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Secret Societies Of The Middle Ages.—Iii.
most poAverful members , Avhich they tised for their OAvn purposes in the most unscrupulous manner . The scene of the present illustration lies in the same locality , and even the same house , Avhich Avas the scene of the summons of a traveller , in our last paper ; viz ., the Black SAvan Inn , at Kernberg . A traveller has arrived ( as before ) , Avho is an old personal friend of
the landlord , and knoAvn to him from early childhood , Avhen the landlord , Herman , is summoned by oue of the chiefs of the Vehrn , Avhom Ave will call by his OAVU name of Father Anselm , who happens to be iu the house , and has recognized the traveller on his arrival . " Sit doAvn , Herman , " said Father Anselm , " you even UOAV received a neAV guest . I recognized him from the AvindoAv . "
"Does your reverence knoAv him ? " exclaimed the landlord Avith some manifestation of alarm ; for he was by no means at a loss to perceive that there Avas nothing cordial in Anselm ' s manner , Aidien speaking ofthe neAV arrival . "Yes , I knoAv him well . He is a malefactor , and his name is on the black page of the registry of the Yehni . TAVO months agoat
, Vienna , he received a summons b y means of the cord and the dagger , " continued Anselm , in a IOAV but stern tone ; " and he did not obey it . He has been judged and condemned by default . Chance has sent him this evening to the place Avhere he must meet his fate . You will place him in the Avainscot chamber to night . " The countenance of the landlord fell . He dared not remonstrate
against the command of a free count of the secret tribunal—his oath of membership bound him to sacrifice all considerations of kindred , relationship , friendship , amity , interest , and love , to the sendee of the holy Vehm ; and he Avas also Avell aAvare that any attempt on his part to save the young man , Avhom he really liked , AVOUM be visited on his OAvn head by the signal vengeance of tbe bloody league .
He therefore assumed an air of composure as quickly as he could , and boAved his acquiescence to the commands of his chief . " You may retire , " said Father Anselm , " and see that you are cautious in your discourse with this man . Let not a Avord fall from you that may induce him to suspect my presence in the house . " Herman boAved once more and left the room Avith a heavy heart . The
unhappy man hastened to his OAVU chamber , and , thrOAving himself upon the bed , reflected on the order which he had just received . " I haveknoAvn the youth from childhood , " he thought within himself , " and it is cruel that he should find his death beneath my roof . I cannot do it—and yet I dare not save him ; my oivn life Avould be the sacrifice ! What can I do ? If I Avarn him of his peril , and put
him on his guard , I shall be suspected all the same . Woe to the day Avhen I first joined the bloody league ! It respects no christian dutieshas no sympathy Avith any ties of the heart , hoAvever sacred 1 Alas 1 Avhat can I do ? To save him Avould be ruin to myself ! He must die , then ; he must die ! and it is my hand that will guide Mm to destruction ! "
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Secret Societies Of The Middle Ages.—Iii.
most poAverful members , Avhich they tised for their OAvn purposes in the most unscrupulous manner . The scene of the present illustration lies in the same locality , and even the same house , Avhich Avas the scene of the summons of a traveller , in our last paper ; viz ., the Black SAvan Inn , at Kernberg . A traveller has arrived ( as before ) , Avho is an old personal friend of
the landlord , and knoAvn to him from early childhood , Avhen the landlord , Herman , is summoned by oue of the chiefs of the Vehrn , Avhom Ave will call by his OAVU name of Father Anselm , who happens to be iu the house , and has recognized the traveller on his arrival . " Sit doAvn , Herman , " said Father Anselm , " you even UOAV received a neAV guest . I recognized him from the AvindoAv . "
"Does your reverence knoAv him ? " exclaimed the landlord Avith some manifestation of alarm ; for he was by no means at a loss to perceive that there Avas nothing cordial in Anselm ' s manner , Aidien speaking ofthe neAV arrival . "Yes , I knoAv him well . He is a malefactor , and his name is on the black page of the registry of the Yehni . TAVO months agoat
, Vienna , he received a summons b y means of the cord and the dagger , " continued Anselm , in a IOAV but stern tone ; " and he did not obey it . He has been judged and condemned by default . Chance has sent him this evening to the place Avhere he must meet his fate . You will place him in the Avainscot chamber to night . " The countenance of the landlord fell . He dared not remonstrate
against the command of a free count of the secret tribunal—his oath of membership bound him to sacrifice all considerations of kindred , relationship , friendship , amity , interest , and love , to the sendee of the holy Vehm ; and he Avas also Avell aAvare that any attempt on his part to save the young man , Avhom he really liked , AVOUM be visited on his OAvn head by the signal vengeance of tbe bloody league .
He therefore assumed an air of composure as quickly as he could , and boAved his acquiescence to the commands of his chief . " You may retire , " said Father Anselm , " and see that you are cautious in your discourse with this man . Let not a Avord fall from you that may induce him to suspect my presence in the house . " Herman boAved once more and left the room Avith a heavy heart . The
unhappy man hastened to his OAVU chamber , and , thrOAving himself upon the bed , reflected on the order which he had just received . " I haveknoAvn the youth from childhood , " he thought within himself , " and it is cruel that he should find his death beneath my roof . I cannot do it—and yet I dare not save him ; my oivn life Avould be the sacrifice ! What can I do ? If I Avarn him of his peril , and put
him on his guard , I shall be suspected all the same . Woe to the day Avhen I first joined the bloody league ! It respects no christian dutieshas no sympathy Avith any ties of the heart , hoAvever sacred 1 Alas 1 Avhat can I do ? To save him Avould be ruin to myself ! He must die , then ; he must die ! and it is my hand that will guide Mm to destruction ! "