Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 6 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 6 of 6 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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on 30 th inst ., and Bro Martin , P . M ., as an old member of both lodges , having made a few suitable remarks , the regular business was continued , and the lodge closeel at nine o ' clock .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . —The installation meeting of this ledge was held in the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday , December 8 , when there were present the following : —W . Bro . E . J . Lockwood , M-A ., D . Prov . G . M ., Suffolk ; Bros . A . J . Barber , W . AI ., Prov . G . Organist , 18 ; PhiliCornellW . M . Elect . S . W . ; Charles SchulenP M . aud
p , , J . AV . ; C . F . Long , S . D . ; J . Fosdick , J . D . ; W . Spalding , Sec . ; AV . Boby , P . M . 114 ; F . Gull , P . M . 114 ; Emra Holmes , P . M . 531 ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , M . A .., P . M . 959 , P . Prov . G . C . ; AV . A . Elliston , ilf . D ., P . M . 376 ; AV . A . Smith , AV . M . elect , 376 , Prov . G . D . C ; G . S . Golding , AV . M . Elect , 225 ; W . H . Lucie , P . M . 1 , 008 , Prov . G . Sec ; H . G . Moore , P . IT . 114 ; AV . P . Mills , M . D ., P . M . 376 ; J . AV . Sheridan , P . M ., Pheenix
Loelge , Stowmarket ; W . P . Lewis , W . M . 51 ; G . A . Teenier , P . M . 114 ; P . Prov . G . D . ; U . Traeey , P . M . 114 ; W . T . Westgate , W . M . 959 , P . Prov . G . D . C ; C Davey , P . M , 225 ; The lodge having been opened in ancient form by Bro . Barber , W . M ., he resigned the gavel to W . Bro . Rev . E . J . Lockwood , D . Prov . G . M ., Suffolk , who performed the ceremony of installation and inducted Bro . P . Cornell into the chair of K . S . The AV . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest the following
brethren as his officers for the ensuing year ; A . J . Barber , I . P . M . ; C . F . Long , S . W . ; AV . Boby , J . AV . ; AV . Spalding , Sec ; C Schulen , Treas . ; C Meadows , S . D . ; H . Fosdick , J . D . ; F . Gull , M . C . ; Rev . E . J . Lockwood , Chap . ; G- Spalding , Tyler . After tlie other business of the evening had been transacted the loelge adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , aud tho brethren did ample justice to the repast provided by Bro . Spalding , who excelleel himself as a caterer for the Masonic
meetings helel at the Hall . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were given from the chair . The health of the W . D . Prov . G . M . was responded to by Bro . Lucia , Prov G . Sec , in the absence of the R . AV . Brother . Bro . Sanderson responded to the toast of the P . Prov . G . Officers in a characteristic speech . Bro . Lucia replied on behalf of the present P . G . officers . Bro . Geill proposed tire I . P . M . in complimentary farms ; and Bro . Barber responded and proposed the health of the W . M ., Bro . Cornell , who replied in appropriate language . Sevaral brethren contrihuteel to the harmony of the meeting , and a most agreeable evening was spent .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) HAWOETH . —Lodge of Three Graces , ( No . 408 . )—Tire Installation meeting of this lodge was helel on Monday , the Sth inst ., at the private . Alasonic Rooms , Haworth . The following brethren of the loelge were present : Bro . J . Preston , AV . M . ; Bro . AV . J . Laidler , S . W . ; Bro . E . Pawson , J . W . ; Pro . W . Hemingway , S . D . ; Bro . dough , J . D . ; ami tbe ofcber officers .
