Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 3 of 3 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 1 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 1 Article AUSTRALIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
The " Tyler ' s toast" was then given and the proceedings terminated . [" AI . AI . " having asked us for certain information relative to the position , & c , of the Grand Lodge of Alark Alasters , we may roply that wo havo applied for it , and are assured wc shall have it as soon as the new Board of General Purposes get to work , and tho business of the office is placed in order . In the meantime it may be satisfactory to our correspondent to know that the balance to the credit of that Grand Lodge is close upon . £ 400 . ]
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN ENCAMPMENT . ST . GEORGE ' ENCAMPMENT . —This old Encampment held its usual quarterly meeting on Friday , Juno loth , at Radley's Hotel , Now Bridgc-Btreot , Blackfriars , when six Royal Arch Companions were duly installed Knights Templar by the Eminent Sir Knt . AV . G . Smith , P . O ., of the Observance Encampment , in his usual most effective maimer . The Visitors , were Sir Knts . Al . If . Shuttleworth , Grand V . C . ; AV . G . Smith ;
and J . Meri-yweather , of the Encampment of Observance , all of whom expressed much pleasure at being present at the installation of so many illustrious Knights , and at the very satisfactory manner in which the ceremony was conducted . At the meeting of this Encampment , in March last , Sit- Knt . Arthur AL Alooro was installed E . C . in the place of E . Sir Knt . Benjamin A . Kent , M . D ., Prov . G . C . for Australia . Tho E . C . appointed the following Knights to assist him during his year of office , viz .: —Sir Knts . R . Costa , P . O ., Prelate ; G . Harcourt , M . D ., First Captain ; AV . Blcnkin , Second Captain ; R . Spencer , P . O ., Reg . and Treas . ; AV . J . O'Donnavan , Expert ; Lieut .-Col . T . Goddard , Capt . of Lines .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
AVooLivicu . —Invicta Chapter of S . P . Hose Croix . —The 111 . Brethren , members of the above Chapter , held their usual meeting at the Alasonic Hall , AYilliam-street . AVoolwich , on Friday last . There were three candidates present , two more being incapacitated from attending by sickness , brought about by the present unhealthy weather . The ceremony was , as is usual with the M . AV . S . Col . H . Clerk , all that could be desired by the most fastidious , and he was ably supported by the 111 .
Bros . Dr . Hinxman , as Prelate , AY . Smith , G . E ., Raphael , Figg , 1 st Gen ., and Matthew Cooke , Org . Tho brethren ivho were received into the Order ou that occasion were Capt . Boyle , Lieut . E . T . AVarry , and C . Millings . It was proposed by the M . AV . S ., seconded , and carried unanimously , for the convenience of those candidates who were unable to attend , that an extra Chapter be held on the 22 nd of next month , and that the 111 . Brethren and their visitors should afterwards adjourn to a fish dinner at the Trafal at Greenwich . All business being
comgar pleted , the Chapter was closed with that solemnity peculiar to the Order , ancl the members present adjourned to the Freemasons' Tavern , AVoolwich , to dinner , after ivhich that kindly and social intercourse between the 111 . Brethren was called into play , and the evening was spent in that frugal and instructive manner which renders the Rose Croix meetings at AVoolwich so charming and advantageous to the Mason in search of perfection ia his art .
A'AIERICAN MEMS . VERMONT . —[ We copy the following from the address of Bro . Philip C . Tucker , M . W . G . M . of Vermont . Happily in England wc have but slender experience of the necessity either for suspension or expulsion ; still wo must say that it would appear as though the erring brother had some Alasonic fitness , otherwise the Lodge ivhich elected him to rule over them must have been composed of lax if not unworthy brethren , ]
Bro . Tucker says : — " I have had to meet the extraordinary spectacle of finding an expelled Mason filling tho chair of one of our subordinate Loclges , as its regularly chosen Alaster . At first I was wholly incredulous that such a circumstance could bo possible , and yet investigation proved it to be true . I had before mo , previous to taking any action in the case , a copy of the record of his expulsion from the Lodge of another state ; the fact that he took no appeal ; the proof of his personal identity ; evidence of his return within this Alasonic jurisdiction ( from
ivhich he originally went out ); of his secreting the fact of his expulsion ; of his obtaining membership improperly in the old Lodge to ivhich he at first belonged ; of his election to and service in the chair one year as Alaster , and of his reelection , and some months' service under it , in his second year . " This was the state of facts before me , and upon them I acted thus . I ordered the Senior AA arclon to take possession of the Charter of the Lodgo and the key of the Lodge-room ; to direct the Lodge door to be
