Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Inn , LoAver Edmonton ; a goodly number of the brethren assembled . , accompanied by several ladies . Bro . J . li . Goodwin , the AV . M ., presiding . The banquet was in Bro . Smith ' s usual excellent style . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal toasts gone through , the health of Bro . Goodwin was announced and heartily received , likewise that of Bro . A . Day , P . M ., to whom the Lodgo is much indebted for his zeal , and especially for supporting the Masonic charities : " The Royal Masonic Institution
for Boys , " folloAA'ed , Bros . Thiselton and It . C . Woodward responding in tho most pleasing and enlivening terms . The boys at present in tbe school in Lordship-lane were invited to attend in the evening by request of the members of the Lodge ( most of them being earnest supporters of the institution ) , and were introduced by the Secretary of the Lodge , They were afterwards provided with a suitable repast . The whole of the company expressed tbe highest admiration for their healthy appearance ancl excellent behaviour , which reflects high credit on the managing committee and their preceptor . Among the company not members of the Lodge , Avere Bros . Thiselton , Bel . C . AA ' oochvard , Perrin , Morris , Horris , and Stean .
ST . JAMES ' UNION LODGE ( NO . 211 ) . —This Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , July i 2 th , there being present Bros . H . A . Stacey , AV . M . ; C . Smetliurst , S . AV . ; G . Gill , J . AV . ; T . Simpson , S . D . ; H . Francis , J . T > . ; Sedgwick , I . G . ; Jackson , See . ; < T . Gurton , P . M . ; Kelly , P . M . ; aud about thirty other brethren . The Lodge was opened in the three degrees : and Bros . Walker and Levett were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Lodge was then resumed to the second degreewhen BrosPAddingtonWHEBeatyTWilliams
, . . , . . . , . , and AA . Hasbery , Avere passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The Lodge Avas then resumed to the first degree ; and Sir . Thomas Baynham admitted to the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . A long discussion on the proposed new by-laws took place . The alterations recommended by the committee were adopted , namely , an increase in the subscriptions of members , four shillings out of each subscription to go to charitable purposes connected with the Order ; and the preliminary
expenses of a steAvarcl to the charities to be borne by the Lodge . A petition to the Board of Benevolence , on behalf a widow of a brother formerly belonging to this Lodge , was signed . It was arranged that the summer banquet of the Lodge be held at Boxhill , and take place on the 4 th August . It is expected to be numerously attended by members of the Lodge ; and as it is principally got up as a treat for tho ladies , it is hoped the } ' will use their powerful influence in rendering the meeting a pleasant and a happy one . Tho Lodge adjourned at half-past ten .
ZETLAND LODGE ( NO . 752 ) . —This Lodge held its annual meeting on Wednesday , July 13 th , at tbe Adam and Eve , Kensington , there being a large attendance of tbe brethren to do honour to tbe installation . The WM ., Bro . Doust , opened the Lodge in the three degrees , and having granted permission to Bro . AA ' oodstock , AV . M , No . 1051 , to take the chair , ho ( Bro . AVoodstock ) proceeded to raise Bro . Meyer and pass Bro . Clink , ( both of tho Beigrave Lodge , No . 1051 ) , both ceremonies being performed in a very impressive manner . Tho AA ' . M . elect , Bro . Din-rant , then installed b
was y Bro . Andrew , P . M ., in an antient form , and in . this interesting ceremony Bro . Andrew displayed great ability and Masonic skin . Tho newly installed AV . M . afterwards appointed and invested his Officers . Tliey are : Bro . Barnsbaw , S . AV . ; Bro . AVilson , J . AV . ; Harrison ,
S . D . ; Gibbins , J . B . ; Followes , I . G . Bro . Nowall was reelected Tyler . The AA . M ., while investing them with the collars and jewels of office , gave very appropriate addresses on the respective duties ' of each officer . The next business was the presentation of an excellent P . M . jewel to Bro . C ' opus , which tho AV . M . said was voted under very peculiar circumstances ; it might be in the recollection of many of the brethren , that on Bro . Copus completing his year of office as AV . M ., it was proposed and carried " That the Lod present him Avith jewel in token of the
