Article ENGLISH GILDS. * ← Page 4 of 4 Article ENGLISH GILDS. * Page 4 of 4 Article MASONIC JOTTINGS.—No. 41. Page 1 of 2 →
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English Gilds. *
nities of tho Kalenders , to bring them iu , and also to enquire the truth of the same , in respect that most of the charters , Avritings , and recordes were lost aud embczeled away , by reason of fire that happened in the place or library that AA ^ as in the said church of All Saiuctes . To the execution of
which commission were called ancl cyted the Abbott avid Covent of St . Augustine of Bristow , and divers burgisses in the name of the Mayor and Coiniiiiiltie of the same towne , and also all Rectors and Vickers of the same deanery , who
apappeared some in person and others by theire procurators . These certified the said bishop that , in times past , the said fraternitie was called the Guild or brotherhood of the cominaltie , cleargy , and people of BristoAV , and that the place of the
congregation of the brethren and sisters of the same Avas used in the church of the Holy Trinitie of Bristow , in the time of Aylworcle Meaneand Bristericke his sonnc , Avho Avere Lordes of BristoAV before the last conquest of England . The
beginning of which fraternitie did then exceed the memory of man ; and did continue successively , after Hie conquest , the place of meeting of the saiil fraternitie , during the time of William the Conqueror , William Rufus , aud King Henry the
nrst , and also of Robert Fitzhaymon , Counsell of Gloucester and Lorde of Bristowe , and subsequently in the time of King Steeven , Avho tooke this towne by warre from Robert earle of Gloucester , that was the founder of the priory of St .
James . And after decease of the said Steeven , and reigne of King Henry the second , AVIIO Avas soune of Maud tho empresse ancl daughter to King Henry the first , one Robert Fitzharding , a burgis of Bristow , by consent of the said Henry the
second ancl Robert carle of Gloucester , and others that were intercssed therein , the said Guild or brotherhood , from the said church of Holy Trinitie unto tlie church of All Saiuctes did translate and bring ; and did found a schoole for Jewesand
other strangers , to be brought up ancl instructed iu Christian itie under the said fraternitie , and protection of the . Mayor of Bristow and monastery of St . Augustine in Bristoll for the time being ; which houso or schoole is now called the Checker Hall in Wine Street .
Note here , that the place of Justice called the Tolsey of Bristoll and counsaile house of the same , Avas builded in the third yeare of King Edward VI ., aud in tho yeare of our Lord 1549 ; which
English Gilds. *
was many yeares after all these matters above written Avere mentioned . And the place wherein the said kalenders and library were burned , is the roode loffe or chamber next unto the streat , being on the north side of all Sainctes church , over the
pictured tombe of queene Elizabeth . [ The curious and interesting Ordinances of the Gild of the Ringers of Bristol will be given next week , and will conclude our extracts from the work of Dr . Toulmin Smith . ] ( To be Continued ) .
Masonic Jottings.—No. 41.
BY A PAST PKOA ' INCIAL GBAND MASTEK . THE HISTORIAN . The Historian sometimes discovers what is true , by the aid of whafc is legendary . ELEUSIAN MYSTERIES .
The portion of Masonic doctrine found on the Eleusian Mysteries came from Asia to Egypt , ancl from Egypt to Greece—Old M . S . AVHAT AA'OL'LD BE AN IMPORTANT DISCOVERY . See a communication thus entitled , "Freemasons '
Magazine , " vol . xviii ., page 50 . It is there said , " show that Theism , as distinguished from Christianity , Avas before the revival of 1717 , receivable into our four old Lodges ; and this Avould be an important discovery in the history of modern
English Freemasonry .- " A brother Avho , in-his Masonic studies for the last two years , has always had this point in view , writes that he has met AA'ith nothing throwing the least light upon it . ROMAN COLLEGE—THE LODGE ITS SUCCESSOR .
A brother thinks that Speculative Masonry slept iu the Roman College , ancl awoke in the Lodge , its successor .
LODGE—FRATERNITY—GILD ( CORRECTION ) . See the Jotting " Lodge—Fraternity—Guild , " "Freemasons' Magazine , " vol . xxii ., page 205 . The heading Avas heedlessly taken from the manuscripts , 1793 , which furnished the Jotting .