shut against the Alaster , aud to take the east himself and go on with the business of the Lodge as if the Master were dead . I directed him also , as soon as he should possess himself of the charter and before the next regular communication of the Lodge , to place in the Master ' s
hands an order from me , as Grand Master , suspending him from office , and citing him to appear before the Grand Lodge on the first day of the present communication , to show cause why that suspension should not be made perpetual , and abide such order as this Grand Body should make iu the case . "' So fin- as I am informed , no case of precisely this character has before occurred in our Order- —certainly none in this Masonic jurisdiction . Neither tho constitution or by-laws of this Grand Lodge have
, in direct terms , provided for tho suspension or arrest of the action of the Master of a Lodge , nor is such a case , in terms , provided for by the old regulations : and it is well settled that a subordinate Lodge can neither try or discipline its JIaster . In the constitutions of several of the Grand Loclges of the United States , this power of suspension or ' arrest' is directly placed in tho hands of the Grand JIaster , and has been several times exercised , on good and sufficient cause being shown . " The second section of the by-laws of our own Grand Lodge declares
that 'the Grand JIaster enjoys all the powers and prerogatives conferred by the ancient constitutions , ancl the usages and landmarks of the Craft . He shall exercise a general superintendence over tho Lodges in this jurisdiction , inspect their proceedings , and require a strict compliance with the constitution and laws of the Grand Lodge . He may preside iu any Lodge with the AV . M . at his left hand , and shall do all other acts aud deeds as arc warranted or required of him by tho constitutioncustomand usages of tho fraternity . '
, , " I had no difficulty iu finding in this section authority enough for the action which I have taken ; and if I had not found it there , should still havo thought it clearly within the prerogative of a Grand JIaster to arrest the farther official action of an expelled Alason , and to forbid his preseucc within the walls of a Lodge-room , until the Grand Lodge should have an opportunity of considering and acting on the subject . "
NEW YORK . —At Troy , on tho 2 nd of April last , a service of plate was presented by Mount Zion Lodge , No . 311 , to Bro . Marcus Ball , its late Master . A large and brilliant assemblage graced the occasion at the Masonic temple . Bro . John S . Perry opened with appropriate remarks . Bro . Parkmaii made tho jiresentation , referring to Bro . Ball ' s services iu this Lodge and other Alasonic bodies , especially ill relation to the Kane memoriah To this Bro . Ball responded with much earnestness and emotion , calling attention to the present prosperity of the Lodge , which numbers two hundred and fifty members , ancl giving sound advice for its future management .
NEW YORK . —The Lodge of Antiquity , No . 11 , had the honour of initiating , as far as the state of Now York is concerned , a valuable ordinance for itself at the commencement of the present Alasonic year—a set of albums , each containing a stated number of folios , in which is placed in the order of Lodge register the photographic likeness of each member , with his autograph subscribed . Independent Royal Arch Lodge , No . 2 , will comjilete its centennial in September of this year . In December it is in contemplation to
celebrate the event with becoming splendour and eclat . A new Commandery of Knights Templar was organized iu April last , and a dispensation issued to E . Sir Charles Cornell ( P . E . C . of Palestine , No . IS ) and others .
IOWA . —Tho Dubuque Times gives a detailed and most interesting account ofthe second anniversary re-union of Alosaic Lodge , No . 125 , at that place , Alarch 20 th last . Bro . F . Herron , the AV . JL , presided ex officio , and in his opening remarks gave expression to the thoughts suggested by the time and occasion . A little more than two years ago , he said , seven persons had met and organized the Jlosaic Lodge . Since then it had increased in numbers , and , he believed , in a healthful influence .
Omo , —The congregation of St . John's Church , Cincinnati , Ohio , recently presented the Rev . JI . Magill with two handsomely finished silver goblets as a mark of Christian regard . NORTH CAROLINA . —The Grand Lodge of North Carolina , at its recent session , appointed a committee , of which the Grand JIaster , Hon . Lewis S . AVilliains is chairman , to draft c . new form of charters ( warrants ) for the subordinate Lodges of that jurisdiction .
PENNSYLVANIA . —The R . E . G . C . of Pennsylvania , Sir AV . H . Allen , granted , on the 19 th of April , a dispensation to constitute ICedron Commandery , No . 18 , at Greensbui-g . He has appointed , as his proxy , E . Sir Alfred Creigh . The officers of the Commandery are Sir Richard Coulter , E . G . ; Sir AV . R . Terry , Gen . ; Sir AV . J . Long , Capt . Gen . PENNSYLVANIA . —The Alasonic Hall at Ebensburg was struck with lightning a few weeks since , but no serious damage was done , as there was no person in the building at the time .
