Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 4 of 5 →
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The Prov . Grand Master very briefly proposed the health of the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Harvey Boys , and tho rest of the Prov . Grand Officers . The Deputy Prov . Grand Master shortly returned thanks , and . said he hoped the Prov . Grand Master and the brethren would not have any cause to repent the appointment of Deputy Prov . Grand Master . It would not be for want of care or energy , if ho ( Bro . Boys ) did not give them satisfaction . There was tho less fear of his going wrong , however ,
since the Pz-ov . Grand Master had expressed his iutontioii of doing all that was to be done himself , without tho assistance of a deputy . Nevertheless tho brethren might rest well assured that he and his brother Grand Officers would do their duty upon every occasion to tho best of their ability . ( Cheers ) . The Prov . Grand Master next gave the healths of the Prov . G . Treas ., Bro . Saunders ; the Prov . G . Chaplain , Bro . Batehelor ; and their indefatigable Prov . ( A . Sec , Bro . Charles Isaacs . ( Hear , hear ) .
The Rev . Bio . Batehelor in reply said , that if the services of himself and the two other brothers named had contributed to the welfare of Masonry , they were proud of it ; if ho or his brethren bad contributed to the innocent gratification of the brethren , he as a clergyman was glad of it . They should pass through life iu the hope that they might live as brethren , aud eventually die and reign . " Prosperity to the Union Lodge" and " The Ladies" folhnvcd , and the party broke up at eight o ' clock . There was some good singing during the evening by Bros . Fielding and Elton AAllliams , assisted by Miss Harrington and Mr . Champion .
MA . UC . ATK . — Union Lodge ( No . Mil ) . —On Monday , the 18 th instant , nil emergency meeting of this Lodge was held at the Assembly Rooms , Margate , for the initiation of Mr . Gore . The Lodge was opened at eleven o ' clock , and tho ceremony was ably performed by the A \ . M ., Bro . Feakin , assisted by his officers . Tho Lodge was then closed iu duo form , aud the brethren , adjourned , to the Provincial Grand Lodge .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —AlcrcJuiuls' Lodge ( No . 29-1 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 12 th instant , at the Temple , Hope-street . The motion to present Bro . Giuubcll , P . Prov . G . P ., and Sec . to the AA ' est Lancashire Masonic Institution for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons , with a testimonial in acknowledgment of his valuable services to the Lod & moved
ge , c , was by the J . AA ., and carried unanimously . The Lodge then presented £ 10 towards the fund , which now reaches £ 75 . Bro . Gambell , however , refused to accept of anything , but the brethren persisted in their determination , notwithstanding , aud the subscription list is still open to contributors .
IiivmvooL . —Mariners' Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —On Thursday , the 7 th im ; t ., this Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at tbe Temple , Hope-street , when , there Avas a large gathering of the members of the Lodge , as well as visiting brethren . The principal business ot the meeting was the installation of the AA . M . elect , Bro . Henry Lumb , Avho after being duly installed , presented Bro . J . Pepper , jim ., with the S . AA " s . collar , and Bro . Jas . Swift with the J . AA ' s . collar , and then proceeded to appoint his other officers . Mr . Craino and Mr . B . Lumb were afterwards initiated
by tbe AA ' " . M . in an efficient manner , at the conclusion of which the brethren were called off to refreshment , and proceeded to Waterloo to Bro . Martin Condliffo ' s , Queen ' s Hotel . The Worshipful Master took the chair , and after an excellent dinner gave "The Queen , " ' ¦ The Trince Consort , " "Albert Prince of Wales , " & c , Avhich Avere enthusiastically received . The AA orshipful Master said it was well known to all Masons that the M . W . G . M . of England required no praise from himIt was
. quite sufficient to state he was a Mason at heart . ( Cheers ) . The health of Lord Panmure , R . W . D . G . M ., was afterwards given , and was warmly received . Bros . Le Gcudre N . Starkie , R . AV . Prov . G . M . of West Lancashire , and Sir Thos . Heskoth , Bart ., R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., next received the attention of the meeting , and their names Avere received with great applause . Bro . Hamer replied to the toast of the Prov . Grand Officers
and said , although called upon he could not do full justice to the toast ; ho could speak in the highest terms of his colleagues as to their willingness to do all they could for Freemasonry , and he trusted that all would emulate him in the endeavour to attain an office in Grand Lodge , which was open to all . The 'Worshipful Master gave "Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skeliiiersdiile , patron of the Lodge of Instruction , " and said , the Lodge of Instruction had done a great deal for him , and therefore he Avould advise all to join who wore desirous of becoming efficient Masons .
