Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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much afraid that ho Avas getting into the " sere and yellow leaf . " ( No , no . ) He trusted , however , long to be able to attend their festive gatherings . ( Cheers . ) The A \ . M . proposed "Lodge No . 24 , " coupling the health of Bro . John Barker , P . M . Bro . Barker replied in a neat speech . The toast , " Lodge No . 5 S 0 , aud the health of Bro . Sanitcr , AV . M ., " next followed . Bro . Sanitcr replied , assuring tho AV . M . and brethren of St . Peter ' s Lodge of the good fraternal feeling of the brethren of Lodge No . 586 . Bro . Geysen replied to the joint toast of " Lodges Nos . 56 and
614 . " Bro . Berkley then rose , and said he had tho health of a brother to propose , at the mention of whose name a thrill went through every Masonic heart , he meant Bro . Dalzicl . Although Bro . Dalziel could not be present that day , it would ill become the brethren of St . Peter ' s to separate without drinking tho health of the founder and first Master of the Lodge . AVhcn "Iehabod" seemed written over Freemasonry , Bro . Dalziel was in the foremost ranks of the Craft , and he had lived to see the reward of his labours . His long services should never bo forgotten .
In the absence of Bro . Dalziel , Bro . Fisher , P . M ., replied . The toasts of Lodges Nos . 793 , 957 , and 9 S 5 were then given in duo order . The ' Health of Bro . John Cook , Treasurer of No . 706 , " elicited a suitable reply from that worthy brother . The brethren separated at a seasonable hour , many of them proceeding home , per train , to Newcastle . The dinner arrangements reflected much credit on the worthy hostess , Mrs . Allinson . Seldom has there been so influential a gathering in ihe north , and certainly never a more harmonious one .
SOMERSETSHIRE . HUNTSPILL . —Rand Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) . — The annual festival and installation of AVorshipful Master of this Lodge , took place on Friday , July 15 th , 1 S 59 . The Lodgo was opened by the AA . M ., Bro . C . Halliday . Tho letter received from . Grand Lodge respecting the irregular meetings at Smyrna , was read . The AVorshipful Master then resigned the chair to Bro . Henry Bridges , P . M ., the Lodge being opened 7
iu the second and third degrees , Bro . A \ . H . Saunders was raised to the degree of Master Mason . Bro . Bridges then installed the AV . M . elect , Bro . AVilliam Harwood . The AV . M ' . invested the following officers : — Bros . C . Halliday , immediate P . M . ; G . AV . B . Kiallwark , S . AA . ; Jos . Duke , J . AA . ; J . S . Broderip , Chaplain ; J . Burnett , Treas . ; H . Bridges , Sec . ; T . Graham , S . D . ; A . H . AValkloy , J . D . ; E . Philipps , I . G . ; H . T . Swan , Dir . of Cers . ; R . Hawkins , Steward ; F . C . Hennct , Steward ; AA . AVoodward , Tyler ; H . G . Phillips , Asst . Tyler . The ceremony of installation was then finished , anil the Lodge closed in due form and with solemn
prayer . YEOVIL . —Bulge of Brotherly Lore , ( No . 412 ) . —The attendance of brethren at the ordinary monthly meeting of this Lodge , held at the "Choughs" Hotel , on AVednesday , tho 13 th instant , was somewhat thin , ancl the business chiefly of a routine character . The principal transaction of interest or importance was the reading a communication from the Board of General Purposescontaining the decision of that bodon
, y charges recently preferred against the AVorshipful Master by Bro . Peach , Prov . S . G . AV ., on behalf of Bro . Cave . The various points in the charge were referred to , and commented upon , some being dismissed aud others substantiated , and the Lodgo , through its A \ orshipful Master , was reprimanded , and admonished to bo more careful in future . The document was ordered to bo entered on the minute book , in , exlcnso . An invitation to attend the provincial gathering at Glastonburywith an
an-, nouncement of tho running of excursion trains , Avere amongst the communications laid before the Lodge , and tho usual arrangement for representation of the Lodge was made , several brethren announcing their intention of being amongst the visitors of tho IIGAV Lodge to be consecrated on that occasion .
Knights Templar.
