Article METROPOLITAN . ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Metropolitan .
entered _ o be placed on the minutes in recognition of his services as Steward at the last Boys' Festival . After the raising of Bro . Smetzer to tho sublime decree of a M . M . and the transaction of the remaining Masonic " business , tho brethren sat down to a substantial repast , at which ( in the absence of the W . M . ) Bro . Stevens presided , supported bv Bro . N B . Allen , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . South Wales ; N . W . Hod ^ c ? P . M ., P . Prov . G . See . ; WLlovd JonesSl 3 aud
. , ; numerous other members and visiting brethren . After the tln-ee first -Masonic toasts the acting AV . M . proposed "Our Provincial Grand Lodges , " coupled with tho names of Bro . Allen ami Hodges , the former of whom suitably replied , and proposed "The Health of Bro . Stevens , " whieh \ vas duly acknowledged . ^ ro . Hodges proposed " The Health of tbe AV . M . elect " whom he eulogised for his general conciliatory manners and courteous haviour towards his
oe brethren . He was confident that the lodge ivould prosper under his direction . Bro . Thomas thanked the brethren for the cordiality with ivhich they had received the toast . Bro . AV . Lloyd Jones of the New Concord Lod-e returned thanks on behalf of the visitors , and Bro . Oswyu for the ofheers . The brethren shortl y afterwards separated , bavin" - passed a very agreeable evening which was much enlivened by the excellent singing of several brethren .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE Tow . v , DEVO-N-roiw .. —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 ) — The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., at 4 . 30 p . m . precisely . The meeting was ' called thus early in consequence of tho amount of work , there beinono fewer than ten candidates altogether , viz ., four raisin" ? three passingsand three initiationsAccordinglat 440 '
, . y , p m the AV M Bro . Horace B . Kent , opened the lodge and commenced the business of the evening . The minutes of the last regular and subsequent emergent meetings bavin" been read and confirmed , a ballot took place for Messrs . Eedgate , Hay G . Picken , and John Graham , which proved unanimous in their favour . Bros . Jones , Snell , Greenslade , and Scott , wore then examinedand such being satisfactory the AVMentrusted
, .. them . Bros . Jones and Snell were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and subsequently Bros . Greenslade and Scott Bros . Duncan , Joey , and Nicholson were then examined entrusted , and passed to the second degree , all the duties of the evening thus far having been performed by the AV . M . Tho \\ .. II . having lett the chair was succeeded by Bro . S . Chappie P . M ., 159 and 954 , wiio proceeded to tho ceremony of initiatin g the candidates alread
y ballotted for and accepted . Tins ho performed in his usual admirable stylo , the solemn cham-e peculiar to this degree being most impressivel y delivered by Pro F G . Irwin , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W . of Andalusia . The U M . having again taken the chair said ho should bo most happy on tho next regular lodse to hear the names of those brethren submitted to him to fill tho offices respectively of AA . M treasurer , and Tyler . Business being ended the lodge was closed with prayer at 9 . 40 p . m . precisely .
DORSETSHIRE . \ 7 xw . uxv _ . -Lodgc of Unit y ( No . 3 SG ) .-A lodge of emergency of this old and now rapidly reviving lodge was held on the 12 th inst ., for the purpose of raising to the sublime deo-rec of M . M . Bro . IL Patten , of Portland , and advantage was taken of the occasion by the AV . M . to discharge a most pleasin- duty winch had devolved upon him . AA e should premise that during tlie 14 the then
year SG AV . M ., Bro . Povnter , had , as a true man and Mason , so strenuousl y exerted himself in furtherin « - the interests of his lodge , as undoubtedl y to have rescued it from hopeless decay . Ou the evening of his retirement from office ( St Johns Lay ) it was resolved unanimousl y that a P JI ' s iewel should be publicly presented to him as the most suitable , although certainly inadequate token of the value the brethren attached ' to his servicesLast lodniht the
, ge g , being first opportunity , tho b . AA ., as the proposer of this well-merited tribute , upon the ' lodo-e being opened in thc E . C . degree , called upon the W . M . to suspend at the breast of his I . P . M . and ever-read y and capable coadjutor the small offering of his lodge ' s esteem The W M Bro Barfoot , remarked that he felt it but a right and just thinthat Bro . Poynter ' s Masonic abilities and zeal should bo fully