He would couple with tho toast the name of Bro . Pepper , who was principal of the Lodge . Bro . Pepper in reply said , that they not only taught the working of a Lodge , but they discussed all matters connected with the Craft , as Avell as tested in debate the Avisdom of our ancestors in the compilation of the Book of Constitutions . He urged in conclusion , the attention of the Craft to this important adjunct to the Orderaud spoke in favourable terms of their patronLord Skohnersdale
, , . Bro . AVadc , W . M . of No . 1 , 062 , replied to the toast of the Prov . Grand Masters of East Lancashire and Cheshire , and in speaking of Lord Combermere , said he was as good a Mason as any in England , for he Avas not only distinguished as a Mason in Lodge , but out of the Lodge , and his efforts in the cause were well seconded by Lady Combermere . Several other toasts were given and responded to , ancl the brethren returned to Liverpool by the ten o ' clock train .
NORTHUMBERLAND . XEAVCASTI . E-UVON-TVNE .--S . Peter ' s LodgcQXo . 706 . )—The brethren of this Lodge met iu their Lodge room , Byker , near Newcastle-upon-Tyne , on Monday , tho 11 th inst ., it being the day appointed for the installation of the AV . M . elect , Bro . James Elliott ; and also the annual festival . Bro . Elliott was most ably and impressively installed by Bro . E . D . Davis , P . S . G . AV . of the province . The AV . M . then appointed and
invested the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year , viz .: — Bros . H . G . Luclwig , P . M . ; B . J . Thompson , S . AV . ; Joseph Cook , J . AA ' . ; John Cook , Treasurer ; Joseph Shcppard , Secretary ; G . H . Dixon , S . D . ; Thos . Harper , J . D . ; — Ryder , S . S . ; Gens Geusen , J . S . ; Alex . Dickson , I . G . ; J . Miller , Tyler . The brethren afterwards dined together in the Lodge room , the AV . M . presiding , supported on Ins right by the following Past Masters—Bros . Edw . Dean Davis , Henry Boll , Thos . Alexander , and James Prendergast ; ancl on his left by Past Masters H . G . Luchvig ,
AVm . Berkley , A . Clapham , Geo . AVeathcrhead , Septimus Bell , AV . E . Franklin , and Robert Fisher . The vice-chairs Avere ably filled by the Senior and Junior AVardens . Supporting the AVardcns , and in various parts of the room , we observed Past Masters John Barker , John Hopper , John Cook , Herman San iter , MeFarlano , Vincent ; aud also Bros . A . Gillespie , S . AV ., No . 21 ; AV . Newton , No . 21 ; S . Joel , P . S . AV ., No . 614 ; Gabriel AVood ; Sheppard ; Guy , No . 1025 ; Gensen ; AVatkin ; and others . Grace having been saidand the cloth removedthe AV . M .
, , , in a right loyal speech , proposed " Tho health of her most gracious Majesty the Queen . " Anthem— " God save the Queen . " Then followed , in rapid succession , the following toasts : — - "Zetland and . Panmure ;" " Athol and Leinster ; " " The Rev . Geo . Challoncr Ogle , Prov . G . M ., Northumberland ; and Richard Metcalf , X ) . Prov . G . M . of the province . " The last toast particularly met with a most enthusiastic reception . The ' W . M . then proposed " Tho Grand Officers of the province , " coupling with the toast the health of Bro . B . J . ThompsonProv . G .
