Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC LIFEBOAT FUND. Page 1 of 4 →
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Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ROYAL JUBILEE CHAPTER ( NO . 72 ) . —The usual convocation of this chapter took pi nee on the 10 th inst . at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , Tills being the nig ht for the installation , Comp . AV . Webb ivas unanimously elected M . E . Z . Comp . G . Oxford Avas presented ivith a very handsome testimonial for services rendered to the chapter during his year of office , and for his
having been one of the founders of this chapter . It consisted of a very handsome P . Z . jeAvel . Tbe neivly installed M . E . Z . ivas unable to preside , but Comp . AV . Watson undertook the duties of installation and presided in his usual able manner . Comp . Berser performed the duties of P . Z . in a very able manner , although he only performed those duties for the evening . The health of the P . M . E . Z . was proposed , and it was remarked he had largely contributed to the payment of the very magnificent furniture provided fur the chapter .
VICTORIA CHAPTER , ( NO . 1 , 05 G ) . —An emergency convocation of this young and flourishing chapter AA-as held at the George Hotel , AliWmnvi ' iwu-y , on Monday , the 14 th inst . The principal ' s chairs Avere filled by " Comps . C . Hosgood , M . E . Z . ; J . Brett , P . Z . as H . ; R . AV . Little , P . Z . as J ., and among other members present AA-ere , Comps . Pendlebury , P . Z . and S . E . : Long , S . N . ; Gottbcil , P . S . ; Hubbard , P . Z . ; Forsyth , 1 st Assist . ; Hooper ,
Bolleter , Ehnhuns , Noehmer , Caney , Kenning and Bull ; visitor , Comp . J . G . Marsh , 975 . After the usual ballot , Bros . E . King , "W . M . elect 192 , H . Smith , 907 , G . Newman , 192 , and VV . Forge , 192 , ivere regularly introduced and exalted to the supreme degree of R , A . Masons . The chapter then unanimously voted a grant from tbe funds to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , the M . E . Z . being a Steward for that estimable charity , and ail
the companions present added their names to his list for various sums , as a mark of respect to Comp . Hosgood , as ivell as in recognition of the claims of our aged brethren to sympathy and support . After the proceedings of tho chapter , the companions adjourned to a truly admirable banquet , and enjoyed the "feast of reason and the HOAV of soul" for some hours together . It Avas a general remark that the meeting was one of the happy and
successful re-unions of companions held in the metropolis for years past , and if the A'ictoria Chapter continues to be Avorked with the same spirit and energy it bids fair to surpass most chapters in Loudon in numbers and efficiency , and even to rival the famed Rose of Denmark , 975 , AA-hicb now bears off the palm for perfection in ritual , and also for the entente cordiale Avhich exists betAveen . its members . Fsto perpelua .
CHESHIRE . CHESTER . — Grosvcnor Chapter ( No . 721 ) . —A coiiA-ocation of ibis chapter was held at The Bars Hotel on Friday , the 4 th inst ., at two o ' clock p . m . Present—Comps . J . P . Piatt , M . E . Z . ; T . Pktt , M . E . H . -. W . B . A . liainbrid'ie , M . E . J . ; J . McEvov , S . F . J . Gerrard , Treas .: R . W . Worrall , P . S . ; II . Allsop , A . S . ; VV . M . Richmond , Org . ; VV . Brislancl , Janitor ; A . J . Brereton , VV .
Brown , E . Tasker , Capt . Davies , etc ., and the following visitors .-The R . W . Prov . G . M ., Lord de Tabley , M . E . Z ., Knutsford Chapter ; ' Comps . Capt . Cope , P . S . G . AV ., M . E . H . ; E . G . AVillougbby , P . Z . ; Rev . G . H . Hobson , II . Barclay , J . Badger , Sergeant-Major Hine Brigade . _ The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . VV . Ross , 325 ( I . C . ) , was balloted for , accepted , and exalted to this degree . There being no further business before it . the chapter was closed , and the companions retired to open the lodge , a report of Avhich appears in another page .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge , ( No . 26 ) . —The quarterly meeting ¦ w as held at the Masonic rooms , ou Thursday , the 10 th iust ., hut was very scantily attended , half of the officers being absent , several of whom sent notes in explanation of the course . This is a course ivhich ought to be universally adopted in ease of necessary absence , not only as a matter of courtesy to the W . M ., but because there is often a difficulty in filling up vacancies
Mark Masonry.
thus unexpectedly caused , and a Master who has taken great pains in training his officers , and Avho prides himself on having the ceremonies efficiently performed , is disappointed to find all his efforts unavailing . It is to be feared that many ivho are fond of tbe distinctions of office , forget that portion of their pledge Avhich refers to obedience to all signs ancl summonses . The loclge was opened soon after 6 p . m . by the R . AV , Bro . Dr .
