Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey is to he held at the CroAvn Hotel , Chertsey , on Saturday , July 5 , under the presidency of Bro . Dobie , P . G . Reg ., Prov . G . M . The ProA'incial Grand Lodge AA'ill be received by the St . George's Lodge ( No . 486 ) . Afc the Meeting of the Board of Benevolence on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., the TV . Bro . Captain Creaton , J . G . D ., presiding , tAvelve petitioners Avere relieved with £ 145 .
CRYSTAL PALACE LOD & E ( NO . 10-14 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge took piree on Thursday , 12 th June , in the new rooms in the south Aving . The lodge being opened in due form , the W . M ., Bro . Palmer , raised Bros . J . A . Gordson , B . Wood , and C . TV . Gordon to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The W . M . elect , Bro . Thompson , was then presented and installed by Bro . William Watson , P . M . During the evening a very handsome P . M . jewel , value ten guineas , ivas
presented on behalf of the lodge to Bro . Palmer . Bro . Pnrbroot , P . M ., also ; on the part of a few brethren of the lodge , handed him a beautiful silver goblet , with the following inscription : — " Presented by a feAV brethren of the Crystal Palace Lodge ( No . 1044 ) , June 12 th , 1862 , to Bro . George Palmer , for the masterly manner in Avhich he conducted the lodge during his year of office . " A very suitable speech Avas made on the occasion by Bro . Watsonand replied to bBr .
Palmersincerelthank-, y , y ing them for their appreciation of his services . The officers appointed by the W . M . Avere Oliver , S . W . ; J . Smith , J . W . ; J . Bertram , S . D . Davidson , J . D . ; Acton , I . G . ; Statham , M . C . ; Pinch , TVine Steward , P . M . ; Hanciford , Treasurer ; and Bro . J . P . Smith , of Bromley , Organist . Among the visitors Avere Bros . Bate ( No . 15 ) , Bennett ( 19 ) , Lightfoot ( 172 ) , Emmens ( 201 ) Poped ( 165 ) Piatt ( 168 ) Howard ( 288 ) Howden ( 208
, , , , , Scotland ) . The arrangement at banquet AA-as of a very satisfactory character , and although the Aveather Avas so very unfavourable , above fifty sat down . The musical arrangement throughout the evening , was under the direction of Bro . J . P . Smith , Avho , in his usual style , highly delighted the brethren with his harmony .
ROYAL ALIIERT LOUGE ( NO . 1209 ) . —This lodge held its bimonthly meeting at the Westminster General Dispensary , Gera-ard street , Soho , on Monday the 16 th , instant . Present , Bros . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst , W . M ., Jeffries , S . W ., DOAATIS , J . W ., J . A . Farnfield , S . D ., Peters , J . D ., Mattheiv Cooke , Secretary , Rev . P . M . Holden , Chaplain , W . Watson , P . M ., and other brethren . The visitors on that occasion Avere the Bev . Bro . Doughty , P . Prov . G . Chap . E . Lancashire ; Bro . Weetman
, and Bro . Robinson . The Avork consisted in raising two brethren and other routine business . After thelodge Avas closed thebrethren adjourned to Banquet , at the Freemason ' s Tavern , ivhere the brethren spent one of the most pleasant and agreeable evenings . The banquet AA-as excellent , tho meeting harmonious , and the brethren separated at an earl y hour , every one of them gratifled at the fraternal feeling and good fellowship Avhich prevailed .