, Secretary . -Bro . Thompson having replied , Bro . Davis rose to propose the health of the AV . M . A young Mason , the AV . M . had rapidly risen to eminence ; but he would certainly not have attained his present very high position , had it not been on acocunt of his Masonic merits . The Lodge was now in a state of great prosperity , and augured Avell for the
future . It would hardly become him ( Bro . Davis ) to make a long speech on that occasion , for tho AA . M . Avas best known to the brethren of the St . Peter ' s , who had testified their high regard by choosing him to rule the destinies of the Lodge during tho year . The toast was most rapturously received , and drunk with Masonic and musical honours . Tbe AA ' . M . re ] died . He said it was a proud day which witnessed his installation as W . M . of St . Peter ' s Lodge . It AVUS also a great pleasure iiir him to look backfor lie had always endeavoured to perform his
, various duties properly . He trusted the Lodge under his rule would continue to prosper . Ho should endeavour to maintain the dignity of the chair . Ho hoped to sec present on many occasions those brethren who had honoured them with their presence that day . Bro . B . J . Thompson proposed the health of Bro . E . I ) . Davis , P . S . G . AV ., who had kindly consented to perform the ceremony of installation . Bro . Davis was well qualified by his Masonic knowledge to perform any Masonic duty
and ever ready to do so . Bro . Davis thanked them for the very flattering reception his health had met Avith at then- hands , and Bro . Thompson in particular , for the very handsome encomiums , Avhich , hoAvever , he was afraid were undeserved . ( No , no ) . He AVUS always glad to render any services to tho Craft , but was sorry to say his other avocations prevented him joining them on many interesting occasions . Bro . Davis then rose to propose the health of Bro . H . G . Ludwig , the immediate P . M . of the Lodge . ( Cheers . ) Twelve months ago , he ( Bro . Davis ) prognosticated for Bro . Ludwig a most prosperous ancl happy reign , and he had not been mistaken . The Avise rule of Bro . Ludwig had given the highest satisfaction to every member of the Lodge . Now that Bro . Ludwig Avas
about to retire comparatively into private life , he hoped he Avould still keep a parent ' s watchfulness over his Masonic children . A more worthy Mason , or one more beloved than Bro . Ludwig , did not exist . He trusted they would drink the health iu a bumper . ( Applause . ) Bro . Ludwig rose to reply , but was unable to obtain a hearing for some time , so hearty was the greeting of his brethren . He said ho felt deeply grateful for the warm Avay ill Avhich they had responded to his health . During his year of office it had been his endeavour to be present at
every meeting , and had neA'cr been absent except through ill health . They had been very prosperous , and had had a most harmonious year . The AV . M . then gave the " Present Officers of No . 706 , " coupling tho health of Bro . Jos . Cook , J . AV . Bro . Cook replied , promising , on behalf of his brother officers and himself , a strict fulfilment of their several duties . The AV . M . next proposed "the Visitors , " with the health of Bro . Newton , ( cheers ) , AA'bom they were all most happy to see present on that festive occasion . He hoped Bro . Newton Avould often favour
thou with his presence . Bro . Newton , in reply , said ho could hardly say that ho AVUS unaccustomed to pubfic speaking , though he was not accustomed to speak on Freemasonry . ( Hear , hear . ) He thought , however , he should scarcely err did he quote the sacred writings , and say , " Behold how beautiful a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ! " Bro . Cook , P . M ., proposed the health of Bro . Berkley , P . M ., who had filled tho highest offices in Masonry , and in the Grand Lodge . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Berkley Avas a " good and true" Mason . ( Drunk Avith musical honours . ) Bro . Berkley most Avarmly thanked them . He had always felt u deep interest in St . Peter ' s Lodge , He ( Bro , Berkley ) was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Prov . Grand Master very briefly proposed the health of the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Harvey Boys , and tho rest of the Prov . Grand Officers . The Deputy Prov . Grand Master shortly returned thanks , and . said he hoped the Prov . Grand Master and the brethren would not have any cause to repent the appointment of Deputy Prov . Grand Master . It would not be for want of care or energy , if ho ( Bro . Boys ) did not give them satisfaction . There was tho less fear of his going wrong , however ,
since the Pz-ov . Grand Master had expressed his iutontioii of doing all that was to be done himself , without tho assistance of a deputy . Nevertheless tho brethren might rest well assured that he and his brother Grand Officers would do their duty upon every occasion to tho best of their ability . ( Cheers ) . The Prov . Grand Master next gave the healths of the Prov . G . Treas ., Bro . Saunders ; the Prov . G . Chaplain , Bro . Batehelor ; and their indefatigable Prov . ( A . Sec , Bro . Charles Isaacs . ( Hear , hear ) .