VICTORIA . MASONIC HALL AND CLUB . A JIEETING of delegates appointed by tho various Lodges , and other Freemasons desirous of procuring suitable accommodation for Alasonic purposes in Alelbourne , was held at Hookin ' s Hotel , Alelbourne , on Thursday , the 12 th of April last , at half-past seven o'clock . About eighty brethren being assembled , Bro . Professor AVilson moved that
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
The " Tyler ' s toast" was then given and the proceedings terminated . [" AI . AI . " having asked us for certain information relative to the position , & c , of the Grand Lodge of Alark Alasters , we may roply that wo havo applied for it , and are assured wc shall have it as soon as the new Board of General Purposes get to work , and tho business of the office is placed in order . In the meantime it may be satisfactory to our correspondent to know that the balance to the credit of that Grand Lodge is close upon . £ 400 . ]
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN ENCAMPMENT . ST . GEORGE ' ENCAMPMENT . —This old Encampment held its usual quarterly meeting on Friday , Juno loth , at Radley's Hotel , Now Bridgc-Btreot , Blackfriars , when six Royal Arch Companions were duly installed Knights Templar by the Eminent Sir Knt . AV . G . Smith , P . O ., of the Observance Encampment , in his usual most effective maimer . The Visitors , were Sir Knts . Al . If . Shuttleworth , Grand V . C . ; AV . G . Smith ;
and J . Meri-yweather , of the Encampment of Observance , all of whom expressed much pleasure at being present at the installation of so many illustrious Knights , and at the very satisfactory manner in which the ceremony was conducted . At the meeting of this Encampment , in March last , Sit- Knt . Arthur AL Alooro was installed E . C . in the place of E . Sir Knt . Benjamin A . Kent , M . D ., Prov . G . C . for Australia . Tho E . C . appointed the following Knights to assist him during his year of office , viz .: —Sir Knts . R . Costa , P . O ., Prelate ; G . Harcourt , M . D ., First Captain ; AV . Blcnkin , Second Captain ; R . Spencer , P . O ., Reg . and Treas . ; AV . J . O'Donnavan , Expert ; Lieut .-Col . T . Goddard , Capt . of Lines .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
AVooLivicu . —Invicta Chapter of S . P . Hose Croix . —The 111 . Brethren , members of the above Chapter , held their usual meeting at the Alasonic Hall , AYilliam-street . AVoolwich , on Friday last . There were three candidates present , two more being incapacitated from attending by sickness , brought about by the present unhealthy weather . The ceremony was , as is usual with the M . AV . S . Col . H . Clerk , all that could be desired by the most fastidious , and he was ably supported by the 111 .
Bros . Dr . Hinxman , as Prelate , AY . Smith , G . E ., Raphael , Figg , 1 st Gen ., and Matthew Cooke , Org . Tho brethren ivho were received into the Order ou that occasion were Capt . Boyle , Lieut . E . T . AVarry , and C . Millings . It was proposed by the M . AV . S ., seconded , and carried unanimously , for the convenience of those candidates who were unable to attend , that an extra Chapter be held on the 22 nd of next month , and that the 111 . Brethren and their visitors should afterwards adjourn to a fish dinner at the Trafal at Greenwich . All business being
comgar pleted , the Chapter was closed with that solemnity peculiar to the Order , ancl the members present adjourned to the Freemasons' Tavern , AVoolwich , to dinner , after ivhich that kindly and social intercourse between the 111 . Brethren was called into play , and the evening was spent in that frugal and instructive manner which renders the Rose Croix meetings at AVoolwich so charming and advantageous to the Mason in search of perfection ia his art .
A'AIERICAN MEMS . VERMONT . —[ We copy the following from the address of Bro . Philip C . Tucker , M . W . G . M . of Vermont . Happily in England wc have but slender experience of the necessity either for suspension or expulsion ; still wo must say that it would appear as though the erring brother had some Alasonic fitness , otherwise the Lodge ivhich elected him to rule over them must have been composed of lax if not unworthy brethren , ]
Bro . Tucker says : — " I have had to meet the extraordinary spectacle of finding an expelled Mason filling tho chair of one of our subordinate Loclges , as its regularly chosen Alaster . At first I was wholly incredulous that such a circumstance could bo possible , and yet investigation proved it to be true . I had before mo , previous to taking any action in the case , a copy of the record of his expulsion from the Lodge of another state ; the fact that he took no appeal ; the proof of his personal identity ; evidence of his return within this Alasonic jurisdiction ( from
ivhich he originally went out ); of his secreting the fact of his expulsion ; of his obtaining membership improperly in the old Lodge to ivhich he at first belonged ; of his election to and service in the chair one year as Alaster , and of his reelection , and some months' service under it , in his second year . " This was the state of facts before me , and upon them I acted thus . I ordered the Senior AA arclon to take possession of the Charter of the Lodgo and the key of the Lodge-room ; to direct the Lodge door to be
shut against the Alaster , aud to take the east himself and go on with the business of the Lodge as if the Master were dead . I directed him also , as soon as he should possess himself of the charter and before the next regular communication of the Lodge , to place in the Master ' s
