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Mr . Sandys Ai-as excluded from that loclge for non-payment of dues ; and when a report of the exclusion was made to the District Grand Loclge , he was suspended for one year , or until the dues were paid . After the lapse of two years , Mr . Sandys having made no payment , his continued contumacy was reported by the lodge , and , after being duly warned , he was expelled . Lately , on applying to the Scotch Royal Arch Chapter for exaltation , objections were raised on the score of
his expulsion . He then called upon me , ancl stated that the impression on his mind was that he had merely been excluded from Lodge True Friedship for non-payment of dues , ancl that he had recently offered to pay the amount . I promised him that I would bring the subject before theDistrict Grand Lodge ; and accordingly , on his addressing the Prov . G . 'Sec . officially , I called for the opinion of the same committee which had disposed of the Akyab case . I suggested that it would be
proper to enter first upon the general questions as to whether it was right or expedient for the District Grand Lodge to reverse its own sentence of expulsion when there were no new or additional facts before it . The committee ' s report will be read for your information . " The PROA ' . G . SEC . read the report , in ivhich the committee expressed their opinion that the District Grand Loclge should not reverse its own sentence , but that aggrieved brethren should
follow the course prescribed in the Constitutions , page 55 , Section , I ., ancl appeal to the Grand Loclge of England . The committee therefore did not consider it necessary to enquire into Mr . Sandys' ease . After a long discussion , in whicli opinions were expressed by those who supposed tbat inuendoes had been thrown out against Mr . Sandys , tbat he should be allowed an opportunity of speaking in his own defencethe adoption of the committee's
, report was moved by Bro , H . Fraser , seconded by Bro . A . J . Whitten , ancl carried by a large majority . The exclusion of Bro . S . B . Mower from Lodge Excelsior , for non-payment of dues , was announced . The Lodge had been unable to give him an opportunity of appealing , as he had left Calcutta . The Dist . Prov . G . M . had heard that Bro . Mower
had joined a Lodge out of Calcutta , which has since fallen into abeyance . If the report were correct , that Lodge could not have required Bro . Mower to produce a certificate from his former Lodge ; an oinision which ivould have been noticed if the Lodge had not fallen into abeyance . The Dist . Prov . G . M . announced that Lodge Harmony , at Cawnpore , had been revived , but tbat Lodge True Brothers , at Dinapore , hacl fallen into abeyance , in consequence of the
departure of its Master , Bro . E . K . 0 . Gilbert . The Dinapore Lodge had 15 Members , but none of them were qualified to work it . The Report of the Finance Committee on the audit of the P . G . Treasurer's accounts for the first quarter of 1862 was read . The District Grand Loclge Fund had a balance of Rs . 3 , 489 ; ancl the Fund of Benovelence a balance of Rs . 3481 . The Finance Committee ' s Report was received and adopted , on a motion made by Bro . TV . ClarkeC . 22 . seconded bBro .
