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Bars Hotel . Brethren present—Bros . » J < W . B . A . Bainbridge , W . M . ; J . Gerrard , P . Prov . G . D . and Treas ., as S . W . ; R . W Worrall , J . W . ; J . McEvoy . S . D . ; F . W . Kcllet , J . D . ; D . Thomas , I . G . ; II . Allsop , Sec ; G . Halliday , Org . ; Williams , Tyler ; J . L . Sellers , 31 . D . ; J . Dennis , A . J- Breretou , R . C . Smith , Captain J . Davies , W . M . Richmond , H . Hobgen , E . Tasker , W . Ellis , W . Brown , Captain AV . Jones , W . Brislaud , S . Beresford , J . Smith . The lodge having been opened in the
first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed , the brethren received with honours the following distinguished ¦ visitors -. —Tho Right Worship ful Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Lord cle Tabley ; " Bros . Captain Cope , Prov . S . G . W ; J . P . Pratt , J . G . W . ; ' E . G . Willoughby , P . Prov . G . W . ; AV . Bcdley , P . Prov . G . I ) . ; T . Piatt , P . Pro v . G . D . ; F . Butt , P . M . 425 ; AV . Hunt , P . M . 425 ; Rev . G . H . Hobson , P . M . 477 ; H . Barclay , Dir of Cers . 537 ; L . Gilbert , 292 ; Sergeant-Major J .
Badger , 153 , Gibraltar ; W . Ross , 325 ( I . C . ) The R . XV . Prov . G . M . having dcpu'etl the AV . M . to proceed Avith the Avorking of the lodge , Air . W . Johnson being a candidate for this degree Avas balloted for , accepted , and initiated into the mysteries of Ereemasonry . Further business being postponed the brethren ivere called from labour to refreshment at six o ' clock p . m ., and adjourned to the banquetting room , where nearly forty sat down , the AV . M ., Bro . W . 13 . A . Bainbridge being supported on
his ri g ht b y the P . G . Muster , also b y Bros . A . 15 . Mclntyre , G . Reg . of England , and Horatio Lloyd , Recorder of Chester , P . Prov . G . D ., on his left . Grace being said and the cloth removed , the W . M . propised the following toasts : — " The Quean and the Craft "— "God Save the Queen" ( Masonic A-ersion ) by Bro . Halliday , AVIIO presided at the pianoforte ; " Prince and Princess of Wales and rest of the Royal Family " — " God bless the Prince of Wales " ; " The M . W . G . Master , tbe Earl of
Zetland , and his Grand Officers " —Song , " Three times three , " by Bro . Worrall . Bro . Mclntyre , G . Reg ., responded , ancl called attention to tbe Zetland Commemoration Fund , and h'ip » 'd that such a noble testimonial AA-OUICI be offered as the merits of the case deserved , more particularly as the Most Worshipful the Grand Master had signified his intention of handing the ivhoie of the proceeds to tlie Masonic Charities . Tbe VV . M . then said , Brethren , you will anticipate the next toast Avhich I have the
proud privilege of proposing , that is , " 'I he Health of our R . W . Pi-OA * . G . M ., tbe Eiglit Hon . Bro . Lord de Tabley . " This is the first time tlie Lodge of Independence has been favoured with a visit by the Prov . G . M . The loclge had been steadily progressing for eleven years , and was at the present time in a satisfactory position , and he trusted the Prov . G . M . felt satisfied Avith them . He ivas sure they ivould all remember this as a red letter clay in the history of Lodge 721 , and need not proceed
further than to call upon them to respond to the toast . This Avas done in such a hearty manner us could leave no doubt upon his mind of the high estimation in which ho is held by the brethren of 721 . Bro . Halliday then sang "There ' s a Crafc . " The R . W . Prov . G . . Master in reply was kind enough to express his great gratification at tbe Avorking be bad seen , both in the chapter and lodge , and that he must confess he had no conception there was such a Temple existing in bis province as that
to which he had been introduced to that day , and from the reception he bad met with he felt he was only doing his duty in visiting the Lodge of Independence , more especially as lu found himself supported by such eminent members of the fraternity . It was highly pleading to him to be present upon this occasion , and be hoped it would not be the last ; and concluded by congratulating tho brethren on the beautiful rooms in which they held their meeting , believing : i more magnificent temple
