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LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . AwonnmxTi . —Lodges . —Tuesday , April 26 th , Merchant's Instruction ( 29 'J ) , Masonic Temple , liverpool , at 5 ; AVednesday , 27 tli , St . George ' s ( 35 ) , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 4 ; Derby ( 10-26 ) , Derby Aims , Bootte , at 6 ; Thursday , 28 th , Downshire ( 864 ) , Crown Hotel , liverpool , at 6 . Mark—Thursday , 28 tb , Keystone , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 5 . Chapters . —& oaday , SBih , Liverpo 1 ( SOS ) , Masonic Temple , liverpool , at 8 ; Tuesday , 26 sh , Sscred ilelta ( 263 ) , Masonic Temple , Livarpaul , ac 8 ,
NORFOLK . Anoimsmwr . —Lodge . —Thursday , April 28 th , Perseverance ( 258 ) , Iamb Inn , Norwich , at S . NORTHUMBERLAND . ApponrajtENTS . — £ odje . ~ Tuesday , April 26 th , Neweaate Instruction ( 24 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Neiratstte , at 7 , Chapter . —Ogle ( 624 ) , Commercial Hotel , North Shields , at 6 . SHROPSHIRE . APPOINTJIKST . —Lodge . —AVedaesday , April 27 th , Salopian of Charity ( 135 ) , Lion Hotel , Shrewsbury , at 7 ,
SOMERSETSHIRE . AipooraiTEKT . —C / iopfer . —Monday , April 25 th , Tynte ( 523 ) , Milsom Street , Bath , at 8 . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 48 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge on the 7 th instant , tivo brethren were passed to the second degree , and after the transaction of other Lodge business , the AV . M ., Bro . T . P . Ashley , Prov . J . G . AV . Somerset , read the circular from the Board of General Purposes relating to Freemasons' Hall in Great Queen-street , and the following answers were moved and passed without
a single dissentient . First . —We do not consider a library and reading and refreshment rooms necessary , and to the " Craft generally" they would be little , if any use . Second . —This Ljdge entertains no desire that the Masonic Hall should be devoted solely and exclusively to Masonic purposes , by which a considerable Joss of income ivould be sustained . Third . —It is the opinion of this Lodge that all proper and necessary accommodation should be provided for the M . W . Grand Master and Officers of Grand Lodge , and for the transaction of business connected therewith , and that no objection ivould be made to any reasonable expenditure / or
that purpose ; but any change that involves a sacrifice of inconie or an expenditure of funds to the extent contemplated by the Board for the purpose of providing accommodation which must necessaril y be confined to a comparatively small number of the Craft , while the funds of the several charities render it necessary to refuse relief to many deserving brethren , and mtiny widows and orphans would receive an unanimous condemnation . Fourth . —No support would be given by this Lodge , nor by its members . AVe do not advocate ' -considerable ou & b y" in this manner , but if it cau be shoAvn that an expenditure to extend the tavern
Avould be productive of an adequate return , Ave should not object to it . There ivas but one feeling throughout the Lodge in framing these answers , several brethren speaking very condemnatory of the plan proposed , aud the AV . M . ivas requested while forwarding these replies , to express also , in as forcible a manner as possible the objection the Avhole Lodge felt to such appropriation of the surplus funds of the Order , lvhen so much assistance is required in aiding our languishing charities .
