Article MASONIC LIFEBOAT FUND. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
REVIEWS . PUBLICATIONS OF THE MASONIC PUBLISHING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY , 432 , BROOME STREET , NEW YORK . 1 . —A Cyclopedia of Freemasonry , embracing Oliver ' s Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry- Edited by ROBERT MACOY , 33 ° . Second Edition , revised and enlarged . 1867 .
2 . — The General Aliiman Jlezon and Freemasons' Guide . By DAKIEL SICKELS , 33 ° , Author of the " Freemasons ' Monitor , " Secretary General of the Supreme Council , Northern Jurisdiction , & c . 1867 . 3 . —Guide to the Boyal Arch Cliapter . A Complete Monitor for Royal Arch Masonry , ivith full instructions in . the degrees of Mark Master , Past Master , Most
Excellent Master , and Royal Arch , according to the textof the Manual of the Chapter . By JOHN SHEVILLE , P . G . H . P . of New Jersey , and JAMES L . GOULD , G . H . P . of Connecticut , to Avhich are added Monitorial Instructions in the Holy Order of High Priesthood , by JAMES L- GOULD . 1868 . 4 » .-- The Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Bite of Freemasonry . By CUAKLES T . M'CLK * MACUAX , 33 ° , Past Grand Master of Ceremonies of the Supreme Council , Northern Jurisdiction , U . S . 1867 .
FIRST PAPER . The rapidly and constantly increasing importance of Freemasonry , as an institution calculated to benefit and improve mankind , has rendered necessary the publication of books explanatory of the mysteries . Both England and France have done their best to supply the demand , and now in America Ave find a company started
for the publication of Masonic Avorks , and the -manufacture of clothing , furniture , and jewels . We are glad to learn that this company has recommended itself to the Amez'ican brethren , and that its affairs are in a most prosperous condition . This company has just sent us for review the four works Avhich head this article , and which are not only excellent in their contentsbutin
, , the way of printing and binding , could scarcely be surpassed . The names of the authors are sufficient guarantees that neither labour nor money have been spared by the company to make their publications useful and complete . AVe regret , however , thafc the paper should be of so different a character , and not at all in keeping Avith the other excellencies ive have named .
The importance of really useful ivorks , alike to the experienced aud the novice iu Freemasonry , cannot be over estimated . The mere attendance at lodge meetings can never give perfect or satisfactory instruction . The bearing of the ritual night after night only teaches the ritual , Let us , for example , go to the outer Avorld . What would Ave say for tho Christianity of a man whose sole
knoAvledgo AVUS compassed in the Church Service ? Outrituals aro neither more nor less than our services . To be a Freemason , the Avide-opened books of science and art lie before us . As with all great subjects , the more we study the more Ave need to study ; so Avith . Freemasonry , tho more Ave know , the more Ave find it necessary to know . The midnight oil must bo consumedand
, study must become a secondary nature ivith us . Not a few Masons appear to consider the rituals as all that is necessary to bo understood , backed up by a lavish display of jewellery . This is a very grave error , and one thafc should be stamped out ivhei-ever it crops up . It is as necessary to study silently and at homo the mysteries of our Orderas it is for a surgeon to get up preparations
, , and to know how to use the lancet and history . One great danger to the young Masonic student lies in the choice of books for study . We can heartily recommend the above Avorks to all Freemasons , both young and old , as invaluable for reference and information , and which Avill be found of essential use in any inquiry as
to the origin and import of the mysteries and of theiiteachings . "The Cyclopedia of Freemasonry , " by Bros . Oliver and Macoy , merits our first attention . We feel considerable difficulty in arriving at a correct estimate of this work , and , while in many respects au improvement upon Mackey's Lexicon , it wants features which make
the Lexicon a l'eally first-class book of reference . The Cyclopedia , as its title shows , is composed of two Cyclopedia ; the first by Bro . Macoy , tho latter by Bro . Oliver . In looking over the fir ^ t , Ave are greatly charmed Avitb the illustrations , Avhich add A * alue to the letter-press , only ifc is a pity greater cave Avas not taken to secure correct sketches of some of the subjects . For
example , afc page 33 , the illustration of the Beauseaufc Avants the red cross upon the black and ivhifce cloth , the Pope having alloAA'ecl them to assume the same as a sign of the martyrdom to Avhich they stood daily exposed . The letter-press here is also defective and erroneous . "Beauseaut" Macoy renders " bien scant , " fair seat , and refers its origin to the great seal of the Order , uuori
which the device of two knights mounted on one horse ivas engraved . This is nob the case , for the Beauseaut AA'as used long before the seal AVUS employed , and tho meaning of the word is that , AA'hile true and faithful to their friends , they Avere black and terrible to their enemies . In Scotland the Avord is corrupted into " bawsant , " meaning anything piebald . However , these are
but trifles , aud the book as a whole is deserving of praise . Cyclopedias , being for the most part short abstracts and epitomes of larger works , require in the compilers peculiar gifts . AA o think that both Dr . Oliver possessed , ancl Bro . Macoy possesses such . The great difficulty lies in the perfect abundance of materials , and the
decision as to Avhat is really essential to know in a book of reference , Avhat to Avrite down , and Avhat to keep out . A complete dictionary of Freemasonry Avould require many volumes , aud Avhile Ave might have desired some further explanation of many of tbe articles in the present volume we must still confess that such could not have been giA'en without ; rendering the Avork too bulky and inconvenient for a AA'ork of referpnefi .