There were also present , Bro . J . Brown , P . M . ; Bro . AVhithani , P . M . ; Bro . AV . Brown , P . M . ; Bro . W . AVood , P . M . ; Bro . Charnock , P . M . ; and Bro . E . Taylor , P . AI . ; Bro . Booth , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . ; and other members . Tbe visitors were Bro . Isaac Booth , P . M ., 61 ; P . Prov . G . S . of AV . ; Bro . Summer-scales , AV . M ., 265 ; Bro . Einmot , P . M .., 265 ; 'The Rev . Bro . Room ; and several other brethren of that lodge . Visitors : —liro . C . J . Walsham , P . M ., 448 ; Bro . E . Walsham , 448 ; and a large number
of brethren from that Lodge . The ceremony of installing into the chair Bro . W . J . Laidler , S . W . and W . M . elect , took place at half-past 3 o ' clock , and w-. es most ably and impressively performed by Bro . J . Booth , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . of AV ., after which the newly installed Master appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing twelve months , who were as follows : Bro . Joseph Preston , I . P . M . ; Bro . E . Pawson , S . AV . ; Bro . AV . H 3111-ingwayJ . AV . ; Bro . W . BrownP . MSoeBroWAVood
, , ., ; . . , Treas . ; Bro . J . dough , S . D . j Bro . J . Leach , J . D . ; Bra . Whitham , I . G . ; Bro . J . Brown , O . G . The other officers of the lodge were also duly filled up . After two candidates for initiation and a joining brother had been proposed , and other business transacted , the lodge was duly closed , anel the brethren adjourned to the Black Bull Hotel , where an excelleut banquet was
served up in capital style , and at which about 40 brethren sa 6 down . The chair was occupied by Bro . Laidler , the newly installed AV . M . The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were appropriately given by the chairman , and received b y the brethren with true loyal and Masonic enthusiasm , who next proposed the health of tbe M . W . the Grand Master , Lord elo Grey and Ri K . G . together with all the officers of Grand
pon , , Lodge , past and present . The chairman remarked that althoug h his Lordship hael only recently been elevated to that high office yet , from his long experience , and the zeal and ability which he displayed in all Masonic matters with which he had been , and is now connected , there could be no doubt that a very judicious selection had been made when his lordship was appointed to fill the dignified position of ruler over tbe craftThe WMnext
. .. proposed the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Bentley Shaw , and officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , past and present , which was responded to by Bro- Booth of Keighley , P . Prov . G . S ., in some well chosen remarks . Bro . E . Taylor , P . M ., then proposed the toast of the evening , the health of Bro . Laidler , the newly installed AA' . M ., wnich was most heartily received ; Bro . Taylor spoke of the Masonic anel other qualifications of BroLaidler in the
. highest terms , and congratulated the loelge on having elected him as their chief for the ensuing year . The toast was drank with Masonic honours . Bro . Laieller , on rising to respond , was received with tbe greatest enthusiasm . After thanking the brethren in feeling terms he saiel that ever since he hael joined the lodge he hael taken the greatest interest in its welfare , and
since they had been pleased to elect him as their AV . M . that interest woulel , if possible , be increased . It would ever be his study , both in the lodge and out of it to uphold the dignity , and preserve the harmony of the Lodge of Three Graces ! of which he was proud to bo a member . The W . M . next proposed the health of the installing officer , Bro . J . Booth , and paid a high compliment to Bro . Booth as an eminent and zealous Mason , an ablepfofessional manand a thorough gentlemauThe toast
, , . was very warmly received . Bro . Booth was unavoidably absent owing to an important engagement , but his brother , from Koighley , responded iu an appropriate speech . The " Officers ' - ' was neatly proposed by Bro . Charnock , P . M ., and responded to in well chosen remarks by Bros . Pawson , and Hemingway , S . and J . AVardeus . The " Alsiting" Brethren was next proposed and elncyu . eo . tly responded to by Bi-s . Swmmerscales , W . M . ; Bro . Eumiofc
, P . AI . ; and the Rev . Bro . Room , of 265 , Koighley ; Bros , C Walsham , P . M . ; E . AValsbam , P . M . ; Ibberson , 448 ., Halifax . The Toast "Speedy relief to all poor anel distressed Masons , " brought a most agreeable evening ' s entertainment to a close . The enjoyment during the evening was greatly enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Merrick , Summerscales , Schofield and Davis . The well rendered recitations of Bros
. Room and Walsham were also most pleasing . The masterl y manner in which Bro . Hemingway presided at the pianoforte , was also a theme for admiration . Too much pra ' se cannot bo awarded to Mrs . Sugden for the excellent banquet which she hndprovided , and tlie faultless manner in which it was put upon the table .