SUFFOLK . AproiHTJiEKI . —Encampment—Wednesday , April 27 th , Prudence , Whito Horse , Ipswich . WARWICKSHIRE . AmoimuwT . —Ledge . —Monday , April 25 th , St , PJUI ' S ( 51 ) , Union Hotel , Birmingham , at i , tAYINCi THE EQrjNDAMON OP THE LEAMIHfflOH NATIONAL SCHOOLS , On Tuesday the 12 th instant , the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of tbe neiv National Schools at Leamington , was performed by the Right Hon Loi-cl 3 c
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LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . AwonnmxTi . —Lodges . —Tuesday , April 26 th , Merchant's Instruction ( 29 'J ) , Masonic Temple , liverpool , at 5 ; AVednesday , 27 tli , St . George ' s ( 35 ) , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 4 ; Derby ( 10-26 ) , Derby Aims , Bootte , at 6 ; Thursday , 28 th , Downshire ( 864 ) , Crown Hotel , liverpool , at 6 . Mark—Thursday , 28 tb , Keystone , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 5 . Chapters . —& oaday , SBih , Liverpo 1 ( SOS ) , Masonic Temple , liverpool , at 8 ; Tuesday , 26 sh , Sscred ilelta ( 263 ) , Masonic Temple , Livarpaul , ac 8 ,
NORFOLK . Anoimsmwr . —Lodge . —Thursday , April 28 th , Perseverance ( 258 ) , Iamb Inn , Norwich , at S . NORTHUMBERLAND . ApponrajtENTS . — £ odje . ~ Tuesday , April 26 th , Neweaate Instruction ( 24 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Neiratstte , at 7 , Chapter . —Ogle ( 624 ) , Commercial Hotel , North Shields , at 6 . SHROPSHIRE . APPOINTJIKST . —Lodge . —AVedaesday , April 27 th , Salopian of Charity ( 135 ) , Lion Hotel , Shrewsbury , at 7 ,
SOMERSETSHIRE . AipooraiTEKT . —C / iopfer . —Monday , April 25 th , Tynte ( 523 ) , Milsom Street , Bath , at 8 . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 48 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge on the 7 th instant , tivo brethren were passed to the second degree , and after the transaction of other Lodge business , the AV . M ., Bro . T . P . Ashley , Prov . J . G . AV . Somerset , read the circular from the Board of General Purposes relating to Freemasons' Hall in Great Queen-street , and the following answers were moved and passed without
a single dissentient . First . —We do not consider a library and reading and refreshment rooms necessary , and to the " Craft generally" they would be little , if any use . Second . —This Ljdge entertains no desire that the Masonic Hall should be devoted solely and exclusively to Masonic purposes , by which a considerable Joss of income ivould be sustained . Third . —It is the opinion of this Lodge that all proper and necessary accommodation should be provided for the M . W . Grand Master and Officers of Grand Lodge , and for the transaction of business connected therewith , and that no objection ivould be made to any reasonable expenditure / or
that purpose ; but any change that involves a sacrifice of inconie or an expenditure of funds to the extent contemplated by the Board for the purpose of providing accommodation which must necessaril y be confined to a comparatively small number of the Craft , while the funds of the several charities render it necessary to refuse relief to many deserving brethren , and mtiny widows and orphans would receive an unanimous condemnation . Fourth . —No support would be given by this Lodge , nor by its members . AVe do not advocate ' -considerable ou & b y" in this manner , but if it cau be shoAvn that an expenditure to extend the tavern
Avould be productive of an adequate return , Ave should not object to it . There ivas but one feeling throughout the Lodge in framing these answers , several brethren speaking very condemnatory of the plan proposed , aud the AV . M . ivas requested while forwarding these replies , to express also , in as forcible a manner as possible the objection the Avhole Lodge felt to such appropriation of the surplus funds of the Order , lvhen so much assistance is required in aiding our languishing charities .
SUFFOLK . AproiHTJiEKI . —Encampment—Wednesday , April 27 th , Prudence , Whito Horse , Ipswich . WARWICKSHIRE . AmoimuwT . —Ledge . —Monday , April 25 th , St , PJUI ' S ( 51 ) , Union Hotel , Birmingham , at i , tAYINCi THE EQrjNDAMON OP THE LEAMIHfflOH NATIONAL SCHOOLS , On Tuesday the 12 th instant , the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of tbe neiv National Schools at Leamington , was performed by the Right Hon Loi-cl 3 c