Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Knights Templar,
Sir Knt . II . B . Kent „ G . 1 st Herald . IL Gribble „ G . 2 nd Herald . „ . E . Anderton „ G . Organist . „ Vincent Bird „ G . Banner Bearer . „ J . Gregory ") _ n „ J . Rogers J" ° ' ferries . On the conclusion of the appointments tho By-Law
Committee brought up the report , and after some slight discussion the by-laws as amended were passed aud ordered to be printed . A vote of . Go 5 * . was made to the Royal Albert Hospital , Devonport . / The duties of the Almoner having been performed , the Grand . Conclave was closed . Immediatel y ^ after which the ROYAE SUSSEX B _ NCAJ [_? : UE _ . T wasbpened , the A \ E . P . G .
Commander occuping the chair of E . CASir Knight Clase as E . C . elect for tho ensuing year was . presented , obligated , and was forthwith installed into his chair of office , and appointed awl iiwesteiA . his ofllcers , viz .: —Sir Knights Theodor Laude , 1 st Capt . of Col . ; Samuel Chappie , 2 nd Capt . of Cob ; Vincent Bird , Prelate ; John R . H . Spry , Chancellor ; Francis Codd , Treasurer ; B . AA . Stoneman , Expert ; E . J . Worth , Capt . of Lines ; John Rogers , Equerry .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-OX- TY-VE . — llogal Kent Encampment . — The annual meeting of . this encampment was held according to ancient custom on Good Friday , when it was opened by the P . E . C . Sir Knight C . J . Bannister , in the absence of the E . C . Sir Knight Swithenbank . On tho ballot being called , Companion Emra Holmes of the Chapter of Strict Benevolence , Sunderland , now proposed in open encampment by Sir Knight B . Levy and
seconded by Sir Knight J . Jensen , he was found to be duly elected . Comp . Emra Holmes being in attendance was properly prepared and duly installed a Sir Knight Templar with all the impressive ceremonial observed in this degree , by P . E . C . Sir Knight Bannister . P . E . C . Sir Knight Hotham was then installed E . C . for tho ensuing year by Sir Knight Bannister . The Eminent Commander then appointed'lhe following officers :
—Sir Knights Punshon , Prior ; Dalziel , Sub-Prior ; "Bannister , Chancellor ; Edward Shotton , 1 st Captain ; Jetisen 2 nd Captain ; Banning , Registrar ; Ludwig , Almoner ; B . Levy , Expert ; Foulsham , Captain of Lines ; Thompson , Standard Bearer ; Storey , 1 st Herald ; Emra Holmes , 2 nd Herald . The other business of the encampment being concluded it was closed , and the usual banquet ivas served . On the removal of the cloth
the E . C . proposed " The Queen" ivhich ivas of course duly honoured . Then came "The Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of the Royal Exalted Religions and Military Order of H . E . D . M . K . D . ' S . H ., " "Grand Elected Knights Templars and Hospitallers of St . John of Jerusalem . " The E . C . proposed next " The Grand Officers of tho Grand Conclave of England and AA ' ales , " coupled with the name of Sir Knight Punshon , who the E . C . remarked was held in such high estimation as to have been consulted on more than one
occasion by both the Grand Conclaves of England and Scotland . Sir Knight Punshon , in responding , said ho had now been 50 years a Templar , and this ( the Royal Kent ) ivas tho only Encampment ivhere the Grand Cross of the Order of ivhich he was Grand Master , was worked in the North . Sir Knight Bannister then proposed their "Eminent Commander Sir Knight Hotham" in flattering terms , who made a suitable responseand gave as the next toast " Sir Knight Bannister "
, whom he eulogised as a most enthusiastic Templar and a very distinguished brother in the Craft . " Our newly-installed Companion in Arms , Sir Knight Emra Holmes" was then given and others followed , and the evening was spent in that harmony and good fellowship which always characterise the gatherings of brethren of the mystic tie . This encampment was founded in 1812 under the auspices of his Royal Highness
the late Duke of Kent . In 1844 the Hon . Arthur James l'lunkett Lorcl Killcen , was installed a Sir Knight Templar " in 1822 Sir Charles Loraine , Bart ., became Eminent Commander , and in 1830 the late Earl of Durham succeeded to that office , which he held till 18-10 , in which year Sir Charles Loraine was Grand Prior . Sir Cuthbert Sharp was Herald in 1839 , and in 1841 became Aide-de-camp ; in 1843 Savile Craven Henry Ogle , M . P ., joined , since which time the encampment has eontinued to flourish .
