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ESSEX . ' CONSECRATION OH LODGE ST . MART , BOOKING ( No . ; 312 ) . On Thursday , the 13 th ult ., there was a very large gathering of the brethren of the Province of Essex , at the Assembly-room , Rocking , to witness tbe consecration of a now lodge , to be called "The Lodge of St . Mary , Docking , No . 1312 . "
, About two o ' clock , the Ri ght AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , accompanied by his officers , entered the lodge , and having appointed Bro . Peter Matthews , Prov . G . D . C ., as Installing Master , the ceremony of consecration was most impressively performed , and an excellent oration was delivered by Bro . Rev . B . S . Barnes . Prov . G . Chaplain , and S . AV . 276 . In due form , Bro . Arthur G-oodchild ,
P . M . ( No . 276 ) , was installed W . M . of the new lodge , and he appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . AV . Neville Tuil ' ncll , S . AV . ; A . R . Clench , J . AV .: A . C . A'eley , S . D . ; Thos . H . AA ' ood , J . D . ; Rev . F . B . Shepherd , Secretary ; Rev . AA ' m . S . Hemming , Chaplain ; Charles Josliug , Organist ; and Thos . Sard , Prov . G ., Tyler . Lodge was then closed in due form , and subsequently about
sixty brethren sat down to a banquet , sumptuously served by host Bro . Phillips , of the AVhite Hart Hotel , aud presided ovo ' r by Bro . A . Goodchild , W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts bavin ? been duly honoured , the W . M . proposed " The health of the Right Worshipful Prov . G . Master , Bro . Bagshaw , " who in reply congratulated the AA ' . M . ancl officers of the new lodge upon the auspicious circumstances
under which their lodge had been inaugurated , and gave them some advice as to the manner in which it should be conducted . ' ' The D . P . G . M ., Bro . Andrew Meggy , and tho rest of the P . G . Officers" was proposed from the chair , and responded to by Bro . Rev . B . S . Barnes , Prov . G . Chaplain . The Prov . G . M ., then proposed in flattering terms , " The health of the AA ' . M . of the Lodge , of St . Mary , Boeking , " and Bro . Goodchild , in reply , while promising to do all in his power to further to progress of the lodge , regretting that the distance
at which he resided and bis numerous engagements would prevent his attendance in lodgo so often as he ' could wish . The toast of Bro . Matthews , G . D . C ., and the G . AVardons and Officers , " was , in the absence of the G . D . C ., responded to by Bro . Burton , who testified to tbe great abilit y Bro . Matthews had displayed in the ceremonies of that day . Bro . Wing responded for " The A'istors , " and remarked that from records which had passed through his hands ho found that
Braintroe was one of the 17 Provincial Lodges which existed at the time of Sir Christopher AA ' ren , somewhere between 1090 and 1705 , and his ( the speaker ' s ) father was once AA ' . AL of the old lodge . He , therefore , was specially interested in tbe progress of the lodge ; and as a proof of this , ' he should wish to become a joining member . Some excellent songs added to the pleasures of a most
agreeable evening . Among tho brethren present , besides those already mentioned , were Bros . J . Burton , AA ' . M . Elect , 276 , Prov . G ' . Treasurer ; John Wright Carr , Prov . G . Secretary ; F . G . Green , P . M ., 1024 , Prov . D . G . S . AV . ; William Humphreys , P . M ., 276 and 1024 , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; Wm . Wing , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; A . Durraut , P . M ., 276 , Prov . S . G . AV . ; George Cooper , S . AV ., 214 , Prov . O . W . ; John in
Copp , P . M ., 51 , Prov . G . J . AV . ; T . R . Quilter , I . P . M ., 51 , Prov . G . J . AA ' . ; J . ]? . Sard , P . M ., 276 , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; T . J . Railing , Sec , 51 , Prov . G . S . ; A . Dnv , Prov . G . S . ; J . Glass , P . M ., 453 . Prov . G . S . B . ; AVm . lung . P . AI ., 21 ; AA ' . P . Lewis , AA' . M ., F . A . Cole , S . D ., L . J . AA ' atts . ' E . J . Sanders . A . R . Staines , AA' . Hickford , and T . Day . 51 ; John Collis , P . M ., 130 ; AVm . Gabell . 170 ; G . AV . AA'akeling , P . M . ; Rev . B . S . Barnes , S . AA' . ;
Jas . Nicholls , J . W . ; Thos . Since , J . D . ; G . O . Goodey , F . E . Roche , F . A . Jones . T . AVhitmore , Samuel Rlythe , Ju ' nr ., and Malcolm Douglas , 270 ; Joseph Tanner , P . M . and Sec , 101 , S . AV ., 453 , Prov . G . S . D . ; Jas . Lawson , 561 ; AA ' . Middleton , 697 ; AA' . B . Bolton , 742 ; G . P . Jay , AA' . M . ; J . AA' . Quibanipton , J . D . ; Joseph Bell , W . M ., P . M ., 411 ; J . Gordon , Bellingham , Sec . ; T . Simpson , Treasurer ; G . AA ' . Callum , AA . Chiyilen , Alfred AA' . Jones , and Frederick Bell , 1280 ; A . Cunuington , P . M ., 817 , & c .
