Article THE ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN . Page 1 of 2 →
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The Royal Freemasons' School For Female Children.
iii ihe Ii _ s _!' - iul . r , i . Thc candidates consisted of nine who were uu . ncee . si ';;! at the last election and seven new candidates . Tlie Chairman having declared the poll as follows , the proceedings t-c-IT . liii : ' tf . T : — Warner , Maria Louisa 513 Winter . Annie Gorton 431
Fleck , Scliua Jane 4-13 Kelly , Emily Frances 315 Schoiield , Louisa Emily 293 Johnson , Edna Jane 289 . Manger , Mary Anne Alice 277 Ileimniiia-s , Nora Taylor 277 MeasorElizabeth Adelaide
274-, Wicks , Emma Louisa 2 G 7 Holland , Ellen 257 Palo ., Mary June 217 Woodcock , Sai ah Ann 191 Buck , Piiscilla Sarah 152 StansiieldClara 100 '
, Ciilhu-d , Eliza Alice 15 The first twelve were elected . Votes of thanks to the President and Scrutineers closed the proceedings .
The Boys' School.
A quarterly court of the Governors and subscribers of this School was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday last , Bro . John Symonds , V . P , in the chair . The minutes of thc various Committee meetings having been read , The following resolutions were moved and carried .
"That tho son of a member of the Order contributing five guineas or upwards to the funds of the institution , on the occasion of tho inauguration of the new building , shall receive two votes at all elections of children for every such sum of five guineas so contributed . ' '
" That the Trustees and Committee of ihe Royal Masonic Institution for Boys lie authorised and empowered to borrow £ 10 , 000 , for the purpose of paying for tho works in connection ivith tho new building , aud for the furniture and other necessaries appertaining thereto , by mortgage of the lands and premises at Wood Green , or otherwise , as may be determined . "
" That in the event of any candidate elected for admission to the Institution being proved ineligible for reception from any cause , his name shall bo struck out from the list of elected candidates , and tlie name of the properly qualified candidate polling the next highest number of votes at such election shall be declared , and be elected in his stead . "
The election ivas then proceeded with and resulted as follows : — Kelly , Charles George 805 Flovd , Henrv William 723 Tappolet , Frederick 720 West , Waller Bowditch 714 . TonesEdwin Price 700
, Denton , Henry Joseph G 91 I _ ecknell , George Samuel G 14 j Hill , J . Stainforth ( 312- j Wilson , Robert Christopher 5 S 1 Dawson , William 522 Smith , Oliver 510 I Gaston 434 j
Pearson , Lauman Saxc 4-20 Bayly , Alfred James 404 Collingwood , Samuel 371 Crabtree , Benjamin T 370 Martin , John Ross 269 Johnson , Henry 2 G 0 Story , William George 24 G Hieknott , Henry 147
The Boys' School.
MoiTyv . oaiker , J . Thomas 140 Owen , William Henry I 0 i Mar . m , Ed . Henry CS Ashron , Henry Jas G 5 Jackson , Herbert James 41 Boutley , Edwin Thomas 31 Graham , Frederick 2 Wheeler , Harry Slater 1
The iirst twelve ivere elected . Votes of thanks to the Scrutineers and Chairman closed the proceedings . [ It will be observed that the boy Wilson whoso case we advocated , lias been elected—but that Crabtree was again unsuccessful . In addition to the brethren whoso names we have
already published as assisting us , we have to return our thanks to Bro . Adlurd , and to a brother wha sent us anonymously ton proxies for Crabtree , whose case we shall again take up , and we trust more successfully , at the next election . ]
Metropolitan .
i GRAND SIEV . M I-D S' LODGE . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday last , when Bro . Richard Spencer , P . M ., of the Bank of England and other lodges was duly installed as W . M . of this the premier lodge of England , by Bro . William Watson , the Secretary . At the conclusion of tho ceremony Bros . John Gurton , P . M ., of the St . James' Union and Strawberry Hill Lodgeswas appointed S . W . ; George Spencer
, States , P . M .. of thc Phocenix and St . Thomas ' s Lodges , J . W . ; William Kirby , P . M ., of the Prudent Brethren Lodge , S . D . ; Henry Norman , P . M ., of the Manchester Lodge , J . D . Some formal business having been transacted , the brethren adjourned to dinner , the W . M . being supported bv his ofllcers and bv Bros . Bennett , Samuels , and Ii . G * Warren , " P . M . 's ; Patten , P . G . D ., Sec . of the Girls' School , and Bincks . Sec . of the Boys' School .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts , with one or two extra , were admirably proposed and lcsponded to , and in the course of the evening every brother present entered his name as a Steward for tlie inauguration of the Boys' School in July next . Tho brethren separated at an early hour . EASTEH : ^ S : L ODGE ( N . 95 ) . —Tlie last regular meeting of the season was held on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Ship aud Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . Iu the absence of Bro .