go a important services he had rendered . " Bro . Copus had filled the chair of that Lodge Avith great zeal and ability ; he had not only performed the ceremonies incumbent on every AV . M ., but bad installed his successor . At that time Bro . Copus acknowled ged his gratitude for the intended compliment , but respectfully declined to accept it , " on account of tbe financial position tho Lodgo Avas then in ; " sumo of tho brethrenhoweverdetermined that Bro . Copus ' merits should not
, , s " -o unrewarded , and entered into a private subscri ption . The result Avas the . iewel he was IIOAV about to place on the breast of the worthy brother ; and that lie might live many years to wear it in that and other Lodges Avas the fervent desire of all the contributors towards it . Bro . Copus thanked the AA . M . and brethren who had subscribed to pay him this very handsome compliment and mark of their approbation , aud assured them he should remember this as the proudest moment of his lifeand
, ever cherish this token of their esteem in grateful recollection of the Zetland Lodge and its members . The brethren then adjourned to a very handsome banquet , which being ended , the AV . M . and brethren duly honoured the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts , Bro . Smith , 01 . \ v ' -vr '' 1 , etu . S thanks for the Grand Officers . The health of tho ¦ )) / *;• ' B . 1 ' 0- Durrani , was proposed and received with due honours . The VV . iJ . said—Allow me to gratitude for the in which
express my manner my health has been given , and for its flattering reception at your hands . 1 must claim the indulgence of the brethren if I do not respond to it in tie way I could wish ; I cannot but feel the distinguished and honourable position in which I am placed , to preside over so numerous , happy , and respectable a Lodge , and will endeavour , as far as I possibly can , to peuorm the important duties annexed to the jippointmeut—it was most
The Masonic Mirror.
gratifying to mo that my election Avas unanimous ; ancl I trust , with the co-operation of my Officers , and the able assistance of the Past Masters , I shall be enabled to transmit tho important office of AV . M . to my successor witli the same satisfaction my predecessors have done . Bro . Andrew , for himself and tho other Past Masters ° f the Lodge , tendered their thanks in responding to the toast of the P . Ms . —the same spirit ho was sure pervaded them all—a readiness to discharge their duties as rulers
of tho Craft , by being present on all occasions to aid tho business and ceremonials of the Lodge . " The Visitors , " joined with the name of Bro . Dr . Nolan , was then given , Bro . Dr . Nolan , in returning thanks for himself and brother visitors , acknowledged the kind , fraternal , and hospitable manner in which they were at all times received by the Zetland Lodge , and expressed their gratitude for the truly Masonic re , ception the Zetland had given to those visitors Avhom they honoured with an invitation on that occasion . He hoped that meetings of this
kind would become more frequent , and had no doubt they would be attended with the happiest results . The AA . M . next gave the health of Bro . Cooper , and thanked him for the banquet of which they had par ? taken . Bro . Cooper returned thanks , and very much regretted that the state of his health and that of Mrs . Cooper necessitated the l-ernoval of the Lodge to some other place ; but go where they might , his heart would be with them . The last toast Avas soon afterwards proposed , and the brethren retired much gratified Avith the proceedings of the evening .
The visitoi-3 were—Bros . J . Smith , G . Purs ., ancl AV . M . No . 1 , 082 ; McManus , P . M .. No . 165 ; - AVhite , P . M ., No . 16 S ; Jackson , P . M ., No . 168 ; Widkley , t " P . M ., No . 367 ; Cottebvnne , AV . M ., No . 1 , 035 ; AVoodstock , AV . M ., No . 1 , 051 ; E . H . Nolan , S . W ., No . 219 ; Caldwell , J . W ., No . 25 ; Piatt , J . AV ., No . 168 ; Bunting , J . AV ., No . 1 , 051 ; Osborne . S . AV ., No , 1 , 032 ; Meyer . No . 1 , 051 ; Clink , No . 1 . 001 .