PROVINCIAL ENCAMPMENT , WATFORD . —At a meeting of the members of this Encampment , held at Freemasons' Hall , iu A \ atford , on Monday , July the ISth ; present , tho V . E . Fr . AVilliam Stuart , D . G . M ., and Prov . G . Com . of Hertfordshire ; Frs . George Francis , H . H . Burchcll-Herne , Thomas Rogers , Capt . C . M . Laylon , Jeremiah How , Charles Davey , AVm . Lloyd Birkbeck Jamc 3 Burton & cthe Encampment having been opened
, , , , and the minutes of the preceding convocation read , Capt . Layton , of the 25 th regiment , P . E . C . of tho Calpo Encampment , Gibraltar , was unanimousl y admitted a joining member . Fr . George Francis , E . G . elect , was presented by Fr . How to the A . E . Fr . Stuart , for installation , and was duly inducted into the chair . Comps . Thomas S . Barringer , of the Cyrus Chapter , and Henry George AA ai-reii , of the Polish Chapter , who had been balloted for at the previous meeting , being in attendance
, wore thou admitted and installed as Knights of tho Order , by Fr . Francis , Sir Knt . How acting as Export , aud Sir Knt . Hyde lullen as Prelate . The E . C . then appointed as officers of the Encampment , Fr . AA m . Lloyd Birkbeck , 1 st Capt . ; Fr . H . Tootell , 2 nd Capt . ; Fr . T . A . AVard , Prelate and Chancellor ; Fr . Burchcll-Herne , Reg . ; Fr . C . Davey , Expert ; Frs . Barton and Barringer , Captains of unes ; ancl Fr . AVarren , Standard Bearer . Fr . Thomas Rogers was unanimousl y re-elected Treasurer ; and Thomas , Equerry . All busi-
Knights Templar.
ncss ended , the Frs . adjourned to tho banquet , at Avhich Fr . Francis presided ; and in course of the evening , iu proposing the health of the D . Grand Master of tho Knights Templar , Fr . Frauds referred to the great service rendered to every branch of Masonry by Fr . Stuart , but more especially iu tho province of Herts . He had attended and itssisted iu the business of the day , but his state of health did not allow his presence at the banquet . Fr . Burchell-ll ' erne proposed the health of the E . C . of the AVatford Encampment , Fr . Francis . Thcy
Averc fortunate in having a brother , Avho by his great attainments in Masonry had rendered valuable aid , and in Lodge , Chapter , and Encampment , was ever able and ever ready . The E . C . in a brief reply acknowledged the pleasure the abundant leisure he enjoyed afforded him iu attending the meeting of his brethren . Ho then proposed " The Officers" appointed that day , and in referring to the merits of each , expressed his assurance ' of their faithful discharge of the duties that devolved themFrFrancis then a welcome to their visitor
upon . . gave , Fr . Hyde Pullon , who as tho D . G . M . of the Isle of AA ight , had a Avido reputation in the Avorld of Masonry . Fr . Pullcn in reply said he had availed himself of the opportunity that day afforded of renewing his acquaintance with the AA atford brethren , having a pleasing remeinbranco of Ins previous visit . The E . G ., in giving " The newly installed Knights , " especially referred to Fr . AAtirron , who from his position as a Masonic critic , had an extensive acquaintance Avith the different bodies , and had
done their Encampment the honour—and he certainly must say it was tin honour—of receiving tho light of the Knight Templar degree at AVatfoitl . Tho E . C . passed some complimentary remarks on the Freemasons' Magazine , and the general good spirit Avith which it was conducted , and concluded by expressing tho pleasure the Knights had in receiving Fr . AVarren amongst them . Fr . AVarren having responded , the E . C . said they could not separate without expressing bis thanks to Fr . How for the assistance he had rendered them in the performance of their rites and ceremonies that day ; and that brother having acknowledged the greeting , a parting glass to all poor and distressed Knights Templar concluded a pleasant and satisfactory day .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
SUPREME COUNCIL . Tin : Supreme Council of the 33 rd degree for England and Wales held their quarterly communication at their Grand East , London , on Tuesday , the 12 th instant . A Consistory of S . P . R . S . was aftenvards held , at which the 111 . Bro . Dr . Thomas Bell " Fletcher , of Birmingham , and 111 , Bro . the Rev . AV . H . AVentworth Bowyer , Avere advanced to the 32 nd degree . A Sov . Tribunal of Gr . Ins . Inq . Com . Avas then opened , ancl 111 . Bro . Dr . H . J . Hinxmau , of Blackheath , and 111 . Bro . Dr . J . S . Ivcddell , of Shcerness , were iiclmittecl to that degree .
