Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . THE United Pilgrims and Domatic Chapters of Instruction usually held at Bro . Ireland ' s , Queen Elizabeth Tavern , "Walworth , are to celebrate the anniversary of inauguration at Bro . Ireland's city house , the Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane , on Thursday , the 12 th May , ivhen the Chapter will meet at half-past four . Comp . Dr . Ladd is to preside as M . E . Z ,, and the ceremony andArch lectures ivill be worked
iu sections by Comps . AUSIOAV , J . R . Warren , Greemvood , Young , Jacobs , Cottrel , Ireland , Garrod , Brett , Webb , Farmer , and Thomas . Comp . Ladd is to give his explanation of the jeivel and live Platonic bodies , ivith illustrations of the ensigns and banners ; and for the first time , a lecture on the Companions' staves , upon which Ave understand he has been engaged for some time . With such attractions the meeting cannot fail to be attended by a more than usually numerous body oi the Companions . At the conclusion of the business a banquet ivill be served ; how , we need not say , to those ivho have visited Bro . Ireland ' s .
the MAY ., Grand Master has been pleased to appoint Bro . Joseph Gundry , of the Hyde , near Bridport , as Prov . Grand Master for Dorsetshire . THE GIRLS SCHOOL . THE quarterly court of the governors and subscribers to this institutionivas
, held at the offices , Great Queen-street , on Thursday last , April 14 th , Bro . John Udall , V . P ., presiding . The minutes of the last quarterly court , and of the meetings of tho different committees , having been read and confirmed , the last quarter ' s accounts , amounting to £ 112 9 s . Sd ., ivere ordered to be paid . The following children ivere then elected into the school without ballot , there being no other candidates : —
Edith Grace Fitzgerald , Woodbridge , Suffolk . Rose Cooke , Ipsivich , Suffolk . Mary Catherine Saunders , London . Louisa Margaret Bradley , ditto . Mary Elizabeth Hervey , ditto . The number of children now in the school is seventy , the full number that are at present received , a number ivhich there can be no doubt must be augmented as the number of
applicants for admission increase . A proposition of Bro . Binckes , for voting , £ 30 per annum to Bro . Matthciv Cooke , in acknowledgment of his valuable services as music master , ivas withdrawn , Bro . Cooke declining to receive it , looking only for bis reward in the consciousness of adding to the utility of the institution , and the love of his pupils . A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings . We are glad to perceive that there are nearly fifty steivards for the approaching election , four of whom come from the provinces—two from Oxford , one from
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . THE United Pilgrims and Domatic Chapters of Instruction usually held at Bro . Ireland ' s , Queen Elizabeth Tavern , "Walworth , are to celebrate the anniversary of inauguration at Bro . Ireland's city house , the Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane , on Thursday , the 12 th May , ivhen the Chapter will meet at half-past four . Comp . Dr . Ladd is to preside as M . E . Z ,, and the ceremony andArch lectures ivill be worked
iu sections by Comps . AUSIOAV , J . R . Warren , Greemvood , Young , Jacobs , Cottrel , Ireland , Garrod , Brett , Webb , Farmer , and Thomas . Comp . Ladd is to give his explanation of the jeivel and live Platonic bodies , ivith illustrations of the ensigns and banners ; and for the first time , a lecture on the Companions' staves , upon which Ave understand he has been engaged for some time . With such attractions the meeting cannot fail to be attended by a more than usually numerous body oi the Companions . At the conclusion of the business a banquet ivill be served ; how , we need not say , to those ivho have visited Bro . Ireland ' s .
the MAY ., Grand Master has been pleased to appoint Bro . Joseph Gundry , of the Hyde , near Bridport , as Prov . Grand Master for Dorsetshire . THE GIRLS SCHOOL . THE quarterly court of the governors and subscribers to this institutionivas
, held at the offices , Great Queen-street , on Thursday last , April 14 th , Bro . John Udall , V . P ., presiding . The minutes of the last quarterly court , and of the meetings of tho different committees , having been read and confirmed , the last quarter ' s accounts , amounting to £ 112 9 s . Sd ., ivere ordered to be paid . The following children ivere then elected into the school without ballot , there being no other candidates : —
Edith Grace Fitzgerald , Woodbridge , Suffolk . Rose Cooke , Ipsivich , Suffolk . Mary Catherine Saunders , London . Louisa Margaret Bradley , ditto . Mary Elizabeth Hervey , ditto . The number of children now in the school is seventy , the full number that are at present received , a number ivhich there can be no doubt must be augmented as the number of
applicants for admission increase . A proposition of Bro . Binckes , for voting , £ 30 per annum to Bro . Matthciv Cooke , in acknowledgment of his valuable services as music master , ivas withdrawn , Bro . Cooke declining to receive it , looking only for bis reward in the consciousness of adding to the utility of the institution , and the love of his pupils . A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings . We are glad to perceive that there are nearly fifty steivards for the approaching election , four of whom come from the provinces—two from Oxford , one from