Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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Craft Masonry.
were mainly indebted for it to Bro . Thompson , who had laboured l'ard to bring about that result , and who since then has been most assiduous in performing the duties of Hon . Secretary to tbe lodge . He was nearly always at his post , and recorded their proceedings , and was ever ready to perform any duty , ancl he ( Bro . Stevens ) thought that Bro . Thompson himself three years ago could hardly have anticipated that they would have such a lendid meeting of influential members of
sp the Craft as they had present that evening . He concluded by proposing " The Health of Bro . Thompson , P . M . and Secretary of the L ( dge . " The toast was well received . Tho AV . M . ( Bro . Thompson ) returned thanks , and said when he saw such a gathering as they had that night , anything he might have clone towards the resuscitation of tbe lodge gave him greater pleasure , and he hoped and trusted the lodge would
go on and prosper as it had done heretofore . He wished all the members health and happiness , trusting to meet them all next year at their festive meeting , and with an increased number of new members on the roll of tho Domatic Lodge . Bro . Stevens then sung , "What better thing than Freemasonry , " of which he is the author , and it was received with great lause .
app The AV . M . gave " The Visitors , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Allatt , the worthy host of the Southern Star Lodge , ancl whose genial and kind nature was well known . Bro . Allatt returned thanks , and expressed bis intention of becoming a member of tbe lodge . The AV . M . said he had already alluded to Bro . Thomas in
connection with the lodge , but he thought it right to offer a distinct toast in reference to him as the Preceptor of the lodge . All the brethren present knew the value of his services , and for himself he could say , that in the early part of his Masonic career , he was under great obligations to Bro . Thomas for his instruction , and he was always ready to give it , not only in the lodge , but out of it , aud even at his own residence , where he not only received gratuitous instruction , but was hospitably
entertained ; and other brethren received the same advantages from Bro . Thomas . He ( the AV . M . ) was almost astonished at the amount of time Bro . Thomas devoted to the instruction of others , and he asked the brethren to drink his health with all the cordiality it so richly deserved . The toast was enthusiastically received . Bro . Thomas thanked the brethren for the cordial manner in which the toast had been receivedand the flattering terms in
, which the AV . M . had spoken of him . He should at all times bo ready to afford information to make young persons as conversant with the duties as be was himself , and to aid them by every means in his power . The AV . M . gave " The worthy host , Bro . Marshall , ancl the Stewards , Bros . Ashwell and AVhite , " and remarked that they had well entered for their entertainment , and were deserving of the thanks of the brethren . This toast was well received .
Bros . Marshall and AVhitc severally returned thanks . During the evening , a number of songs were sung , and it was admitted by all that it had been one of the most pleasing ancl hapjiy meetings that for a long time they had spent in Freemasonry .
CHANNEL ISLANDS . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OB JERSEY . The first Anniversary Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the Province of Jersey , was held on Thursday , October 13 th , at the Masonic Temple . There was an unusually large muster of Present and Past Grand Officers , Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and other Brethren ; in fact , the large
hall was full some time before tbe hour appointed for the commencement of the proceedings . Among the company present were the following : —Bros . R . AV . Col . Ed . C . Malet de Carteret , P . M ., 958 , Prov . G . M . ; Jn . Le Cronier , M . D ., P . M ., 877 , D . Prov . G . M . ; Ed . D . Le Couteur , P . M ., 877 . Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . Jewell , P . M ., 491 , as Prov . G . J . AV . ; Wm . Adams , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., Reg . ; P . W . Benbam , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., Treas . ; Jn . T . der Jardin , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; C .
