Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
connection with the society . Most of the members I personally knew , and was acquainted with , but their and my connection with the society has cemented acquaintanceship into friendship—friendship which I fervently trust Avill remain unbroken during the tenure of our sojourn on earth . Gentlemen , from the bottom of my heart I once again do most gratefully and fervently thank you for this magnificent present . Bailie M'Gregor gave " The artist , Mr . Dewar , " and in doing so spoke highly of the merits of the portrait as a work of art .
Mr . DeAvar having replied , other toasts followed , peculiar to the gathering of Highlanders , and the proceedings were as business-like as they were characterized by Celtic warmth . Tbe presentation thus made does infinite credit to the subscribers . Tn Bro . Campbell , as the object of their regards , they have recognized a man of wide sympathies , of intense humanity , and fine enthusiasm . A \ ell known as a distinguished ornament in the Masonic world , he is no less popular as a generous and public spirited citizen , in whom
everybody has a friend—the poorest a benefactor . Mr . Dewar has hit off Bro . Campbell right well . In the " garb of old Gaul , " he is represented as leaning upon a piece of rock , edging itself out above a thistle or so , in front of a lake in the midst of a heath . The plaid is inimitable as a work of art . The landscape , in which Bro . Campbell is the prominent figure , is well conceived and finely coloured , ancl although exception might be taken to the picture in minor detail , it is on the whole a production an honour to Mr . Dewar , and a credit to the art achievements of the city .
Masonic Festivities.
KENT . THEATRE ROYAL , MARGATE . —On Monday , the ISth instant , the performances at this theatre were under the immediate patronage of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Purton Cooper , Q . C ., and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , and a few minutes after eight o ' clock the house was crowded by the brethren aud their ladies , with an admiring crowd of other spectators , the Masons appearing in their full paraphernalia .
The performances consisted of Tobin ' 3 excellent comedy " The Honeymoon , " which was played exceedingly well ; indeed a provincial theatre can seldom boast so good a working company as Bro . Thorne , the enterprising lessee , has brought together—the dresses and scenery are both good and elegant , ancl the house has been very tastefully and prettily re-decorated for the present season . A variety of singing and ( lancing followed , and the whole concluded with Charles Selby ' s " Bonnie Fish AAlfe" in which Miss Oliver ' s original character was sustained by Miss
, Emily Thorne , the daughter of the manager , who looked as pretty and sang the music as well as her London predecessor . The whole of the characters , both in tho comedy and the farce , were very judiciously sustained without the least vulgarity , ancl the audience were greatly pleased . AA e can assure visitors to Margate that Bro . Thome ' s efforts to please them deserve their support , and we hope will obtain it .
The Week.
THE CotJltT . —Her Majesty , Avith her children and the Prince Consort , have been all the week at Osborne enjoying the sea breezes in the most complete privacy . The Duchess of Kent is stopping on a visit to the Queen , and Prince Alfred has also arrived on leave of absence from the Enryalus . Rides and drives daily in the neighbourhood of Osborne , and an occasional water excursion in the Fairy , diversify the royal , amusements . Her Majesty has received no company all the week . FoiiEiox NEWS . —The Emperor of the French arrived at St . Cloud on
Sunday . If Ave may judge from the tone of the Steele , which is the organ of the working classes , the peace wliich the emperor has coneluded will not be well received by the advocates for the independence of Italy in France . On Monday an interview took place between M . AValewski , Lord Cowley , and Prince de Reuss , who acts as Prussian ambassador in the absence of Count Pourtales , and M . de . Kisselefr , their excellencies having received tin invitation from the French foreign minister requesting them to call upon him . On Tuesday the emperor
gave audience to the members of the senate aud the legislative body , and received the felicitations of their respective presidents , and in replying thereto explained the reasons which had induced him to stop in his successful career in Italy , and to conclude a peace . The peace is the subject of various epigrams by the Parisians , the expression of the liberals being that the emperor had gone to Italy to shuffle the cards . None ol ' the materiel of war is to be removed from Italy . Throughout Italy
a feeling of ^ alarm aud distrust has resulted from the peace ; and an address to VictorErnmanuel is circulated throughout his kingdom , and has already received numerous signatures . The address is couched in terms of loyal condolence . A telegram from Turin , of tho 15 th inst ., states that Tairin was illuminated , and that the king aud the emperor presented themselves . several times on the balcony of tbe royal palace , and were enthusiasticall y cheered . The emperor left at six in the morning for Miiaa . The latest intelligence from . Turin shows . tilarmhi" indication 1 ; of
the popular feeling in reference to the peace , which has so bitterly disappointed the expectations of the people . Count Cavour was the " observed of all observers , " and was received with enthusiasm . The Sardinian governor of Lombardy has warned the bishops of Milan ancl Pavia against officiating , lest they might be insulted by the people . The excitement in Milan is represented as of the most intense character —a general disgust beiug manifested at the so called . The