KENT . AVESTERHAW . —Amherst Lodge ( No . 1 , 223 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on tho 6 th inst . at the Public
Hall , AVestcrham , and the ceremony of placing the S . AV ., Bro . Col . AVarde , in tbe Master's chair was performed iu praiseworth y style by Bro . R . B . Mewsom , AA' . M . Bro . J . T . Bewen , the Sec , impressively read the ancient charges and regulation- * , and Bro . Mackney . P . AI ., No . 299 , P . G . O ., Kent , ably delivered the addresses . Bio . Jewell was invested by S . AA' . ; Bro . Durtuell , J . AA' . ; Bro . Itiwen , Sec ; Bro . Sutton , S . D . ; Bro . Johnson ,
J . D . ; Bro . Whale , I . G . ; and Bro . Fullager , T . A beautiful Past Mister's jewel was presented by the new Master to Bro . Newsom for the very able manner in which he presided over the lodge ever since its consecration two years ago . The inscription on the jewel was as follows : — "Presented toJJro . R . 13 . Newsom , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Kent , in appreciation of the great and valuable services rendered by him to the Amherst Lod
ge , No . 1 , 223 , as its first AA ' . M . and founder , October , 1870 . " The question of removing the lodge to Sevenoaks for the convenience of brethren coming by railway was reserved for a Lodge of Emergency next month , and tlie brethren adjourned to tho King ' s Arms , where a choice banquet was served by Bro . Clarke .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTER . — -Blair Lodge ( No . 815 ) . —The festival of St , John tbe Evangelist was celebrated by this lodge at Hulme Town Hall , on the 14 th inst ., by a largo number of members and visitors . Tho lodge having been opened in due form , the adoption of the Treasurer ' s Report was moved by Bro . Gillman , who , on behalf of himself and bis Co-AuditorBro . KnihtO . noticed
, g , , favourably the wise economical reform they had percei ved in examining the past year ' s accounts , and this was fully indorsed by the brethren assembled . Bro . Cheetham , P . M ., proposed by Bro . Kennedy , P . M ., P . Prov . G . T ., ancl seconded by Bro . Groves , P . M ., was unanimously elected the Treasurer for the ensuing year . Letters were read from Lieut . Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , Prov . G . M . ( designate ) of East Lancashire , Romaiue Calleuder ,
. Tuny ., J . V ., D . Pvov . G . M ., JoYm Wike , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., and from Dr . John Smith , P . Prov . G . P ., expressing regret at their unavoidable absence . Bro . AVilliam Worfchington was ably ancl impressively installed as the W . M . by Bro . Kennedy , P . Prov . G . T ., assisted by Bro . James Bedford , the I . P . M ., the prayers throughout the ceremony being solemnly rendered by Bro . the Rev . Leigbton Biggins , P . Prov . G . Chaplain . The following
officers were appointed and invested : —Bros . Pochin , S . AV . ; Morris , J . AA ' . ; Cheetham , Treasurer ; Robinson , Secretary ; Knight , Organist ; Gillman , M . C . ; Newton , S . D . ; Sidgreaves , J . D . ; Stanley , I . G . ; Croale , Deakin , and Caoksou , Stewards ; and Sly , Tyler ; to each was given a chastely illuminated commission of office which had been specially designed and presented to the lodge , together with an official seal , by Bro . John Royle . The lodge having been regularly closed the brethren adjourned