DEVONSHIRE . STOREHOUSE . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 224 ) . —At n regular mooting of this Lodge , held on Monday , July 1 lth , present : Bros . Robinson Rodd , AV . M . ; Lord Graves , S . AV . ; Rev . G . Knowling , J . AV . ; Kadri ( Bey ) , S . D . ; Hawker , J . D . ; AValker , I . G . ; Spence Bate , Secretary . Hunt , P . M . ; NiirracottPMRiskRidleyHeyneand PomeroyP . M . ; the
, .. ; ; ; ; , minutes of the preceding meeting were confirmed . Bro . Rev . Erskine Risk , M . A ., having shown that lie had made such progress as to entitle him to that honour , was passed to the second degree . A letter from the Grand Lodge relative to the irregular Lodges at Smyrna , AVUS read and entered in the minutes of the Lodge . Tlie Lodgo then closed in peace and harmony .
TOTNES ,. —Pleiade ,: Lodge ( No . 1 , 012 ) . —The monthly meeting AVIVS held on Thursday , the 14 th instant . In the absence of the AVorshipful Master , Bro . Henry Bridges , P . M ., acted as W . M ., initiated Mr . Arthur Browse into the first degree , and delivered the charge in the usual manner . The Secretary thou read the letter received from Grand Lodge respecting irregular meetings at Smyrna . Bro . Thomas Lidatone presented a new P . M . 's chair to the Lodge , Avith the following inscription on it— "Presented to the Pleiades Lodge , No . 1 , 012 , Totnes , AX . 48 S 9 , by Brother Thomas Liclstono , S . D ., in esteem for its first P . M ., Brother Henry Bridges , of Lodges Nos . <) S 3 and 123 ; P . M . Nos . 1 , 012 , 080 , 307 , and 3 S ; P . Z . No . 30 /• " iiud P . Prov . S . G . D ., Surrey ,
HAMPSHIRE . rnOA'IKCIAL GRAND LODGI' . [ AA E are favoured with the following from a correspondent ; om regular report had not arrived up to tbe hour of going to press . —El ) . ] The Provincial Grand Lodge wasA-cry freely attended , and au interest ' ing discussion ensued on different subjects before the appointment of the new Officers ; amongst other thingsiv very handsome portrait was
, presented as a testimonial to Bro . Stebbing by the members of the Peace and Harmony Lodge , No . 402 . The banquet and fete at Spear-ball ( the residence of Bro . Limgley ) was a most recherche affair . At least two hundred and fifty ladies and gentlemen were present , under the presidency of the R . AA . Prov . Grand Master , Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis .
SOUTHAMPTON . —SmifhimiptmiLodge ( Nf ,. 555 ) . —A Lodge of emergency was held here on AVednesday evening , July l 3 th , in order to enable several brothers to advance in Masonry previously to tho annual provincial meeting appointed to take place on Tuesday next . Bro . George Langley , AV . M ., took tho chair , and passed Bros . J . George , jun ., of Romsey , and Peter Limgley , the AV . M . ' s brother , aud ^ who , on this the first night of presiding since his election , performed his duty with great accuracy and ability . Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , immediate P . M ., then
raised Bro . AA m . C . Humphreys , late high sheriff of the county ; ancl Bro . AVm . Furber . The Lodge was honoured with the company of tho following R . AV . and AV . brethren : —Bros . Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ,, Prov . G . M . ; Charles E . Deacon , D . Prov . G . M . ; Hyde Pnllen , D . Prov . G . M ., Isle of Wight ; Fred . Perkins , AV . M ., No . 152 ; Alexander Fletcher , AV . M ., No . 402 ; Rankin Stubbing , W . M ., No . 1 , 087 ; AVood , P . G . S ., of Brighton ; 11 . Warner Wheeler , P . M ., Prince of Wales Lodge : and numerous other influential brethren , The W . M . conducted the ban-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Inn , LoAver Edmonton ; a goodly number of the brethren assembled . , accompanied by several ladies . Bro . J . li . Goodwin , the AV . M ., presiding . The banquet was in Bro . Smith ' s usual excellent style . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal toasts gone through , the health of Bro . Goodwin was announced and heartily received , likewise that of Bro . A . Day , P . M ., to whom the Lodgo is much indebted for his zeal , and especially for supporting the Masonic charities : " The Royal Masonic Institution
for Boys , " folloAA'ed , Bros . Thiselton and It . C . Woodward responding in tho most pleasing and enlivening terms . The boys at present in tbe school in Lordship-lane were invited to attend in the evening by request of the members of the Lodge ( most of them being earnest supporters of the institution ) , and were introduced by the Secretary of the Lodge , They were afterwards provided with a suitable repast . The whole of the company expressed tbe highest admiration for their healthy appearance ancl excellent behaviour , which reflects high credit on the managing committee and their preceptor . Among the company not members of the Lodge , Avere Bros . Thiselton , Bel . C . AA ' oochvard , Perrin , Morris , Horris , and Stean .
