Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 5 →
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Mark Masonry.
be called upon to do so , both in his neighbourhood aud theirs , as he saw looming in the future two other Mark Masters' Lodges , which at no distant period would increase the roll . But he could not have done less than come here to-day , as the R . W . M . presiding , and the S . AV ., Bro . Tate , were not long ago advanced by him in his OAvn Lodge ; of course they could claim by right his help , and the way he ivas received amply repaid him . Before sitting doivn he Avould give them a toast , which he kueiv full well would be received Avith enthusiasmand that ivasthe health of
, , their presiding officer , Bro . Hammerbom ; no one ivho had been long a Mark Master , but must have been highly gratified with the very able manner in Avhich the degree was conferred to the newly advanced brethren ; he , Bro . Barker , need add no more , as the Avorth of Bro . Hammerbom was Avell knoAvn to them all . The toast was duly acknoAvledged briefly by the R . AV . M ., and with a few more toasts , viz ., those of the officers and newly advanced brethren , & c , the brethren separated early to return to their respective homes .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN CHAPTERS . JERUSALEM CHATTER ( NO . 218 . )—The regular convocation of this Chapter was held at Dick ' s Coffee-house , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , April 12 th . The minutes being read and confirmed , Comp . Breitling ivas installed as Z . ; Comp . Burton as H . ; and Comp . Shepherd as J . ; the several ceremonies of installation being performed by Comp . Sheen , P . Z . There being no exaltations , the other business ivas merely of
a formal nature , comprising an alteration of the annual subscription , reception of the report ofthe audit committee , notice of revisal of by-laws , & c . The Chapter being closed , the Companions retired to banquet , and a pleasant evening ivas passed . The visitors present were Comp . George Biggs , P . G . S . B . ; Comp . John Barnes , P . Z ., No . 30 ( formerly a Companion of this Chapter ); and Comp . Conery , St , Andrew ' s Chapter , Boston , Massachusetts . INSTRUCTION .
ROBERT BUMS CHASTER , OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 25 . )—This old established Chapter of Instruction , which meets at Comp . Sheen ' s , Sussex Street , Upper St . Martiu ' s-lane , every AA'ednesday evening , had an extra meeting on Monday , April llth , to afford the members an opportunity of hearing Comp . Dr . Ladd ' s explanation of the five solids , and of the banners and ensigns . The ceremony AA'as first gone through in the most perfect manner ; Comp . Ladd then proceeded to explain the five solidsand with the aid of several diagramssucceeded most admirablin his
, , y explanation . The lecture concluded with a description of the banners and ensigns , and classification of the tribes , shewing that the worthy Companion must have exercised great research in his inquiry , and reflecting great credit on the ability he brings to bear on the subject . AVe regret to hear that he is about leaving this country , and trust thafc health and prosperity may attend his future prospects .
The Week.
HER MAJESTY and family left Buckingham Palace on Monday , to pass the Easter holidays at AVindsor , Avhere the confirmation of tho Princess Alice is to take place this week . The Duke of Oporto arrived at Buckingham Palace on Friday on a visit to the Queen ; the Duke took his leave on Monday . On AVednesday , the Queen had a grand dinner party at Buckingham Palace ; and on Thursday the first
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
be called upon to do so , both in his neighbourhood aud theirs , as he saw looming in the future two other Mark Masters' Lodges , which at no distant period would increase the roll . But he could not have done less than come here to-day , as the R . W . M . presiding , and the S . AV ., Bro . Tate , were not long ago advanced by him in his OAvn Lodge ; of course they could claim by right his help , and the way he ivas received amply repaid him . Before sitting doivn he Avould give them a toast , which he kueiv full well would be received Avith enthusiasmand that ivasthe health of
, , their presiding officer , Bro . Hammerbom ; no one ivho had been long a Mark Master , but must have been highly gratified with the very able manner in Avhich the degree was conferred to the newly advanced brethren ; he , Bro . Barker , need add no more , as the Avorth of Bro . Hammerbom was Avell knoAvn to them all . The toast was duly acknoAvledged briefly by the R . AV . M ., and with a few more toasts , viz ., those of the officers and newly advanced brethren , & c , the brethren separated early to return to their respective homes .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN CHAPTERS . JERUSALEM CHATTER ( NO . 218 . )—The regular convocation of this Chapter was held at Dick ' s Coffee-house , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , April 12 th . The minutes being read and confirmed , Comp . Breitling ivas installed as Z . ; Comp . Burton as H . ; and Comp . Shepherd as J . ; the several ceremonies of installation being performed by Comp . Sheen , P . Z . There being no exaltations , the other business ivas merely of
a formal nature , comprising an alteration of the annual subscription , reception of the report ofthe audit committee , notice of revisal of by-laws , & c . The Chapter being closed , the Companions retired to banquet , and a pleasant evening ivas passed . The visitors present were Comp . George Biggs , P . G . S . B . ; Comp . John Barnes , P . Z ., No . 30 ( formerly a Companion of this Chapter ); and Comp . Conery , St , Andrew ' s Chapter , Boston , Massachusetts . INSTRUCTION .
ROBERT BUMS CHASTER , OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 25 . )—This old established Chapter of Instruction , which meets at Comp . Sheen ' s , Sussex Street , Upper St . Martiu ' s-lane , every AA'ednesday evening , had an extra meeting on Monday , April llth , to afford the members an opportunity of hearing Comp . Dr . Ladd ' s explanation of the five solids , and of the banners and ensigns . The ceremony AA'as first gone through in the most perfect manner ; Comp . Ladd then proceeded to explain the five solidsand with the aid of several diagramssucceeded most admirablin his
, , y explanation . The lecture concluded with a description of the banners and ensigns , and classification of the tribes , shewing that the worthy Companion must have exercised great research in his inquiry , and reflecting great credit on the ability he brings to bear on the subject . AVe regret to hear that he is about leaving this country , and trust thafc health and prosperity may attend his future prospects .
The Week.
HER MAJESTY and family left Buckingham Palace on Monday , to pass the Easter holidays at AVindsor , Avhere the confirmation of tho Princess Alice is to take place this week . The Duke of Oporto arrived at Buckingham Palace on Friday on a visit to the Queen ; the Duke took his leave on Monday . On AVednesday , the Queen had a grand dinner party at Buckingham Palace ; and on Thursday the first