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AA'ho presided , owing to the unavoidable absence of the Master . The Loclge room had heen tastefully and appropriately painted . The Loclge met again on the 24 th March , Avhen Bro . Jno . Wm . BroAi-n conferred the third degree on Bro . Watson , under a dispensation . The Master of the Loclge Avas detained in camp by military duty . Mr . Y ., of the Bengal Army , son of a wellknown official in Calcutta , ivas proposed for initiation , provided a dispensation could be obtained for him , he being under age .
SOUTHERN INDIA . A Communication of the Prov . G . Lodge was holden at Lodge Perfect Unanimitv , No . 175 , Vepcry , Madras , on Wednesday . 30 th April , 1862 . " Present : R . W . Bro . TV . Pitt Macdonald Prov . GM , V . W . Bro . A . Macdonald Ritchie , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . J . T Greatorex , as Prov . S . G . W . ; TV . Sharlieb , Prov . J . G . W . ; T . Adamson , Assist . Prov . G . D . of Cer . ; C . Scott , Prov . G . Purs . ; H . Tolputt , Prov . G . Sec .
Master , Past Masters , Wardens and Stewards of Lodges Perfect Unanimity , ( No . 175 , ) and Universal Charity ( No . 340 , ) Madras . Bro . R . C . Frazer as representative of Loclge " Emulation , " Negapatam . The Prov . G . Lodge was opened in due and ancient form , and Avith solemn invocation of God ' s blessing . The proceedings of the last communication Avere read and confirmed . The Prov . G . Master expressed his regret at tho long time
which had elapsed since the last Prov . G . Loclge Avas held Avhich was owing principally to his having waited the settlement by tbe Grand Loclge of England , of the question of his jurisdiction over Lodge " Victoria" Rangoon . He had only recently learnt privately from the W . Master of that Loclge , that the warrant of constitution bad been received , with the necessary authority to work under this Prov . G . Lodge . The S . W . Prov . G . Master could not but express his great dissatisfaction that no
communication of this authority had been made to him by the Grand Secretary , and , also , that the warrant of constitution of Lodge Emulation Negapatam , which bad been applied for more than a year ago , had not yet been received . He stated that these matters ivould form the subject of a communication from himself to the M . W . Grand Master . The R . W . Prov . G . Master had much pleasure in informing the P . G . Lodge tbat Masonry was flourishing in a very
satisfactory manner in his Province , and he hoped to see still further improvement . There were now 6 Lodges , Avorking under this P . G . Lodge , viz .: —Perfect Unanimity , Madras ; Universal Charity , Madras ; St . John , Secunderabad : St . Andrew ,
Kamptee ; Emulation , ! Negapatam ; victoria m the East , Rangoon : and he hoped at the next meeting to be able to announce that Loclge Rock Trichinoply , hacl been revived under the auspices of that worthy Mason , TV . Bro . Russell . He was gratified to find a marked improvement in the receipt of returns and quarterages from the different lodges , and he trusted W . Masters up-country would always pay particular attention to this important duty .
The R . W . Prov / G . Master expressed his great regret that he had to announce the death of no less than four Provincial Grand Oflicers since tho last meeting ; viz .: Bros . Nicholls , Searle , Fletcher , and Grant . He proposed ' to fill the A'acancies thus created by appointing Bros . Greenlaw , Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Miller , Prov . G . R . ; T . Adamson . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; G . TV . Flynn , Asst . Prov . G . D . C ; J . T . Blissett , JProv . G . Supt . of '
Works . ; L . Miller , Prov . G . Sword Beaver . ; C . H . Redgrave . Prov . G . Org . He had further great pleasure in appointing a very old and worthy Mason , Rev . Bro . Hickey , to the honourable office of Prov . Grand Chap . The Prov . ~ G . Master had himself been initiated by Bro . Hickey ,, many years ago , and though , owing to circumstances to which it was unnecessary tojallnde further Bro .
