Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 14 →
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CHESHIRE . AproTironrsT . —Lodije . —Friday , April 29 th , . iferspy Instruction ( 701 ; , Angel Imi , Bhieiilteacl , at 0 . Encampment . -Wednesday , 2 ; tli , Boyal Edward , Astley Arms , Diikhifield . CORNAVALL . ArroiHimiXT . —r . oiige . — . Ifoudoy , April 25 th , Bcseaweu . ( 1000 ) , Masonic Boom , Chaceivater , at 7
, DEVONSHIRE , ArvoiTOiiMT . —Lodge . —Thursday , April 2 Stli , Friendship ( 23 S ) , lord Hood , Davenport , at ( i , DORSETSHIRE . AvpoAKTinra-t . —T , odge—Thursday , April 2 Sth , St . JIavy ' s ( 1000 ) , Bull Inn , Briilpm't , at 7 .
DURHAM . AvvoisiiraxTS . — kotfycs . — -Monday , April 25 th , Industry ( 56 ) , Grey Horse Inn , Gateshead , at 7 ; Thursday , 2 Sth , Palatine ( 114 ) , Bridge Hotel , Bishop VVearrnoiiih , at 7 ; 2 Jestoratioi . ( 128 \ , Town Hall , Dsvlington , at 7 . Chapter , —" De Burghi ((!!¦!) , Grey Horse , Gateshead , at 5 .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —iodje . —Wednesday , April 27 th , Foundation ( 97 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Clielten Imm , at 5 .
HAMPSHIRE . AviontximxTS . —Lodges . —Wednesday , April , 27 th , Economy ( 90 ) , Black Sivan , Winchester , at 7 ; Phoenix ( 319 ) . High Street , Portsmouth , at 7 ; Thiu-sdry , 28 th , lloyal Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 . SouTHAMi'iox-. —Mogul Gloucester Lodge ( No . 152 . )—This Lodge hold its usual fortnightly meeting at Freemason's Hall , Southampton , ou the llth , Bvo . F . Perkins , AA ' . M ., in the chair , supported by Bros . Passenger , S . AV . ; G . Perkins , J . AT . ; Philips , S . D . ; PearcoJ . D . ; CollisI . G . & c . The Lodge was opened in duo form at six
, , , , p . m ., being an hour before the time mentioned in the notices , in consequence of the pressure of business . Bro . H . Clarice , Sec , read the minutes of the previous meeting , Avhich were duly confirmed ; when the brethren proceeded to ballot for three candidates for initiation , who wore elected . The AV . M . raised Bro . Swayno , to the degree of M . M ., after u-h icli the Lodge ivas lowered , and Bro . Eiddleeombo was passed to the second degree ; afterward Jlr . AValter Lomer , Mr . J . Clioine Leete , and Mr . H ' crschel Emanuel , ivere respectively initiated into the Order ; the charge being
delivered most correctly and impressively by Bro . Abraham , P . M . Tho Secretary bavin" - brought some business before the Lodge of a purely local nature , Bro . G . AV . Clarke referred to the generally expressed feeling of regret in the province , hi connexion with the decease ofthe late Bro . Firmin , Prov . G . See ., and stated that a desire ivas entertained hy many brethren that a memorial should be raised to commemorate his many talents and virtues . It was well known that although the late brother was a most cautious manand frugal member of societyhe had reared a large family
, , ivith very limited means , and that family had been left to the care of a widow to whom some Masonic help would bo a most invaluable boon . He would therefore move , that the AV . M ., the Secretary , Bro . Stebbing , P . M ., Bro . Douglas , P . M ., and the AVardens , do form a committee to consider the bast means of raising a memorial to their lately deceased brother . Bro . Stebbing , P . M ., explained to the AV . M . that the widow ' s circumstances ivere such that it had occurred to him that it would be desirable to place her in some kind of business suitable to her
acquirements ; and if any brother here , or elseivhere , should be able to recommend anything that might be made available for the purpose , he would be happy to receive any communication upon the subject , either verbally or otherwise . Bro . Douglas seconded the motion ; and while he did so ivith a vast amount of pleasure , said , he would submit that the matter ivould he in the hands of those in whom lie had the greatest confidence , and he should be happy to further the views of the committee although ho thought the addition of his name was quite unnecessary . The AV . M . expressed his gratification at having such a motion brought forward ; he entirel y
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHESHIRE . AproTironrsT . —Lodije . —Friday , April 29 th , . iferspy Instruction ( 701 ; , Angel Imi , Bhieiilteacl , at 0 . Encampment . -Wednesday , 2 ; tli , Boyal Edward , Astley Arms , Diikhifield . CORNAVALL . ArroiHimiXT . —r . oiige . — . Ifoudoy , April 25 th , Bcseaweu . ( 1000 ) , Masonic Boom , Chaceivater , at 7
, DEVONSHIRE , ArvoiTOiiMT . —Lodge . —Thursday , April 2 Stli , Friendship ( 23 S ) , lord Hood , Davenport , at ( i , DORSETSHIRE . AvpoAKTinra-t . —T , odge—Thursday , April 2 Sth , St . JIavy ' s ( 1000 ) , Bull Inn , Briilpm't , at 7 .