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OF SOVEREIGN PRINCES ROSE CROIX OF HERODEM . THE half , yearly convocation of this august Chapter Avas held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , July 12 th , and the attendance . Avas much more numerous than on any former occasion . The Chapter AVUS opened by the 111 . Bro . Dr . AVilliam Jones , M . AV . Sov ., aud 111 . Bros . Dr . George Harcourt and Dr . George Keddellhis Generals . There were also
, present the 111 . Bros . H . Vigue ; J . A . D . Cox ; H . A . BoAvyer , and G . B . Cole , Sov . G . I . G . of the 33 " of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of England and AVales , also the 111 . Bro . Perrier , 33 ° of the Grand Orient of France . The 111 . Bros . E . J . Spiers , It . C . Vernon , Hyde Pullcn , Rev . AA cntworth Bowyer , Dr . H . Gooklen , and Dr . B . A . Kent , S . P . R . S . of the Consistory of the 32 ° , also Bro . Elisha Cooke , of the 32 ° of the Consistory of Louisville , U . S . ; the 111 . Bros . Major H . 7
Clerk , AA . E . AValmsley , Dr . Hinxmim , and others of the Sov . Tribunal of the 31 ° , Lemanski , Spencer , Cauthon , How , Ranger , AA . Smith and others . The several brethren Avere announced by Bro . HOAV , as Herald , and introduced to the M . AV . Sov . in due form ; the ceremonies being under the direction of the 111 . Bro . Hyde Clarke , S . P . R . S . 32 ° of the Grand Orient of France and England , assisted by Bros . Bernard and Braithwaite . .
There Avere several brethren approved of for admittance into tho degree , and the folloiving being present , they Avere installed as Knights of the sublime degree of Rose Croix : —Bros . Charles Beaumont , AA illiarn Blenkin , John Bernard Behrends , AV . H . Cole , Capt . Glynn Grylls , 0 . Forbes Smith , Rev . C . M . Style , and T . M . Talbot . The ceremonial was most satisfactorily carried out on this occasion , and several improvements have been made by the committee entrusted with that important duty , under the active management of Bro . Hyde Clarke ; the more
noticeable was the perfection of the musical portions , which were conducted by tho III . Bro . E . H . Horsloy , Grand Organist , who Avas assisted by Bros . Fielding , Lockoy , and AVimi , and this certainly added to the imposing effect of the ritual . The business of tbe installations being concluded , the report of tho committee appointed to take into consideration sundry matters for improving and perfecting the Chapter , was read , and on the motion of Bro . Hyde Clarke , Avas adopted , and tho committee was re-appointed . Tho 111 , Bro . Dr , H , Qoolden , the Treasurer , iu presenting Iris accounts
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
much afraid that ho Avas getting into the " sere and yellow leaf . " ( No , no . ) He trusted , however , long to be able to attend their festive gatherings . ( Cheers . ) The A \ . M . proposed "Lodge No . 24 , " coupling the health of Bro . John Barker , P . M . Bro . Barker replied in a neat speech . The toast , " Lodge No . 5 S 0 , aud the health of Bro . Sanitcr , AV . M ., " next followed . Bro . Sanitcr replied , assuring tho AV . M . and brethren of St . Peter ' s Lodge of the good fraternal feeling of the brethren of Lodge No . 586 . Bro . Geysen replied to the joint toast of " Lodges Nos . 56 and
614 . " Bro . Berkley then rose , and said he had tho health of a brother to propose , at the mention of whose name a thrill went through every Masonic heart , he meant Bro . Dalzicl . Although Bro . Dalziel could not be present that day , it would ill become the brethren of St . Peter ' s to separate without drinking tho health of the founder and first Master of the Lodge . AVhcn "Iehabod" seemed written over Freemasonry , Bro . Dalziel was in the foremost ranks of the Craft , and he had lived to see the reward of his labours . His long services should never bo forgotten .
In the absence of Bro . Dalziel , Bro . Fisher , P . M ., replied . The toasts of Lodges Nos . 793 , 957 , and 9 S 5 were then given in duo order . The ' Health of Bro . John Cook , Treasurer of No . 706 , " elicited a suitable reply from that worthy brother . The brethren separated at a seasonable hour , many of them proceeding home , per train , to Newcastle . The dinner arrangements reflected much credit on the worthy hostess , Mrs . Allinson . Seldom has there been so influential a gathering in ihe north , and certainly never a more harmonious one .