Grimths the W . M .. Bro . E . W , Davis , P . M ., occupied tho chair , and initiated Mr . John Vaith . This is one of the Athol lodges , and the warrant it holds—one of confirmation—records the fact that its original warrant is dated September 4 , 17 G 5 , consequently in September next the lodge reaches its centenary . Bro . How therefore moved , and Bro . Mai-riot seconded , a resolution that u committee be appointed to lake the necessary steps for obtaining permission of the MAV . Grand Master for
the members to adopt and wear at all Masonic assemblies a jewel demonstrative of the event ; the resolution was carried unanimously . Tho lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to their usual pleasant banquet . P-iumx LODGE ( No . 173 . )—Thc monthly meeting of this excellent lodge was held on the Sth inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Hubbard , W . M ., who most ably initiated Mr . White
and Mr . daggers into the Order , passed two and raised one brother , to their respective degrees . An election then took place for W . M ., when the ballot fell ou Bro . George Wilson . Bro . G . S . States was re-elected treasurer , and it was unanimously resolved to present a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Hubbard in testimony of his valuable services daring the past year . Thc lodge having been closed the brethren partook of a light refreshment and separated at an earlv hour .
P . _ :. _ . iri ; E LODGE ( NO . 720 . )—The annual election of officers took place at this lodge on tlie 17 th inst ., when Bro . Thomas , P . M . of several London lodges , who had consecrated the Panmure Lodge eu its establishment , and who had filled in it various oiiices and always exhibited thc greatest interest in its prosperity , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Reid , the retiring W . M ., was elected Treasurer in the room of Bro . Farmer whose resignation , after several years service , was accepted with regret . Bro . Bradley ivas re-elected Tyler , A vote of thanks to Bro . Stevens , P . M . and Sec . was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Royal Freemasons' School For Female Children.
iii ihe Ii _ s _!' - iul . r , i . Thc candidates consisted of nine who were uu . ncee . si ';;! at the last election and seven new candidates . Tlie Chairman having declared the poll as follows , the proceedings t-c-IT . liii : ' tf . T : — Warner , Maria Louisa 513 Winter . Annie Gorton 431
Fleck , Scliua Jane 4-13 Kelly , Emily Frances 315 Schoiield , Louisa Emily 293 Johnson , Edna Jane 289 . Manger , Mary Anne Alice 277 Ileimniiia-s , Nora Taylor 277 MeasorElizabeth Adelaide
274-, Wicks , Emma Louisa 2 G 7 Holland , Ellen 257 Palo ., Mary June 217 Woodcock , Sai ah Ann 191 Buck , Piiscilla Sarah 152 StansiieldClara 100 '
, Ciilhu-d , Eliza Alice 15 The first twelve were elected . Votes of thanks to the President and Scrutineers closed the proceedings .
The Boys' School.
A quarterly court of the Governors and subscribers of this School was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday last , Bro . John Symonds , V . P , in the chair . The minutes of thc various Committee meetings having been read , The following resolutions were moved and carried .
"That tho son of a member of the Order contributing five guineas or upwards to the funds of the institution , on the occasion of tho inauguration of the new building , shall receive two votes at all elections of children for every such sum of five guineas so contributed . ' '
" That the Trustees and Committee of ihe Royal Masonic Institution for Boys lie authorised and empowered to borrow £ 10 , 000 , for the purpose of paying for tho works in connection ivith tho new building , aud for the furniture and other necessaries appertaining thereto , by mortgage of the lands and premises at Wood Green , or otherwise , as may be determined . "
" That in the event of any candidate elected for admission to the Institution being proved ineligible for reception from any cause , his name shall bo struck out from the list of elected candidates , and tlie name of the properly qualified candidate polling the next highest number of votes at such election shall be declared , and be elected in his stead . "
The election ivas then proceeded with and resulted as follows : — Kelly , Charles George 805 Flovd , Henrv William 723 Tappolet , Frederick 720 West , Waller Bowditch 714 . TonesEdwin Price 700
, Denton , Henry Joseph G 91 I _ ecknell , George Samuel G 14 j Hill , J . Stainforth ( 312- j Wilson , Robert Christopher 5 S 1 Dawson , William 522 Smith , Oliver 510 I Gaston 434 j
Pearson , Lauman Saxc 4-20 Bayly , Alfred James 404 Collingwood , Samuel 371 Crabtree , Benjamin T 370 Martin , John Ross 269 Johnson , Henry 2 G 0 Story , William George 24 G Hieknott , Henry 147
The Boys' School.