to Masonry could not be built . The next toast was the Provincial Officers past and present . Song by Bro . Worrall , " Men of England . " Bro . Cope , Prov . S . G . AV ., replied , thanking the brethren and assuring them he would take an earl y opportunity of visiting them again . The Prov . G . M having claimed the gavel , said be had great pleasure in proposing the health of the VV . 11 ., Bro . W . 1 ' . A . Bainbridge , whose name had long been associated with Masonry in Chester , and what he had witnessed
that evening both in lodge and chapter was calculated to impress him with n hig h estimation of the W . M . 's abilities . He ivas glad to see also that the loclge supported the charities in the manner it did , and called upon the brethren to join him in drinking the health of the Master and officers of tbe Lodge of Independence . Song b y Bro . J . Smith , " Days of old . " Bro . Bainbridge expressed his great gratitude to the R . W . P . G . M for the kind maimer in which be had associated 'is name with the last toast , and to the brethren for their reply to it . Comp .
Ross responded in answer to the toast of tbe neAA-ly-exalted companions , ancl Bro . AV . Johnson the neivly initiate . The VV . M . then gave " The Visitors , " AVIIO individually replied . Bro . Mclntyre , G . Reg . of England , said he regretted he ivas prevented by professional duties at the assises from being present at the Avorking in the lodge , but he was sure that a Master AA'I IO could preside at the banquetting table in the manner that
the W . M . hacl done ivould be perfectly able to conduct tbe ivorkin ; r of a loclge . Bros . Willoughby for 425 , L . Gilbert , 293 ; AV . Bulley , 537 , respectively responded ; and Bro . Sergeant-Major Badger , 1-53 , in ft Wmoi-ous speech , invited as many as ivould accept the invitation to visit his lodge at Gibraltar , ancl he ivas sure they would be well received , but he did not roceiA'C many promises . Soon after business Avas resumed , and the lodge closed , the proceedings of the day having lasted from two o ' clock till half-past ten without intermission—it being the most successful meeting tbe loclge has yet experienced .
DERBYSHIRE . CHESTERFIELD . Provincial Grand Lodge , On Thursday Dec . 3 rd , Bro . Okeover , of OkeoA'cr Hall , the D . Prov . G . M . of the province of Derbyshire , held the annual provincial meeting in the Masonic II ill , Chesterfield . It AVUS also the occasion of the anniversary of tho Scarsdale Loclge , No .
GS 1 , ivith which the proceedings of the day commenced . 'Chere were present all the provincial officers for the past year , and many other distinguished Masons . At 12 o ' clock the brethren of tlie Scarsdale Lodge assembled f-n- tbe initiatory cereinouy , AA'hen Bro . S . Foulds AA'as duly inst died AV . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being impressiVely performed by Bro . W . M . Hewitt , P . M . At two o ' clock the Prov . G . Lodge was held in the same room , tho D . P . G . M ., Bro . OkcoA-er , presiding . The
reports deliA'cred by the AV . M . ' s of the seA'eral lodges showed Masonry to be progressing very favourably throughout the province , more especially with respect to the various charitable institutions established in connection ivith the order . In the evening a grand banquet ivas held in the large assembly room ,, at the Angel Hotel , at which Bro . S . Foulds , the ncAvly-appointed AVM . presided . About eighty brethren sat down , ancl a very pleasant convivial evening was spent .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BRADFORD . — -Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) . —According to annual custom the W . M . elect , Bro . J . R . Armitage , of Etion House , summoned the P . -Masters of his lodge to assist him in the choice of officers to sei-A-e for the ensuing year . The selection being completed the brethren—to the number of 16—adjourned , to partake of a splendid banquet which was served in the
spacious dining room . A most harmonious evening was spent ,, and the good and holy cause of charity ivas not forgotten . Bro . Mauoah Rhodes , in eloquent terms proposed success to the Masonic Charities , pai-iicularlv alluding to the festival of the Hoys' School , March 10 th , 1809 , at which the Right Hon . Bro .. L ird cle Grey and Ripon is to preside . Bro . Henry Smith was desired to respond to this toast . He stated that if other lodges ivould do their duty as Avell as Bradford was doing , the debt on the Boys' School ivould c » isily be paid . Bro . H . Butterwood announced his intention of becoming a Steward , making eighteen from tliis lodge alone .