Hickey had been induced to withdraw for some years from any active part in Masonry , he had always been a true ancl worthy Mason , ancl his present appointment would be hailed with satisfaction by the Prov . G . Lodge . The R . TV . PEOV . G . MASTER announced ; that the Prov . G . Lodge had received a handsome present from Bro . Barber , of the loth Regt . N . I . This was the Volume of the Sacred Law
Avhich had been presented by tlie John of Gauut Loclge , Leicester , to a lodge which was intended to be formed in the 15 th Regiment , entitled "John of Gaunt in the East , " but this lodge having never been constituted , Mr . Barber had presented the book to the Prov . G . Lodge , accompanied with the condition that should a lodge ever be formed in the 15 th Regiment it was to he returned . In the name of the i'rov . G . Lodge , the R . TV .
Master thanked Bro . Barber for this very handsome and useful present . A ballot was then taken for the office of Prov . G . Treasurer vacant by the retirement of Bro . R . Hunter , and Bro . J . G . Coleman was duly elected . Bro . Skipp , a serving brother of Lodge Perfect Unanimit y was then unanimously elected as Prov . G . Tylerand a fee of Rs
, . 10 ordered to be paid to him for his attendance at each Prov . G . Loclge . The Prov . G . Secretary presented the accounts of the PI-OA \ G . Lodge , showing balance in hand to date of Rs . 610-12-10 . He also presented the accounts of the Masonic Charity Fund ancl stated that , owing to the liberal assistance ho had received from different lodges , aided by private subscriptions including a
very handsome donation of Rs . 100 from Bro . J . Vans Agnew , he had been enabled to pay off all arrears of Pensions , ancl there Avas IIOAV a balance at credit of the Fund of Rs . S 30-15-1 . The accounts Avere approved ancl confirmed . After the transaction of business of pure local interest the D . Prov . G . Master stated that circulars had been received from the Grand Lodge of England addressed to different lodges in this Province , informing them that \ uiless returns Avere furnished
by them before a certain date , they would be struck off the Register of the Grand Loclge . He proposed , that , to prevent the possibility of any lodge now dormant , but ivhich might hereafter be relieved , having its warrant withdrawn , the Grand Secretary be requested to communicate with the Prov . G . Loclge before proceeding to any such extremity . Seconded by Bro . Sharlieb and carried nem . con . There being no further business to transact , ancl no brother
having anything to propose for the good of Masonry in general or of this Prov . G . Loclge in particular , the loclge was closed in due and ancient form and with solemn invocation of God ' s blessing .
SOUTH AUSTRALIA . ADELAIDE — FAREWELL LEVEE AND DRAWING ROOM — DEPARTURE OP THE GOA-EENOR BRO . SIR RICHARD GRAA ' ES MACDONNELL , K . C . B . On Monclay afternoon , March 3 rd , His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief and Lady MacDonnell , held a farewell undress levee and drawing-room at Government House , Adelaide ,
prior to leaving the colony . Bro . J . T . BAGOT , M . F ., Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons , I . C , attended by the officers of his Grand Lodgo in regalia , presented the following address : — " To His Excellency Brother Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell , Knight , Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath , Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Province of South AustraliaVice-Admiral of the same , & c ,
, & c , & c . " We the undersigned , officers and members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of South Australia , on behalf of the members of the Irish Constitution , take this opportunity of approaching your Excellency on the occasion of your near departure , to express the warm feelings of the Craft towards a Governor who ,
during his lengthened stay , has shown so much interest in the welfare and prosperity of the colony . But great as have been your services to the province at large , it will ever remain to us a matter of pride and gratulation that you have in an equal degree remembered that you were a brother of the Craft , and have on many occasions of public interest assisted us in supporting our ancient rites unci ceremonies , ancl have , ivith Lady MacDonnelljoined in our festivites .
, " Wherever the future lot of your Excellency and Lady may be cast , it is our most fervent prayer that the Great Architect of the Universe may be continually with you , and that you hereafter may ascend to those mansions above , ivhere peace , love , ancl order eternally reign . "Given at Adelaide , in Provincial Grand Lodge , this 26 th day of FebruaryA . L . 5862 . "
, The address was signed by the R . W . Prov . G . M . Bro . J . T . Bagot , M . P ., R . W . D . Prov . G . M . Bro . TV . Fiveash , TV . P . G . Sec . Bro . J . P . Boucaut , M . P ., and every officer and member of tho Provincial Grand Lodge of the Irish Constitution . His EXCELLENCY replied : — " Worthy Grand Master and Brethren—I can assure you that , upon the eve of my departure , nothing can be more gratifying to me than to find so many
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AA'ho presided , owing to the unavoidable absence of the Master . The Loclge room had heen tastefully and appropriately painted . The Loclge met again on the 24 th March , Avhen Bro . Jno . Wm . BroAi-n conferred the third degree on Bro . Watson , under a dispensation . The Master of the Loclge Avas detained in camp by military duty . Mr . Y ., of the Bengal Army , son of a wellknown official in Calcutta , ivas proposed for initiation , provided a dispensation could be obtained for him , he being under age .