Kingsnorth , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; the Rev . C . Maritt , M . A ., P . Prov . G . Chap . ; A . Schmitt , P . M ., 590 , P . G . Sec ; P . G . Binet , P . M ,. 291 , P . Prov . G . Reg .: AV . Tracey , P . M ., 244 , Assist . Sec ; R . G . Fotbergill Smith , M . D ., AV . M ., 877 , P . G . J . D . ; H . L . Manuel , P . M ., 890 , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Blamfield , Assist . Di ,-of C ; C . H . Mann . P . M ., 244 , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; AV . Z . Pugsle ^ P . M ., 244 , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; Ed . Lott , P . M ., 245 , P . G . Org . Amongst the Brethren present , in addition to those already
named , were several French visitors , the Rev . AVilliams , & c . The Prov . Grand Lodge being duly assembled , the R . AA' . the Grand Master proceeded to open it in due form . The minutes of the Prov . G . Lodge held in February last were read by the Assist .-Secretary , which were duly confirmed . The reports of the several meetings in reference to the Local Fund of Benevolence , as well as those of the Committee for General Purposes , were also read and adopted . The G . Treasurer
presented his report of the finances of the Prov . G . Lodge , which were duly audited and passed . Bro . P . AV . Benham was unanimously re-elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . The ballot was taken for members of the Local Board for General Purposes , when the following were chosen : —Bros . C . H . Mann , P . M ., 244 ; C Kingsnortb , P . M ., 245 ; Geo . J . Renouf , AA ' . M ., 590 ; J . Oabley , P . M ., 590 ; A . VielP . M . 590 ; S . R . DaweAV . M . 245 .
, , , , To these , in accordance with the By-Laws , the R . AV . Prov . Grand Master added Bro . E . D . Le Couteur , P . M ., 4-91 , and named Bro . P . G . Binet , P . M ., 491 , as President . The following , appointments of Prov . Grand Officers were then made , and such as were present were duly invested : —
Bro . J . Le Cronier , M . D . - - D . Prov . G . M . „ A . Schmitt - - - . Prov . S . G . AV . „ R . G . Fothergill Smith , M . D .. - „ J . G . AV . „ Rev . AVilliams - - - „ G Chaplain . „ P . AV . Benham . - - - „ G . Treas . „ C . Kingsnortb - - - „ G . Reg . „ M . Tracy - - - - „ G . Sec . AVarclley - G . S . D .
„ „ A . Viel - G . J . D . „ P . G . Le Sueur - - - „ G . Supt . of AV . „ Alex . Low , M . D . „ G . D . of C . „ Vineham ---- ,, Asst . D . of C . „ Ed . Lott - - - - „ Org . „ Gen . Lane -- - - ,, G . S . B . „ Freelk , Cooke - - - - „ G . Purst . R . BarrowAV . M . 491 - - G . Steward .
„ , , „ „ Bennett , 244 „ G . Steward . „ S . R . Dawe , AV . M ., 245 - - „ G . Steward „ P . Blamfied - - - „ G . Steward „ Geo . J . Renouf , AV . M ., 520 - „ G . Stewaid „ A . Boullier , Sec , 1093 - - „ G . Steward „ Wm . Toms - - - - „ G . T .
In pursuance of a notice given at the Preparatory Committee by the Prov . Grand Master , seconded by his Deputy : — " That the most cordial thanks of this Prov . Grand Lodge be due , and are hereby given to AV . Bro . John Darill , P . M ., P . Z ., 540 , for tho admirable , honourable , and satisfactory manner iu which , under difficulties of no ordinary character , he has faithfully , and with credit to the Craft , fulfilled the high and responsible office of Prov . Grand Treasurer during four consecutive years
, viz ., 1 S 66-7-S-9 , and that a copy thereof inscribed on vellum be presented to that worthy Brother . " The motion was put and carried unanimously , The sum of £ 5 5 s . was voted to the Fund of the Sick and AVounded of both armies in the Continental AVar , on the proposition of Bro . P . AV . Benham , seconded by Bro . J . T . du Jardin It was moved by Bro . A . Schmitt , seconded by Bro . J . T . du
Jardin , and carried without any dissent : — "That a Donation of £ 5 5 s . be subscribed by this Prov . Grand Lodge to the Royal and Benevolent Institution for Decayed ancl Aged Freemasons . " The Prov . G . Lodge was closed in due form , ancl the Brethren adjourned to the Refreshment Room , where the banquet was served by Bro . AV . H . Long . The chair was occupied by the R . AV . Prov . G . Master , Col . Malet de Carteret , ancl the vicechair by Bro . A . SchmittS . AV . After dinner the Chairman
, gave the following toasts : — " The Queen , the Prince of AA'ales , ancl the Royal Family" ; "the AV . M . G . M ., Earl de Grey and Ripon " ; " the R . AV . D . G . M ,, and the Grand Lodge of England , " and other Masonic toasts , which were most cordially received . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
were mainly indebted for it to Bro . Thompson , who had laboured l'ard to bring about that result , and who since then has been most assiduous in performing the duties of Hon . Secretary to tbe lodge . He was nearly always at his post , and recorded their proceedings , and was ever ready to perform any duty , ancl he ( Bro . Stevens ) thought that Bro . Thompson himself three years ago could hardly have anticipated that they would have such a lendid meeting of influential members of
sp the Craft as they had present that evening . He concluded by proposing " The Health of Bro . Thompson , P . M . and Secretary of the L ( dge . " The toast was well received . Tho AV . M . ( Bro . Thompson ) returned thanks , and said when he saw such a gathering as they had that night , anything he might have clone towards the resuscitation of tbe lodge gave him greater pleasure , and he hoped and trusted the lodge would
go on and prosper as it had done heretofore . He wished all the members health and happiness , trusting to meet them all next year at their festive meeting , and with an increased number of new members on the roll of tho Domatic Lodge . Bro . Stevens then sung , "What better thing than Freemasonry , " of which he is the author , and it was received with great lause .