ae . _ nov .-Icdg :-. l and markedly recog :: i . '; , as far as ; . o ~; : ble . by those for whom ]; c . ; , fc only had ' lab-. in . ¦ ¦! . but moreover co ::-tinned to labour . To Bro . Poynter i-ne 1-.. L . 0 owed a second life : it , indeed , was iloui-ishing- ' noiv nguin . flea , ant prospects for the future were dawning upon it ; " but let it flourish ever so vigorously , he , for his part ( and he tripled that he could say it as the feeling of all the brethren pro . om ., should never ibirret tnat to Bro . Poynter so much—he could not haw much
very say —was owing . Ami you , Bro . Povnter 1 am sure will never forget that your work has been appreciated , and srratei ' ully and warmly recognised . May the jewel ham / n . . . ; upon your breast be another link to unite you to us , if any link can be wanting - and may the Great Architect of the Universe prolong your days to their furthest limit that you may labour more ab ' undautlV , and even more successfully , in selecting good materials and sound for the
Lodge of Unity , and in .. eciiriiig those materials , when selected , in their proper places . Bro . Poynter disclaimed such credit as was thus attributed to him , affirming that to other brethren who had so cordially as .-ii . 4 ed him during his year of office , most certainly to Bro . Barfoot , his S . W ., whatever success had atl ended him was mainly due , but lie felt thanks which it would be hard fullto The lod
very y express . ge was then raised to the third de __ ree , when Bro . Povnter was desired by the W . M . to proceed with thc sublime ceremony , which he went through with a precision aud earnestness that elicited tho warmest erdogiums from all present , No further business being before the lodge it was duly closed .
| SURREY . _ CKOYDOJ .. —Fast Surret / Lodge of Concord ( No 4 G 3 ) . ~ -Tlie installation meeting of this lodgo was held on Thursday , the Gth inst ., at- the Greyhound . Bro . J . G-. Chancellor , AV . M ., opened the lodge , assisted by his officers . The minutes of the former meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Thomas Hawkins was raised to tho sublime degree of a Master Mason . Woodward
Bro . , the W . M . elect , was Ihen presented to receive at the hands of the AV . M . tho benefit- of installation . Tho Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Woodward was installed as the W . M . for the ensuing year . All the brethren were then regularly admitted , and he was formally proclaimed and saluted in the several degrees . He thereupon appointed and invested bis officers . Business being finished , the dul
W . M . y closed the lodge . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , served up in Bro . Bean ' s best style . After dinner tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and honoured , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . LAYING- A EOITXDATION STONE . On AVednesday the foundation stone of a Mechanics' Institution at Lockwood , near Huddersfield , was laid by Earl do Grey and Ripon , Prov . G . Master , with full Masonic ceremonial , iii the presence of a vast concourse of spectators . His lordship arrived in too town btho train at 10 am and received
y .., was by a guard of honour , composed of ninety men of the Gth AVest Yorkshire ( Huddersfield ) ( Rifle Volunteers . Subsequently a procession -vas formed at the Masonic Hal ! , South Parade , a large number of Masonic lod ges being represented , and proceeded to tlie place where tho ceremony was to be performed , where commodious platforms were erected for the spectators Tlie banners of the Masonic lod the flags of the Mechanics
ges , ' Institution , the dresses of the ladies , and the uniforms of the riflemen , together with tho large assembly of Masons in full Masonic costume , rendered the spectacle an extremely plcasiimoue . The proceedings commenced with a verse of the National Anthem , followed , by prayer by the Prov . G . Chaplain , Bro the Rev . J . Hope , 3 I . A ., Halifax ; and then Bro . i . eiilley Shaw , Irov . G . M ., President of the Institutionpresented toEarlde
, Grey and Ripon a silver trowel . A mallet was also presented and Bros . It . N . Nelson , Prov . G . See . Leeds ; J . G . Berrv Prov . G . Treas ., Huddersfield ; AV . Cocking , Prov . G . Sunt , of AVorks , Huddersfield ; D . A . Cooper , AV . M . ; J . Roberts , AVM S . Hardy , P . M ., Huddersfield ; and M . J . II . Abbey , architect ^ took part in the ceremonial . After tho stone had been laid , Earl DE GI . EY and Riros addressed the '
assembly . He said : —Ladies and gentlemen , I will now ask you before we conclude this ceremonial , to allow ine to address " to you a faw observations upon the occasion which has called us too-other to-day . AVe have met here in this large assemblage to take
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan .
entered _ o be placed on the minutes in recognition of his services as Steward at the last Boys' Festival . After the raising of Bro . Smetzer to tho sublime decree of a M . M . and the transaction of the remaining Masonic " business , tho brethren sat down to a substantial repast , at which ( in the absence of the W . M . ) Bro . Stevens presided , supported bv Bro . N B . Allen , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . South Wales ; N . W . Hod ^ c ? P . M ., P . Prov . G . See . ; WLlovd JonesSl 3 aud
. , ; numerous other members and visiting brethren . After the tln-ee first -Masonic toasts the acting AV . M . proposed "Our Provincial Grand Lodges , " coupled with tho names of Bro . Allen ami Hodges , the former of whom suitably replied , and proposed "The Health of Bro . Stevens , " whieh \ vas duly acknowledged . ^ ro . Hodges proposed " The Health of tbe AV . M . elect " whom he eulogised for his general conciliatory manners and courteous haviour towards his
oe brethren . He was confident that the lodge ivould prosper under his direction . Bro . Thomas thanked the brethren for the cordiality with ivhich they had received the toast . Bro . AV . Lloyd Jones of the New Concord Lod-e returned thanks on behalf of the visitors , and Bro . Oswyu for the ofheers . The brethren shortl y afterwards separated , bavin" - passed a very agreeable evening which was much enlivened by the excellent singing of several brethren .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE Tow . v , DEVO-N-roiw .. —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 ) — The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., at 4 . 30 p . m . precisely . The meeting was ' called thus early in consequence of tho amount of work , there beinono fewer than ten candidates altogether , viz ., four raisin" ? three passingsand three initiationsAccordinglat 440 '
, . y , p m the AV M Bro . Horace B . Kent , opened the lodge and commenced the business of the evening . The minutes of the last regular and subsequent emergent meetings bavin" been read and confirmed , a ballot took place for Messrs . Eedgate , Hay G . Picken , and John Graham , which proved unanimous in their favour . Bros . Jones , Snell , Greenslade , and Scott , wore then examinedand such being satisfactory the AVMentrusted
, .. them . Bros . Jones and Snell were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and subsequently Bros . Greenslade and Scott Bros . Duncan , Joey , and Nicholson were then examined entrusted , and passed to the second degree , all the duties of the evening thus far having been performed by the AV . M . Tho \\ .. II . having lett the chair was succeeded by Bro . S . Chappie P . M ., 159 and 954 , wiio proceeded to tho ceremony of initiatin g the candidates alread
y ballotted for and accepted . Tins ho performed in his usual admirable stylo , the solemn cham-e peculiar to this degree being most impressivel y delivered by Pro F G . Irwin , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W . of Andalusia . The U M . having again taken the chair said ho should bo most happy on tho next regular lodse to hear the names of those brethren submitted to him to fill tho offices respectively of AA . M treasurer , and Tyler . Business being ended the lodge was closed with prayer at 9 . 40 p . m . precisely .
DORSETSHIRE . \ 7 xw . uxv _ . -Lodgc of Unit y ( No . 3 SG ) .-A lodge of emergency of this old and now rapidly reviving lodge was held on the 12 th inst ., for the purpose of raising to the sublime deo-rec of M . M . Bro . IL Patten , of Portland , and advantage was taken of the occasion by the AV . M . to discharge a most pleasin- duty winch had devolved upon him . AA e should premise that during tlie 14 the then
year SG AV . M ., Bro . Povnter , had , as a true man and Mason , so strenuousl y exerted himself in furtherin « - the interests of his lodge , as undoubtedl y to have rescued it from hopeless decay . Ou the evening of his retirement from office ( St Johns Lay ) it was resolved unanimousl y that a P JI ' s iewel should be publicly presented to him as the most suitable , although certainly inadequate token of the value the brethren attached ' to his servicesLast lodniht the
, ge g , being first opportunity , tho b . AA ., as the proposer of this well-merited tribute , upon the ' lodo-e being opened in thc E . C . degree , called upon the W . M . to suspend at the breast of his I . P . M . and ever-read y and capable coadjutor the small offering of his lodge ' s esteem The W M Bro Barfoot , remarked that he felt it but a right and just thinthat Bro . Poynter ' s Masonic abilities and zeal should bo fully