DURHAM . AvvoisiiraxTS . — kotfycs . — -Monday , April 25 th , Industry ( 56 ) , Grey Horse Inn , Gateshead , at 7 ; Thursday , 2 Sth , Palatine ( 114 ) , Bridge Hotel , Bishop VVearrnoiiih , at 7 ; 2 Jestoratioi . ( 128 \ , Town Hall , Dsvlington , at 7 . Chapter , —" De Burghi ((!!¦!) , Grey Horse , Gateshead , at 5 .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —iodje . —Wednesday , April 27 th , Foundation ( 97 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Clielten Imm , at 5 .
HAMPSHIRE . AviontximxTS . —Lodges . —Wednesday , April , 27 th , Economy ( 90 ) , Black Sivan , Winchester , at 7 ; Phoenix ( 319 ) . High Street , Portsmouth , at 7 ; Thiu-sdry , 28 th , lloyal Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 . SouTHAMi'iox-. —Mogul Gloucester Lodge ( No . 152 . )—This Lodge hold its usual fortnightly meeting at Freemason's Hall , Southampton , ou the llth , Bvo . F . Perkins , AA ' . M ., in the chair , supported by Bros . Passenger , S . AV . ; G . Perkins , J . AT . ; Philips , S . D . ; PearcoJ . D . ; CollisI . G . & c . The Lodge was opened in duo form at six
, , , , p . m ., being an hour before the time mentioned in the notices , in consequence of the pressure of business . Bro . H . Clarice , Sec , read the minutes of the previous meeting , Avhich were duly confirmed ; when the brethren proceeded to ballot for three candidates for initiation , who wore elected . The AV . M . raised Bro . Swayno , to the degree of M . M ., after u-h icli the Lodge ivas lowered , and Bro . Eiddleeombo was passed to the second degree ; afterward Jlr . AValter Lomer , Mr . J . Clioine Leete , and Mr . H ' crschel Emanuel , ivere respectively initiated into the Order ; the charge being
delivered most correctly and impressively by Bro . Abraham , P . M . Tho Secretary bavin" - brought some business before the Lodge of a purely local nature , Bro . G . AV . Clarke referred to the generally expressed feeling of regret in the province , hi connexion with the decease ofthe late Bro . Firmin , Prov . G . See ., and stated that a desire ivas entertained hy many brethren that a memorial should be raised to commemorate his many talents and virtues . It was well known that although the late brother was a most cautious manand frugal member of societyhe had reared a large family
, , ivith very limited means , and that family had been left to the care of a widow to whom some Masonic help would bo a most invaluable boon . He would therefore move , that the AV . M ., the Secretary , Bro . Stebbing , P . M ., Bro . Douglas , P . M ., and the AVardens , do form a committee to consider the bast means of raising a memorial to their lately deceased brother . Bro . Stebbing , P . M ., explained to the AV . M . that the widow ' s circumstances ivere such that it had occurred to him that it would be desirable to place her in some kind of business suitable to her
acquirements ; and if any brother here , or elseivhere , should be able to recommend anything that might be made available for the purpose , he would be happy to receive any communication upon the subject , either verbally or otherwise . Bro . Douglas seconded the motion ; and while he did so ivith a vast amount of pleasure , said , he would submit that the matter ivould he in the hands of those in whom lie had the greatest confidence , and he should be happy to further the views of the committee although ho thought the addition of his name was quite unnecessary . The AV . M . expressed his gratification at having such a motion brought forward ; he entirel y