Mark Masonry.
DEA ^ ONSHIRE . PltOVIXOIAL GliAXD LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masters for this county was held on Thursday , the Gth inst ., at the Charity Lodge Room , Union-road , Plymouth , by the R . AA . Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , P . G . M . A committee to frame by-laws for the government of the province was appointed , a report of which will be brought up at a meeting to bo held in June next . The BAAL brother then appointed his Grand Officers for the year : —
Bro . R . Dowse Prov . D . G . M . „ Major Brent „ S . G . AAL ., Captain AVood „ J . G . AAL „ J . C . Radford 1 st . G . Overseer . ,, J . Sadler , 2 nd „ J . AA oods „ 3 rd „ „ Rev . J . C . Carwithen „ G . Chap . ., J . S . Phillips G . Treas .
„ ., J . Britrgs , G . Reg . „ R . Rodda „ G . Sec . „ Thos . Heath „ G . Assist . Sec . „ X . Ash „ S . G . D . „ C . Elphinstone „ J . G . D . ., AA . Ashford „ Inspector of Works . ' ., AAL Hill „ G . Dir . of Cers .
,, J . May - „ ' G . Assist , bir . of Cers . .. IT . B . Kent „ G . Sword Bearer . „ Hallett , G . Org . ,, Lose „ G . Puist . ,, Thos . Ellis } ,, S . K . Gudridge ? „ G . Stewards . ,, I . K . Jane )
„ J . Gregory ) ri , „ , T r > „ _ „ G . Tylers . „ . J . Rogers J " J Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed with the usual solemnities .
JERSEY . For . several months past the arrangements havo been in progress for the establishment in this island of a Mark Lodge under the registry of the Grand Mark Lodge of England . The degree has existed there for some years in connexion with the Justice Craft Lodge under Irish jurisdiction ; and as many English Masons have availed themselves of this opportunity of
obtaining it , they formed a good nucleus for the foundation of another Mark Lodge under English A \ arrant . The first meeting of its promoters was held in February , when a petition was determined upon , and three brethren were recommended as AALM . aud AVardens . In a few weeks the petition was granted and a warrant issued . 'At a subsequent meeting the other officers were appointedwho have frequently assembled
, for the purpose of instruction in the ritual . Meanwhile all the other requisite preparations were made , and three Past Masters of the Justice Lodgo having kindly undertaken the task o £ installing the AV . M ., Monday , April 10 th , was fixed for the opening . The brethren accordingly assembled at the Masonic Temple , St . Holier , soon after five o ' clock in the evening . The chair was taken by Bro . Grimmond , P . M ., who , after
opening the lodge , explained the purpose of the assembly , and called on the Secretary to read the minutes of previous meetings , which were subsequently confirmed , declared valid , and signed by the Installing Master . 'The warrant was also read , and the lodge duly constituted under the title of the Caisarean Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 74 ) . Bro . Dr . Blood , P . M . and AA ' . M ., and Bro . Hastings P . M ., then presented Bro . Dr .