, , y the Rev . F . W . Lindstedt , V . D ., Senior Warden of Lodge St . Luke . The D . Prov . G . M . acknowledged the services of Bro . TV . Clarke , P . prov . S . G . TV ., as Prov . Grand Treasurer ; on which a vote of thanks to Bro . Clarke was moved by Bro . Jennings ,
seconded by Bro . Abbott , ancl carried unanimously . On a motion made by Bro . W . J . Judge , seconded by TV . Bro . Peter Anderson , Bro . Clarke was further re-elected by acclamation to the office of Prov . G . Treasurei . D . Prov . G . M . — "The time has arrived for the appointment of Grand Officers for the ensuing year . It is a pleasing , but at the same time a rather perlexing duty , to recognize merit when a number of the deserving is greater than the rewards at the
Prov . G . M ' s disposal . The Prov . G . Secretary will read out the Prov . G . M ' s letter regarding the new appointments ; but before he does so , I wish to express my thanks to all the Past Grand Officers for their support , and for their attendance , whenever required , at Committee Meetings . There is one Brother whom I wish to thank specially for the active and cheerful aid which he has always rendered me , although his official duties are onerous : I mean Bro . Roberts . "
Guided by the Prov . G . M ' s letter , which was read by the P . G . Secretary , the D . Prov . G . M . appointed the following Officers , and invested them with their badges of office at the Eastern Pedestal , with suitable addresses : — H . D . Sandeman , S . G . TV . ; P . Anderson , J . G . TV . ; James W . Brown , G . Reg . ; Wm . H . Hoft \ Grand Sec ; TV . Clarke ,
C . E ., S . G . D . ; H . Fraser , J . G . D . ; W . Bourne , C . 2 S ., G . Sup . of W . ; L . A . Emanuel , G . D . C . ; W . H . Abbott , Asst . G . D . C . ; Jeremiah King , G . S . B . ; C . Kelvey , G . O . ; W . M . Benwell , G . P . ; I . L . Taylor , J . H . Linton , G . S . B . ; J . B . Knight , C . J . Evans , J . Bennett , W . Wilson Clark , A . J . Whitten , F . Powell , G . Stewards . Bro . D . J . Daniel was re-elected Grand Tyler . The D . Prov . G . M . appointed the following Brethren to be
the Finance Committee for tbe ensuing year : — J . B . Roberts , P . Prov . S . G . W ., President ; H . D . Sandeman , Prov . S . G . W . ; Peter Anderson . Prov . J . G . W . ; F . Jennings , P . Prov . S . G . W ., P . M . Lodge 279 ; John TV . Brown , P . Prov J . G . W ., P . M . Loclge 715 ; . lames TV . Browne , Prov . G . Reg ., P . M . Lodge 265 ; W . Clark , Prov . G . Treas . ; Wm . H . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec . There being nothing else before the District Grand Lodge , itwas closed in form , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
CALCUTTA . LODGE STAR IN THE EAST ( NO . 80 ) , met on the 26 th March , for the initiation of Mr . Thomas Peachey ancl Mr . F . Burr ; and again on the 9 th April for the initiation of Mr . Hermann Rhodius , merchant , the passing of Bros . Denham , Vans Best , Maelure , and Ashton , and the raising of Bros . Brett and Wilson . LODGE INDUSTRY AND PEESEA ' ERANCE ( NO . 126 ) , met on the 4 th April , when Bro . F . Sherrington , of Lodge 265 , and Bro .
R . Z . Shircore , late of Lodge 715 , joined the lodge by election .. The lodge had the pleasure of welcoming a large number of visitors from the Calcutta lodges , ancl from foreign parts . LODGE OE TRUE FRIENDSHIP ( NO . 265 ) , met on the Sth April , when Bro . Teil was raised by Bro . Llewelyn , the Senior Past Master , and Bro . Redman was passed by Bro . Benwell , the Master . LODGE HUMILITY WITH FORTITUDE ( NO . 279 ) met on the
, 17 th March . A donation was granted to the widow of a Scotch Mason . Bro . Dr . Smith , Master of the Scotch Lodge , who was present , stated that her husband had gone to Singapore under medical advice , and that while there he had been alarmed one night by the entrance of a Chinese robber . Snatching up an instrument which happened to be at hand , he had proceeded to the adjoining room , and there he had found his wife lying on
the floor . In endeavouring to lift her up , he , being already in delicate health , hacl burst a blood vessel , ivhich weakened him so much that he did not survive long . Efforts were now heingmade to set her in a position to earn her own livelihood . LODGE COURAGE AVITH HUMANITY - ( NO . 551 ) , met on the 10 th March , for the election to membership of Bro . Joseph Jeffries , of Loclge Royal Victoria , St . Vincent , and of Bro . A . F . Ezekiel , of Lodge Perseverance , Bombay . The lodge met again
on the 27 th March , when Bro . Linton , the Master , initiated Lieut . H . Jackson , of the Indian Navy , and passed two brethren . Bro . John William Brown , at the same time , having been specially invited for the purpose , raised Bros . Peters and Little to the third degree , with the aid of Bro . Evans . LODGE ST . JOHN ( NO . 715 ) met on the 26 th of March , whentbe Master , Bro . G . C . Paul , presided . Bro . W . G . Baxter was elected an Honorary Memberfor valuable