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPORT , STONEHOUSE , AND COHNAVALL GENERAL HOSPITAL . The ceremony of placing the memorial stone of the Devonport , Stonehouse , and CoriiAvall General Hospital , Avhich has been anticipated with so much interest throughout the counties of Devon and CornAvall for some time past , Avas performed on Tuesday with Masonic honours by the Plight Hon . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe . Favoured in the earlier part Avith fine Aveather , and Avitnessed by a great concourse of people , the ceremonial Avas a most successful one , and the event will long be
remembered with feelings of pleasure by a very large number of persons . From an early hour Devonport Avas astir ; the houses in many of the streets Avere decorated Avith flags ; banners Avaved over the principal thoroughfares , and in very many instances floral adornments ivere tastefully added . The site of the institution is a piece of Government land on the east of Marlborough-street and New Passage-hill , Devonport , and lias been placed at tlie disposal of the committee of the
hospital by the ordnance department . T'he building will be constructed upon plans draAvn by Mr . Norman , of Devonport , and under that gentleman's supervision . It Avill contain an accident ward , AA-ith eight beds , two general Avards with sixteen beds each , aAvard ivith six beds for eye cases , a Avard Avith thirteen beds for persons able to contribute partially towards the cost of treatment ; and , in addition to these necessary features of an
ordinary hospital , it will contain a Female Lock Ward , ivith at least tAventy-five beds . This last Avard is included by the express stipulation of the Government , ivho contributed £ 3500 toAvards the cost of the building , and will pay £ 750 per annum for the maintenance of this Ward . The total cost of erection is estimated at something exceeding £ 7 , 000 ; and the plans have been examined and approved of by Miss Nightingale , Sir John Liddel ( Director General of the Medical Department of the Navy ) , Dr . Sutherland and Captain Gallon , B .. E . ( Commissioners for
enquiring into Military Hospitals . ) Tlie Avorks Avere commenced on the 3 rd of March last , the tender of Mr . Jenkins of Devonport , having heen accepted on the 27 th of February . Tlie amount of tbe building contract is £ 6 , 900 . The time at Avhich the building is to be concluded is May , 1863 . Betiveen nine and ten o'clock some hundreds of jiersons gathered from all parts of the town , and took up positions
in Iver-street , for it Avas known that here the procession Avas to be marshalled . As ten o'clock approached , the crOAvd greatly increased , Avindows , balconies , house-tops , aiid every place from which a view of the procession Avas obtainable , being filled ivith eager spectators . Excursion trains had brought large numbers from the South of Devon and Cornwall , and these , AA'ith the representatives of the Masonic lodges and other bodies AA-1 IO Avere to take part in the ljrocession , arrived in quick
succession , and the scene in usually quiet Ker-street Avas a most animated one . In order to facilitate the formation of the procession , it had been arranged that the various public bodies and the beneA'olent orders should assemble in the Devonport Guildhall , AA-hich had been prepared for the purpose . A host of seats and boxes had been cleared aAvay , and the south side of the hall Avas marked off in tivelve divisions , in AA-hich the respective departments took up their indicated positions . The Freemasons
entered by the south door in Ker-street , ancl the Council Chamber and its ante-rooms Avere placed at their disposal . The Municipal and other public bodies entered by the east door His Worship tbe Mayor of Devonport Avas early on the spot , attended by the magistrates of that borough , and the members of the Devonport Corporation . His Worship the Mayor of Plymouth , accompanied by several of the borough magistrates and members of the Town Council , ancl attended by his
sergeants-at-mace , arrived at the Guildhall shortly after ten o ' clock , and ivas introduced by Mr . Woollcombe . His Worship ancl the members of the corporate body by Avhom he A \ as accompanied , at once joined the Mayor and Corporation of Devonport , in the division set apart for them at the south-Avestern end of the hall . The naval department Avas represented by Vice-Admiral Sir Houston Stewart , K . C . P . In the division alloted to the clergy of the Church of England , there Avere the Bev . J . Adams , Rev . TV . H . Nantes , ancl others . In the adioiniusr
division Avere the representatives of other other religious denominations . Adjoining Avere the representatives of the Lords of the Manors of Dei'onport ancl East Stonehouse , and folloiving up the divisions of the south-east ivere a large number of the Devonport Board of Commissioners . Next in order came the Stonehouse Board of Guardians , ancl many other local bodies , the Avhole of Avhich took up their positions in the most perfect order , and the success in this department of the clay's
proceedings was mainly attributable to the complete arrangements of the Hospital Committee , admirably carried " out by their energetic chairman , Mr . Woollcombe . The Freemasons , meantime , had mustered in great force in the Council-room and the rooms adjoining . The Council-room had been temporarily fitted up as a lodge-room , and here the senior lodge of the ' Three ToAvns , St . John ' s Lodge ( No . S 3 ) , having been opened , the lodge received ivith proper marks of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey is to he held at the CroAvn Hotel , Chertsey , on Saturday , July 5 , under the presidency of Bro . Dobie , P . G . Reg ., Prov . G . M . The ProA'incial Grand Lodge AA'ill be received by the St . George's Lodge ( No . 486 ) . Afc the Meeting of the Board of Benevolence on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., the TV . Bro . Captain Creaton , J . G . D ., presiding , tAvelve petitioners Avere relieved with £ 145 .