GLASGOAV . LODGE TJ 5 I 0 X . ( No . 332 ) . —At the regular monthly meeting of Lodgo Union , 332 , held iu their Hall , 170 , Buchanan Street , the following brethren were unanimously elected as Office Bearers : —Robert Mitchell , R . W . M . ; James Balfour , P . M . ; AVilliam GibsonD . M . ; David SommervilleS . M . James
, , ; McNair , S . W . ; W . H . Johnson , J . W . ; W . Dempster , Treas . ; Robert Johnston , Sec ; John Stack , S . D . ; James Halley , J . D . ; Robt . Johnston , P . G . S . ; D . A . Bin-ell , S . S .: James Jamieson , J . S . ; . Tamos L . Graham , Chap . ; James Gilfillan , B . B . ; M . Gray , Architect ; R . Craig , Standard B . ; Thomas Hall , D . C . ; Isaac Stalkor , Sword B . ; Hugh Brown , I . G . ; F . P . Muffin , Tyler . The loelge has been very succcessful this past year , having made
about 50 members , and also started a Benevolent Fuuel in eonneotion with the lodge to assist poor and worthy brethren . A very pleasant evening was afterwards concluded by song and sentiment , the brethren all leaving highly satisfied
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
on 30 th inst ., and Bro Martin , P . M ., as an old member of both lodges , having made a few suitable remarks , the regular business was continued , and the lodge closeel at nine o ' clock .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . —The installation meeting of this ledge was held in the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday , December 8 , when there were present the following : —W . Bro . E . J . Lockwood , M-A ., D . Prov . G . M ., Suffolk ; Bros . A . J . Barber , W . AI ., Prov . G . Organist , 18 ; PhiliCornellW . M . Elect . S . W . ; Charles SchulenP M . aud
p , , J . AV . ; C . F . Long , S . D . ; J . Fosdick , J . D . ; W . Spalding , Sec . ; AV . Boby , P . M . 114 ; F . Gull , P . M . 114 ; Emra Holmes , P . M . 531 ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , M . A .., P . M . 959 , P . Prov . G . C . ; AV . A . Elliston , ilf . D ., P . M . 376 ; AV . A . Smith , AV . M . elect , 376 , Prov . G . D . C ; G . S . Golding , AV . M . Elect , 225 ; W . H . Lucie , P . M . 1 , 008 , Prov . G . Sec ; H . G . Moore , P . IT . 114 ; AV . P . Mills , M . D ., P . M . 376 ; J . AV . Sheridan , P . M ., Pheenix
Loelge , Stowmarket ; W . P . Lewis , W . M . 51 ; G . A . Teenier , P . M . 114 ; P . Prov . G . D . ; U . Traeey , P . M . 114 ; W . T . Westgate , W . M . 959 , P . Prov . G . D . C ; C Davey , P . M , 225 ; The lodge having been opened in ancient form by Bro . Barber , W . M ., he resigned the gavel to W . Bro . Rev . E . J . Lockwood , D . Prov . G . M ., Suffolk , who performed the ceremony of installation and inducted Bro . P . Cornell into the chair of K . S . The AV . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest the following
brethren as his officers for the ensuing year ; A . J . Barber , I . P . M . ; C . F . Long , S . W . ; AV . Boby , J . AV . ; AV . Spalding , Sec ; C Schulen , Treas . ; C Meadows , S . D . ; H . Fosdick , J . D . ; F . Gull , M . C . ; Rev . E . J . Lockwood , Chap . ; G- Spalding , Tyler . After tlie other business of the evening had been transacted the loelge adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , aud tho brethren did ample justice to the repast provided by Bro . Spalding , who excelleel himself as a caterer for the Masonic
meetings helel at the Hall . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were given from the chair . The health of the W . D . Prov . G . M . was responded to by Bro . Lucia , Prov G . Sec , in the absence of the R . AV . Brother . Bro . Sanderson responded to the toast of the P . Prov . G . Officers in a characteristic speech . Bro . Lucia replied on behalf of the present P . G . officers . Bro . Geill proposed tire I . P . M . in complimentary farms ; and Bro . Barber responded and proposed the health of the W . M ., Bro . Cornell , who replied in appropriate language . Sevaral brethren contrihuteel to the harmony of the meeting , and a most agreeable evening was spent .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) HAWOETH . —Lodge of Three Graces , ( No . 408 . )—Tire Installation meeting of this lodge was helel on Monday , the Sth inst ., at the private . Alasonic Rooms , Haworth . The following brethren of the loelge were present : Bro . J . Preston , AV . M . ; Bro . AV . J . Laidler , S . W . ; Bro . E . Pawson , J . W . ; Pro . W . Hemingway , S . D . ; Bro . dough , J . D . ; ami tbe ofcber officers .