SOMERSETSHIRE . HUNTSPILL . —Rand Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) . — The annual festival and installation of AVorshipful Master of this Lodge , took place on Friday , July 15 th , 1 S 59 . The Lodgo was opened by the AA . M ., Bro . C . Halliday . Tho letter received from . Grand Lodge respecting the irregular meetings at Smyrna , was read . The AVorshipful Master then resigned the chair to Bro . Henry Bridges , P . M ., the Lodge being opened 7
iu the second and third degrees , Bro . A \ . H . Saunders was raised to the degree of Master Mason . Bro . Bridges then installed the AV . M . elect , Bro . AVilliam Harwood . The AV . M ' . invested the following officers : — Bros . C . Halliday , immediate P . M . ; G . AV . B . Kiallwark , S . AA . ; Jos . Duke , J . AA . ; J . S . Broderip , Chaplain ; J . Burnett , Treas . ; H . Bridges , Sec . ; T . Graham , S . D . ; A . H . AValkloy , J . D . ; E . Philipps , I . G . ; H . T . Swan , Dir . of Cers . ; R . Hawkins , Steward ; F . C . Hennct , Steward ; AA . AVoodward , Tyler ; H . G . Phillips , Asst . Tyler . The ceremony of installation was then finished , anil the Lodge closed in due form and with solemn
prayer . YEOVIL . —Bulge of Brotherly Lore , ( No . 412 ) . —The attendance of brethren at the ordinary monthly meeting of this Lodge , held at the "Choughs" Hotel , on AVednesday , tho 13 th instant , was somewhat thin , ancl the business chiefly of a routine character . The principal transaction of interest or importance was the reading a communication from the Board of General Purposescontaining the decision of that bodon
, y charges recently preferred against the AVorshipful Master by Bro . Peach , Prov . S . G . AV ., on behalf of Bro . Cave . The various points in the charge were referred to , and commented upon , some being dismissed aud others substantiated , and the Lodgo , through its A \ orshipful Master , was reprimanded , and admonished to bo more careful in future . The document was ordered to bo entered on the minute book , in , exlcnso . An invitation to attend the provincial gathering at Glastonburywith an
an-, nouncement of tho running of excursion trains , Avere amongst the communications laid before the Lodge , and tho usual arrangement for representation of the Lodge was made , several brethren announcing their intention of being amongst the visitors of tho IIGAV Lodge to be consecrated on that occasion .
Knights Templar.
PROVINCIAL ENCAMPMENT , WATFORD . —At a meeting of the members of this Encampment , held at Freemasons' Hall , iu A \ atford , on Monday , July the ISth ; present , tho V . E . Fr . AVilliam Stuart , D . G . M ., and Prov . G . Com . of Hertfordshire ; Frs . George Francis , H . H . Burchcll-Herne , Thomas Rogers , Capt . C . M . Laylon , Jeremiah How , Charles Davey , AVm . Lloyd Birkbeck Jamc 3 Burton & cthe Encampment having been opened
, , , , and the minutes of the preceding convocation read , Capt . Layton , of the 25 th regiment , P . E . C . of tho Calpo Encampment , Gibraltar , was unanimousl y admitted a joining member . Fr . George Francis , E . G . elect , was presented by Fr . How to the A . E . Fr . Stuart , for installation , and was duly inducted into the chair . Comps . Thomas S . Barringer , of the Cyrus Chapter , and Henry George AA ai-reii , of the Polish Chapter , who had been balloted for at the previous meeting , being in attendance
, wore thou admitted and installed as Knights of tho Order , by Fr . Francis , Sir Knt . How acting as Export , aud Sir Knt . Hyde lullen as Prelate . The E . C . then appointed as officers of the Encampment , Fr . AA m . Lloyd Birkbeck , 1 st Capt . ; Fr . H . Tootell , 2 nd Capt . ; Fr . T . A . AVard , Prelate and Chancellor ; Fr . Burchcll-Herne , Reg . ; Fr . C . Davey , Expert ; Frs . Barton and Barringer , Captains of unes ; ancl Fr . AVarren , Standard Bearer . Fr . Thomas Rogers was unanimousl y re-elected Treasurer ; and Thomas , Equerry . All busi-
Knights Templar.
