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SteAvard , Prov . G . S . B . ; Jos . Wood . No . 763 , P . Prov . G . Organist , Prov . G . Organist ; Thos . AVood , P . M ., No . 422 , P , Prov . G . Steward , Prov . G . Pursuivant . After the business was concluded , the brethren sat doivn to a banquet provided by Bro . Wiguey , at the George Hotel , the Rig ht Honourable the Earl of Mexborough in the chair . After dinner , the usual loyal toasts were proposed , followed by others of a Masonic character ; and , the proceedings passed off in a very pleasant and agreeable manner .
Mark Masonry.
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL . —Thursday , April the Llth , ivas appointed for constituting and formally inaugurating the Eclectic Lodge of Murk Masters , No . 39 , ( under the registry of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and AVales , ) in the Masonic Hall , Hartlepool . The leading Mark Masters of Newcastle and Stockton n-ere assembled to assist fche Grand Director o £ the Ceremonies , Bro . John Barker , who was ordered to constitute and formally open this Lodge . At high tiA-elve the
brethren assembled in tho above hall , AA'hich is a beautiful and commodious Lodge room , properly decorated , and large enough for the purposes of Masonry in Hartlepool . The brethren wero marshalled by Bro . Andreiv Gillespie , who acted as Senior Grand Deacon aud Grand Director of the Ceremonies , and , on reaching the East , the worthy Brother ivho presided over the ceremonies of the day proceeded to open Grand Lodge , assisted by the following brethren , AA'ho ably assisted him as acting Grand Officers—Bros . H . A . Hammerhom , as D . G . M . ; Henry
Hotham , as G . S . AA' . ; J . J . AVilson , as G . J . AV . ; T . P . Tate , as Grand Sec . ; Andrew Gillespie , as G . S . D . aud Grand Director of Ceremonies ; G . Tivigg , as G . M . M . Overs . ; John Stokoe , as G . J . D . aud S . G . Overs . ; Edward Hudson , as J . G . Overs . On the Grand Lodge being opened , the R . AA ' . Bro . Barker announced the . business of the day , viz ., the formal constitution of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 39 , and requested the Chaplain to give them the benefit of prayer . This having been done , the ivarrant AA'as read , after ivhich the consecration ceremony , including appropriate passages from the books of Ezekiel , Chronicles , Kings , and Isaiah , ivas performed in solemn form ; and the acting Grand Master declared the Eclectic Lodge , No .
39 , duly constituted , and ordered the same to be proclaimed , ivhich Avas dune in ancient form . He then proceeded to instal Bro . H . A . Hammerhom , the neivly appointed R . AA ' . Master , ivho , after being duly proclaimed , proceeded to advance five brethren to this degree , and the manner in ivhich the ceremony was performed did him great credit ; and , Ave must add , he ivas ably assisted by his tAA'O AVardens and other brethren , Avho acted as his ofiicers , among Avhom all praise is due to Bro . Andrew Gillespie , ivho acted as Senior Deacon . After the advancement of the brethrenthe R . AV . M . Bro . Hammerhomproceeded to invest the following
, , , brethren as officers for the ensuing year—Bros . T . P . Tate , S . W . and Treasurer ( elected to the latter office ); Edward Hudson , 3 . W . ; Rev . James Milner , Chaplain ; Simpson Armstrong , Secretary and Registrar of Marks ; George Moore , S . D . ; A . G . Dalziel , I . G . ; James Moivbray , Tyler . The Grand Lodge ivas closed by the acting Grand Master , and the Eclectic Lodge by the R . W . M . Bro . Hamnierbom . The brethren then adjourned to the Queen's Hotel , and partook of dinner . The loyal toasts having been given , the health of the Grand Master , Lord Leigh ,
and of the Deputy Grand Master , Lord Carnarvon , were proposed and dul y acknoAvledged . The R . AV . M ., Bro . rlammerbom , then proposed the health of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , coupling it ivith that of the R . AV . Bro . Barker , on his right , to whom the thanks of the Hartlepool brethren Avere due for his kindness in coming over to assist in constituting then-Lodge , and ivho had so ably performed the work of the day . R . AV . Bro . Barker responded , thanking the brethren , but added that , for him it was a labour of love , and he would always gladly give his humble assistance , and trusted soon again to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SteAvard , Prov . G . S . B . ; Jos . Wood . No . 763 , P . Prov . G . Organist , Prov . G . Organist ; Thos . AVood , P . M ., No . 422 , P , Prov . G . Steward , Prov . G . Pursuivant . After the business was concluded , the brethren sat doivn to a banquet provided by Bro . Wiguey , at the George Hotel , the Rig ht Honourable the Earl of Mexborough in the chair . After dinner , the usual loyal toasts were proposed , followed by others of a Masonic character ; and , the proceedings passed off in a very pleasant and agreeable manner .
