Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article ENGLISH GILDS. * Page 1 of 4 →
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Contents . PAGE . FBEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE : — English Gilds 321 Masonic Jottings—No . 40 321 Masonic Notes and Queries 325 Correspondence 327
Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad 327 MASONIC MIREOK : — Masonic Mems 328 Lodge of Benevolence 328 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 328 Grand Lodge of Scotland 329 CRAET LODGE MEETINGS : —
Metropolitan „ 334 Provincial 335 Royal Arch 338 New South Wales 333 Reviews 339 Poetry 339 List of Lodge , & e ., Meetings for ensuing week 340
English Gilds. *
( Continued from page 305 , ) Having given in our last number a specimen of the Beligious Gilds , and another of the Merchant Gilds , Ave now lay before our readers a few of the
returns from the Craft Gilds , selecting some of those in the city of Lincoln , from which Avere received returns from the Fullers , Tailors , and Tylers . GILD OF THE PULLERS OP LINCOLN , j
The gild Avas founded on the Sunday before the feast of the apostles Philip and James , A . D . 1297 , by all the bretheren and sisteren of the fullers in Lincoln . A wax lig ht shall be kept burning before the Holy Gross , on the clays Avhen they go in procession in honour of the holy cross .
None of the craft shall Avork [ i . e . full cloth by treading it with the feet ] in the trough ; and none shall work at the Avooden bar Avith a Avoinan , unless with the wife of a master or her handmaid * None of them shall work after dinner on
Saturdays , nor on any days which they ought to keep as festivals , according to the laAV of the church . If a stranger to the city comes in , he may , upon giving a penny to the was , work among the bretheren and sisteren , and his name shall be Avritten on their roll .
If any one wishes to learn the craft , no one shall teach it to him unless he has giA'en twopence to the wax . If any of the brotherhood is justly charged with theft , to the value of a penny , he shall be put out
of the company . When any of the bretheren or sisteren dies , the rest shall g ive , a halfpenny each , to buy bread to be given to the poor , for the soul ' s sake of the dead .
If any brother or sister is going on a pilgrimage to Sts . Peter and Paul , if it is a Sunday or other festival day , all the bretheren and sisteren shall go in company with him outside the city as far as the Queen ' s Cross , and each shall give him a halfpenny
or more ; and Avhen he comes back , if , as before said , it is a Sunday or other festival day , ancl he has let them knoAV of his coming , all the bretheren and sisteren shall meet at the same cross , and go with him to the monastery .
Any one not keeping any ot these ordinances , shall pay half-a-pound of wax . If any one by mishap comes to want , and asks help from the gild , sixpence a year shall be advanced to him out of the goods of the gild , for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Contents . PAGE . FBEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE : — English Gilds 321 Masonic Jottings—No . 40 321 Masonic Notes and Queries 325 Correspondence 327
Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad 327 MASONIC MIREOK : — Masonic Mems 328 Lodge of Benevolence 328 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 328 Grand Lodge of Scotland 329 CRAET LODGE MEETINGS : —
Metropolitan „ 334 Provincial 335 Royal Arch 338 New South Wales 333 Reviews 339 Poetry 339 List of Lodge , & e ., Meetings for ensuing week 340
English Gilds. *
( Continued from page 305 , ) Having given in our last number a specimen of the Beligious Gilds , and another of the Merchant Gilds , Ave now lay before our readers a few of the
returns from the Craft Gilds , selecting some of those in the city of Lincoln , from which Avere received returns from the Fullers , Tailors , and Tylers . GILD OF THE PULLERS OP LINCOLN , j
The gild Avas founded on the Sunday before the feast of the apostles Philip and James , A . D . 1297 , by all the bretheren and sisteren of the fullers in Lincoln . A wax lig ht shall be kept burning before the Holy Gross , on the clays Avhen they go in procession in honour of the holy cross .
None of the craft shall Avork [ i . e . full cloth by treading it with the feet ] in the trough ; and none shall work at the Avooden bar Avith a Avoinan , unless with the wife of a master or her handmaid * None of them shall work after dinner on
Saturdays , nor on any days which they ought to keep as festivals , according to the laAV of the church . If a stranger to the city comes in , he may , upon giving a penny to the was , work among the bretheren and sisteren , and his name shall be Avritten on their roll .
If any one wishes to learn the craft , no one shall teach it to him unless he has giA'en twopence to the wax . If any of the brotherhood is justly charged with theft , to the value of a penny , he shall be put out
of the company . When any of the bretheren or sisteren dies , the rest shall g ive , a halfpenny each , to buy bread to be given to the poor , for the soul ' s sake of the dead .
If any brother or sister is going on a pilgrimage to Sts . Peter and Paul , if it is a Sunday or other festival day , all the bretheren and sisteren shall go in company with him outside the city as far as the Queen ' s Cross , and each shall give him a halfpenny
or more ; and Avhen he comes back , if , as before said , it is a Sunday or other festival day , ancl he has let them knoAV of his coming , all the bretheren and sisteren shall meet at the same cross , and go with him to the monastery .
Any one not keeping any ot these ordinances , shall pay half-a-pound of wax . If any one by mishap comes to want , and asks help from the gild , sixpence a year shall be advanced to him out of the goods of the gild , for