services-, rendered to the Lodge . He had lately presented the Lodgewith a full and complete Registry of Members , prepared by himself with great labour . Bro . Baxter has been a very careful , methodical , ancl pains-taking Secretary , an office generally entrusted in England to Past Masters , or other Brethren of experience . A donation was granted to the ividow of a zealous Scotch MasonBro . Dr . John SmithMaster of the Scotch
, , Lodge , Bro . Linton , Master of Lodge No . 551 , Bro . Davis , Master of Loclge 126 , and some Brethren of the Dum-Dum . Lodge , Avere present at the meeting . The Loclge met again on the lith April , to pass Bro . W . R . Burkitt , of the Civil Service . LODGE EXCELSIOR ( NO . 1127 ) met on the 15 th April , for the initation of Mr . Edward Gore Buskin , the passing of
Bros . Barron , Buck , Granville , and Flinders , ancl the raising of of Bro . Ralli . LODGE ST . LUKE ] ( No . 1150 ) , Dum-Dum , met on the 10 th March . It was a very oppressive evening for a long ride from town ; but about 8 P . M . there ivas a most Avelcome sliOAver . which made the return trip agreeable . Bro . W . G . Baxter , Secretary of Lodges 715 and 126 , Bro . R . T . Martin , Barrister at LaAi' , and Aro . T . A . Rambert , of Lodge 80 , were elected to membership . Bro . J . E . Watson Avas advanced to the second degree by Bro . Jno . Wm . Brown , Honorary P . M .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mr . Sandys Ai-as excluded from that loclge for non-payment of dues ; and when a report of the exclusion was made to the District Grand Loclge , he was suspended for one year , or until the dues were paid . After the lapse of two years , Mr . Sandys having made no payment , his continued contumacy was reported by the lodge , and , after being duly warned , he was expelled . Lately , on applying to the Scotch Royal Arch Chapter for exaltation , objections were raised on the score of
his expulsion . He then called upon me , ancl stated that the impression on his mind was that he had merely been excluded from Lodge True Friedship for non-payment of dues , ancl that he had recently offered to pay the amount . I promised him that I would bring the subject before theDistrict Grand Lodge ; and accordingly , on his addressing the Prov . G . 'Sec . officially , I called for the opinion of the same committee which had disposed of the Akyab case . I suggested that it would be
proper to enter first upon the general questions as to whether it was right or expedient for the District Grand Lodge to reverse its own sentence of expulsion when there were no new or additional facts before it . The committee ' s report will be read for your information . " The PROA ' . G . SEC . read the report , in ivhich the committee expressed their opinion that the District Grand Loclge should not reverse its own sentence , but that aggrieved brethren should
follow the course prescribed in the Constitutions , page 55 , Section , I ., ancl appeal to the Grand Loclge of England . The committee therefore did not consider it necessary to enquire into Mr . Sandys' ease . After a long discussion , in whicli opinions were expressed by those who supposed tbat inuendoes had been thrown out against Mr . Sandys , tbat he should be allowed an opportunity of speaking in his own defencethe adoption of the committee's
, report was moved by Bro , H . Fraser , seconded by Bro . A . J . Whitten , ancl carried by a large majority . The exclusion of Bro . S . B . Mower from Lodge Excelsior , for non-payment of dues , was announced . The Lodge had been unable to give him an opportunity of appealing , as he had left Calcutta . The Dist . Prov . G . M . had heard that Bro . Mower
had joined a Lodge out of Calcutta , which has since fallen into abeyance . If the report were correct , that Lodge could not have required Bro . Mower to produce a certificate from his former Lodge ; an oinision which ivould have been noticed if the Lodge had not fallen into abeyance . The Dist . Prov . G . M . announced that Lodge Harmony , at Cawnpore , had been revived , but tbat Lodge True Brothers , at Dinapore , hacl fallen into abeyance , in consequence of the
departure of its Master , Bro . E . K . 0 . Gilbert . The Dinapore Lodge had 15 Members , but none of them were qualified to work it . The Report of the Finance Committee on the audit of the P . G . Treasurer's accounts for the first quarter of 1862 was read . The District Grand Loclge Fund had a balance of Rs . 3 , 489 ; ancl the Fund of Benovelence a balance of Rs . 3481 . The Finance Committee ' s Report was received and adopted , on a motion made by Bro . TV . ClarkeC . 22 . seconded bBro .