Substitute the heading , " Masonry in Olden Times . ' ' TOLERATION IN ENGLISH FREEMASONRY . Iii the Jotting No . 1 , "Freemasons' Magazine , " vol . xxi ., page 429 , under the heading " The Tear 1717 , " it is stated that the year 1717 should seem to be the year which gave us Toleration . A Continential Lodge , one of the most famous and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
English Gilds. *
nities of tho Kalenders , to bring them iu , and also to enquire the truth of the same , in respect that most of the charters , Avritings , and recordes were lost aud embczeled away , by reason of fire that happened in the place or library that AA ^ as in the said church of All Saiuctes . To the execution of
which commission were called ancl cyted the Abbott avid Covent of St . Augustine of Bristow , and divers burgisses in the name of the Mayor and Coiniiiiiltie of the same towne , and also all Rectors and Vickers of the same deanery , who
apappeared some in person and others by theire procurators . These certified the said bishop that , in times past , the said fraternitie was called the Guild or brotherhood of the cominaltie , cleargy , and people of BristoAV , and that the place of the
congregation of the brethren and sisters of the same Avas used in the church of the Holy Trinitie of Bristow , in the time of Aylworcle Meaneand Bristericke his sonnc , Avho Avere Lordes of BristoAV before the last conquest of England . The
beginning of which fraternitie did then exceed the memory of man ; and did continue successively , after Hie conquest , the place of meeting of the saiil fraternitie , during the time of William the Conqueror , William Rufus , aud King Henry the
nrst , and also of Robert Fitzhaymon , Counsell of Gloucester and Lorde of Bristowe , and subsequently in the time of King Steeven , Avho tooke this towne by warre from Robert earle of Gloucester , that was the founder of the priory of St .
James . And after decease of the said Steeven , and reigne of King Henry the second , AVIIO Avas soune of Maud tho empresse ancl daughter to King Henry the first , one Robert Fitzharding , a burgis of Bristow , by consent of the said Henry the
second ancl Robert carle of Gloucester , and others that were intercssed therein , the said Guild or brotherhood , from the said church of Holy Trinitie unto tlie church of All Saiuctes did translate and bring ; and did found a schoole for Jewesand
other strangers , to be brought up ancl instructed iu Christian itie under the said fraternitie , and protection of the . Mayor of Bristow and monastery of St . Augustine in Bristoll for the time being ; which houso or schoole is now called the Checker Hall in Wine Street .
Note here , that the place of Justice called the Tolsey of Bristoll and counsaile house of the same , Avas builded in the third yeare of King Edward VI ., aud in tho yeare of our Lord 1549 ; which
English Gilds. *
was many yeares after all these matters above written Avere mentioned . And the place wherein the said kalenders and library were burned , is the roode loffe or chamber next unto the streat , being on the north side of all Sainctes church , over the
pictured tombe of queene Elizabeth . [ The curious and interesting Ordinances of the Gild of the Ringers of Bristol will be given next week , and will conclude our extracts from the work of Dr . Toulmin Smith . ] ( To be Continued ) .
Masonic Jottings.—No. 41.
BY A PAST PKOA ' INCIAL GBAND MASTEK . THE HISTORIAN . The Historian sometimes discovers what is true , by the aid of whafc is legendary . ELEUSIAN MYSTERIES .
The portion of Masonic doctrine found on the Eleusian Mysteries came from Asia to Egypt , ancl from Egypt to Greece—Old M . S . AVHAT AA'OL'LD BE AN IMPORTANT DISCOVERY . See a communication thus entitled , "Freemasons '
Magazine , " vol . xviii ., page 50 . It is there said , " show that Theism , as distinguished from Christianity , Avas before the revival of 1717 , receivable into our four old Lodges ; and this Avould be an important discovery in the history of modern
English Freemasonry .- " A brother Avho , in-his Masonic studies for the last two years , has always had this point in view , writes that he has met AA'ith nothing throwing the least light upon it . ROMAN COLLEGE—THE LODGE ITS SUCCESSOR .
A brother thinks that Speculative Masonry slept iu the Roman College , ancl awoke in the Lodge , its successor .
LODGE—FRATERNITY—GILD ( CORRECTION ) . See the Jotting " Lodge—Fraternity—Guild , " "Freemasons' Magazine , " vol . xxii ., page 205 . The heading Avas heedlessly taken from the manuscripts , 1793 , which furnished the Jotting .
Substitute the heading , " Masonry in Olden Times . ' ' TOLERATION IN ENGLISH FREEMASONRY . Iii the Jotting No . 1 , "Freemasons' Magazine , " vol . xxi ., page 429 , under the heading " The Tear 1717 , " it is stated that the year 1717 should seem to be the year which gave us Toleration . A Continential Lodge , one of the most famous and