hands an order from me , as Grand Master , suspending him from office , and citing him to appear before the Grand Lodge on the first day of the present communication , to show cause why that suspension should not be made perpetual , and abide such order as this Grand Body should make iu the case . "' So fin- as I am informed , no case of precisely this character has before occurred in our Order- —certainly none in this Masonic jurisdiction . Neither tho constitution or by-laws of this Grand Lodge have
, in direct terms , provided for tho suspension or arrest of the action of the Master of a Lodge , nor is such a case , in terms , provided for by the old regulations : and it is well settled that a subordinate Lodge can neither try or discipline its JIaster . In the constitutions of several of the Grand Loclges of the United States , this power of suspension or ' arrest' is directly placed in tho hands of the Grand JIaster , and has been several times exercised , on good and sufficient cause being shown . " The second section of the by-laws of our own Grand Lodge declares
that 'the Grand JIaster enjoys all the powers and prerogatives conferred by the ancient constitutions , ancl the usages and landmarks of the Craft . He shall exercise a general superintendence over tho Lodges in this jurisdiction , inspect their proceedings , and require a strict compliance with the constitution and laws of the Grand Lodge . He may preside iu any Lodge with the AV . M . at his left hand , and shall do all other acts aud deeds as arc warranted or required of him by tho constitutioncustomand usages of tho fraternity . '
, , " I had no difficulty iu finding in this section authority enough for the action which I have taken ; and if I had not found it there , should still havo thought it clearly within the prerogative of a Grand JIaster to arrest the farther official action of an expelled Alason , and to forbid his preseucc within the walls of a Lodge-room , until the Grand Lodge should have an opportunity of considering and acting on the subject . "
NEW YORK . —At Troy , on tho 2 nd of April last , a service of plate was presented by Mount Zion Lodge , No . 311 , to Bro . Marcus Ball , its late Master . A large and brilliant assemblage graced the occasion at the Masonic temple . Bro . John S . Perry opened with appropriate remarks . Bro . Parkmaii made tho jiresentation , referring to Bro . Ball ' s services iu this Lodge and other Alasonic bodies , especially ill relation to the Kane memoriah To this Bro . Ball responded with much earnestness and emotion , calling attention to the present prosperity of the Lodge , which numbers two hundred and fifty members , ancl giving sound advice for its future management .
NEW YORK . —The Lodge of Antiquity , No . 11 , had the honour of initiating , as far as the state of Now York is concerned , a valuable ordinance for itself at the commencement of the present Alasonic year—a set of albums , each containing a stated number of folios , in which is placed in the order of Lodge register the photographic likeness of each member , with his autograph subscribed . Independent Royal Arch Lodge , No . 2 , will comjilete its centennial in September of this year . In December it is in contemplation to
celebrate the event with becoming splendour and eclat . A new Commandery of Knights Templar was organized iu April last , and a dispensation issued to E . Sir Charles Cornell ( P . E . C . of Palestine , No . IS ) and others .
IOWA . —Tho Dubuque Times gives a detailed and most interesting account ofthe second anniversary re-union of Alosaic Lodge , No . 125 , at that place , Alarch 20 th last . Bro . F . Herron , the AV . JL , presided ex officio , and in his opening remarks gave expression to the thoughts suggested by the time and occasion . A little more than two years ago , he said , seven persons had met and organized the Jlosaic Lodge . Since then it had increased in numbers , and , he believed , in a healthful influence .
Omo , —The congregation of St . John's Church , Cincinnati , Ohio , recently presented the Rev . JI . Magill with two handsomely finished silver goblets as a mark of Christian regard . NORTH CAROLINA . —The Grand Lodge of North Carolina , at its recent session , appointed a committee , of which the Grand JIaster , Hon . Lewis S . AVilliains is chairman , to draft c . new form of charters ( warrants ) for the subordinate Lodges of that jurisdiction .
PENNSYLVANIA . —The R . E . G . C . of Pennsylvania , Sir AV . H . Allen , granted , on the 19 th of April , a dispensation to constitute ICedron Commandery , No . 18 , at Greensbui-g . He has appointed , as his proxy , E . Sir Alfred Creigh . The officers of the Commandery are Sir Richard Coulter , E . G . ; Sir AV . R . Terry , Gen . ; Sir AV . J . Long , Capt . Gen . PENNSYLVANIA . —The Alasonic Hall at Ebensburg was struck with lightning a few weeks since , but no serious damage was done , as there was no person in the building at the time .
VICTORIA . MASONIC HALL AND CLUB . A JIEETING of delegates appointed by tho various Lodges , and other Freemasons desirous of procuring suitable accommodation for Alasonic purposes in Alelbourne , was held at Hookin ' s Hotel , Alelbourne , on Thursday , the 12 th of April last , at half-past seven o'clock . About eighty brethren being assembled , Bro . Professor AVilson moved that