, , y the Rev . F . W . Lindstedt , V . D ., Senior Warden of Lodge St . Luke . The D . Prov . G . M . acknowledged the services of Bro . TV . Clarke , P . prov . S . G . TV ., as Prov . Grand Treasurer ; on which a vote of thanks to Bro . Clarke was moved by Bro . Jennings ,
seconded by Bro . Abbott , ancl carried unanimously . On a motion made by Bro . W . J . Judge , seconded by TV . Bro . Peter Anderson , Bro . Clarke was further re-elected by acclamation to the office of Prov . G . Treasurei . D . Prov . G . M . — "The time has arrived for the appointment of Grand Officers for the ensuing year . It is a pleasing , but at the same time a rather perlexing duty , to recognize merit when a number of the deserving is greater than the rewards at the
Prov . G . M ' s disposal . The Prov . G . Secretary will read out the Prov . G . M ' s letter regarding the new appointments ; but before he does so , I wish to express my thanks to all the Past Grand Officers for their support , and for their attendance , whenever required , at Committee Meetings . There is one Brother whom I wish to thank specially for the active and cheerful aid which he has always rendered me , although his official duties are onerous : I mean Bro . Roberts . "
Guided by the Prov . G . M ' s letter , which was read by the P . G . Secretary , the D . Prov . G . M . appointed the following Officers , and invested them with their badges of office at the Eastern Pedestal , with suitable addresses : — H . D . Sandeman , S . G . TV . ; P . Anderson , J . G . TV . ; James W . Brown , G . Reg . ; Wm . H . Hoft \ Grand Sec ; TV . Clarke ,
C . E ., S . G . D . ; H . Fraser , J . G . D . ; W . Bourne , C . 2 S ., G . Sup . of W . ; L . A . Emanuel , G . D . C . ; W . H . Abbott , Asst . G . D . C . ; Jeremiah King , G . S . B . ; C . Kelvey , G . O . ; W . M . Benwell , G . P . ; I . L . Taylor , J . H . Linton , G . S . B . ; J . B . Knight , C . J . Evans , J . Bennett , W . Wilson Clark , A . J . Whitten , F . Powell , G . Stewards . Bro . D . J . Daniel was re-elected Grand Tyler . The D . Prov . G . M . appointed the following Brethren to be
the Finance Committee for tbe ensuing year : — J . B . Roberts , P . Prov . S . G . W ., President ; H . D . Sandeman , Prov . S . G . W . ; Peter Anderson . Prov . J . G . W . ; F . Jennings , P . Prov . S . G . W ., P . M . Lodge 279 ; John TV . Brown , P . Prov J . G . W ., P . M . Loclge 715 ; . lames TV . Browne , Prov . G . Reg ., P . M . Lodge 265 ; W . Clark , Prov . G . Treas . ; Wm . H . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec . There being nothing else before the District Grand Lodge , itwas closed in form , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
CALCUTTA . LODGE STAR IN THE EAST ( NO . 80 ) , met on the 26 th March , for the initiation of Mr . Thomas Peachey ancl Mr . F . Burr ; and again on the 9 th April for the initiation of Mr . Hermann Rhodius , merchant , the passing of Bros . Denham , Vans Best , Maelure , and Ashton , and the raising of Bros . Brett and Wilson . LODGE INDUSTRY AND PEESEA ' ERANCE ( NO . 126 ) , met on the 4 th April , when Bro . F . Sherrington , of Lodge 265 , and Bro .