peace governor of Lombardy has addressed a circular to the editors of the journals , calling upon them to assume sentiments of moderation , aud warniiif them that he will order the suspension of any journal which may utter invectives against the recent events , by Avhich , at the same time , the king and his august ally maybe attacked . The new Sardinian ministry is formed . Sig . La Marmora is Minister of AA ar and President of the Council-General Daborinida , Foreign Affairs ; Sig . Ratazzi , Interior ; Sig . Egtaua , Finance Montieelli 7
; Marquis , Public AAorks ; and Sig . Miglietti , Justice . The Emperor of Austria arrived at Laybach on Saturday , and at Laxenburg the same evening . The Austrian Lloyd ' s steamers recommenced running on Saturday . An imperial , manifesto , signed at the Castle of Laxenburg , has been published . It frankly explains that the motive for the conclusion of peace was the holding back of the natural allies , whose mediation promised less favourable conditions than a
direct understanding . The manifesto also states that reforms conformable to the spirit of the times shall be made iu the public laws and administration . From A ienua we learn that M . de Hubner will shortly resume his post as Austrian ambassador at Paris . In an extraordinary sitting of the Federal Diet , Austria communicated the preliminaries of the peace , and proposed that the contingents should be returned and the federal fortresses restored to a peace footing . The Royal Chief
Bank of Berlin has lowered its discount for bills from 5 per cent , to 4 per cent ., and the Lombards discount from G to 5 per cent . The Prussian Gazette publishes a leading article to prove that Prussia had prevented a universal war by the policy she adopted during the last few months . The proposals for mediation macks by Prussia were far more favourable than the preliminaries of peace which have now been agreed upon . Prussia has no occasion to lie dissatisfied with the unexpected
turn matters have taken . AY'hilst discontinuing her military measures she awaits the further development of affairs with calmness . The following order ] of the day to the army has been published by the Prince Regent : — "At the moment when war broke out between two neighbouring great powers , I had ordered the army to be placed in readiness for war , iu order to maintain that position of power which belongs to Prussia . The danger which threatened us then is over . While you were still marching to positions I had ordered for
occupy you , the belligerent powers suddenly concluded peace . Your advance had shown our firm resolution to maintain our frontiers and those of Germany inviolate , whatever might be the destinies of war . You have shown the readiness I had expected from you , and have maintained in general a dignity worthy of the name of Prussia . You have made many personal sacrifices , and I express to you my full satisfaction . " The Prussian Gazette says that Marshal AVrangel has been relieved from the
command in chief of the army which was to have been concentrated on the Rhine . The Federal Council of Switzerland has charged Major Liitour with an extraordinary mision to Naples . He will repair to his destination via Marseilles to meet the so-called Swiss , who have been dismissed in consequence of the recent disturbances . He will order them to state to what nation they belong , and has received positive instructions to put an end if possible to a state of things which is so to his and to render return to their
painful country , a native land possible to those who may desire again to become subjects of Switzerland . Royal letters patent , dated the ISth inst ., order that the extraordinary assembly of the states of Holstein is not to take place . Intelligence of the death of tho Queen of Portugal has been received . The Greek government is stated to have decided on the abolition of the slidhi " seale for the corn duties . The Persiawhich left New York the
, on 6 th , has arrived at Liverpool . She brings no political news of importance . The anniversary of the American independence was celebrated as usual throughout the States . In Mexico the position of tbe contending parties is represented as unfavourable , and crowds of emigrants were returning to California . Mr . H . Northall , the acting British vice-consul at the port of Gloucester , Massachusetts , had committed suicide
COLOXIAL . —The Magdalcna has arrived at Southampton from the AA est Indies . She reports that there is some chance of the Paramatta ( the running on shore of which has been announced ) being saved . As soon as intelligence was announced at St . Thomas ' s , all the company ' s fleet left for the scene of the catastrophe , but were of no service . AA ' est India Islands generally healthy . Trade dull . Crops below average .
HOME NEWS . —Cabinet councils have been held twice this week at Lord Pabnerston ' s official residence in Downing-street . A banquet was given to the Earl of Derby and the Right Hon . B . Disraeli at Merchant Tailors' Hall , on Saturday evening . As a demonstration of the perfect harmony wliich reigns among the Conservative party and of the attachment they bear to their chiefs , it was as successful lis their best friends could desire . The City Commissioners of Sewers met on AVednesday at Guildhall . The general purpose * committee ' presented a report on a minute referred to them
rejecting an intention of tbe Metropolitan Board of AVorks to apply to parliament for powers to levy rates by their own collectors . The general purposes committee thought there was no-ground for a step . Report agreed to . -V petition
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
connection with the society . Most of the members I personally knew , and was acquainted with , but their and my connection with the society has cemented acquaintanceship into friendship—friendship which I fervently trust Avill remain unbroken during the tenure of our sojourn on earth . Gentlemen , from the bottom of my heart I once again do most gratefully and fervently thank you for this magnificent present . Bailie M'Gregor gave " The artist , Mr . Dewar , " and in doing so spoke highly of the merits of the portrait as a work of art .