SOUTHERN INDIA . A Communication of the Prov . G . Lodge was holden at Lodge Perfect Unanimitv , No . 175 , Vepcry , Madras , on Wednesday . 30 th April , 1862 . " Present : R . W . Bro . TV . Pitt Macdonald Prov . GM , V . W . Bro . A . Macdonald Ritchie , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . J . T Greatorex , as Prov . S . G . W . ; TV . Sharlieb , Prov . J . G . W . ; T . Adamson , Assist . Prov . G . D . of Cer . ; C . Scott , Prov . G . Purs . ; H . Tolputt , Prov . G . Sec .
Master , Past Masters , Wardens and Stewards of Lodges Perfect Unanimity , ( No . 175 , ) and Universal Charity ( No . 340 , ) Madras . Bro . R . C . Frazer as representative of Loclge " Emulation , " Negapatam . The Prov . G . Lodge was opened in due and ancient form , and Avith solemn invocation of God ' s blessing . The proceedings of the last communication Avere read and confirmed . The Prov . G . Master expressed his regret at tho long time
which had elapsed since the last Prov . G . Loclge Avas held Avhich was owing principally to his having waited the settlement by tbe Grand Loclge of England , of the question of his jurisdiction over Lodge " Victoria" Rangoon . He had only recently learnt privately from the W . Master of that Loclge , that the warrant of constitution bad been received , with the necessary authority to work under this Prov . G . Lodge . The S . W . Prov . G . Master could not but express his great dissatisfaction that no
communication of this authority had been made to him by the Grand Secretary , and , also , that the warrant of constitution of Lodge Emulation Negapatam , which bad been applied for more than a year ago , had not yet been received . He stated that these matters ivould form the subject of a communication from himself to the M . W . Grand Master . The R . W . Prov . G . Master had much pleasure in informing the P . G . Lodge tbat Masonry was flourishing in a very
satisfactory manner in his Province , and he hoped to see still further improvement . There were now 6 Lodges , Avorking under this P . G . Lodge , viz .: —Perfect Unanimity , Madras ; Universal Charity , Madras ; St . John , Secunderabad : St . Andrew ,
Kamptee ; Emulation , ! Negapatam ; victoria m the East , Rangoon : and he hoped at the next meeting to be able to announce that Loclge Rock Trichinoply , hacl been revived under the auspices of that worthy Mason , TV . Bro . Russell . He was gratified to find a marked improvement in the receipt of returns and quarterages from the different lodges , and he trusted W . Masters up-country would always pay particular attention to this important duty .
The R . W . Prov / G . Master expressed his great regret that he had to announce the death of no less than four Provincial Grand Oflicers since tho last meeting ; viz .: Bros . Nicholls , Searle , Fletcher , and Grant . He proposed ' to fill the A'acancies thus created by appointing Bros . Greenlaw , Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Miller , Prov . G . R . ; T . Adamson . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; G . TV . Flynn , Asst . Prov . G . D . C ; J . T . Blissett , JProv . G . Supt . of '
Works . ; L . Miller , Prov . G . Sword Beaver . ; C . H . Redgrave . Prov . G . Org . He had further great pleasure in appointing a very old and worthy Mason , Rev . Bro . Hickey , to the honourable office of Prov . Grand Chap . The Prov . ~ G . Master had himself been initiated by Bro . Hickey ,, many years ago , and though , owing to circumstances to which it was unnecessary tojallnde further Bro .
