Article THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. Page 1 of 4 →
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The Knights Templars.
By ANTHONY ONHAL HATE . ( Continued from - page 4 »» i » G ) . BOOK IV . —CHAPTER X . On the 22 nd of April , all the Templars confined
in tlie Tower aud prisons of London were assembled in tlie Chapel of Lite Holy Trinity , to hear tbe depositions of tlie witnesses publicly read They demanded copies of these , which Avas granted ; and they were allowed eight clays to prepare
defences . Before the expiration of that time , an officer Avas sentt o inquire if they intended offering any defence ; to which the Templars replied , that , being unlettered men , and ignorant of law , they were unable to present a defence , as they were
not permitted to employ counsel ; but , that they might not be condemned unheard , they required an opportunity , to make a public confession of the faith and principles held by the Order , to detail
the privileges granted them by the Popes for their holiness and usefulness iu the cause of Christ , and to read their own depositions , Avhich they considered Avould amply prove their innocence . On the eighth day , being Thursday the 29 th April ,
they were brought before the Inquisitors and theira coadjutors , in the Chapel of All-Saints , Berkyngecherche . There were present , besides William de la More , the Grand Prior of England , five Preceptors , tAvo Priests , and twenty Serving
Brethren of the Order . They presented a declaration Avhich they had drawn up , as their only defence against the unjust ancl tyrannical proceedings of their powerful oppressors , aud declared that , if they had done wrong , they Avere ready to
submit to the judgment of the Church . The Templars , who were not present at the presentation of this declaration , adopted ifc likewise as their defence . It ran as follows : —
Be it known to our Honourable Father , the Archbishop of Canterbury , Primate of all England and to all the Prelates of Holy Church , and to all Christians , that all Ave Brethren of the Temple here assembled , and every one of us , are
Christians , and believe in onr Saviour Jesus Christ , in God the Father Omnipotent , who made heaven and earth , and in Jesus Christ His Son , who was conceived of the Holy Ghost , born of the Virgin
Mary , suffered pain and passion , died upon the Cross for all sinners ,, descended to hell , and the third day rose from death to life , and ascended into heaven , Avhere he sits on the right hand of God the Father , ancl will come at the Last Day to
judge the living and the dead , who Avas from the beginning * , and will be to the end ; and we believe in the Holy Christian Church . And vve believe all that the Holy Church believes and teaches us . We declare that our religion is founded on VOAVS
of obedience , chastity , and poverty , and of aiding * in the conquest of the Holy Land of Jerusalem , with all the power and might that God afforrleth us . And Ave firmly deny ancl contradict , one and all of us , all manner of heresy and evil doings , contrary to the faith of Holy Church . And for the love of God , aucl for charity , we pray you , Avho
represent our Holy Father the Pope , that we may be treated like true children of the Church , for Ave have well guarded and preserved the faith , aud the laAv of the Church , and of our OAVU religion , that Avhich is good , honest , and just , according to
the ordinances and privileges , of the Court of Rome , granted , confirmed , and canonized by Common Council ; the which privileges , together Avith the rule of our Order , are enregistered in the said Court . And Ave would bring forward all
Christians ( save our enemies and slanderers ) with whom Ave are conversant , and among whom we have resided , to say how and in what manner we have spent our lives . And if , in our examinations , we have said or done anything Avrong through
ignorance of a word , since Ave are unlettered men , Ave are ready to suffer for Holy Church , like Him AVIIO died for us on the blessed Cross . Ancl Ave
implore you , for the love of God , and as you hope to be saved , that you judge us as you Avill have to answer for yourselves . and for us before God ; aud Ave pray that our examination may be read and heard before ourselves and all the people ,
in the very language and words in Avhich it Avas given before you , and Avritten down , on paper . " The Papal Inquisitors were disappointed at the above declaration , - they desired a confession of guilt , and the most rigorous measures were now
adopted to obtain it . The Templars Avere loaded with heavier fetters , cast into still more loathsome dungeons , and the torture still more barbarously applied . Every terror ancl privation was brought to bear upon the devoted victims . French Dominicans , skilled hands , picked out by Imbert for the purpose , were sent over to apply the tor-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Knights Templars.