ST . JAMES ' UNION LODGE ( NO . 211 ) . —This Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , July i 2 th , there being present Bros . H . A . Stacey , AV . M . ; C . Smetliurst , S . AV . ; G . Gill , J . AV . ; T . Simpson , S . D . ; H . Francis , J . T > . ; Sedgwick , I . G . ; Jackson , See . ; < T . Gurton , P . M . ; Kelly , P . M . ; aud about thirty other brethren . The Lodge was opened in the three degrees : and Bros . Walker and Levett were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Lodge was then resumed to the second degreewhen BrosPAddingtonWHEBeatyTWilliams
, . . , . . . , . , and AA . Hasbery , Avere passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The Lodge Avas then resumed to the first degree ; and Sir . Thomas Baynham admitted to the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . A long discussion on the proposed new by-laws took place . The alterations recommended by the committee were adopted , namely , an increase in the subscriptions of members , four shillings out of each subscription to go to charitable purposes connected with the Order ; and the preliminary
expenses of a steAvarcl to the charities to be borne by the Lodge . A petition to the Board of Benevolence , on behalf a widow of a brother formerly belonging to this Lodge , was signed . It was arranged that the summer banquet of the Lodge be held at Boxhill , and take place on the 4 th August . It is expected to be numerously attended by members of the Lodge ; and as it is principally got up as a treat for tho ladies , it is hoped the } ' will use their powerful influence in rendering the meeting a pleasant and a happy one . Tho Lodge adjourned at half-past ten .
ZETLAND LODGE ( NO . 752 ) . —This Lodge held its annual meeting on Wednesday , July 13 th , at tbe Adam and Eve , Kensington , there being a large attendance of tbe brethren to do honour to tbe installation . The WM ., Bro . Doust , opened the Lodge in the three degrees , and having granted permission to Bro . AA ' oodstock , AV . M , No . 1051 , to take the chair , ho ( Bro . AVoodstock ) proceeded to raise Bro . Meyer and pass Bro . Clink , ( both of tho Beigrave Lodge , No . 1051 ) , both ceremonies being performed in a very impressive manner . Tho AA ' . M . elect , Bro . Din-rant , then installed b
was y Bro . Andrew , P . M ., in an antient form , and in . this interesting ceremony Bro . Andrew displayed great ability and Masonic skin . Tho newly installed AV . M . afterwards appointed and invested his Officers . Tliey are : Bro . Barnsbaw , S . AV . ; Bro . AVilson , J . AV . ; Harrison ,
S . D . ; Gibbins , J . B . ; Followes , I . G . Bro . Nowall was reelected Tyler . The AA . M ., while investing them with the collars and jewels of office , gave very appropriate addresses on the respective duties ' of each officer . The next business was the presentation of an excellent P . M . jewel to Bro . C ' opus , which tho AV . M . said was voted under very peculiar circumstances ; it might be in the recollection of many of the brethren , that on Bro . Copus completing his year of office as AV . M ., it was proposed and carried " That the Lod present him Avith jewel in token of the
go a important services he had rendered . " Bro . Copus had filled the chair of that Lodge Avith great zeal and ability ; he had not only performed the ceremonies incumbent on every AV . M ., but bad installed his successor . At that time Bro . Copus acknowled ged his gratitude for the intended compliment , but respectfully declined to accept it , " on account of tbe financial position tho Lodgo Avas then in ; " sumo of tho brethrenhoweverdetermined that Bro . Copus ' merits should not