Hopkins for the benefit of installation , who was duly obligated as Master elect , after having given his assent to the usual conditions . The brethren having been requested to retire , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , by whom the AALM . was duly installed in the chief chair of the lodge . On their return the brethren gave the customary salute . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , AA ' . M . then delivered the following address : —
"Brethren , we have much on our hands this evening , on which account , as well as others , the ceremony just completed has been made as short as possible , too much so to be in perfect accordance with the arrangements usual ou such occasions . The exact form of installation to be permanently adopted not having yet been arranged by thc . constituted authorities , though it has for some time been under consideration ; the ritual used
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar,
Sir Knt . II . B . Kent „ G . 1 st Herald . IL Gribble „ G . 2 nd Herald . „ . E . Anderton „ G . Organist . „ Vincent Bird „ G . Banner Bearer . „ J . Gregory ") _ n „ J . Rogers J" ° ' ferries . On the conclusion of the appointments tho By-Law
Committee brought up the report , and after some slight discussion the by-laws as amended were passed aud ordered to be printed . A vote of . Go 5 * . was made to the Royal Albert Hospital , Devonport . / The duties of the Almoner having been performed , the Grand . Conclave was closed . Immediatel y ^ after which the ROYAE SUSSEX B _ NCAJ [_? : UE _ . T wasbpened , the A \ E . P . G .
Commander occuping the chair of E . CASir Knight Clase as E . C . elect for tho ensuing year was . presented , obligated , and was forthwith installed into his chair of office , and appointed awl iiwesteiA . his ofllcers , viz .: —Sir Knights Theodor Laude , 1 st Capt . of Col . ; Samuel Chappie , 2 nd Capt . of Cob ; Vincent Bird , Prelate ; John R . H . Spry , Chancellor ; Francis Codd , Treasurer ; B . AA . Stoneman , Expert ; E . J . Worth , Capt . of Lines ; John Rogers , Equerry .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-OX- TY-VE . — llogal Kent Encampment . — The annual meeting of . this encampment was held according to ancient custom on Good Friday , when it was opened by the P . E . C . Sir Knight C . J . Bannister , in the absence of the E . C . Sir Knight Swithenbank . On tho ballot being called , Companion Emra Holmes of the Chapter of Strict Benevolence , Sunderland , now proposed in open encampment by Sir Knight B . Levy and
seconded by Sir Knight J . Jensen , he was found to be duly elected . Comp . Emra Holmes being in attendance was properly prepared and duly installed a Sir Knight Templar with all the impressive ceremonial observed in this degree , by P . E . C . Sir Knight Bannister . P . E . C . Sir Knight Hotham was then installed E . C . for tho ensuing year by Sir Knight Bannister . The Eminent Commander then appointed'lhe following officers :
—Sir Knights Punshon , Prior ; Dalziel , Sub-Prior ; "Bannister , Chancellor ; Edward Shotton , 1 st Captain ; Jetisen 2 nd Captain ; Banning , Registrar ; Ludwig , Almoner ; B . Levy , Expert ; Foulsham , Captain of Lines ; Thompson , Standard Bearer ; Storey , 1 st Herald ; Emra Holmes , 2 nd Herald . The other business of the encampment being concluded it was closed , and the usual banquet ivas served . On the removal of the cloth
the E . C . proposed " The Queen" ivhich ivas of course duly honoured . Then came "The Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of the Royal Exalted Religions and Military Order of H . E . D . M . K . D . ' S . H ., " "Grand Elected Knights Templars and Hospitallers of St . John of Jerusalem . " The E . C . proposed next " The Grand Officers of tho Grand Conclave of England and AA ' ales , " coupled with the name of Sir Knight Punshon , who the E . C . remarked was held in such high estimation as to have been consulted on more than one
occasion by both the Grand Conclaves of England and Scotland . Sir Knight Punshon , in responding , said ho had now been 50 years a Templar , and this ( the Royal Kent ) ivas tho only Encampment ivhere the Grand Cross of the Order of ivhich he was Grand Master , was worked in the North . Sir Knight Bannister then proposed their "Eminent Commander Sir Knight Hotham" in flattering terms , who made a suitable responseand gave as the next toast " Sir Knight Bannister "
, whom he eulogised as a most enthusiastic Templar and a very distinguished brother in the Craft . " Our newly-installed Companion in Arms , Sir Knight Emra Holmes" was then given and others followed , and the evening was spent in that harmony and good fellowship which always characterise the gatherings of brethren of the mystic tie . This encampment was founded in 1812 under the auspices of his Royal Highness
the late Duke of Kent . In 1844 the Hon . Arthur James l'lunkett Lorcl Killcen , was installed a Sir Knight Templar " in 1822 Sir Charles Loraine , Bart ., became Eminent Commander , and in 1830 the late Earl of Durham succeeded to that office , which he held till 18-10 , in which year Sir Charles Loraine was Grand Prior . Sir Cuthbert Sharp was Herald in 1839 , and in 1841 became Aide-de-camp ; in 1843 Savile Craven Henry Ogle , M . P ., joined , since which time the encampment has eontinued to flourish .