CRYSTAL PALACE LOD & E ( NO . 10-14 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge took piree on Thursday , 12 th June , in the new rooms in the south Aving . The lodge being opened in due form , the W . M ., Bro . Palmer , raised Bros . J . A . Gordson , B . Wood , and C . TV . Gordon to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The W . M . elect , Bro . Thompson , was then presented and installed by Bro . William Watson , P . M . During the evening a very handsome P . M . jewel , value ten guineas , ivas
presented on behalf of the lodge to Bro . Palmer . Bro . Pnrbroot , P . M ., also ; on the part of a few brethren of the lodge , handed him a beautiful silver goblet , with the following inscription : — " Presented by a feAV brethren of the Crystal Palace Lodge ( No . 1044 ) , June 12 th , 1862 , to Bro . George Palmer , for the masterly manner in Avhich he conducted the lodge during his year of office . " A very suitable speech Avas made on the occasion by Bro . Watsonand replied to bBr .
Palmersincerelthank-, y , y ing them for their appreciation of his services . The officers appointed by the W . M . Avere Oliver , S . W . ; J . Smith , J . W . ; J . Bertram , S . D . Davidson , J . D . ; Acton , I . G . ; Statham , M . C . ; Pinch , TVine Steward , P . M . ; Hanciford , Treasurer ; and Bro . J . P . Smith , of Bromley , Organist . Among the visitors Avere Bros . Bate ( No . 15 ) , Bennett ( 19 ) , Lightfoot ( 172 ) , Emmens ( 201 ) Poped ( 165 ) Piatt ( 168 ) Howard ( 288 ) Howden ( 208
, , , , , Scotland ) . The arrangement at banquet AA-as of a very satisfactory character , and although the Aveather Avas so very unfavourable , above fifty sat down . The musical arrangement throughout the evening , was under the direction of Bro . J . P . Smith , Avho , in his usual style , highly delighted the brethren with his harmony .
ROYAL ALIIERT LOUGE ( NO . 1209 ) . —This lodge held its bimonthly meeting at the Westminster General Dispensary , Gera-ard street , Soho , on Monday the 16 th , instant . Present , Bros . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst , W . M ., Jeffries , S . W ., DOAATIS , J . W ., J . A . Farnfield , S . D ., Peters , J . D ., Mattheiv Cooke , Secretary , Rev . P . M . Holden , Chaplain , W . Watson , P . M ., and other brethren . The visitors on that occasion Avere the Bev . Bro . Doughty , P . Prov . G . Chap . E . Lancashire ; Bro . Weetman
, and Bro . Robinson . The Avork consisted in raising two brethren and other routine business . After thelodge Avas closed thebrethren adjourned to Banquet , at the Freemason ' s Tavern , ivhere the brethren spent one of the most pleasant and agreeable evenings . The banquet AA-as excellent , tho meeting harmonious , and the brethren separated at an earl y hour , every one of them gratifled at the fraternal feeling and good fellowship Avhich prevailed .