If UDDERSI'IELD . — Lodge of Truth ( No . 521 ) . —The installation of the W . M . of this locb ^ e took place at the Freemasons' Hall ,. Fitzivilliam-street , on Friday , 4 th inst ., at seven o ' clock . The ceremony was ably conducted by Bro . E . Woodhouse , retiring Master , assisted by Bros . Dyson and Smith . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Bentley Sh .-nv , ivas present , also Bro . Frederick Binckes , Secretary to the Boys' Schiol , ivlio took the opportunity of thanking the AVest Yorkshire brethren for their
past liberality , and his hopes for their help in assisting to liquidate the £ 10 , 000 mortgage on the buildings . The loclge AVUS closed at 9 a . m ., and a sumptuous banquet served . Many distinguished brethren were present from the province as well as from Cheshire and Lancashire .
SHEEEIELD . — Consecration of the Wenlworth Lodge , ( No . 1 , 239 ) . —Tho consecration of this lodge took place on Monday , December 7 th , at the Freemasons' Hall , Bio . Bentley Shaw , D . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire officiating in tbe absence Of , the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon the Prov . G"
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bars Hotel . Brethren present—Bros . » J < W . B . A . Bainbridge , W . M . ; J . Gerrard , P . Prov . G . D . and Treas ., as S . W . ; R . W Worrall , J . W . ; J . McEvoy . S . D . ; F . W . Kcllet , J . D . ; D . Thomas , I . G . ; II . Allsop , Sec ; G . Halliday , Org . ; Williams , Tyler ; J . L . Sellers , 31 . D . ; J . Dennis , A . J- Breretou , R . C . Smith , Captain J . Davies , W . M . Richmond , H . Hobgen , E . Tasker , W . Ellis , W . Brown , Captain AV . Jones , W . Brislaud , S . Beresford , J . Smith . The lodge having been opened in the
first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed , the brethren received with honours the following distinguished ¦ visitors -. —Tho Right Worship ful Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Lord cle Tabley ; " Bros . Captain Cope , Prov . S . G . W ; J . P . Pratt , J . G . W . ; ' E . G . Willoughby , P . Prov . G . W . ; AV . Bcdley , P . Prov . G . I ) . ; T . Piatt , P . Pro v . G . D . ; F . Butt , P . M . 425 ; AV . Hunt , P . M . 425 ; Rev . G . H . Hobson , P . M . 477 ; H . Barclay , Dir of Cers . 537 ; L . Gilbert , 292 ; Sergeant-Major J .
