Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 2
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The Masonic Mirror.
Chichester ; and one from Whitehaven . Wo hear so little from our Cumberland brethren , that it gives us much pleasure to find a steward coming from the province in aid of this valuable charity . - THE BOYS SCHOOL .
The general quarterly court of the governors and subscribers to this institution was held at tho offices , on Monday , April ISth ; Bro . Geo . Barrett , V . P ., presiding . The minutes of the last meeting , and of the various meetings of the committee , having been confirmed , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell ivas re-elected as treasurer . The committee for the ensuing year was also elected ; the folloiviug brethren being substituted for those who have resigned or are disqualified : — Bro . William M . Best , for Bro . John Chm-loton .
., Henry Coiv'land , ,, „ AVilliam Freeman . „ Henry Grant Baker , „ „ J . G . Foudiinier . ,, Alfred Day , ., ., J . y . Hopwood . . , Robert Farren , „ . ' , A . Hentzinan . „ W . Gath , P . Prov . G . West Yorkshire , ., „ Peter Matthews . „ J . W . Monnery , „ „ Richard Spencer . John Marks Richard
., , ., ., Graves . ,, J . 1 S . Sheen , „ „ Captain Wri ght . Wo should here observe , that the majority of the brethren above mentioned as retiring , have disqualified themselves for election on the committee b y becominglife governors , and consequently members of it in virtue of their subscriptions . Bro . Symonds brought forward a proposition fur opening a separate account to form a building fund ; and setting aside one half of the surplus income over expenses , each year , fur the purposes of such fund .
Bro . Head seconded the motion ; but after a short discussion it ivas negatived , it being deemed undesirable to open separate accounts for objects all of ivhich appertain to the proper working ofthe institution . Bro . Symonds then moved the substitution of the word " House" for " General , " in Rule 67 ; thereby putting the appointmentfof the Schoolmaster and Matron iu the hands of the " House" instead of the " General" Committee . Bro . Waring seconded the motion , which was carried . The election of six boys into the school , out of a list of fourteen candidates waa then proceeded with . The result of tho polling ivas as folloivs :
ELECTED . Alfred L . Gilliam , aged 9 ( Calcutta ) .... 3 , 312 David Freeman , aged 9 ( Croydon ) . . . 3 292 Fred . AV . Atkinson , aged 9 ( Margate ) .... 2 77-1 Charles Day , aged 7 ( Dewsbury ) 1 ^ 290 Joseph Benjamin Phillips , aged S ( London ) . . I , ' l 90 William Hobbs Adams , aged 7 ( South Molton , Devon ) . 732 USSUCCESSl- 'Ul ,.
Edwin Kilpm , aged 8 ( Northampton ) ... 605 Alfred AVilliam Dutton , aged 9 ( London ) . . . 501 Alexander Johnson , aged 10 ( Neweastla ) . . . . JD 3 George Stark , aged 1 U ( Exmouth ) ... . 207 John McDowell , aged S ( Loudon ) . . . . 151 John M . Chativorthy , aged 8 ( Brixhani , Devon ) . . 144 Edwin V . AVebber , aged 11 ( Lincoln ) . . , 133 John AVilliam Davis , aged 10 ( London ) .... 24
Of those elected , one has lost both father and mother , and four others then fathers . Five belong to the provinces and one to Loudon—of the unsuccessful candidates , five belong to the provinces , and three to London . Two of the unsuccessful candidates will not be eligible to be received unless elected in October next , viz ,, George Stark , who on-this occasion polled 207 : aud Edwin Vincent Webber , AVIIO polled 133 . Votes of thanks to the chairman and the scrutineers closed the proceedings .
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The Masonic Mirror.
Chichester ; and one from Whitehaven . Wo hear so little from our Cumberland brethren , that it gives us much pleasure to find a steward coming from the province in aid of this valuable charity . - THE BOYS SCHOOL .
The general quarterly court of the governors and subscribers to this institution was held at tho offices , on Monday , April ISth ; Bro . Geo . Barrett , V . P ., presiding . The minutes of the last meeting , and of the various meetings of the committee , having been confirmed , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell ivas re-elected as treasurer . The committee for the ensuing year was also elected ; the folloiviug brethren being substituted for those who have resigned or are disqualified : — Bro . William M . Best , for Bro . John Chm-loton .
., Henry Coiv'land , ,, „ AVilliam Freeman . „ Henry Grant Baker , „ „ J . G . Foudiinier . ,, Alfred Day , ., ., J . y . Hopwood . . , Robert Farren , „ . ' , A . Hentzinan . „ W . Gath , P . Prov . G . West Yorkshire , ., „ Peter Matthews . „ J . W . Monnery , „ „ Richard Spencer . John Marks Richard
., , ., ., Graves . ,, J . 1 S . Sheen , „ „ Captain Wri ght . Wo should here observe , that the majority of the brethren above mentioned as retiring , have disqualified themselves for election on the committee b y becominglife governors , and consequently members of it in virtue of their subscriptions . Bro . Symonds brought forward a proposition fur opening a separate account to form a building fund ; and setting aside one half of the surplus income over expenses , each year , fur the purposes of such fund .
Bro . Head seconded the motion ; but after a short discussion it ivas negatived , it being deemed undesirable to open separate accounts for objects all of ivhich appertain to the proper working ofthe institution . Bro . Symonds then moved the substitution of the word " House" for " General , " in Rule 67 ; thereby putting the appointmentfof the Schoolmaster and Matron iu the hands of the " House" instead of the " General" Committee . Bro . Waring seconded the motion , which was carried . The election of six boys into the school , out of a list of fourteen candidates waa then proceeded with . The result of tho polling ivas as folloivs :
ELECTED . Alfred L . Gilliam , aged 9 ( Calcutta ) .... 3 , 312 David Freeman , aged 9 ( Croydon ) . . . 3 292 Fred . AV . Atkinson , aged 9 ( Margate ) .... 2 77-1 Charles Day , aged 7 ( Dewsbury ) 1 ^ 290 Joseph Benjamin Phillips , aged S ( London ) . . I , ' l 90 William Hobbs Adams , aged 7 ( South Molton , Devon ) . 732 USSUCCESSl- 'Ul ,.
Edwin Kilpm , aged 8 ( Northampton ) ... 605 Alfred AVilliam Dutton , aged 9 ( London ) . . . 501 Alexander Johnson , aged 10 ( Neweastla ) . . . . JD 3 George Stark , aged 1 U ( Exmouth ) ... . 207 John McDowell , aged S ( Loudon ) . . . . 151 John M . Chativorthy , aged 8 ( Brixhani , Devon ) . . 144 Edwin V . AVebber , aged 11 ( Lincoln ) . . , 133 John AVilliam Davis , aged 10 ( London ) .... 24
Of those elected , one has lost both father and mother , and four others then fathers . Five belong to the provinces and one to Loudon—of the unsuccessful candidates , five belong to the provinces , and three to London . Two of the unsuccessful candidates will not be eligible to be received unless elected in October next , viz ,, George Stark , who on-this occasion polled 207 : aud Edwin Vincent Webber , AVIIO polled 133 . Votes of thanks to the chairman and the scrutineers closed the proceedings .