Hopkins , W . M . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . AV . H . Taylor , was in accordance ivith a resolution passed in September , admitted and advanced to the degree of Mark Master by the AV . M . AVIIO also gave him the explanatory lecture . A ballot Avas taken for the election of AV . M . during the ensuing year , for which only the two Wardens Avere eligible . The result ivas unanimously in favour of the Rev .
Bro . Bowden , S . W . Bro . A . S . Distin was also re-elected as Treasurer , and Pro . Crocker as Tyler . The AV . M . called the attention of the brethren to a very handsome addition to the loclge furniture , most kindly constructed ancl presented by Bro . W . H . Stafford , who , though but lately advanced to this degree , thus proved bis interest in it , ancl bis desire to promote the prosperity and efficiency of tbe lodge . On the proposition of the AV . M . seconded by the S . W ., it ivas unanimously resolved , " That the most sincere thanks of the Pleiades Loclge of Mark Masters . No . 26 are due and are herebv presented to Bro . AV . H .
Stafford , J . D ., as a cordial acknowledgment of his generous and unique gift of a AVicket ; aud that a copy of this resolution , inscribed on vellum ancl signed by the W . M ., Wardens ancl Secretary , be prepared for presentation to him at the next meeting . " Bro . Stafford briefly expressed bis gratification at having obtained the approval of the lodge , ancl remarked that Avhen he undertook to provide the AVicket , he had no idea what ivould be the costnor the plan of itAvhich had been furnished to him by
, , tbe AV . M-, but that be should bave faithfully performed his promise , even had the expense been much greater than it AVUS . Ha hoped on future occasions to do still more for the advantage of the lodge , and now offered a guinea towards providing other portions of furniture still deficient , an example which he trusted Avould be followed . The W . M . announced that he ivas preparing for publication musical accompaniments to the ritual of the
Mark degree , as a companion to those for the Craft already issued , and appointed Bro . Taylor , Org . He also mentioned that as G . J . AV ., be bad attended a meeting of tbe Grand Mark Lodge of'England , and read a circular requesting subscriptions to the Beriovolent fund . Avhich , hoAA * ever , it would he impossible to entertain , uutil tbe completion of the furniture of the lodge not yet a year old . Several other matters were discussed , and arrangements with respect to them were agreed upon . The lodge ivas finally closed at 8 o'clock .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —A bi-monthly meeting of this lodge Avas held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 3 rd instant , under the ; presidency of Bro . Kelly , AV . M . and Prov . tt . Master . There were also present Bros . J . E . Hodges , as S . AV . ; W . Beaumont Smith , J . W ; Duff , M . O . ; E . Johnson , S . O . and Org . ; Partrid J . O . StrettonTreas . and lie ^ . ; J
ge , ; , . E . Clarke , Sec . ; Wcaiv , S . D . ; Manning , j . G . ; Atwood , Baines , L . A . Clarice , and others . Visitor , Bro . Capt . Barber , PI-OA * . G . S . B . Corn-all , I ' . G . Steward , J . W . No . 94 , and formerly of this lodge . The lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of tbe previous meeting ivere read and continued . There Avere six candidates CIOAVII for advancement , but only one of tbem Avas iu attendance . This Avas Bro . , 1 . J . Fairfax Scottof Mountsorrel
, , a member of the HOAVC and ChaniAvood Loclge , No . 1 , 007 , Loughborough , AVIIO AVUS regularly adranced , and nfteriA-ards expressed himself as highly pleased Avith the beautiful and effectint ceremony of the degree . The lodge AVUS then closed until the fourth Thursday in January , Avhen the election of AV . M . will take place . Refreshments vcv- subsequently served , ancl a pleasant evening Ai-as spent by the brethren .