Mr . DeAvar having replied , other toasts followed , peculiar to the gathering of Highlanders , and the proceedings were as business-like as they were characterized by Celtic warmth . Tbe presentation thus made does infinite credit to the subscribers . Tn Bro . Campbell , as the object of their regards , they have recognized a man of wide sympathies , of intense humanity , and fine enthusiasm . A \ ell known as a distinguished ornament in the Masonic world , he is no less popular as a generous and public spirited citizen , in whom
everybody has a friend—the poorest a benefactor . Mr . Dewar has hit off Bro . Campbell right well . In the " garb of old Gaul , " he is represented as leaning upon a piece of rock , edging itself out above a thistle or so , in front of a lake in the midst of a heath . The plaid is inimitable as a work of art . The landscape , in which Bro . Campbell is the prominent figure , is well conceived and finely coloured , ancl although exception might be taken to the picture in minor detail , it is on the whole a production an honour to Mr . Dewar , and a credit to the art achievements of the city .
Masonic Festivities.
KENT . THEATRE ROYAL , MARGATE . —On Monday , the ISth instant , the performances at this theatre were under the immediate patronage of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Purton Cooper , Q . C ., and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , and a few minutes after eight o ' clock the house was crowded by the brethren aud their ladies , with an admiring crowd of other spectators , the Masons appearing in their full paraphernalia .
The performances consisted of Tobin ' 3 excellent comedy " The Honeymoon , " which was played exceedingly well ; indeed a provincial theatre can seldom boast so good a working company as Bro . Thorne , the enterprising lessee , has brought together—the dresses and scenery are both good and elegant , ancl the house has been very tastefully and prettily re-decorated for the present season . A variety of singing and ( lancing followed , and the whole concluded with Charles Selby ' s " Bonnie Fish AAlfe" in which Miss Oliver ' s original character was sustained by Miss
, Emily Thorne , the daughter of the manager , who looked as pretty and sang the music as well as her London predecessor . The whole of the characters , both in tho comedy and the farce , were very judiciously sustained without the least vulgarity , ancl the audience were greatly pleased . AA e can assure visitors to Margate that Bro . Thome ' s efforts to please them deserve their support , and we hope will obtain it .
The Week.
THE CotJltT . —Her Majesty , Avith her children and the Prince Consort , have been all the week at Osborne enjoying the sea breezes in the most complete privacy . The Duchess of Kent is stopping on a visit to the Queen , and Prince Alfred has also arrived on leave of absence from the Enryalus . Rides and drives daily in the neighbourhood of Osborne , and an occasional water excursion in the Fairy , diversify the royal , amusements . Her Majesty has received no company all the week . FoiiEiox NEWS . —The Emperor of the French arrived at St . Cloud on
Sunday . If Ave may judge from the tone of the Steele , which is the organ of the working classes , the peace wliich the emperor has coneluded will not be well received by the advocates for the independence of Italy in France . On Monday an interview took place between M . AValewski , Lord Cowley , and Prince de Reuss , who acts as Prussian ambassador in the absence of Count Pourtales , and M . de . Kisselefr , their excellencies having received tin invitation from the French foreign minister requesting them to call upon him . On Tuesday the emperor
gave audience to the members of the senate aud the legislative body , and received the felicitations of their respective presidents , and in replying thereto explained the reasons which had induced him to stop in his successful career in Italy , and to conclude a peace . The peace is the subject of various epigrams by the Parisians , the expression of the liberals being that the emperor had gone to Italy to shuffle the cards . None ol ' the materiel of war is to be removed from Italy . Throughout Italy
a feeling of ^ alarm aud distrust has resulted from the peace ; and an address to VictorErnmanuel is circulated throughout his kingdom , and has already received numerous signatures . The address is couched in terms of loyal condolence . A telegram from Turin , of tho 15 th inst ., states that Tairin was illuminated , and that the king aud the emperor presented themselves . several times on the balcony of tbe royal palace , and were enthusiasticall y cheered . The emperor left at six in the morning for Miiaa . The latest intelligence from . Turin shows . tilarmhi" indication 1 ; of
the popular feeling in reference to the peace , which has so bitterly disappointed the expectations of the people . Count Cavour was the " observed of all observers , " and was received with enthusiasm . The Sardinian governor of Lombardy has warned the bishops of Milan ancl Pavia against officiating , lest they might be insulted by the people . The excitement in Milan is represented as of the most intense character —a general disgust beiug manifested at the so called . The
