fothergill , 960 ; H . E . Allen , 960 ; S . Roberts , 960 ; and R . Fisher , 960 . Lodge was opened in due form at half-past seven
o ' clock , when'the minutes ofthe last regular lodge were confirmed . Tho W . M . then accorded to the AV . M . and brethren of tbe Bute Lodge a most fraternal greeting . He regretted that there was not a fuller attendance of members of his own lodge , but explained that several of the Past Masters and Officers had not returned from Swansea , whither they had been attracted by the interesting and important ceremony which had then just taken place . He alluded , in the most feeling manner , to the
very intimate and cordial relationship which now existed between the Sister Loelges , and amidst the plaudits of his brethren , expressed his determination by every means in his power , both in and out of office , to promote that good feeling , and to cement the bond of union . Bro . AVare , W . M . 960 , thanked the brethren of the Glamorgan Lodge most sincerely for the truly fraternal and in every way Masonic manner in which he , the officers , anel members of his lodge had been received during the evening . Having been much accustomed to a frequent interchange of these
friendly lodge visits in his native province ( Bristol ) , he has felt rather disappointed upon settling in the province to find them of such rare occurence . In addition to the mutual instruction which the loelges might by this means receive in their ritual observances , and in addition to the fact that such visits were strictly enjoined by their ancient constitutions , he ( Bro . Ware ) from long experience , could affirm that nothing so much tended to foster and nourish that spirit of harmony anel that kind of
brotherly love which ought to exist between all lodges , more particularly between lodges of the same proviuce , still more between loelges in tbe same town , and most of all between such as stood in the close relationship as are the Bute and the Glamorgan , viz . that of mother and daughter lodges . During his tenure of the chair it hail been his pleasure anel privilege to visit every loelge in the province , anel not long since , accompanied by about thirtmembers of his lodgehe had paid an official visit to
y , the W . M . of the Silurian Lodge , Nesvport , which visit had been returned at the last meeting of the Bute Lodge , when nearly forty brethren paid him the compliment of travelling from Newport to attend his loelge . He ( Bro . AVare ) had been told by some brethren , he supposed a little more ceremonious than himself , that it woulel be something like a " breach of Masonic Etieraette" on the part of the 'Bute' at this time to visit the ' Glamorgan , ' inasmuch as there was already a visit due by the
latter to the former , but he had not allowed any such ' crotchet ' as that to influence him one moment , in regarel to that which he considered his Masonic duty . He felt satisfied that any such omission had been purely of accident , and by no meaus of design , anel it had afforded him the greatest pleasure to embrace the only remaining opportunity his expiring year of office , admitted to pay that mark of respect which be trusted would never be neglccteel by any succeeding AV . M . of the Bute Lodge . Bro . Sherman , W . M . elect ( by request of his AV . M . ) , followed with an invitation to the brethren to attend his installation ceremony