R . Z . Shircore , late of Lodge 715 , joined the lodge by election .. The lodge had the pleasure of welcoming a large number of visitors from the Calcutta lodges , ancl from foreign parts . LODGE OE TRUE FRIENDSHIP ( NO . 265 ) , met on the Sth April , when Bro . Teil was raised by Bro . Llewelyn , the Senior Past Master , and Bro . Redman was passed by Bro . Benwell , the Master . LODGE HUMILITY WITH FORTITUDE ( NO . 279 ) met on the
, 17 th March . A donation was granted to the widow of a Scotch Mason . Bro . Dr . Smith , Master of the Scotch Lodge , who was present , stated that her husband had gone to Singapore under medical advice , and that while there he had been alarmed one night by the entrance of a Chinese robber . Snatching up an instrument which happened to be at hand , he had proceeded to the adjoining room , and there he had found his wife lying on
the floor . In endeavouring to lift her up , he , being already in delicate health , hacl burst a blood vessel , ivhich weakened him so much that he did not survive long . Efforts were now heingmade to set her in a position to earn her own livelihood . LODGE COURAGE AVITH HUMANITY - ( NO . 551 ) , met on the 10 th March , for the election to membership of Bro . Joseph Jeffries , of Loclge Royal Victoria , St . Vincent , and of Bro . A . F . Ezekiel , of Lodge Perseverance , Bombay . The lodge met again
on the 27 th March , when Bro . Linton , the Master , initiated Lieut . H . Jackson , of the Indian Navy , and passed two brethren . Bro . John William Brown , at the same time , having been specially invited for the purpose , raised Bros . Peters and Little to the third degree , with the aid of Bro . Evans . LODGE ST . JOHN ( NO . 715 ) met on the 26 th of March , whentbe Master , Bro . G . C . Paul , presided . Bro . W . G . Baxter was elected an Honorary Memberfor valuable
services-, rendered to the Lodge . He had lately presented the Lodgewith a full and complete Registry of Members , prepared by himself with great labour . Bro . Baxter has been a very careful , methodical , ancl pains-taking Secretary , an office generally entrusted in England to Past Masters , or other Brethren of experience . A donation was granted to the ividow of a zealous Scotch MasonBro . Dr . John SmithMaster of the Scotch
, , Lodge , Bro . Linton , Master of Lodge No . 551 , Bro . Davis , Master of Loclge 126 , and some Brethren of the Dum-Dum . Lodge , Avere present at the meeting . The Loclge met again on the lith April , to pass Bro . W . R . Burkitt , of the Civil Service . LODGE EXCELSIOR ( NO . 1127 ) met on the 15 th April , for the initation of Mr . Edward Gore Buskin , the passing of
Bros . Barron , Buck , Granville , and Flinders , ancl the raising of of Bro . Ralli . LODGE ST . LUKE ] ( No . 1150 ) , Dum-Dum , met on the 10 th March . It was a very oppressive evening for a long ride from town ; but about 8 P . M . there ivas a most Avelcome sliOAver . which made the return trip agreeable . Bro . W . G . Baxter , Secretary of Lodges 715 and 126 , Bro . R . T . Martin , Barrister at LaAi' , and Aro . T . A . Rambert , of Lodge 80 , were elected to membership . Bro . J . E . Watson Avas advanced to the second degree by Bro . Jno . Wm . Brown , Honorary P . M .,