Mark Masonry.
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL . —Thursday , April the Llth , ivas appointed for constituting and formally inaugurating the Eclectic Lodge of Murk Masters , No . 39 , ( under the registry of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and AVales , ) in the Masonic Hall , Hartlepool . The leading Mark Masters of Newcastle and Stockton n-ere assembled to assist fche Grand Director o £ the Ceremonies , Bro . John Barker , who was ordered to constitute and formally open this Lodge . At high tiA-elve the
brethren assembled in tho above hall , AA'hich is a beautiful and commodious Lodge room , properly decorated , and large enough for the purposes of Masonry in Hartlepool . The brethren wero marshalled by Bro . Andreiv Gillespie , who acted as Senior Grand Deacon aud Grand Director of the Ceremonies , and , on reaching the East , the worthy Brother ivho presided over the ceremonies of the day proceeded to open Grand Lodge , assisted by the following brethren , AA'ho ably assisted him as acting Grand Officers—Bros . H . A . Hammerhom , as D . G . M . ; Henry
Hotham , as G . S . AA' . ; J . J . AVilson , as G . J . AV . ; T . P . Tate , as Grand Sec . ; Andrew Gillespie , as G . S . D . aud Grand Director of Ceremonies ; G . Tivigg , as G . M . M . Overs . ; John Stokoe , as G . J . D . aud S . G . Overs . ; Edward Hudson , as J . G . Overs . On the Grand Lodge being opened , the R . AA ' . Bro . Barker announced the . business of the day , viz ., the formal constitution of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 39 , and requested the Chaplain to give them the benefit of prayer . This having been done , the ivarrant AA'as read , after ivhich the consecration ceremony , including appropriate passages from the books of Ezekiel , Chronicles , Kings , and Isaiah , ivas performed in solemn form ; and the acting Grand Master declared the Eclectic Lodge , No .
39 , duly constituted , and ordered the same to be proclaimed , ivhich Avas dune in ancient form . He then proceeded to instal Bro . H . A . Hammerhom , the neivly appointed R . AA ' . Master , ivho , after being duly proclaimed , proceeded to advance five brethren to this degree , and the manner in ivhich the ceremony was performed did him great credit ; and , Ave must add , he ivas ably assisted by his tAA'O AVardens and other brethren , Avho acted as his ofiicers , among Avhom all praise is due to Bro . Andrew Gillespie , ivho acted as Senior Deacon . After the advancement of the brethrenthe R . AV . M . Bro . Hammerhomproceeded to invest the following
, , , brethren as officers for the ensuing year—Bros . T . P . Tate , S . W . and Treasurer ( elected to the latter office ); Edward Hudson , 3 . W . ; Rev . James Milner , Chaplain ; Simpson Armstrong , Secretary and Registrar of Marks ; George Moore , S . D . ; A . G . Dalziel , I . G . ; James Moivbray , Tyler . The Grand Lodge ivas closed by the acting Grand Master , and the Eclectic Lodge by the R . W . M . Bro . Hamnierbom . The brethren then adjourned to the Queen's Hotel , and partook of dinner . The loyal toasts having been given , the health of the Grand Master , Lord Leigh ,
and of the Deputy Grand Master , Lord Carnarvon , were proposed and dul y acknoAvledged . The R . AV . M ., Bro . rlammerbom , then proposed the health of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , coupling it ivith that of the R . AV . Bro . Barker , on his right , to whom the thanks of the Hartlepool brethren Avere due for his kindness in coming over to assist in constituting then-Lodge , and ivho had so ably performed the work of the day . R . AV . Bro . Barker responded , thanking the brethren , but added that , for him it was a labour of love , and he would always gladly give his humble assistance , and trusted soon again to