to the banqueting room , and , after dinner , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given , including that "To the memory of Bro . Stephen Blair , bite Prov . G . M . of East Lancashire , " which was honoured in solemn silence . In replying to the toast of "Bro . Romaine Calleuder , . LP ., D . Prov . G . M ., and the rest of the Prov . G . officers of East La neashire , past and present , " Bro . the Rev . Leigbton Figsrius , P . Prov . G . C , regretted the absence of bis other Prov . G . brethren ; congratulated the lodon
bearge ing and perpetuating the name of a late great and good leader in Masonry , and thanked the brethren in his usual happy manner for having afforded him an enjoyable evening . Bro . Kennedy , P . Prov . G ., Treasurer , also acknowledged the toast , remarking that tho Prov . G . Lodge of East Lancashire was second to none . The toast of the evening , that of the health of" Bro . AA ' orthington . the W . M . " was received with much cordialit . Bro . James
, y Bedford , the I . P . M ., in proposing it , said that they might be considered twin brothers in the Craft , for they had entered into the Masonic world on the same evening , and were tho two first initiated in that hall . Bro . AA'ortliington had commenced at the lowest office in the lodge and had gradually risen , by successive steps , to the proud position into which he had been installed that evening , and which he had so justly merited . He was certain
the lodge would advance during his Mastership , and wished him a happy , busy , and prosperous year of office . The AV . M ., Bro . AVorthington , in responding , remarked that be feared be would have a difficult task before liim in maintaining the prestige which the lodge had deservedly earned owing to the correct and skilful labours of his predecessors , but be would endeavour to . make himself worthy of so good a lodge , and trusted that at the termination of his year of office he should merit the satisfaction of lua
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ESSEX . ' CONSECRATION OH LODGE ST . MART , BOOKING ( No . ; 312 ) . On Thursday , the 13 th ult ., there was a very large gathering of the brethren of the Province of Essex , at the Assembly-room , Rocking , to witness tbe consecration of a now lodge , to be called "The Lodge of St . Mary , Docking , No . 1312 . "
, About two o ' clock , the Ri ght AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , accompanied by his officers , entered the lodge , and having appointed Bro . Peter Matthews , Prov . G . D . C ., as Installing Master , the ceremony of consecration was most impressively performed , and an excellent oration was delivered by Bro . Rev . B . S . Barnes . Prov . G . Chaplain , and S . AV . 276 . In due form , Bro . Arthur G-oodchild ,
P . M . ( No . 276 ) , was installed W . M . of the new lodge , and he appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . AV . Neville Tuil ' ncll , S . AV . ; A . R . Clench , J . AV .: A . C . A'eley , S . D . ; Thos . H . AA ' ood , J . D . ; Rev . F . B . Shepherd , Secretary ; Rev . AA ' m . S . Hemming , Chaplain ; Charles Josliug , Organist ; and Thos . Sard , Prov . G ., Tyler . Lodge was then closed in due form , and subsequently about
