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The Week.
of the affairs of Italy . The mission of Lord Cowley was entirely successful , but the court of St . Petersburgh proposed a congress—a proposition accepted by France . The congress Avas to consist of the five great poivers of Europe . . Her Majesty * s ministers thought fit to accept the congress on four conditions—the evacuation and reform of the Roman states ; the best means of maintaining peace between Austria and Sardinia ; and the providing new treaties between Austria and the States of Italy . Austria proposed to add that of the disarmament of Sardiniaand
, on finding that Sardinia objected the condition was waived , and a general disarmament substituted in its room . This proposition was accepted by France . The question ivas whether it should take place after or before the congress . Austria thought it should take place before , Avhile France thought it should be the first question discussed . The congress was to be that of the five great powers of Europe , and it was difficult , therefore , to see how Sardinia could appear there . Her Majesty ' s government had , however , urged on the other powers that if
Sardinia could be allowed to attend the congress it would be most desirable . The government had a feeling that there woidd be peace . A war in Italy could not be considered as a Avar in a corner . It ivould probably become European , and England could not regard such a possibility otherivise than ivith great anxiety . They more than hoped that , with firmness and conciliation , the peace of the world ivould be maintained . Lord Palmerston , Mr . Gladstone , Lord John Russell , and other hon . members addressed the house , generally approving of the course pursued by the government .
Advertisers and other friends are requested to notice that accounts are in future to be paid , on printed receipts only , to Mr . JOES COGUIN , of No . 8 , Denmark Street , Camberwell ; or at the Office , 2 , Red Lion Court , Fleet Street , E . C . Post Office Orders should be made payable to HENRY G . AVARREN . Advertisers will oblige by forwarding their favours at the latest by . 12 o ' clock on Monday morning .
We shall be happy to receive essays or lectures on Masonic subjects returning them ( should they not be accepted ) if desired . Emblematic covers for the last volume ofthe Magazine for 1858 are UCAV ready , price Is . ; or the volumes ( containing twenty-six numbers ) may be had bound , price 14 . 9 . 6 d ., or ivith gilt edges 15 s . 6 d . Brethren can have their volumes bound at the office if they desire it , for Is . 6 d ., or ivith gilt edges 2 s , Sd .
To Correspondents.
^ " J . W ., P . M . 429 , " is thanked , but he is a clay behind the fair . We cannot re < vive a discussion upon correspondence ivhich appeared four months since . " R . R . " The Grand Master can nominate , as AV : M . of a nevV lodge , a brother who has never held any office in the Craft—though , as a rule , Ave think it undesirable that he' should do so . " J . AV . " You will never properly learn your duties by private instruction— - there arc certain little details , most essential in giving due effect to the ceremonies , which can only be attained through a Lodge of Instruction ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
of the affairs of Italy . The mission of Lord Cowley was entirely successful , but the court of St . Petersburgh proposed a congress—a proposition accepted by France . The congress Avas to consist of the five great poivers of Europe . . Her Majesty * s ministers thought fit to accept the congress on four conditions—the evacuation and reform of the Roman states ; the best means of maintaining peace between Austria and Sardinia ; and the providing new treaties between Austria and the States of Italy . Austria proposed to add that of the disarmament of Sardiniaand
, on finding that Sardinia objected the condition was waived , and a general disarmament substituted in its room . This proposition was accepted by France . The question ivas whether it should take place after or before the congress . Austria thought it should take place before , Avhile France thought it should be the first question discussed . The congress was to be that of the five great powers of Europe , and it was difficult , therefore , to see how Sardinia could appear there . Her Majesty ' s government had , however , urged on the other powers that if
Sardinia could be allowed to attend the congress it would be most desirable . The government had a feeling that there woidd be peace . A war in Italy could not be considered as a Avar in a corner . It ivould probably become European , and England could not regard such a possibility otherivise than ivith great anxiety . They more than hoped that , with firmness and conciliation , the peace of the world ivould be maintained . Lord Palmerston , Mr . Gladstone , Lord John Russell , and other hon . members addressed the house , generally approving of the course pursued by the government .
Advertisers and other friends are requested to notice that accounts are in future to be paid , on printed receipts only , to Mr . JOES COGUIN , of No . 8 , Denmark Street , Camberwell ; or at the Office , 2 , Red Lion Court , Fleet Street , E . C . Post Office Orders should be made payable to HENRY G . AVARREN . Advertisers will oblige by forwarding their favours at the latest by . 12 o ' clock on Monday morning .
We shall be happy to receive essays or lectures on Masonic subjects returning them ( should they not be accepted ) if desired . Emblematic covers for the last volume ofthe Magazine for 1858 are UCAV ready , price Is . ; or the volumes ( containing twenty-six numbers ) may be had bound , price 14 . 9 . 6 d ., or ivith gilt edges 15 s . 6 d . Brethren can have their volumes bound at the office if they desire it , for Is . 6 d ., or ivith gilt edges 2 s , Sd .
To Correspondents.
^ " J . W ., P . M . 429 , " is thanked , but he is a clay behind the fair . We cannot re < vive a discussion upon correspondence ivhich appeared four months since . " R . R . " The Grand Master can nominate , as AV : M . of a nevV lodge , a brother who has never held any office in the Craft—though , as a rule , Ave think it undesirable that he' should do so . " J . AV . " You will never properly learn your duties by private instruction— - there arc certain little details , most essential in giving due effect to the ceremonies , which can only be attained through a Lodge of Instruction ,