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPORT , STONEHOUSE , AND COHNAVALL GENERAL HOSPITAL . The ceremony of placing the memorial stone of the Devonport , Stonehouse , and CoriiAvall General Hospital , Avhich has been anticipated with so much interest throughout the counties of Devon and CornAvall for some time past , Avas performed on Tuesday with Masonic honours by the Plight Hon . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe . Favoured in the earlier part Avith fine Aveather , and Avitnessed by a great concourse of people , the ceremonial Avas a most successful one , and the event will long be
remembered with feelings of pleasure by a very large number of persons . From an early hour Devonport Avas astir ; the houses in many of the streets Avere decorated Avith flags ; banners Avaved over the principal thoroughfares , and in very many instances floral adornments ivere tastefully added . The site of the institution is a piece of Government land on the east of Marlborough-street and New Passage-hill , Devonport , and lias been placed at tlie disposal of the committee of the
hospital by the ordnance department . T'he building will be constructed upon plans draAvn by Mr . Norman , of Devonport , and under that gentleman's supervision . It Avill contain an accident ward , AA-ith eight beds , two general Avards with sixteen beds each , aAvard ivith six beds for eye cases , a Avard Avith thirteen beds for persons able to contribute partially towards the cost of treatment ; and , in addition to these necessary features of an
ordinary hospital , it will contain a Female Lock Ward , ivith at least tAventy-five beds . This last Avard is included by the express stipulation of the Government , ivho contributed £ 3500 toAvards the cost of the building , and will pay £ 750 per annum for the maintenance of this Ward . The total cost of erection is estimated at something exceeding £ 7 , 000 ; and the plans have been examined and approved of by Miss Nightingale , Sir John Liddel ( Director General of the Medical Department of the Navy ) , Dr . Sutherland and Captain Gallon , B .. E . ( Commissioners for
enquiring into Military Hospitals . ) Tlie Avorks Avere commenced on the 3 rd of March last , the tender of Mr . Jenkins of Devonport , having heen accepted on the 27 th of February . Tlie amount of tbe building contract is £ 6 , 900 . The time at Avhich the building is to be concluded is May , 1863 . Betiveen nine and ten o'clock some hundreds of jiersons gathered from all parts of the town , and took up positions
in Iver-street , for it Avas known that here the procession Avas to be marshalled . As ten o'clock approached , the crOAvd greatly increased , Avindows , balconies , house-tops , aiid every place from which a view of the procession Avas obtainable , being filled ivith eager spectators . Excursion trains had brought large numbers from the South of Devon and Cornwall , and these , AA'ith the representatives of the Masonic lodges and other bodies AA-1 IO Avere to take part in the ljrocession , arrived in quick
succession , and the scene in usually quiet Ker-street Avas a most animated one . In order to facilitate the formation of the procession , it had been arranged that the various public bodies and the beneA'olent orders should assemble in the Devonport Guildhall , AA-hich had been prepared for the purpose . A host of seats and boxes had been cleared aAvay , and the south side of the hall Avas marked off in tivelve divisions , in AA-hich the respective departments took up their indicated positions . The Freemasons
entered by the south door in Ker-street , ancl the Council Chamber and its ante-rooms Avere placed at their disposal . The Municipal and other public bodies entered by the east door His Worship tbe Mayor of Devonport Avas early on the spot , attended by the magistrates of that borough , and the members of the Devonport Corporation . His Worship the Mayor of Plymouth , accompanied by several of the borough magistrates and members of the Town Council , ancl attended by his
sergeants-at-mace , arrived at the Guildhall shortly after ten o ' clock , and ivas introduced by Mr . Woollcombe . His Worship ancl the members of the corporate body by Avhom he A \ as accompanied , at once joined the Mayor and Corporation of Devonport , in the division set apart for them at the south-Avestern end of the hall . The naval department Avas represented by Vice-Admiral Sir Houston Stewart , K . C . P . In the division alloted to the clergy of the Church of England , there Avere the Bev . J . Adams , Rev . TV . H . Nantes , ancl others . In the adioiniusr
division Avere the representatives of other other religious denominations . Adjoining Avere the representatives of the Lords of the Manors of Dei'onport ancl East Stonehouse , and folloiving up the divisions of the south-east ivere a large number of the Devonport Board of Commissioners . Next in order came the Stonehouse Board of Guardians , ancl many other local bodies , the Avhole of Avhich took up their positions in the most perfect order , and the success in this department of the clay's
proceedings was mainly attributable to the complete arrangements of the Hospital Committee , admirably carried " out by their energetic chairman , Mr . Woollcombe . The Freemasons , meantime , had mustered in great force in the Council-room and the rooms adjoining . The Council-room had been temporarily fitted up as a lodge-room , and here the senior lodge of the ' Three ToAvns , St . John ' s Lodge ( No . S 3 ) , having been opened , the lodge received ivith proper marks of