ncss ended , the Frs . adjourned to tho banquet , at Avhich Fr . Francis presided ; and in course of the evening , iu proposing the health of the D . Grand Master of tho Knights Templar , Fr . Frauds referred to the great service rendered to every branch of Masonry by Fr . Stuart , but more especially iu tho province of Herts . He had attended and itssisted iu the business of the day , but his state of health did not allow his presence at the banquet . Fr . Burchell-ll ' erne proposed the health of the E . C . of the AVatford Encampment , Fr . Francis . Thcy
Averc fortunate in having a brother , Avho by his great attainments in Masonry had rendered valuable aid , and in Lodge , Chapter , and Encampment , was ever able and ever ready . The E . C . in a brief reply acknowledged the pleasure the abundant leisure he enjoyed afforded him iu attending the meeting of his brethren . Ho then proposed " The Officers" appointed that day , and in referring to the merits of each , expressed his assurance ' of their faithful discharge of the duties that devolved themFrFrancis then a welcome to their visitor
upon . . gave , Fr . Hyde Pullon , who as tho D . G . M . of the Isle of AA ight , had a Avido reputation in the Avorld of Masonry . Fr . Pullcn in reply said he had availed himself of the opportunity that day afforded of renewing his acquaintance with the AA atford brethren , having a pleasing remeinbranco of Ins previous visit . The E . G ., in giving " The newly installed Knights , " especially referred to Fr . AAtirron , who from his position as a Masonic critic , had an extensive acquaintance Avith the different bodies , and had
done their Encampment the honour—and he certainly must say it was tin honour—of receiving tho light of the Knight Templar degree at AVatfoitl . Tho E . C . passed some complimentary remarks on the Freemasons' Magazine , and the general good spirit Avith which it was conducted , and concluded by expressing tho pleasure the Knights had in receiving Fr . AVarren amongst them . Fr . AVarren having responded , the E . C . said they could not separate without expressing bis thanks to Fr . How for the assistance he had rendered them in the performance of their rites and ceremonies that day ; and that brother having acknowledged the greeting , a parting glass to all poor and distressed Knights Templar concluded a pleasant and satisfactory day .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
SUPREME COUNCIL . Tin : Supreme Council of the 33 rd degree for England and Wales held their quarterly communication at their Grand East , London , on Tuesday , the 12 th instant . A Consistory of S . P . R . S . was aftenvards held , at which the 111 . Bro . Dr . Thomas Bell " Fletcher , of Birmingham , and 111 , Bro . the Rev . AV . H . AVentworth Bowyer , Avere advanced to the 32 nd degree . A Sov . Tribunal of Gr . Ins . Inq . Com . Avas then opened , ancl 111 . Bro . Dr . H . J . Hinxmau , of Blackheath , and 111 . Bro . Dr . J . S . Ivcddell , of Shcerness , were iiclmittecl to that degree .
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OF SOVEREIGN PRINCES ROSE CROIX OF HERODEM . THE half , yearly convocation of this august Chapter Avas held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , July 12 th , and the attendance . Avas much more numerous than on any former occasion . The Chapter AVUS opened by the 111 . Bro . Dr . AVilliam Jones , M . AV . Sov ., aud 111 . Bros . Dr . George Harcourt and Dr . George Keddellhis Generals . There were also
, present the 111 . Bros . H . Vigue ; J . A . D . Cox ; H . A . BoAvyer , and G . B . Cole , Sov . G . I . G . of the 33 " of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of England and AVales , also the 111 . Bro . Perrier , 33 ° of the Grand Orient of France . The 111 . Bros . E . J . Spiers , It . C . Vernon , Hyde Pullcn , Rev . AA cntworth Bowyer , Dr . H . Gooklen , and Dr . B . A . Kent , S . P . R . S . of the Consistory of the 32 ° , also Bro . Elisha Cooke , of the 32 ° of the Consistory of Louisville , U . S . ; the 111 . Bros . Major H . 7
Clerk , AA . E . AValmsley , Dr . Hinxmim , and others of the Sov . Tribunal of the 31 ° , Lemanski , Spencer , Cauthon , How , Ranger , AA . Smith and others . The several brethren Avere announced by Bro . HOAV , as Herald , and introduced to the M . AV . Sov . in due form ; the ceremonies being under the direction of the 111 . Bro . Hyde Clarke , S . P . R . S . 32 ° of the Grand Orient of France and England , assisted by Bros . Bernard and Braithwaite . .
There Avere several brethren approved of for admittance into tho degree , and the folloiving being present , they Avere installed as Knights of the sublime degree of Rose Croix : —Bros . Charles Beaumont , AA illiarn Blenkin , John Bernard Behrends , AV . H . Cole , Capt . Glynn Grylls , 0 . Forbes Smith , Rev . C . M . Style , and T . M . Talbot . The ceremonial was most satisfactorily carried out on this occasion , and several improvements have been made by the committee entrusted with that important duty , under the active management of Bro . Hyde Clarke ; the more
noticeable was the perfection of the musical portions , which were conducted by tho III . Bro . E . H . Horsloy , Grand Organist , who Avas assisted by Bros . Fielding , Lockoy , and AVimi , and this certainly added to the imposing effect of the ritual . The business of tbe installations being concluded , the report of tho committee appointed to take into consideration sundry matters for improving and perfecting the Chapter , was read , and on the motion of Bro . Hyde Clarke , Avas adopted , and tho committee was re-appointed . Tho 111 , Bro . Dr , H , Qoolden , the Treasurer , iu presenting Iris accounts