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
Further subscriptions received : —Members of Perseverance Lodge , No . 213 , Norwich , £ 2 2 s . Members of Old Globe Lodge , No . 200 , Scarborough , £ 10 3 s . 6 d . The Carnarvon Lodge , Havanfc , has also voted £ 2 2 s . for the above object .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ROYAL JUBILEE CHAPTER ( NO . 72 ) . —The usual convocation of this chapter took pi nee on the 10 th inst . at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , Tills being the nig ht for the installation , Comp . AV . Webb ivas unanimously elected M . E . Z . Comp . G . Oxford Avas presented ivith a very handsome testimonial for services rendered to the chapter during his year of office , and for his
having been one of the founders of this chapter . It consisted of a very handsome P . Z . jeAvel . Tbe neivly installed M . E . Z . ivas unable to preside , but Comp . AV . Watson undertook the duties of installation and presided in his usual able manner . Comp . Berser performed the duties of P . Z . in a very able manner , although he only performed those duties for the evening . The health of the P . M . E . Z . was proposed , and it was remarked he had largely contributed to the payment of the very magnificent furniture provided fur the chapter .
VICTORIA CHAPTER , ( NO . 1 , 05 G ) . —An emergency convocation of this young and flourishing chapter AA-as held at the George Hotel , AliWmnvi ' iwu-y , on Monday , the 14 th inst . The principal ' s chairs Avere filled by " Comps . C . Hosgood , M . E . Z . ; J . Brett , P . Z . as H . ; R . AV . Little , P . Z . as J ., and among other members present AA-ere , Comps . Pendlebury , P . Z . and S . E . : Long , S . N . ; Gottbcil , P . S . ; Hubbard , P . Z . ; Forsyth , 1 st Assist . ; Hooper ,
Bolleter , Ehnhuns , Noehmer , Caney , Kenning and Bull ; visitor , Comp . J . G . Marsh , 975 . After the usual ballot , Bros . E . King , "W . M . elect 192 , H . Smith , 907 , G . Newman , 192 , and VV . Forge , 192 , ivere regularly introduced and exalted to the supreme degree of R , A . Masons . The chapter then unanimously voted a grant from tbe funds to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , the M . E . Z . being a Steward for that estimable charity , and ail
the companions present added their names to his list for various sums , as a mark of respect to Comp . Hosgood , as ivell as in recognition of the claims of our aged brethren to sympathy and support . After the proceedings of tho chapter , the companions adjourned to a truly admirable banquet , and enjoyed the "feast of reason and the HOAV of soul" for some hours together . It Avas a general remark that the meeting was one of the happy and
successful re-unions of companions held in the metropolis for years past , and if the A'ictoria Chapter continues to be Avorked with the same spirit and energy it bids fair to surpass most chapters in Loudon in numbers and efficiency , and even to rival the famed Rose of Denmark , 975 , AA-hicb now bears off the palm for perfection in ritual , and also for the entente cordiale Avhich exists betAveen . its members . Fsto perpelua .
CHESHIRE . CHESTER . — Grosvcnor Chapter ( No . 721 ) . —A coiiA-ocation of ibis chapter was held at The Bars Hotel on Friday , the 4 th inst ., at two o ' clock p . m . Present—Comps . J . P . Piatt , M . E . Z . ; T . Pktt , M . E . H . -. W . B . A . liainbrid'ie , M . E . J . ; J . McEvov , S . F . J . Gerrard , Treas .: R . W . Worrall , P . S . ; II . Allsop , A . S . ; VV . M . Richmond , Org . ; VV . Brislancl , Janitor ; A . J . Brereton , VV .
Brown , E . Tasker , Capt . Davies , etc ., and the following visitors .-The R . W . Prov . G . M ., Lord de Tabley , M . E . Z ., Knutsford Chapter ; ' Comps . Capt . Cope , P . S . G . AV ., M . E . H . ; E . G . AVillougbby , P . Z . ; Rev . G . H . Hobson , II . Barclay , J . Badger , Sergeant-Major Hine Brigade . _ The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . VV . Ross , 325 ( I . C . ) , was balloted for , accepted , and exalted to this degree . There being no further business before it . the chapter was closed , and the companions retired to open the lodge , a report of Avhich appears in another page .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge , ( No . 26 ) . —The quarterly meeting ¦ w as held at the Masonic rooms , ou Thursday , the 10 th iust ., hut was very scantily attended , half of the officers being absent , several of whom sent notes in explanation of the course . This is a course ivhich ought to be universally adopted in ease of necessary absence , not only as a matter of courtesy to the W . M ., but because there is often a difficulty in filling up vacancies
Mark Masonry.
thus unexpectedly caused , and a Master who has taken great pains in training his officers , and Avho prides himself on having the ceremonies efficiently performed , is disappointed to find all his efforts unavailing . It is to be feared that many ivho are fond of tbe distinctions of office , forget that portion of their pledge Avhich refers to obedience to all signs ancl summonses . The loclge was opened soon after 6 p . m . by the R . AV , Bro . Dr .