There were also present , Bro . J . Brown , P . M . ; Bro . AVhithani , P . M . ; Bro . AV . Brown , P . M . ; Bro . W . AVood , P . M . ; Bro . Charnock , P . M . ; and Bro . E . Taylor , P . AI . ; Bro . Booth , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . ; and other members . Tbe visitors were Bro . Isaac Booth , P . M ., 61 ; P . Prov . G . S . of AV . ; Bro . Summer-scales , AV . M ., 265 ; Bro . Einmot , P . M .., 265 ; 'The Rev . Bro . Room ; and several other brethren of that lodge . Visitors : —liro . C . J . Walsham , P . M ., 448 ; Bro . E . Walsham , 448 ; and a large number
of brethren from that Lodge . The ceremony of installing into the chair Bro . W . J . Laidler , S . W . and W . M . elect , took place at half-past 3 o ' clock , and w-. es most ably and impressively performed by Bro . J . Booth , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . of AV ., after which the newly installed Master appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing twelve months , who were as follows : Bro . Joseph Preston , I . P . M . ; Bro . E . Pawson , S . AV . ; Bro . AV . H 3111-ingwayJ . AV . ; Bro . W . BrownP . MSoeBroWAVood
, , ., ; . . , Treas . ; Bro . J . dough , S . D . j Bro . J . Leach , J . D . ; Bra . Whitham , I . G . ; Bro . J . Brown , O . G . The other officers of the lodge were also duly filled up . After two candidates for initiation and a joining brother had been proposed , and other business transacted , the lodge was duly closed , anel the brethren adjourned to the Black Bull Hotel , where an excelleut banquet was
served up in capital style , and at which about 40 brethren sa 6 down . The chair was occupied by Bro . Laidler , the newly installed AV . M . The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were appropriately given by the chairman , and received b y the brethren with true loyal and Masonic enthusiasm , who next proposed the health of tbe M . W . the Grand Master , Lord elo Grey and Ri K . G . together with all the officers of Grand
pon , , Lodge , past and present . The chairman remarked that althoug h his Lordship hael only recently been elevated to that high office yet , from his long experience , and the zeal and ability which he displayed in all Masonic matters with which he had been , and is now connected , there could be no doubt that a very judicious selection had been made when his lordship was appointed to fill the dignified position of ruler over tbe craftThe WMnext
. .. proposed the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Bentley Shaw , and officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , past and present , which was responded to by Bro- Booth of Keighley , P . Prov . G . S ., in some well chosen remarks . Bro . E . Taylor , P . M ., then proposed the toast of the evening , the health of Bro . Laidler , the newly installed AA' . M ., wnich was most heartily received ; Bro . Taylor spoke of the Masonic anel other qualifications of BroLaidler in the
. highest terms , and congratulated the loelge on having elected him as their chief for the ensuing year . The toast was drank with Masonic honours . Bro . Laieller , on rising to respond , was received with tbe greatest enthusiasm . After thanking the brethren in feeling terms he saiel that ever since he hael joined the lodge he hael taken the greatest interest in its welfare , and
since they had been pleased to elect him as their AV . M . that interest woulel , if possible , be increased . It would ever be his study , both in the lodge and out of it to uphold the dignity , and preserve the harmony of the Lodge of Three Graces ! of which he was proud to bo a member . The W . M . next proposed the health of the installing officer , Bro . J . Booth , and paid a high compliment to Bro . Booth as an eminent and zealous Mason , an ablepfofessional manand a thorough gentlemauThe toast
, , . was very warmly received . Bro . Booth was unavoidably absent owing to an important engagement , but his brother , from Koighley , responded iu an appropriate speech . The " Officers ' - ' was neatly proposed by Bro . Charnock , P . M ., and responded to in well chosen remarks by Bros . Pawson , and Hemingway , S . and J . AVardeus . The " Alsiting" Brethren was next proposed and elncyu . eo . tly responded to by Bi-s . Swmmerscales , W . M . ; Bro . Eumiofc
, P . AI . ; and the Rev . Bro . Room , of 265 , Koighley ; Bros , C Walsham , P . M . ; E . AValsbam , P . M . ; Ibberson , 448 ., Halifax . The Toast "Speedy relief to all poor anel distressed Masons , " brought a most agreeable evening ' s entertainment to a close . The enjoyment during the evening was greatly enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Merrick , Summerscales , Schofield and Davis . The well rendered recitations of Bros
. Room and Walsham were also most pleasing . The masterl y manner in which Bro . Hemingway presided at the pianoforte , was also a theme for admiration . Too much pra ' se cannot bo awarded to Mrs . Sugden for the excellent banquet which she hndprovided , and tlie faultless manner in which it was put upon the table .
GLASGOAV . LODGE TJ 5 I 0 X . ( No . 332 ) . —At the regular monthly meeting of Lodgo Union , 332 , held iu their Hall , 170 , Buchanan Street , the following brethren were unanimously elected as Office Bearers : —Robert Mitchell , R . W . M . ; James Balfour , P . M . ; AVilliam GibsonD . M . ; David SommervilleS . M . James
, , ; McNair , S . W . ; W . H . Johnson , J . W . ; W . Dempster , Treas . ; Robert Johnston , Sec ; John Stack , S . D . ; James Halley , J . D . ; Robt . Johnston , P . G . S . ; D . A . Bin-ell , S . S .: James Jamieson , J . S . ; . Tamos L . Graham , Chap . ; James Gilfillan , B . B . ; M . Gray , Architect ; R . Craig , Standard B . ; Thomas Hall , D . C . ; Isaac Stalkor , Sword B . ; Hugh Brown , I . G . ; F . P . Muffin , Tyler . The loelge has been very succcessful this past year , having made
about 50 members , and also started a Benevolent Fuuel in eonneotion with the lodge to assist poor and worthy brethren . A very pleasant evening was afterwards concluded by song and sentiment , the brethren all leaving highly satisfied