Mark Masonry.
DEA ^ ONSHIRE . PltOVIXOIAL GliAXD LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masters for this county was held on Thursday , the Gth inst ., at the Charity Lodge Room , Union-road , Plymouth , by the R . AA . Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , P . G . M . A committee to frame by-laws for the government of the province was appointed , a report of which will be brought up at a meeting to bo held in June next . The BAAL brother then appointed his Grand Officers for the year : —
Bro . R . Dowse Prov . D . G . M . „ Major Brent „ S . G . AAL ., Captain AVood „ J . G . AAL „ J . C . Radford 1 st . G . Overseer . ,, J . Sadler , 2 nd „ J . AA oods „ 3 rd „ „ Rev . J . C . Carwithen „ G . Chap . ., J . S . Phillips G . Treas .
„ ., J . Britrgs , G . Reg . „ R . Rodda „ G . Sec . „ Thos . Heath „ G . Assist . Sec . „ X . Ash „ S . G . D . „ C . Elphinstone „ J . G . D . ., AA . Ashford „ Inspector of Works . ' ., AAL Hill „ G . Dir . of Cers .
,, J . May - „ ' G . Assist , bir . of Cers . .. IT . B . Kent „ G . Sword Bearer . „ Hallett , G . Org . ,, Lose „ G . Puist . ,, Thos . Ellis } ,, S . K . Gudridge ? „ G . Stewards . ,, I . K . Jane )
„ J . Gregory ) ri , „ , T r > „ _ „ G . Tylers . „ . J . Rogers J " J Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed with the usual solemnities .
JERSEY . For . several months past the arrangements havo been in progress for the establishment in this island of a Mark Lodge under the registry of the Grand Mark Lodge of England . The degree has existed there for some years in connexion with the Justice Craft Lodge under Irish jurisdiction ; and as many English Masons have availed themselves of this opportunity of
obtaining it , they formed a good nucleus for the foundation of another Mark Lodge under English A \ arrant . The first meeting of its promoters was held in February , when a petition was determined upon , and three brethren were recommended as AALM . aud AVardens . In a few weeks the petition was granted and a warrant issued . 'At a subsequent meeting the other officers were appointedwho have frequently assembled
, for the purpose of instruction in the ritual . Meanwhile all the other requisite preparations were made , and three Past Masters of the Justice Lodgo having kindly undertaken the task o £ installing the AV . M ., Monday , April 10 th , was fixed for the opening . The brethren accordingly assembled at the Masonic Temple , St . Holier , soon after five o ' clock in the evening . The chair was taken by Bro . Grimmond , P . M ., who , after
opening the lodge , explained the purpose of the assembly , and called on the Secretary to read the minutes of previous meetings , which were subsequently confirmed , declared valid , and signed by the Installing Master . 'The warrant was also read , and the lodge duly constituted under the title of the Caisarean Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 74 ) . Bro . Dr . Blood , P . M . and AA ' . M ., and Bro . Hastings P . M ., then presented Bro . Dr .
Hopkins for the benefit of installation , who was duly obligated as Master elect , after having given his assent to the usual conditions . The brethren having been requested to retire , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , by whom the AALM . was duly installed in the chief chair of the lodge . On their return the brethren gave the customary salute . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , AA ' . M . then delivered the following address : —
"Brethren , we have much on our hands this evening , on which account , as well as others , the ceremony just completed has been made as short as possible , too much so to be in perfect accordance with the arrangements usual ou such occasions . The exact form of installation to be permanently adopted not having yet been arranged by thc . constituted authorities , though it has for some time been under consideration ; the ritual used