Hickey had been induced to withdraw for some years from any active part in Masonry , he had always been a true ancl worthy Mason , ancl his present appointment would be hailed with satisfaction by the Prov . G . Lodge . The R . TV . PEOV . G . MASTER announced ; that the Prov . G . Lodge had received a handsome present from Bro . Barber , of the loth Regt . N . I . This was the Volume of the Sacred Law
Avhich had been presented by tlie John of Gauut Loclge , Leicester , to a lodge which was intended to be formed in the 15 th Regiment , entitled "John of Gaunt in the East , " but this lodge having never been constituted , Mr . Barber had presented the book to the Prov . G . Lodge , accompanied with the condition that should a lodge ever be formed in the 15 th Regiment it was to he returned . In the name of the i'rov . G . Lodge , the R . TV .
Master thanked Bro . Barber for this very handsome and useful present . A ballot was then taken for the office of Prov . G . Treasurer vacant by the retirement of Bro . R . Hunter , and Bro . J . G . Coleman was duly elected . Bro . Skipp , a serving brother of Lodge Perfect Unanimit y was then unanimously elected as Prov . G . Tylerand a fee of Rs
, . 10 ordered to be paid to him for his attendance at each Prov . G . Loclge . The Prov . G . Secretary presented the accounts of the PI-OA \ G . Lodge , showing balance in hand to date of Rs . 610-12-10 . He also presented the accounts of the Masonic Charity Fund ancl stated that , owing to the liberal assistance ho had received from different lodges , aided by private subscriptions including a
very handsome donation of Rs . 100 from Bro . J . Vans Agnew , he had been enabled to pay off all arrears of Pensions , ancl there Avas IIOAV a balance at credit of the Fund of Rs . S 30-15-1 . The accounts Avere approved ancl confirmed . After the transaction of business of pure local interest the D . Prov . G . Master stated that circulars had been received from the Grand Lodge of England addressed to different lodges in this Province , informing them that \ uiless returns Avere furnished
by them before a certain date , they would be struck off the Register of the Grand Loclge . He proposed , that , to prevent the possibility of any lodge now dormant , but ivhich might hereafter be relieved , having its warrant withdrawn , the Grand Secretary be requested to communicate with the Prov . G . Loclge before proceeding to any such extremity . Seconded by Bro . Sharlieb and carried nem . con . There being no further business to transact , ancl no brother
having anything to propose for the good of Masonry in general or of this Prov . G . Loclge in particular , the loclge was closed in due and ancient form and with solemn invocation of God ' s blessing .
SOUTH AUSTRALIA . ADELAIDE — FAREWELL LEVEE AND DRAWING ROOM — DEPARTURE OP THE GOA-EENOR BRO . SIR RICHARD GRAA ' ES MACDONNELL , K . C . B . On Monclay afternoon , March 3 rd , His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief and Lady MacDonnell , held a farewell undress levee and drawing-room at Government House , Adelaide ,
prior to leaving the colony . Bro . J . T . BAGOT , M . F ., Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons , I . C , attended by the officers of his Grand Lodgo in regalia , presented the following address : — " To His Excellency Brother Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell , Knight , Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath , Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Province of South AustraliaVice-Admiral of the same , & c ,
, & c , & c . " We the undersigned , officers and members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of South Australia , on behalf of the members of the Irish Constitution , take this opportunity of approaching your Excellency on the occasion of your near departure , to express the warm feelings of the Craft towards a Governor who ,
during his lengthened stay , has shown so much interest in the welfare and prosperity of the colony . But great as have been your services to the province at large , it will ever remain to us a matter of pride and gratulation that you have in an equal degree remembered that you were a brother of the Craft , and have on many occasions of public interest assisted us in supporting our ancient rites unci ceremonies , ancl have , ivith Lady MacDonnelljoined in our festivites .
, " Wherever the future lot of your Excellency and Lady may be cast , it is our most fervent prayer that the Great Architect of the Universe may be continually with you , and that you hereafter may ascend to those mansions above , ivhere peace , love , ancl order eternally reign . "Given at Adelaide , in Provincial Grand Lodge , this 26 th day of FebruaryA . L . 5862 . "
, The address was signed by the R . W . Prov . G . M . Bro . J . T . Bagot , M . P ., R . W . D . Prov . G . M . Bro . TV . Fiveash , TV . P . G . Sec . Bro . J . P . Boucaut , M . P ., and every officer and member of tho Provincial Grand Lodge of the Irish Constitution . His EXCELLENCY replied : — " Worthy Grand Master and Brethren—I can assure you that , upon the eve of my departure , nothing can be more gratifying to me than to find so many