The Rev . Bio . Batehelor in reply said , that if the services of himself and the two other brothers named had contributed to the welfare of Masonry , they were proud of it ; if ho or his brethren bad contributed to the innocent gratification of the brethren , he as a clergyman was glad of it . They should pass through life iu the hope that they might live as brethren , aud eventually die and reign . " Prosperity to the Union Lodge" and " The Ladies" folhnvcd , and the party broke up at eight o ' clock . There was some good singing during the evening by Bros . Fielding and Elton AAllliams , assisted by Miss Harrington and Mr . Champion .
MA . UC . ATK . — Union Lodge ( No . Mil ) . —On Monday , the 18 th instant , nil emergency meeting of this Lodge was held at the Assembly Rooms , Margate , for the initiation of Mr . Gore . The Lodge was opened at eleven o ' clock , and tho ceremony was ably performed by the A \ . M ., Bro . Feakin , assisted by his officers . Tho Lodge was then closed iu duo form , aud the brethren , adjourned , to the Provincial Grand Lodge .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —AlcrcJuiuls' Lodge ( No . 29-1 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 12 th instant , at the Temple , Hope-street . The motion to present Bro . Giuubcll , P . Prov . G . P ., and Sec . to the AA ' est Lancashire Masonic Institution for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons , with a testimonial in acknowledgment of his valuable services to the Lod & moved
ge , c , was by the J . AA ., and carried unanimously . The Lodge then presented £ 10 towards the fund , which now reaches £ 75 . Bro . Gambell , however , refused to accept of anything , but the brethren persisted in their determination , notwithstanding , aud the subscription list is still open to contributors .
IiivmvooL . —Mariners' Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —On Thursday , the 7 th im ; t ., this Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at tbe Temple , Hope-street , when , there Avas a large gathering of the members of the Lodge , as well as visiting brethren . The principal business ot the meeting was the installation of the AA . M . elect , Bro . Henry Lumb , Avho after being duly installed , presented Bro . J . Pepper , jim ., with the S . AA " s . collar , and Bro . Jas . Swift with the J . AA ' s . collar , and then proceeded to appoint his other officers . Mr . Craino and Mr . B . Lumb were afterwards initiated
by tbe AA ' " . M . in an efficient manner , at the conclusion of which the brethren were called off to refreshment , and proceeded to Waterloo to Bro . Martin Condliffo ' s , Queen ' s Hotel . The Worshipful Master took the chair , and after an excellent dinner gave "The Queen , " ' ¦ The Trince Consort , " "Albert Prince of Wales , " & c , Avhich Avere enthusiastically received . The AA orshipful Master said it was well known to all Masons that the M . W . G . M . of England required no praise from himIt was
. quite sufficient to state he was a Mason at heart . ( Cheers ) . The health of Lord Panmure , R . W . D . G . M ., was afterwards given , and was warmly received . Bros . Le Gcudre N . Starkie , R . AV . Prov . G . M . of West Lancashire , and Sir Thos . Heskoth , Bart ., R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., next received the attention of the meeting , and their names Avere received with great applause . Bro . Hamer replied to the toast of the Prov . Grand Officers
and said , although called upon he could not do full justice to the toast ; ho could speak in the highest terms of his colleagues as to their willingness to do all they could for Freemasonry , and he trusted that all would emulate him in the endeavour to attain an office in Grand Lodge , which was open to all . The 'Worshipful Master gave "Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skeliiiersdiile , patron of the Lodge of Instruction , " and said , the Lodge of Instruction had done a great deal for him , and therefore he Avould advise all to join who wore desirous of becoming efficient Masons .