Oliver ' s "Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry , " treats the subject in n , totally different fashion from Macoy ' s Cyclodedia . AVhile Macoy gives accounts of the principal events , persons , and places connected Avith Freemasonry , Oliver treats of the philosophy of the ritual . Macoy delights to mention the various conventions , to chronicle Dr . Anderson , and to describe Joppa . Oliver ,
upon the other hand , is more afc homo Avith the " Arch of Heaven , " " cardinal points , " ' and " prayer . " The one is eminently the ivork of a close student of history , active and inquiring , a man of the ivorld ; the other , tbe fruits of long study and contemplation , the result of much solitary reading , the production of a man for Avhom the mysterious had greater charms than tho ordinary
events of life . Tho combination of these tivo books thus gives ac once the body and soul of Freemasonry , and the student finds his wanes , ivhether exoteric or esoteric , supplied . If AVO might , hoivcver , suggest , the incorporation of the tv * o Avorks into a wholethe neiv Avork Avouid
prove more easy of reference . It is impossible to notice at any length the contents of this splendid book ; but AVO may , in passing ou , point out the excellent epitome of the Histories of the Grand Lodges , which will be found to embrace all that is essential for tho information of die student . AVe have again to express alike our satisfaction and gratification with the perusal of the book , ivhich AVO can cordially recommend to the study of all Masons .
"The General Ahi man Eezon , " by Bro . Daniel Sickels , is a manifest improvement upon former Freemason Guides to the Craft Degrees . In France ive have the Avorks of Bazot , in England those of Oliver , and iu . Scotland the Vade-mecum of Haye as standard books .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
REVIEWS . PUBLICATIONS OF THE MASONIC PUBLISHING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY , 432 , BROOME STREET , NEW YORK . 1 . —A Cyclopedia of Freemasonry , embracing Oliver ' s Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry- Edited by ROBERT MACOY , 33 ° . Second Edition , revised and enlarged . 1867 .
2 . — The General Aliiman Jlezon and Freemasons' Guide . By DAKIEL SICKELS , 33 ° , Author of the " Freemasons ' Monitor , " Secretary General of the Supreme Council , Northern Jurisdiction , & c . 1867 . 3 . —Guide to the Boyal Arch Cliapter . A Complete Monitor for Royal Arch Masonry , ivith full instructions in . the degrees of Mark Master , Past Master , Most
Excellent Master , and Royal Arch , according to the textof the Manual of the Chapter . By JOHN SHEVILLE , P . G . H . P . of New Jersey , and JAMES L . GOULD , G . H . P . of Connecticut , to Avhich are added Monitorial Instructions in the Holy Order of High Priesthood , by JAMES L- GOULD . 1868 . 4 » .-- The Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Bite of Freemasonry . By CUAKLES T . M'CLK * MACUAX , 33 ° , Past Grand Master of Ceremonies of the Supreme Council , Northern Jurisdiction , U . S . 1867 .
FIRST PAPER . The rapidly and constantly increasing importance of Freemasonry , as an institution calculated to benefit and improve mankind , has rendered necessary the publication of books explanatory of the mysteries . Both England and France have done their best to supply the demand , and now in America Ave find a company started
for the publication of Masonic Avorks , and the -manufacture of clothing , furniture , and jewels . We are glad to learn that this company has recommended itself to the Amez'ican brethren , and that its affairs are in a most prosperous condition . This company has just sent us for review the four works Avhich head this article , and which are not only excellent in their contentsbutin
, , the way of printing and binding , could scarcely be surpassed . The names of the authors are sufficient guarantees that neither labour nor money have been spared by the company to make their publications useful and complete . AVe regret , however , thafc the paper should be of so different a character , and not at all in keeping Avith the other excellencies ive have named .