, , s " -o unrewarded , and entered into a private subscri ption . The result Avas the . iewel he was IIOAV about to place on the breast of the worthy brother ; and that lie might live many years to wear it in that and other Lodges Avas the fervent desire of all the contributors towards it . Bro . Copus thanked the AA . M . and brethren who had subscribed to pay him this very handsome compliment and mark of their approbation , aud assured them he should remember this as the proudest moment of his lifeand
, ever cherish this token of their esteem in grateful recollection of the Zetland Lodge and its members . The brethren then adjourned to a very handsome banquet , which being ended , the AV . M . and brethren duly honoured the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts , Bro . Smith , 01 . \ v ' -vr '' 1 , etu . S thanks for the Grand Officers . The health of tho ¦ )) / *;• ' B . 1 ' 0- Durrani , was proposed and received with due honours . The VV . iJ . said—Allow me to gratitude for the in which
express my manner my health has been given , and for its flattering reception at your hands . 1 must claim the indulgence of the brethren if I do not respond to it in tie way I could wish ; I cannot but feel the distinguished and honourable position in which I am placed , to preside over so numerous , happy , and respectable a Lodge , and will endeavour , as far as I possibly can , to peuorm the important duties annexed to the jippointmeut—it was most
The Masonic Mirror.
gratifying to mo that my election Avas unanimous ; ancl I trust , with the co-operation of my Officers , and the able assistance of the Past Masters , I shall be enabled to transmit tho important office of AV . M . to my successor witli the same satisfaction my predecessors have done . Bro . Andrew , for himself and tho other Past Masters ° f the Lodge , tendered their thanks in responding to the toast of the P . Ms . —the same spirit ho was sure pervaded them all—a readiness to discharge their duties as rulers
of tho Craft , by being present on all occasions to aid tho business and ceremonials of the Lodge . " The Visitors , " joined with the name of Bro . Dr . Nolan , was then given , Bro . Dr . Nolan , in returning thanks for himself and brother visitors , acknowledged the kind , fraternal , and hospitable manner in which they were at all times received by the Zetland Lodge , and expressed their gratitude for the truly Masonic re , ception the Zetland had given to those visitors Avhom they honoured with an invitation on that occasion . He hoped that meetings of this
kind would become more frequent , and had no doubt they would be attended with the happiest results . The AA . M . next gave the health of Bro . Cooper , and thanked him for the banquet of which they had par ? taken . Bro . Cooper returned thanks , and very much regretted that the state of his health and that of Mrs . Cooper necessitated the l-ernoval of the Lodge to some other place ; but go where they might , his heart would be with them . The last toast Avas soon afterwards proposed , and the brethren retired much gratified Avith the proceedings of the evening .
The visitoi-3 were—Bros . J . Smith , G . Purs ., ancl AV . M . No . 1 , 082 ; McManus , P . M .. No . 165 ; - AVhite , P . M ., No . 16 S ; Jackson , P . M ., No . 168 ; Widkley , t " P . M ., No . 367 ; Cottebvnne , AV . M ., No . 1 , 035 ; AVoodstock , AV . M ., No . 1 , 051 ; E . H . Nolan , S . W ., No . 219 ; Caldwell , J . W ., No . 25 ; Piatt , J . AV ., No . 168 ; Bunting , J . AV ., No . 1 , 051 ; Osborne . S . AV ., No , 1 , 032 ; Meyer . No . 1 , 051 ; Clink , No . 1 . 001 .