app The AV . M . gave " The Visitors , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Allatt , the worthy host of the Southern Star Lodge , ancl whose genial and kind nature was well known . Bro . Allatt returned thanks , and expressed bis intention of becoming a member of tbe lodge . The AV . M . said he had already alluded to Bro . Thomas in
connection with the lodge , but he thought it right to offer a distinct toast in reference to him as the Preceptor of the lodge . All the brethren present knew the value of his services , and for himself he could say , that in the early part of his Masonic career , he was under great obligations to Bro . Thomas for his instruction , and he was always ready to give it , not only in the lodge , but out of it , aud even at his own residence , where he not only received gratuitous instruction , but was hospitably
entertained ; and other brethren received the same advantages from Bro . Thomas . He ( the AV . M . ) was almost astonished at the amount of time Bro . Thomas devoted to the instruction of others , and he asked the brethren to drink his health with all the cordiality it so richly deserved . The toast was enthusiastically received . Bro . Thomas thanked the brethren for the cordial manner in which the toast had been receivedand the flattering terms in
, which the AV . M . had spoken of him . He should at all times bo ready to afford information to make young persons as conversant with the duties as be was himself , and to aid them by every means in his power . The AV . M . gave " The worthy host , Bro . Marshall , ancl the Stewards , Bros . Ashwell and AVhite , " and remarked that they had well entered for their entertainment , and were deserving of the thanks of the brethren . This toast was well received .
Bros . Marshall and AVhitc severally returned thanks . During the evening , a number of songs were sung , and it was admitted by all that it had been one of the most pleasing ancl hapjiy meetings that for a long time they had spent in Freemasonry .
CHANNEL ISLANDS . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OB JERSEY . The first Anniversary Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the Province of Jersey , was held on Thursday , October 13 th , at the Masonic Temple . There was an unusually large muster of Present and Past Grand Officers , Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and other Brethren ; in fact , the large
hall was full some time before tbe hour appointed for the commencement of the proceedings . Among the company present were the following : —Bros . R . AV . Col . Ed . C . Malet de Carteret , P . M ., 958 , Prov . G . M . ; Jn . Le Cronier , M . D ., P . M ., 877 , D . Prov . G . M . ; Ed . D . Le Couteur , P . M ., 877 . Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . Jewell , P . M ., 491 , as Prov . G . J . AV . ; Wm . Adams , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., Reg . ; P . W . Benbam , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., Treas . ; Jn . T . der Jardin , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; C .