ae . _ nov .-Icdg :-. l and markedly recog :: i . '; , as far as ; . o ~; : ble . by those for whom ]; c . ; , fc only had ' lab-. in . ¦ ¦! . but moreover co ::-tinned to labour . To Bro . Poynter i-ne 1-.. L . 0 owed a second life : it , indeed , was iloui-ishing- ' noiv nguin . flea , ant prospects for the future were dawning upon it ; " but let it flourish ever so vigorously , he , for his part ( and he tripled that he could say it as the feeling of all the brethren pro . om ., should never ibirret tnat to Bro . Poynter so much—he could not haw much
very say —was owing . Ami you , Bro . Povnter 1 am sure will never forget that your work has been appreciated , and srratei ' ully and warmly recognised . May the jewel ham / n . . . ; upon your breast be another link to unite you to us , if any link can be wanting - and may the Great Architect of the Universe prolong your days to their furthest limit that you may labour more ab ' undautlV , and even more successfully , in selecting good materials and sound for the
Lodge of Unity , and in .. eciiriiig those materials , when selected , in their proper places . Bro . Poynter disclaimed such credit as was thus attributed to him , affirming that to other brethren who had so cordially as .-ii . 4 ed him during his year of office , most certainly to Bro . Barfoot , his S . W ., whatever success had atl ended him was mainly due , but lie felt thanks which it would be hard fullto The lod
very y express . ge was then raised to the third de __ ree , when Bro . Povnter was desired by the W . M . to proceed with thc sublime ceremony , which he went through with a precision aud earnestness that elicited tho warmest erdogiums from all present , No further business being before the lodge it was duly closed .
| SURREY . _ CKOYDOJ .. —Fast Surret / Lodge of Concord ( No 4 G 3 ) . ~ -Tlie installation meeting of this lodgo was held on Thursday , the Gth inst ., at- the Greyhound . Bro . J . G-. Chancellor , AV . M ., opened the lodge , assisted by his officers . The minutes of the former meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Thomas Hawkins was raised to tho sublime degree of a Master Mason . Woodward
Bro . , the W . M . elect , was Ihen presented to receive at the hands of the AV . M . tho benefit- of installation . Tho Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Woodward was installed as the W . M . for the ensuing year . All the brethren were then regularly admitted , and he was formally proclaimed and saluted in the several degrees . He thereupon appointed and invested bis officers . Business being finished , the dul
W . M . y closed the lodge . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , served up in Bro . Bean ' s best style . After dinner tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and honoured , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . LAYING- A EOITXDATION STONE . On AVednesday the foundation stone of a Mechanics' Institution at Lockwood , near Huddersfield , was laid by Earl do Grey and Ripon , Prov . G . Master , with full Masonic ceremonial , iii the presence of a vast concourse of spectators . His lordship arrived in too town btho train at 10 am and received
y .., was by a guard of honour , composed of ninety men of the Gth AVest Yorkshire ( Huddersfield ) ( Rifle Volunteers . Subsequently a procession -vas formed at the Masonic Hal ! , South Parade , a large number of Masonic lod ges being represented , and proceeded to tlie place where tho ceremony was to be performed , where commodious platforms were erected for the spectators Tlie banners of the Masonic lod the flags of the Mechanics
ges , ' Institution , the dresses of the ladies , and the uniforms of the riflemen , together with tho large assembly of Masons in full Masonic costume , rendered the spectacle an extremely plcasiimoue . The proceedings commenced with a verse of the National Anthem , followed , by prayer by the Prov . G . Chaplain , Bro the Rev . J . Hope , 3 I . A ., Halifax ; and then Bro . i . eiilley Shaw , Irov . G . M ., President of the Institutionpresented toEarlde
, Grey and Ripon a silver trowel . A mallet was also presented and Bros . It . N . Nelson , Prov . G . See . Leeds ; J . G . Berrv Prov . G . Treas ., Huddersfield ; AV . Cocking , Prov . G . Sunt , of AVorks , Huddersfield ; D . A . Cooper , AV . M . ; J . Roberts , AVM S . Hardy , P . M ., Huddersfield ; and M . J . II . Abbey , architect ^ took part in the ceremonial . After tho stone had been laid , Earl DE GI . EY and Riros addressed the '
assembly . He said : —Ladies and gentlemen , I will now ask you before we conclude this ceremonial , to allow ine to address " to you a faw observations upon the occasion which has called us too-other to-day . AVe have met here in this large assemblage to take