DEVONSHIRE . STOREHOUSE . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 224 ) . —At n regular mooting of this Lodge , held on Monday , July 1 lth , present : Bros . Robinson Rodd , AV . M . ; Lord Graves , S . AV . ; Rev . G . Knowling , J . AV . ; Kadri ( Bey ) , S . D . ; Hawker , J . D . ; AValker , I . G . ; Spence Bate , Secretary . Hunt , P . M . ; NiirracottPMRiskRidleyHeyneand PomeroyP . M . ; the
, .. ; ; ; ; , minutes of the preceding meeting were confirmed . Bro . Rev . Erskine Risk , M . A ., having shown that lie had made such progress as to entitle him to that honour , was passed to the second degree . A letter from the Grand Lodge relative to the irregular Lodges at Smyrna , AVUS read and entered in the minutes of the Lodge . Tlie Lodgo then closed in peace and harmony .
TOTNES ,. —Pleiade ,: Lodge ( No . 1 , 012 ) . —The monthly meeting AVIVS held on Thursday , the 14 th instant . In the absence of the AVorshipful Master , Bro . Henry Bridges , P . M ., acted as W . M ., initiated Mr . Arthur Browse into the first degree , and delivered the charge in the usual manner . The Secretary thou read the letter received from Grand Lodge respecting irregular meetings at Smyrna . Bro . Thomas Lidatone presented a new P . M . 's chair to the Lodge , Avith the following inscription on it— "Presented to the Pleiades Lodge , No . 1 , 012 , Totnes , AX . 48 S 9 , by Brother Thomas Liclstono , S . D ., in esteem for its first P . M ., Brother Henry Bridges , of Lodges Nos . <) S 3 and 123 ; P . M . Nos . 1 , 012 , 080 , 307 , and 3 S ; P . Z . No . 30 /• " iiud P . Prov . S . G . D ., Surrey ,
HAMPSHIRE . rnOA'IKCIAL GRAND LODGI' . [ AA E are favoured with the following from a correspondent ; om regular report had not arrived up to tbe hour of going to press . —El ) . ] The Provincial Grand Lodge wasA-cry freely attended , and au interest ' ing discussion ensued on different subjects before the appointment of the new Officers ; amongst other thingsiv very handsome portrait was
, presented as a testimonial to Bro . Stebbing by the members of the Peace and Harmony Lodge , No . 402 . The banquet and fete at Spear-ball ( the residence of Bro . Limgley ) was a most recherche affair . At least two hundred and fifty ladies and gentlemen were present , under the presidency of the R . AA . Prov . Grand Master , Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis .
SOUTHAMPTON . —SmifhimiptmiLodge ( Nf ,. 555 ) . —A Lodge of emergency was held here on AVednesday evening , July l 3 th , in order to enable several brothers to advance in Masonry previously to tho annual provincial meeting appointed to take place on Tuesday next . Bro . George Langley , AV . M ., took tho chair , and passed Bros . J . George , jun ., of Romsey , and Peter Limgley , the AV . M . ' s brother , aud ^ who , on this the first night of presiding since his election , performed his duty with great accuracy and ability . Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , immediate P . M ., then
raised Bro . AA m . C . Humphreys , late high sheriff of the county ; ancl Bro . AVm . Furber . The Lodge was honoured with the company of tho following R . AV . and AV . brethren : —Bros . Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ,, Prov . G . M . ; Charles E . Deacon , D . Prov . G . M . ; Hyde Pnllen , D . Prov . G . M ., Isle of Wight ; Fred . Perkins , AV . M ., No . 152 ; Alexander Fletcher , AV . M ., No . 402 ; Rankin Stubbing , W . M ., No . 1 , 087 ; AVood , P . G . S ., of Brighton ; 11 . Warner Wheeler , P . M ., Prince of Wales Lodge : and numerous other influential brethren , The W . M . conducted the ban-