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Secret Societies Of The Middle Ages.—Iii.
knew that it would be easy to satisfy his niece in the morning relative to the disappearance of the traveller , by the simple excuse that he had taken his departure at a very early hour . The contrivance of the fatal couch , adds the author , was by no means singular to the Black Sivan . Germany at that time ( the date of the narrative is betiveen 1493 and 1517 ) abounded with taverns Avhose
landlords Avere devoted fco the interests of the blood y league , in Avhich particular chambers Avere provided with secret avenues of communication , and Avith beds so fashioned as to afford a facility for effacing all signs of the dark vengeance of that tremendous tribunal . But it Avas not intended by the members of the hol y Vebm that their victim should escape them , though they had accidentall y
despatched another person instead of him ; and a servant of the Vehm Avas accordingly sent forward to intercept him on the road , Avhich he had in the course of conversation at the inn declared his intention of taking . An accident , hoAveA'er , deprived the servitor ofthe Vehm of life , in the very act of attempting the life of the traveller ; and a few words uttered in penitence before he dieda warning against Anselm
, , and tbe significant dagger with a cord tAvisted round the handle , still borne in the hand of the dying man , shoived the young man Avhence this attempt on his life originated—that the vengeance of the Vehmique tribunal Avas not yet satisfied , and Avould be satisfied with nothing short of his life .
Another incident in this narrative m connection Avith the subject of the Vehm , was the assassination of an imperial courier in 1595 , Avho had left Vienna one evening , charged Avith despatches for the governor of Laybach . The unfortunate man had been discovered in a Avood , about five miles from the capital , stabbed to the heart with a dagger , the handle of which AA'as surrounded with a cord . To that cord Avas
fastened a slip of paper , Avhereoa the folkwing words were written , and to Avhich the usual symbolical signature of three daggers was appended : —
" Let all AA'ho meditate mischief against the members of the holy Vehm , take warning from the fate of this man ! The hol y Vehm strikes alike those that plot evil designs against its authority , and those that bear the commands of such as so conspire . " j-j-j-, " The courier ' s money and Aveapons Avere all safe about his person ; but his despatches had disappeared . That these despatches contained matter in some measure hostile to
the Vehm , is evident from the above passage itself , as it is certain that those AA'ho Avould so readily commit a murder , would not hesitate to open imperial despatches b y force , as theyAvould attempt any other violent [ action , if through their extensive ramifications they were not by some means able beforehand to obtain a knowled ge of their contents ; but it seems to be confirmed by the strange fact , that on
the morning after the courier had left Vienna , Avhen the emperor aAvoke , his eyes fell on a dagger sticking in a table near his couch . The Aveapon had the symbolic cord tAvined round the handle ; and a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Secret Societies Of The Middle Ages.—Iii.
knew that it would be easy to satisfy his niece in the morning relative to the disappearance of the traveller , by the simple excuse that he had taken his departure at a very early hour . The contrivance of the fatal couch , adds the author , was by no means singular to the Black Sivan . Germany at that time ( the date of the narrative is betiveen 1493 and 1517 ) abounded with taverns Avhose
landlords Avere devoted fco the interests of the blood y league , in Avhich particular chambers Avere provided with secret avenues of communication , and Avith beds so fashioned as to afford a facility for effacing all signs of the dark vengeance of that tremendous tribunal . But it Avas not intended by the members of the hol y Vebm that their victim should escape them , though they had accidentall y
despatched another person instead of him ; and a servant of the Vehm Avas accordingly sent forward to intercept him on the road , Avhich he had in the course of conversation at the inn declared his intention of taking . An accident , hoAveA'er , deprived the servitor ofthe Vehm of life , in the very act of attempting the life of the traveller ; and a few words uttered in penitence before he dieda warning against Anselm
, , and tbe significant dagger with a cord tAvisted round the handle , still borne in the hand of the dying man , shoived the young man Avhence this attempt on his life originated—that the vengeance of the Vehmique tribunal Avas not yet satisfied , and Avould be satisfied with nothing short of his life .
Another incident in this narrative m connection Avith the subject of the Vehm , was the assassination of an imperial courier in 1595 , Avho had left Vienna one evening , charged Avith despatches for the governor of Laybach . The unfortunate man had been discovered in a Avood , about five miles from the capital , stabbed to the heart with a dagger , the handle of which AA'as surrounded with a cord . To that cord Avas
fastened a slip of paper , Avhereoa the folkwing words were written , and to Avhich the usual symbolical signature of three daggers was appended : —
" Let all AA'ho meditate mischief against the members of the holy Vehm , take warning from the fate of this man ! The hol y Vehm strikes alike those that plot evil designs against its authority , and those that bear the commands of such as so conspire . " j-j-j-, " The courier ' s money and Aveapons Avere all safe about his person ; but his despatches had disappeared . That these despatches contained matter in some measure hostile to
the Vehm , is evident from the above passage itself , as it is certain that those AA'ho Avould so readily commit a murder , would not hesitate to open imperial despatches b y force , as theyAvould attempt any other violent [ action , if through their extensive ramifications they were not by some means able beforehand to obtain a knowled ge of their contents ; but it seems to be confirmed by the strange fact , that on
the morning after the courier had left Vienna , Avhen the emperor aAvoke , his eyes fell on a dagger sticking in a table near his couch . The Aveapon had the symbolic cord tAvined round the handle ; and a