MoiTyv . oaiker , J . Thomas 140 Owen , William Henry I 0 i Mar . m , Ed . Henry CS Ashron , Henry Jas G 5 Jackson , Herbert James 41 Boutley , Edwin Thomas 31 Graham , Frederick 2 Wheeler , Harry Slater 1
The iirst twelve ivere elected . Votes of thanks to the Scrutineers and Chairman closed the proceedings . [ It will be observed that the boy Wilson whoso case we advocated , lias been elected—but that Crabtree was again unsuccessful . In addition to the brethren whoso names we have
already published as assisting us , we have to return our thanks to Bro . Adlurd , and to a brother wha sent us anonymously ton proxies for Crabtree , whose case we shall again take up , and we trust more successfully , at the next election . ]
Metropolitan .
i GRAND SIEV . M I-D S' LODGE . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday last , when Bro . Richard Spencer , P . M ., of the Bank of England and other lodges was duly installed as W . M . of this the premier lodge of England , by Bro . William Watson , the Secretary . At the conclusion of tho ceremony Bros . John Gurton , P . M ., of the St . James' Union and Strawberry Hill Lodgeswas appointed S . W . ; George Spencer
, States , P . M .. of thc Phocenix and St . Thomas ' s Lodges , J . W . ; William Kirby , P . M ., of the Prudent Brethren Lodge , S . D . ; Henry Norman , P . M ., of the Manchester Lodge , J . D . Some formal business having been transacted , the brethren adjourned to dinner , the W . M . being supported bv his ofllcers and bv Bros . Bennett , Samuels , and Ii . G * Warren , " P . M . 's ; Patten , P . G . D ., Sec . of the Girls' School , and Bincks . Sec . of the Boys' School .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts , with one or two extra , were admirably proposed and lcsponded to , and in the course of the evening every brother present entered his name as a Steward for tlie inauguration of the Boys' School in July next . Tho brethren separated at an early hour . EASTEH : ^ S : L ODGE ( N . 95 ) . —Tlie last regular meeting of the season was held on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Ship aud Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . Iu the absence of Bro .
Grimths the W . M .. Bro . E . W , Davis , P . M ., occupied tho chair , and initiated Mr . John Vaith . This is one of the Athol lodges , and the warrant it holds—one of confirmation—records the fact that its original warrant is dated September 4 , 17 G 5 , consequently in September next the lodge reaches its centenary . Bro . How therefore moved , and Bro . Mai-riot seconded , a resolution that u committee be appointed to lake the necessary steps for obtaining permission of the MAV . Grand Master for
the members to adopt and wear at all Masonic assemblies a jewel demonstrative of the event ; the resolution was carried unanimously . Tho lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to their usual pleasant banquet . P-iumx LODGE ( No . 173 . )—Thc monthly meeting of this excellent lodge was held on the Sth inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Hubbard , W . M ., who most ably initiated Mr . White
and Mr . daggers into the Order , passed two and raised one brother , to their respective degrees . An election then took place for W . M ., when the ballot fell ou Bro . George Wilson . Bro . G . S . States was re-elected treasurer , and it was unanimously resolved to present a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Hubbard in testimony of his valuable services daring the past year . Thc lodge having been closed the brethren partook of a light refreshment and separated at an earlv hour .
P . _ :. _ . iri ; E LODGE ( NO . 720 . )—The annual election of officers took place at this lodge on tlie 17 th inst ., when Bro . Thomas , P . M . of several London lodges , who had consecrated the Panmure Lodge eu its establishment , and who had filled in it various oiiices and always exhibited thc greatest interest in its prosperity , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Reid , the retiring W . M ., was elected Treasurer in the room of Bro . Farmer whose resignation , after several years service , was accepted with regret . Bro . Bradley ivas re-elected Tyler , A vote of thanks to Bro . Stevens , P . M . and Sec . was