Badger , 153 , Gibraltar ; W . Ross , 325 ( I . C . ) The R . XV . Prov . G . M . having dcpu'etl the AV . M . to proceed Avith the Avorking of the lodge , Air . W . Johnson being a candidate for this degree Avas balloted for , accepted , and initiated into the mysteries of Ereemasonry . Further business being postponed the brethren ivere called from labour to refreshment at six o ' clock p . m ., and adjourned to the banquetting room , where nearly forty sat down , the AV . M ., Bro . W . 13 . A . Bainbridge being supported on
his ri g ht b y the P . G . Muster , also b y Bros . A . 15 . Mclntyre , G . Reg . of England , and Horatio Lloyd , Recorder of Chester , P . Prov . G . D ., on his left . Grace being said and the cloth removed , the W . M . propised the following toasts : — " The Quean and the Craft "— "God Save the Queen" ( Masonic A-ersion ) by Bro . Halliday , AVIIO presided at the pianoforte ; " Prince and Princess of Wales and rest of the Royal Family " — " God bless the Prince of Wales " ; " The M . W . G . Master , tbe Earl of
Zetland , and his Grand Officers " —Song , " Three times three , " by Bro . Worrall . Bro . Mclntyre , G . Reg ., responded , ancl called attention to tbe Zetland Commemoration Fund , and h'ip » 'd that such a noble testimonial AA-OUICI be offered as the merits of the case deserved , more particularly as the Most Worshipful the Grand Master had signified his intention of handing the ivhoie of the proceeds to tlie Masonic Charities . Tbe VV . M . then said , Brethren , you will anticipate the next toast Avhich I have the
proud privilege of proposing , that is , " 'I he Health of our R . W . Pi-OA * . G . M ., tbe Eiglit Hon . Bro . Lord de Tabley . " This is the first time tlie Lodge of Independence has been favoured with a visit by the Prov . G . M . The loclge had been steadily progressing for eleven years , and was at the present time in a satisfactory position , and he trusted the Prov . G . M . felt satisfied Avith them . He ivas sure they ivould all remember this as a red letter clay in the history of Lodge 721 , and need not proceed
further than to call upon them to respond to the toast . This Avas done in such a hearty manner us could leave no doubt upon his mind of the high estimation in which ho is held by the brethren of 721 . Bro . Halliday then sang "There ' s a Crafc . " The R . W . Prov . G . . Master in reply was kind enough to express his great gratification at tbe Avorking be bad seen , both in the chapter and lodge , and that he must confess he had no conception there was such a Temple existing in bis province as that
to which he had been introduced to that day , and from the reception he bad met with he felt he was only doing his duty in visiting the Lodge of Independence , more especially as lu found himself supported by such eminent members of the fraternity . It was highly pleading to him to be present upon this occasion , and be hoped it would not be the last ; and concluded by congratulating tho brethren on the beautiful rooms in which they held their meeting , believing : i more magnificent temple
to Masonry could not be built . The next toast was the Provincial Officers past and present . Song by Bro . Worrall , " Men of England . " Bro . Cope , Prov . S . G . AV ., replied , thanking the brethren and assuring them he would take an earl y opportunity of visiting them again . The Prov . G . M having claimed the gavel , said be had great pleasure in proposing the health of the VV . 11 ., Bro . W . 1 ' . A . Bainbridge , whose name had long been associated with Masonry in Chester , and what he had witnessed
that evening both in lodge and chapter was calculated to impress him with n hig h estimation of the W . M . 's abilities . He ivas glad to see also that the loclge supported the charities in the manner it did , and called upon the brethren to join him in drinking the health of the Master and officers of tbe Lodge of Independence . Song b y Bro . J . Smith , " Days of old . " Bro . Bainbridge expressed his great gratitude to the R . W . P . G . M for the kind maimer in which be had associated 'is name with the last toast , and to the brethren for their reply to it . Comp .
Ross responded in answer to the toast of tbe neAA-ly-exalted companions , ancl Bro . AV . Johnson the neivly initiate . The VV . M . then gave " The Visitors , " AVIIO individually replied . Bro . Mclntyre , G . Reg . of England , said he regretted he ivas prevented by professional duties at the assises from being present at the Avorking in the lodge , but he was sure that a Master AA'I IO could preside at the banquetting table in the manner that
the W . M . hacl done ivould be perfectly able to conduct tbe ivorkin ; r of a loclge . Bros . Willoughby for 425 , L . Gilbert , 293 ; AV . Bulley , 537 , respectively responded ; and Bro . Sergeant-Major Badger , 1-53 , in ft Wmoi-ous speech , invited as many as ivould accept the invitation to visit his lodge at Gibraltar , ancl he ivas sure they would be well received , but he did not roceiA'C many promises . Soon after business Avas resumed , and the lodge closed , the proceedings of the day having lasted from two o ' clock till half-past ten without intermission—it being the most successful meeting tbe loclge has yet experienced .