He would couple with tho toast the name of Bro . Pepper , who was principal of the Lodge . Bro . Pepper in reply said , that they not only taught the working of a Lodge , but they discussed all matters connected with the Craft , as Avell as tested in debate the Avisdom of our ancestors in the compilation of the Book of Constitutions . He urged in conclusion , the attention of the Craft to this important adjunct to the Orderaud spoke in favourable terms of their patronLord Skohnersdale
, , . Bro . AVadc , W . M . of No . 1 , 062 , replied to the toast of the Prov . Grand Masters of East Lancashire and Cheshire , and in speaking of Lord Combermere , said he was as good a Mason as any in England , for he Avas not only distinguished as a Mason in Lodge , but out of the Lodge , and his efforts in the cause were well seconded by Lady Combermere . Several other toasts were given and responded to , ancl the brethren returned to Liverpool by the ten o ' clock train .
NORTHUMBERLAND . XEAVCASTI . E-UVON-TVNE .--S . Peter ' s LodgcQXo . 706 . )—The brethren of this Lodge met iu their Lodge room , Byker , near Newcastle-upon-Tyne , on Monday , tho 11 th inst ., it being the day appointed for the installation of the AV . M . elect , Bro . James Elliott ; and also the annual festival . Bro . Elliott was most ably and impressively installed by Bro . E . D . Davis , P . S . G . AV . of the province . The AV . M . then appointed and
invested the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year , viz .: — Bros . H . G . Luclwig , P . M . ; B . J . Thompson , S . AV . ; Joseph Cook , J . AA ' . ; John Cook , Treasurer ; Joseph Shcppard , Secretary ; G . H . Dixon , S . D . ; Thos . Harper , J . D . ; — Ryder , S . S . ; Gens Geusen , J . S . ; Alex . Dickson , I . G . ; J . Miller , Tyler . The brethren afterwards dined together in the Lodge room , the AV . M . presiding , supported on Ins right by the following Past Masters—Bros . Edw . Dean Davis , Henry Boll , Thos . Alexander , and James Prendergast ; ancl on his left by Past Masters H . G . Luchvig ,
AVm . Berkley , A . Clapham , Geo . AVeathcrhead , Septimus Bell , AV . E . Franklin , and Robert Fisher . The vice-chairs Avere ably filled by the Senior and Junior AVardens . Supporting the AVardcns , and in various parts of the room , we observed Past Masters John Barker , John Hopper , John Cook , Herman San iter , MeFarlano , Vincent ; aud also Bros . A . Gillespie , S . AV ., No . 21 ; AV . Newton , No . 21 ; S . Joel , P . S . AV ., No . 614 ; Gabriel AVood ; Sheppard ; Guy , No . 1025 ; Gensen ; AVatkin ; and others . Grace having been saidand the cloth removedthe AV . M .
, , , in a right loyal speech , proposed " Tho health of her most gracious Majesty the Queen . " Anthem— " God save the Queen . " Then followed , in rapid succession , the following toasts : — - "Zetland and . Panmure ;" " Athol and Leinster ; " " The Rev . Geo . Challoncr Ogle , Prov . G . M ., Northumberland ; and Richard Metcalf , X ) . Prov . G . M . of the province . " The last toast particularly met with a most enthusiastic reception . The ' W . M . then proposed " Tho Grand Officers of the province , " coupling with the toast the health of Bro . B . J . ThompsonProv . G .