peace governor of Lombardy has addressed a circular to the editors of the journals , calling upon them to assume sentiments of moderation , aud warniiif them that he will order the suspension of any journal which may utter invectives against the recent events , by Avhich , at the same time , the king and his august ally maybe attacked . The new Sardinian ministry is formed . Sig . La Marmora is Minister of AA ar and President of the Council-General Daborinida , Foreign Affairs ; Sig . Ratazzi , Interior ; Sig . Egtaua , Finance Montieelli 7
; Marquis , Public AAorks ; and Sig . Miglietti , Justice . The Emperor of Austria arrived at Laybach on Saturday , and at Laxenburg the same evening . The Austrian Lloyd ' s steamers recommenced running on Saturday . An imperial , manifesto , signed at the Castle of Laxenburg , has been published . It frankly explains that the motive for the conclusion of peace was the holding back of the natural allies , whose mediation promised less favourable conditions than a
direct understanding . The manifesto also states that reforms conformable to the spirit of the times shall be made iu the public laws and administration . From A ienua we learn that M . de Hubner will shortly resume his post as Austrian ambassador at Paris . In an extraordinary sitting of the Federal Diet , Austria communicated the preliminaries of the peace , and proposed that the contingents should be returned and the federal fortresses restored to a peace footing . The Royal Chief
Bank of Berlin has lowered its discount for bills from 5 per cent , to 4 per cent ., and the Lombards discount from G to 5 per cent . The Prussian Gazette publishes a leading article to prove that Prussia had prevented a universal war by the policy she adopted during the last few months . The proposals for mediation macks by Prussia were far more favourable than the preliminaries of peace which have now been agreed upon . Prussia has no occasion to lie dissatisfied with the unexpected
turn matters have taken . AY'hilst discontinuing her military measures she awaits the further development of affairs with calmness . The following order ] of the day to the army has been published by the Prince Regent : — "At the moment when war broke out between two neighbouring great powers , I had ordered the army to be placed in readiness for war , iu order to maintain that position of power which belongs to Prussia . The danger which threatened us then is over . While you were still marching to positions I had ordered for
occupy you , the belligerent powers suddenly concluded peace . Your advance had shown our firm resolution to maintain our frontiers and those of Germany inviolate , whatever might be the destinies of war . You have shown the readiness I had expected from you , and have maintained in general a dignity worthy of the name of Prussia . You have made many personal sacrifices , and I express to you my full satisfaction . " The Prussian Gazette says that Marshal AVrangel has been relieved from the
command in chief of the army which was to have been concentrated on the Rhine . The Federal Council of Switzerland has charged Major Liitour with an extraordinary mision to Naples . He will repair to his destination via Marseilles to meet the so-called Swiss , who have been dismissed in consequence of the recent disturbances . He will order them to state to what nation they belong , and has received positive instructions to put an end if possible to a state of things which is so to his and to render return to their
painful country , a native land possible to those who may desire again to become subjects of Switzerland . Royal letters patent , dated the ISth inst ., order that the extraordinary assembly of the states of Holstein is not to take place . Intelligence of the death of tho Queen of Portugal has been received . The Greek government is stated to have decided on the abolition of the slidhi " seale for the corn duties . The Persiawhich left New York the
, on 6 th , has arrived at Liverpool . She brings no political news of importance . The anniversary of the American independence was celebrated as usual throughout the States . In Mexico the position of tbe contending parties is represented as unfavourable , and crowds of emigrants were returning to California . Mr . H . Northall , the acting British vice-consul at the port of Gloucester , Massachusetts , had committed suicide
COLOXIAL . —The Magdalcna has arrived at Southampton from the AA est Indies . She reports that there is some chance of the Paramatta ( the running on shore of which has been announced ) being saved . As soon as intelligence was announced at St . Thomas ' s , all the company ' s fleet left for the scene of the catastrophe , but were of no service . AA ' est India Islands generally healthy . Trade dull . Crops below average .
HOME NEWS . —Cabinet councils have been held twice this week at Lord Pabnerston ' s official residence in Downing-street . A banquet was given to the Earl of Derby and the Right Hon . B . Disraeli at Merchant Tailors' Hall , on Saturday evening . As a demonstration of the perfect harmony wliich reigns among the Conservative party and of the attachment they bear to their chiefs , it was as successful lis their best friends could desire . The City Commissioners of Sewers met on AVednesday at Guildhall . The general purpose * committee ' presented a report on a minute referred to them
rejecting an intention of tbe Metropolitan Board of AVorks to apply to parliament for powers to levy rates by their own collectors . The general purposes committee thought there was no-ground for a step . Report agreed to . -V petition