sixty brethren sat down to a banquet , sumptuously served by host Bro . Phillips , of the AVhite Hart Hotel , aud presided ovo ' r by Bro . A . Goodchild , W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts bavin ? been duly honoured , the W . M . proposed " The health of the Right Worshipful Prov . G . Master , Bro . Bagshaw , " who in reply congratulated the AA ' . M . ancl officers of the new lodge upon the auspicious circumstances
under which their lodge had been inaugurated , and gave them some advice as to the manner in which it should be conducted . ' ' The D . P . G . M ., Bro . Andrew Meggy , and tho rest of the P . G . Officers" was proposed from the chair , and responded to by Bro . Rev . B . S . Barnes , Prov . G . Chaplain . The Prov . G . M ., then proposed in flattering terms , " The health of the AA ' . M . of the Lodge , of St . Mary , Boeking , " and Bro . Goodchild , in reply , while promising to do all in his power to further to progress of the lodge , regretting that the distance
at which he resided and bis numerous engagements would prevent his attendance in lodgo so often as he ' could wish . The toast of Bro . Matthews , G . D . C ., and the G . AVardons and Officers , " was , in the absence of the G . D . C ., responded to by Bro . Burton , who testified to tbe great abilit y Bro . Matthews had displayed in the ceremonies of that day . Bro . Wing responded for " The A'istors , " and remarked that from records which had passed through his hands ho found that
Braintroe was one of the 17 Provincial Lodges which existed at the time of Sir Christopher AA ' ren , somewhere between 1090 and 1705 , and his ( the speaker ' s ) father was once AA ' . AL of the old lodge . He , therefore , was specially interested in tbe progress of the lodge ; and as a proof of this , ' he should wish to become a joining member . Some excellent songs added to the pleasures of a most
agreeable evening . Among tho brethren present , besides those already mentioned , were Bros . J . Burton , AA ' . M . Elect , 276 , Prov . G ' . Treasurer ; John Wright Carr , Prov . G . Secretary ; F . G . Green , P . M ., 1024 , Prov . D . G . S . AV . ; William Humphreys , P . M ., 276 and 1024 , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; Wm . Wing , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; A . Durraut , P . M ., 276 , Prov . S . G . AV . ; George Cooper , S . AV ., 214 , Prov . O . W . ; John in
Copp , P . M ., 51 , Prov . G . J . AV . ; T . R . Quilter , I . P . M ., 51 , Prov . G . J . AA ' . ; J . ]? . Sard , P . M ., 276 , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; T . J . Railing , Sec , 51 , Prov . G . S . ; A . Dnv , Prov . G . S . ; J . Glass , P . M ., 453 . Prov . G . S . B . ; AVm . lung . P . AI ., 21 ; AA ' . P . Lewis , AA' . M ., F . A . Cole , S . D ., L . J . AA ' atts . ' E . J . Sanders . A . R . Staines , AA' . Hickford , and T . Day . 51 ; John Collis , P . M ., 130 ; AVm . Gabell . 170 ; G . AV . AA'akeling , P . M . ; Rev . B . S . Barnes , S . AA' . ;
Jas . Nicholls , J . W . ; Thos . Since , J . D . ; G . O . Goodey , F . E . Roche , F . A . Jones . T . AVhitmore , Samuel Rlythe , Ju ' nr ., and Malcolm Douglas , 270 ; Joseph Tanner , P . M . and Sec , 101 , S . AV ., 453 , Prov . G . S . D . ; Jas . Lawson , 561 ; AA ' . Middleton , 697 ; AA' . B . Bolton , 742 ; G . P . Jay , AA' . M . ; J . AA' . Quibanipton , J . D . ; Joseph Bell , W . M ., P . M ., 411 ; J . Gordon , Bellingham , Sec . ; T . Simpson , Treasurer ; G . AA ' . Callum , AA . Chiyilen , Alfred AA' . Jones , and Frederick Bell , 1280 ; A . Cunuington , P . M ., 817 , & c .