DERBYSHIRE . CHESTERFIELD . Provincial Grand Lodge , On Thursday Dec . 3 rd , Bro . Okeover , of OkeoA'cr Hall , the D . Prov . G . M . of the province of Derbyshire , held the annual provincial meeting in the Masonic II ill , Chesterfield . It AVUS also the occasion of the anniversary of tho Scarsdale Loclge , No .
GS 1 , ivith which the proceedings of the day commenced . 'Chere were present all the provincial officers for the past year , and many other distinguished Masons . At 12 o ' clock the brethren of tlie Scarsdale Lodge assembled f-n- tbe initiatory cereinouy , AA'hen Bro . S . Foulds AA'as duly inst died AV . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being impressiVely performed by Bro . W . M . Hewitt , P . M . At two o ' clock the Prov . G . Lodge was held in the same room , tho D . P . G . M ., Bro . OkcoA-er , presiding . The
reports deliA'cred by the AV . M . ' s of the seA'eral lodges showed Masonry to be progressing very favourably throughout the province , more especially with respect to the various charitable institutions established in connection ivith the order . In the evening a grand banquet ivas held in the large assembly room ,, at the Angel Hotel , at which Bro . S . Foulds , the ncAvly-appointed AVM . presided . About eighty brethren sat down , ancl a very pleasant convivial evening was spent .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BRADFORD . — -Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) . —According to annual custom the W . M . elect , Bro . J . R . Armitage , of Etion House , summoned the P . -Masters of his lodge to assist him in the choice of officers to sei-A-e for the ensuing year . The selection being completed the brethren—to the number of 16—adjourned , to partake of a splendid banquet which was served in the
spacious dining room . A most harmonious evening was spent ,, and the good and holy cause of charity ivas not forgotten . Bro . Mauoah Rhodes , in eloquent terms proposed success to the Masonic Charities , pai-iicularlv alluding to the festival of the Hoys' School , March 10 th , 1809 , at which the Right Hon . Bro .. L ird cle Grey and Ripon is to preside . Bro . Henry Smith was desired to respond to this toast . He stated that if other lodges ivould do their duty as Avell as Bradford was doing , the debt on the Boys' School ivould c » isily be paid . Bro . H . Butterwood announced his intention of becoming a Steward , making eighteen from tliis lodge alone .
If UDDERSI'IELD . — Lodge of Truth ( No . 521 ) . —The installation of the W . M . of this locb ^ e took place at the Freemasons' Hall ,. Fitzivilliam-street , on Friday , 4 th inst ., at seven o ' clock . The ceremony was ably conducted by Bro . E . Woodhouse , retiring Master , assisted by Bros . Dyson and Smith . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Bentley Sh .-nv , ivas present , also Bro . Frederick Binckes , Secretary to the Boys' Schiol , ivlio took the opportunity of thanking the AVest Yorkshire brethren for their
past liberality , and his hopes for their help in assisting to liquidate the £ 10 , 000 mortgage on the buildings . The loclge AVUS closed at 9 a . m ., and a sumptuous banquet served . Many distinguished brethren were present from the province as well as from Cheshire and Lancashire .
SHEEEIELD . — Consecration of the Wenlworth Lodge , ( No . 1 , 239 ) . —Tho consecration of this lodge took place on Monday , December 7 th , at the Freemasons' Hall , Bio . Bentley Shaw , D . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire officiating in tbe absence Of , the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon the Prov . G"