The importance of really useful ivorks , alike to the experienced aud the novice iu Freemasonry , cannot be over estimated . The mere attendance at lodge meetings can never give perfect or satisfactory instruction . The bearing of the ritual night after night only teaches the ritual , Let us , for example , go to the outer Avorld . What would Ave say for tho Christianity of a man whose sole
knoAvledgo AVUS compassed in the Church Service ? Outrituals aro neither more nor less than our services . To be a Freemason , the Avide-opened books of science and art lie before us . As with all great subjects , the more we study the more Ave need to study ; so Avith . Freemasonry , tho more Ave know , the more Ave find it necessary to know . The midnight oil must bo consumedand
, study must become a secondary nature ivith us . Not a few Masons appear to consider the rituals as all that is necessary to bo understood , backed up by a lavish display of jewellery . This is a very grave error , and one thafc should be stamped out ivhei-ever it crops up . It is as necessary to study silently and at homo the mysteries of our Orderas it is for a surgeon to get up preparations
, , and to know how to use the lancet and history . One great danger to the young Masonic student lies in the choice of books for study . We can heartily recommend the above Avorks to all Freemasons , both young and old , as invaluable for reference and information , and which Avill be found of essential use in any inquiry as
to the origin and import of the mysteries and of theiiteachings . "The Cyclopedia of Freemasonry , " by Bros . Oliver and Macoy , merits our first attention . We feel considerable difficulty in arriving at a correct estimate of this work , and , while in many respects au improvement upon Mackey's Lexicon , it wants features which make
the Lexicon a l'eally first-class book of reference . The Cyclopedia , as its title shows , is composed of two Cyclopedia ; the first by Bro . Macoy , tho latter by Bro . Oliver . In looking over the fir ^ t , Ave are greatly charmed Avitb the illustrations , Avhich add A * alue to the letter-press , only ifc is a pity greater cave Avas not taken to secure correct sketches of some of the subjects . For
example , afc page 33 , the illustration of the Beauseaufc Avants the red cross upon the black and ivhifce cloth , the Pope having alloAA'ecl them to assume the same as a sign of the martyrdom to Avhich they stood daily exposed . The letter-press here is also defective and erroneous . "Beauseaut" Macoy renders " bien scant , " fair seat , and refers its origin to the great seal of the Order , uuori
which the device of two knights mounted on one horse ivas engraved . This is nob the case , for the Beauseaut AA'as used long before the seal AVUS employed , and tho meaning of the word is that , AA'hile true and faithful to their friends , they Avere black and terrible to their enemies . In Scotland the Avord is corrupted into " bawsant , " meaning anything piebald . However , these are
but trifles , aud the book as a whole is deserving of praise . Cyclopedias , being for the most part short abstracts and epitomes of larger works , require in the compilers peculiar gifts . AA o think that both Dr . Oliver possessed , ancl Bro . Macoy possesses such . The great difficulty lies in the perfect abundance of materials , and the
decision as to Avhat is really essential to know in a book of reference , Avhat to Avrite down , and Avhat to keep out . A complete dictionary of Freemasonry Avould require many volumes , aud Avhile Ave might have desired some further explanation of many of tbe articles in the present volume we must still confess that such could not have been giA'en without ; rendering the Avork too bulky and inconvenient for a AA'ork of referpnefi .
Oliver ' s "Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry , " treats the subject in n , totally different fashion from Macoy ' s Cyclodedia . AVhile Macoy gives accounts of the principal events , persons , and places connected Avith Freemasonry , Oliver treats of the philosophy of the ritual . Macoy delights to mention the various conventions , to chronicle Dr . Anderson , and to describe Joppa . Oliver ,
upon the other hand , is more afc homo Avith the " Arch of Heaven , " " cardinal points , " ' and " prayer . " The one is eminently the ivork of a close student of history , active and inquiring , a man of the ivorld ; the other , tbe fruits of long study and contemplation , the result of much solitary reading , the production of a man for Avhom the mysterious had greater charms than tho ordinary
events of life . Tho combination of these tivo books thus gives ac once the body and soul of Freemasonry , and the student finds his wanes , ivhether exoteric or esoteric , supplied . If AVO might , hoivcver , suggest , the incorporation of the tv * o Avorks into a wholethe neiv Avork Avouid
prove more easy of reference . It is impossible to notice at any length the contents of this splendid book ; but AVO may , in passing ou , point out the excellent epitome of the Histories of the Grand Lodges , which will be found to embrace all that is essential for tho information of die student . AVe have again to express alike our satisfaction and gratification with the perusal of the book , ivhich AVO can cordially recommend to the study of all Masons .
"The General Ahi man Eezon , " by Bro . Daniel Sickels , is a manifest improvement upon former Freemason Guides to the Craft Degrees . In France ive have the Avorks of Bazot , in England those of Oliver , and iu . Scotland the Vade-mecum of Haye as standard books .