KENT . AVESTERHAW . —Amherst Lodge ( No . 1 , 223 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on tho 6 th inst . at the Public
Hall , AVestcrham , and the ceremony of placing the S . AV ., Bro . Col . AVarde , in tbe Master's chair was performed iu praiseworth y style by Bro . R . B . Mewsom , AA' . M . Bro . J . T . Bewen , the Sec , impressively read the ancient charges and regulation- * , and Bro . Mackney . P . AI ., No . 299 , P . G . O ., Kent , ably delivered the addresses . Bio . Jewell was invested by S . AA' . ; Bro . Durtuell , J . AA' . ; Bro . Itiwen , Sec ; Bro . Sutton , S . D . ; Bro . Johnson ,
J . D . ; Bro . Whale , I . G . ; and Bro . Fullager , T . A beautiful Past Mister's jewel was presented by the new Master to Bro . Newsom for the very able manner in which he presided over the lodge ever since its consecration two years ago . The inscription on the jewel was as follows : — "Presented toJJro . R . 13 . Newsom , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Kent , in appreciation of the great and valuable services rendered by him to the Amherst Lod
ge , No . 1 , 223 , as its first AA ' . M . and founder , October , 1870 . " The question of removing the lodge to Sevenoaks for the convenience of brethren coming by railway was reserved for a Lodge of Emergency next month , and tlie brethren adjourned to tho King ' s Arms , where a choice banquet was served by Bro . Clarke .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTER . — -Blair Lodge ( No . 815 ) . —The festival of St , John tbe Evangelist was celebrated by this lodge at Hulme Town Hall , on the 14 th inst ., by a largo number of members and visitors . Tho lodge having been opened in due form , the adoption of the Treasurer ' s Report was moved by Bro . Gillman , who , on behalf of himself and bis Co-AuditorBro . KnihtO . noticed
, g , , favourably the wise economical reform they had percei ved in examining the past year ' s accounts , and this was fully indorsed by the brethren assembled . Bro . Cheetham , P . M ., proposed by Bro . Kennedy , P . M ., P . Prov . G . T ., ancl seconded by Bro . Groves , P . M ., was unanimously elected the Treasurer for the ensuing year . Letters were read from Lieut . Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , Prov . G . M . ( designate ) of East Lancashire , Romaiue Calleuder ,
. Tuny ., J . V ., D . Pvov . G . M ., JoYm Wike , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., and from Dr . John Smith , P . Prov . G . P ., expressing regret at their unavoidable absence . Bro . AVilliam Worfchington was ably ancl impressively installed as the W . M . by Bro . Kennedy , P . Prov . G . T ., assisted by Bro . James Bedford , the I . P . M ., the prayers throughout the ceremony being solemnly rendered by Bro . the Rev . Leigbton Biggins , P . Prov . G . Chaplain . The following
officers were appointed and invested : —Bros . Pochin , S . AV . ; Morris , J . AA ' . ; Cheetham , Treasurer ; Robinson , Secretary ; Knight , Organist ; Gillman , M . C . ; Newton , S . D . ; Sidgreaves , J . D . ; Stanley , I . G . ; Croale , Deakin , and Caoksou , Stewards ; and Sly , Tyler ; to each was given a chastely illuminated commission of office which had been specially designed and presented to the lodge , together with an official seal , by Bro . John Royle . The lodge having been regularly closed the brethren adjourned
to the banqueting room , and , after dinner , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given , including that "To the memory of Bro . Stephen Blair , bite Prov . G . M . of East Lancashire , " which was honoured in solemn silence . In replying to the toast of "Bro . Romaine Calleuder , . LP ., D . Prov . G . M ., and the rest of the Prov . G . officers of East La neashire , past and present , " Bro . the Rev . Leigbton Figsrius , P . Prov . G . C , regretted the absence of bis other Prov . G . brethren ; congratulated the lodon
bearge ing and perpetuating the name of a late great and good leader in Masonry , and thanked the brethren in his usual happy manner for having afforded him an enjoyable evening . Bro . Kennedy , P . Prov . G ., Treasurer , also acknowledged the toast , remarking that tho Prov . G . Lodge of East Lancashire was second to none . The toast of the evening , that of the health of" Bro . AA ' orthington . the W . M . " was received with much cordialit . Bro . James
, y Bedford , the I . P . M ., in proposing it , said that they might be considered twin brothers in the Craft , for they had entered into the Masonic world on the same evening , and were tho two first initiated in that hall . Bro . AA'ortliington had commenced at the lowest office in the lodge and had gradually risen , by successive steps , to the proud position into which he had been installed that evening , and which he had so justly merited . He was certain
the lodge would advance during his Mastership , and wished him a happy , busy , and prosperous year of office . The AV . M ., Bro . AVorthington , in responding , remarked that be feared be would have a difficult task before liim in maintaining the prestige which the lodge had deservedly earned owing to the correct and skilful labours of his predecessors , but be would endeavour to . make himself worthy of so good a lodge , and trusted that at the termination of his year of office he should merit the satisfaction of lua