, Secretary . -Bro . Thompson having replied , Bro . Davis rose to propose the health of the AV . M . A young Mason , the AV . M . had rapidly risen to eminence ; but he would certainly not have attained his present very high position , had it not been on acocunt of his Masonic merits . The Lodge was now in a state of great prosperity , and augured Avell for the
future . It would hardly become him ( Bro . Davis ) to make a long speech on that occasion , for tho AA . M . Avas best known to the brethren of the St . Peter ' s , who had testified their high regard by choosing him to rule the destinies of the Lodge during tho year . The toast was most rapturously received , and drunk with Masonic and musical honours . Tbe AA ' . M . re ] died . He said it was a proud day which witnessed his installation as W . M . of St . Peter ' s Lodge . It AVUS also a great pleasure iiir him to look backfor lie had always endeavoured to perform his
, various duties properly . He trusted the Lodge under his rule would continue to prosper . Ho should endeavour to maintain the dignity of the chair . Ho hoped to sec present on many occasions those brethren who had honoured them with their presence that day . Bro . B . J . Thompson proposed the health of Bro . E . I ) . Davis , P . S . G . AV ., who had kindly consented to perform the ceremony of installation . Bro . Davis was well qualified by his Masonic knowledge to perform any Masonic duty
and ever ready to do so . Bro . Davis thanked them for the very flattering reception his health had met Avith at then- hands , and Bro . Thompson in particular , for the very handsome encomiums , Avhich , hoAvever , he was afraid were undeserved . ( No , no ) . He AVUS always glad to render any services to tho Craft , but was sorry to say his other avocations prevented him joining them on many interesting occasions . Bro . Davis then rose to propose the health of Bro . H . G . Ludwig , the immediate P . M . of the Lodge . ( Cheers . ) Twelve months ago , he ( Bro . Davis ) prognosticated for Bro . Ludwig a most prosperous ancl happy reign , and he had not been mistaken . The Avise rule of Bro . Ludwig had given the highest satisfaction to every member of the Lodge . Now that Bro . Ludwig Avas
about to retire comparatively into private life , he hoped he Avould still keep a parent ' s watchfulness over his Masonic children . A more worthy Mason , or one more beloved than Bro . Ludwig , did not exist . He trusted they would drink the health iu a bumper . ( Applause . ) Bro . Ludwig rose to reply , but was unable to obtain a hearing for some time , so hearty was the greeting of his brethren . He said ho felt deeply grateful for the warm Avay ill Avhich they had responded to his health . During his year of office it had been his endeavour to be present at
every meeting , and had neA'cr been absent except through ill health . They had been very prosperous , and had had a most harmonious year . The AV . M . then gave the " Present Officers of No . 706 , " coupling tho health of Bro . Jos . Cook , J . AV . Bro . Cook replied , promising , on behalf of his brother officers and himself , a strict fulfilment of their several duties . The AV . M . next proposed "the Visitors , " with the health of Bro . Newton , ( cheers ) , AA'bom they were all most happy to see present on that festive occasion . He hoped Bro . Newton Avould often favour
thou with his presence . Bro . Newton , in reply , said ho could hardly say that ho AVUS unaccustomed to pubfic speaking , though he was not accustomed to speak on Freemasonry . ( Hear , hear . ) He thought , however , he should scarcely err did he quote the sacred writings , and say , " Behold how beautiful a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ! " Bro . Cook , P . M ., proposed the health of Bro . Berkley , P . M ., who had filled tho highest offices in Masonry , and in the Grand Lodge . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Berkley Avas a " good and true" Mason . ( Drunk Avith musical honours . ) Bro . Berkley most Avarmly thanked them . He had always felt u deep interest in St . Peter ' s Lodge , He ( Bro , Berkley ) was