Kingsnorth , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; the Rev . C . Maritt , M . A ., P . Prov . G . Chap . ; A . Schmitt , P . M ., 590 , P . G . Sec ; P . G . Binet , P . M ,. 291 , P . Prov . G . Reg .: AV . Tracey , P . M ., 244 , Assist . Sec ; R . G . Fotbergill Smith , M . D ., AV . M ., 877 , P . G . J . D . ; H . L . Manuel , P . M ., 890 , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Blamfield , Assist . Di ,-of C ; C . H . Mann . P . M ., 244 , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; AV . Z . Pugsle ^ P . M ., 244 , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; Ed . Lott , P . M ., 245 , P . G . Org . Amongst the Brethren present , in addition to those already
named , were several French visitors , the Rev . AVilliams , & c . The Prov . Grand Lodge being duly assembled , the R . AA' . the Grand Master proceeded to open it in due form . The minutes of the Prov . G . Lodge held in February last were read by the Assist .-Secretary , which were duly confirmed . The reports of the several meetings in reference to the Local Fund of Benevolence , as well as those of the Committee for General Purposes , were also read and adopted . The G . Treasurer
presented his report of the finances of the Prov . G . Lodge , which were duly audited and passed . Bro . P . AV . Benham was unanimously re-elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . The ballot was taken for members of the Local Board for General Purposes , when the following were chosen : —Bros . C . H . Mann , P . M ., 244 ; C Kingsnortb , P . M ., 245 ; Geo . J . Renouf , AA ' . M ., 590 ; J . Oabley , P . M ., 590 ; A . VielP . M . 590 ; S . R . DaweAV . M . 245 .
, , , , To these , in accordance with the By-Laws , the R . AV . Prov . Grand Master added Bro . E . D . Le Couteur , P . M ., 4-91 , and named Bro . P . G . Binet , P . M ., 491 , as President . The following , appointments of Prov . Grand Officers were then made , and such as were present were duly invested : —
Bro . J . Le Cronier , M . D . - - D . Prov . G . M . „ A . Schmitt - - - . Prov . S . G . AV . „ R . G . Fothergill Smith , M . D .. - „ J . G . AV . „ Rev . AVilliams - - - „ G Chaplain . „ P . AV . Benham . - - - „ G . Treas . „ C . Kingsnortb - - - „ G . Reg . „ M . Tracy - - - - „ G . Sec . AVarclley - G . S . D .
„ „ A . Viel - G . J . D . „ P . G . Le Sueur - - - „ G . Supt . of AV . „ Alex . Low , M . D . „ G . D . of C . „ Vineham ---- ,, Asst . D . of C . „ Ed . Lott - - - - „ Org . „ Gen . Lane -- - - ,, G . S . B . „ Freelk , Cooke - - - - „ G . Purst . R . BarrowAV . M . 491 - - G . Steward .
„ , , „ „ Bennett , 244 „ G . Steward . „ S . R . Dawe , AV . M ., 245 - - „ G . Steward „ P . Blamfied - - - „ G . Steward „ Geo . J . Renouf , AV . M ., 520 - „ G . Stewaid „ A . Boullier , Sec , 1093 - - „ G . Steward „ Wm . Toms - - - - „ G . T .
In pursuance of a notice given at the Preparatory Committee by the Prov . Grand Master , seconded by his Deputy : — " That the most cordial thanks of this Prov . Grand Lodge be due , and are hereby given to AV . Bro . John Darill , P . M ., P . Z ., 540 , for tho admirable , honourable , and satisfactory manner iu which , under difficulties of no ordinary character , he has faithfully , and with credit to the Craft , fulfilled the high and responsible office of Prov . Grand Treasurer during four consecutive years
, viz ., 1 S 66-7-S-9 , and that a copy thereof inscribed on vellum be presented to that worthy Brother . " The motion was put and carried unanimously , The sum of £ 5 5 s . was voted to the Fund of the Sick and AVounded of both armies in the Continental AVar , on the proposition of Bro . P . AV . Benham , seconded by Bro . J . T . du Jardin It was moved by Bro . A . Schmitt , seconded by Bro . J . T . du
Jardin , and carried without any dissent : — "That a Donation of £ 5 5 s . be subscribed by this Prov . Grand Lodge to the Royal and Benevolent Institution for Decayed ancl Aged Freemasons . " The Prov . G . Lodge was closed in due form , ancl the Brethren adjourned to the Refreshment Room , where the banquet was served by Bro . AV . H . Long . The chair was occupied by the R . AV . Prov . G . Master , Col . Malet de Carteret , ancl the vicechair by Bro . A . SchmittS . AV . After dinner the Chairman
, gave the following toasts : — " The Queen , the Prince of AA'ales , ancl the Royal Family" ; "the AV . M . G . M ., Earl de Grey and Ripon " ; " the R . AV . D . G . M ,, and the Grand Lodge of England , " and other Masonic toasts , which were most cordially received . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close .