By ANTHONY ONHAL HATE . ( Continued from - page 4 »» i » G ) . BOOK IV . —CHAPTER X . On the 22 nd of April , all the Templars confined
in tlie Tower aud prisons of London were assembled in tlie Chapel of Lite Holy Trinity , to hear tbe depositions of tlie witnesses publicly read They demanded copies of these , which Avas granted ; and they were allowed eight clays to prepare
defences . Before the expiration of that time , an officer Avas sentt o inquire if they intended offering any defence ; to which the Templars replied , that , being unlettered men , and ignorant of law , they were unable to present a defence , as they were
not permitted to employ counsel ; but , that they might not be condemned unheard , they required an opportunity , to make a public confession of the faith and principles held by the Order , to detail
the privileges granted them by the Popes for their holiness and usefulness iu the cause of Christ , and to read their own depositions , Avhich they considered Avould amply prove their innocence . On the eighth day , being Thursday the 29 th April ,
they were brought before the Inquisitors and theira coadjutors , in the Chapel of All-Saints , Berkyngecherche . There were present , besides William de la More , the Grand Prior of England , five Preceptors , tAvo Priests , and twenty Serving
Brethren of the Order . They presented a declaration Avhich they had drawn up , as their only defence against the unjust ancl tyrannical proceedings of their powerful oppressors , aud declared that , if they had done wrong , they Avere ready to
submit to the judgment of the Church . The Templars , who were not present at the presentation of this declaration , adopted ifc likewise as their defence . It ran as follows : —
Be it known to our Honourable Father , the Archbishop of Canterbury , Primate of all England and to all the Prelates of Holy Church , and to all Christians , that all Ave Brethren of the Temple here assembled , and every one of us , are
Christians , and believe in onr Saviour Jesus Christ , in God the Father Omnipotent , who made heaven and earth , and in Jesus Christ His Son , who was conceived of the Holy Ghost , born of the Virgin
Mary , suffered pain and passion , died upon the Cross for all sinners ,, descended to hell , and the third day rose from death to life , and ascended into heaven , Avhere he sits on the right hand of God the Father , ancl will come at the Last Day to
judge the living and the dead , who Avas from the beginning * , and will be to the end ; and we believe in the Holy Christian Church . And vve believe all that the Holy Church believes and teaches us . We declare that our religion is founded on VOAVS
of obedience , chastity , and poverty , and of aiding * in the conquest of the Holy Land of Jerusalem , with all the power and might that God afforrleth us . And Ave firmly deny ancl contradict , one and all of us , all manner of heresy and evil doings , contrary to the faith of Holy Church . And for the love of God , aucl for charity , we pray you , Avho
represent our Holy Father the Pope , that we may be treated like true children of the Church , for Ave have well guarded and preserved the faith , aud the laAv of the Church , and of our OAVU religion , that Avhich is good , honest , and just , according to
the ordinances and privileges , of the Court of Rome , granted , confirmed , and canonized by Common Council ; the which privileges , together Avith the rule of our Order , are enregistered in the said Court . And Ave would bring forward all
Christians ( save our enemies and slanderers ) with whom Ave are conversant , and among whom we have resided , to say how and in what manner we have spent our lives . And if , in our examinations , we have said or done anything Avrong through
ignorance of a word , since Ave are unlettered men , Ave are ready to suffer for Holy Church , like Him AVIIO died for us on the blessed Cross . Ancl Ave
implore you , for the love of God , and as you hope to be saved , that you judge us as you Avill have to answer for yourselves . and for us before God ; aud Ave pray that our examination may be read and heard before ourselves and all the people ,
in the very language and words in Avhich it Avas given before you , and Avritten down , on paper . " The Papal Inquisitors were disappointed at the above declaration , - they desired a confession of guilt , and the most rigorous measures were now
adopted to obtain it . The Templars Avere loaded with heavier fetters , cast into still more loathsome dungeons , and the torture still more barbarously applied . Every terror ancl privation was brought to bear upon the devoted victims . French Dominicans , skilled hands , picked out by Imbert for the purpose , were sent over to apply the tor-