Hopkins , W . M . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . AV . H . Taylor , was in accordance ivith a resolution passed in September , admitted and advanced to the degree of Mark Master by the AV . M . AVIIO also gave him the explanatory lecture . A ballot Avas taken for the election of AV . M . during the ensuing year , for which only the two Wardens Avere eligible . The result ivas unanimously in favour of the Rev .
Bro . Bowden , S . W . Bro . A . S . Distin was also re-elected as Treasurer , and Pro . Crocker as Tyler . The AV . M . called the attention of the brethren to a very handsome addition to the loclge furniture , most kindly constructed ancl presented by Bro . W . H . Stafford , who , though but lately advanced to this degree , thus proved bis interest in it , ancl bis desire to promote the prosperity and efficiency of tbe lodge . On the proposition of the AV . M . seconded by the S . W ., it ivas unanimously resolved , " That the most sincere thanks of the Pleiades Loclge of Mark Masters . No . 26 are due and are herebv presented to Bro . AV . H .
Stafford , J . D ., as a cordial acknowledgment of his generous and unique gift of a AVicket ; aud that a copy of this resolution , inscribed on vellum ancl signed by the W . M ., Wardens ancl Secretary , be prepared for presentation to him at the next meeting . " Bro . Stafford briefly expressed bis gratification at having obtained the approval of the lodge , ancl remarked that Avhen he undertook to provide the AVicket , he had no idea what ivould be the costnor the plan of itAvhich had been furnished to him by
, , tbe AV . M-, but that be should bave faithfully performed his promise , even had the expense been much greater than it AVUS . Ha hoped on future occasions to do still more for the advantage of the lodge , and now offered a guinea towards providing other portions of furniture still deficient , an example which he trusted Avould be followed . The W . M . announced that he ivas preparing for publication musical accompaniments to the ritual of the
Mark degree , as a companion to those for the Craft already issued , and appointed Bro . Taylor , Org . He also mentioned that as G . J . AV ., be bad attended a meeting of tbe Grand Mark Lodge of'England , and read a circular requesting subscriptions to the Beriovolent fund . Avhich , hoAA * ever , it would he impossible to entertain , uutil tbe completion of the furniture of the lodge not yet a year old . Several other matters were discussed , and arrangements with respect to them were agreed upon . The lodge ivas finally closed at 8 o'clock .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —A bi-monthly meeting of this lodge Avas held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 3 rd instant , under the ; presidency of Bro . Kelly , AV . M . and Prov . tt . Master . There were also present Bros . J . E . Hodges , as S . AV . ; W . Beaumont Smith , J . W ; Duff , M . O . ; E . Johnson , S . O . and Org . ; Partrid J . O . StrettonTreas . and lie ^ . ; J
ge , ; , . E . Clarke , Sec . ; Wcaiv , S . D . ; Manning , j . G . ; Atwood , Baines , L . A . Clarice , and others . Visitor , Bro . Capt . Barber , PI-OA * . G . S . B . Corn-all , I ' . G . Steward , J . W . No . 94 , and formerly of this lodge . The lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of tbe previous meeting ivere read and continued . There Avere six candidates CIOAVII for advancement , but only one of tbem Avas iu attendance . This Avas Bro . , 1 . J . Fairfax Scottof Mountsorrel
, , a member of the HOAVC and ChaniAvood Loclge , No . 1 , 007 , Loughborough , AVIIO AVUS regularly adranced , and nfteriA-ards expressed himself as highly pleased Avith the beautiful and effectint ceremony of the degree . The lodge AVUS then closed until the fourth Thursday in January , Avhen the election of AV . M . will take place . Refreshments vcv- subsequently served , ancl a pleasant evening Ai-as spent by the brethren .
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
Further subscriptions received : —Members of Perseverance Lodge , No . 213 , Norwich , £ 2 2 s . Members of Old Globe Lodge , No . 200 , Scarborough , £ 10 3 s . 6 d . The Carnarvon Lodge , Havanfc , has also voted £ 2 2 s . for the above object .