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Cagliostro's Egyptian Masonry.
abominable ceremony prescribed upon the admission of a Master . They take a young boy , or a young girl , in a state of innocence , Avhom they name pupil , or dove . Then the Venerable imparts to this child the poAver that he had received before the first fall , a poAver Avhich more particularly consists in commanding the pure spirits . These spirits are seven in
number ; they tire said to surround the throne of the Deity , and to govern the seven planets ; their names , according to Cagliostro ' s book , being Asiiel , Michiiel , llaphiiel , Gabriel , Uriel , Zobiachel , ancl Anachiel . The dove is brought before the Venerable ; the members address a prayer to heaven that it would vouchsafe the exercise of that power Avhich it has
granted to the Grand Cophta . The pupil , or doA"e , also prays to obtain the grace of working according to the behests of the Grand Master , and of sening as a mediatrix between him and the spirits , AVIIO on that account are called intermediates . Clothed in a long AvJiite robe , ornamented Avith blue ribbon and a red scarf , aud having received the suffiation
, she is enclosed in the tabernacle , a place hung Avith Avhite . It has an entrance door , a window through which the dove makes herself heard , and Avithin is a "bench ancl a little table , Avhereon burn three tapers . The Venerable repeats his prayer and begins to exercise the power that he pretends to have received from the Grand Cophtain virtue of wliich he summons the
, seven angels to appear before the eyes of the pupil . When she announces that they are present , he charges her by the power granted by | God to the Grand Cophta , and by the Grand Cophta imparted to himself , that she ask the angel N ., whether the candidate haA-o the qualities and the merits requisite for the degree of Master . After having received an affirmative
answer , he proceeds to the other ceremonies for completing the reception of the candidate . The same Avorking is prescribed for raising women to the degree of Mistress . The clove being placed as Ave have just described , she is ordered to make one of the seven angels appear in the tabernacle , ancl to ask him whether it is
permitted to lift the black veil with Avhich the initiate is covered . Other superstitions ceremonies follow , ami the Venerable orders the dove to command the presence of the six other angels , and to address to them the following commandment : — "By the poAver Avhich the Grand Cophta has given to my mistress , and by that Avhich I hold from her , and by my
innocence , I command you , primitive angels , to consecrate the ornaments bypassing them through , your hands . " These ornaments are the garments , the symbols of the order , and a crown of artificial roses . When the dove has attested that the angels haA r e performed the consecration , she is desired to cause Moses to appear , in order that he also may bless the ornaments , and may hold the CI-OAVH of roses in his hand during the rest of the ceremonies . She aftenvards passes
through the window of the tabernacle , the garments , the symbols , and the gloves , whereon is Avritten , ' ' I am man , " and all are presented to the initiated . Other questions are now put to the dove ; but above all to know Avhethcr Moses has held the crown in his hand the whole time , and Avhen she has answered ' - ' yes , " it is placed upon the head of the
initiated . Then after other rites equall y sacrilegious , the dove is questioned anew to learn if Moses and the seven angels have approved of this reception ; finally , the presence of the Grand Cophta is invoked that he may bless and confirm it ; after which the Lodge is closed . The stated object of Cagliostro ' s Masonry is the
perfectioning of man , to which he promises to conduct his disci ples by moral and physical regeneration , after they have been raised to the degree of Masters . To obtain the one and the other , he prescribes tu-o quarantines of different kinds—that is to say , for the first , a retirement of forty days ; for the second , a corporeal cure for the same period . He AVIIO Avishcs to obtain moral regeneration , i . e ., a primitive . state of innocence , insist choose a Mtv mountain , to which lie will give the name of Sinai , and on -its summit he
Avill construct a pavilion divided into three floors ; this he Avill call Sion . The upper chamber will be eighteen feet square , Avith four oval windoAVS on each side , and a single trap door to enter by ; the second or middle chamber will be perfectly round . Avithout AvindoAvs , and capable of containing thirteen little bedsit -will be lighted by a lamp suspended
, from the centre , and Avill have no furniture saA e what is absolutely necessary , and Avill be called Ararat ( the name of the mountain on which the ark rested ) , in token of the repose , which is reserved only for those Masons who have been chosen by God ; finabVy , the first chamber , situated on the level of the groundwill be large enough to serve for a
refec-, tory , and will haA'e three cabinets , tAvo to hold provisions and other necessaries , the third to contain the vestments , symbols , and other Masonic instruments , as taught by Moses . All these being collected , the thirteen Masters Avill shut themselves up in the pavilion , Avithout the power of quitting it for forty daysAvhich they Avill spend in Masonic operations
, , observing every day tho like distribution of the hours . Six Avill be given to devotion and repose , three to prayer and a holocaust to the Eternal ( which consists in devoting one ' s self Avitli the deepest effusion of heart to the glory of God ) ;
nine to holy Avorks , that is to say , to the preparation of the virgin leaf , and to the preparation of the other instruments , which must be made from day to day ; and the remaining six belong to conversation , and the re-establishment of the lost moral and physical strength . When the thirty-third day of these exercises has passed , the Masters -will begin to enjoy the privilege of communicating AdsiblAvith the
y seven primitive angels , and of knowing the seal and cypher of ¦ those immortal beings . They Avill both be engraved by themselves on the virgin leaf , which is either a lamb ' s skin jrarified , the caul of a male child born of a Jewess , or a piece of common paper blessed by the founder . This favour Avill last to the fortieth dayon which their labours being
, finished , each Avill begin to enjoy the fruits of his retirement , for each will receive for himself the pentagon , or the virgin leaf ; Avhereon the angels have engraved their seals and cyphers . Thus fortified , and become master and chief of the art without any mortal aid , the spirit of each Avill be filled Avith divine fireand his body Avill become as pure as
, that of the most innocent child , his penetration -will be without bounds , his poAver will be immense , he will aspire only to perfect repose in order to attain immortalit y ; and he may say of
himself" Ego sum qui sum . " There will not only be the pentagon Avhereof Ave have spoken , but seven others also , Avhich he may bestoAv upon seven individuals , men or women , in Avhom he is most interested . Those inferior pentagons bear the seal of onl y one of the seven angels , and the possessor can only control that one
Avithout having any power over the others . Nor can he , like the holder of the first pentagon , command in the name of God , but only in the name of tho Grand Master , from whom he has received the talisman .
He AA ill operate by his own powder , but Avithout knowing the principle . NOAV let us see the Avorking of the regeneration , or physical perfection , the possessor of Avhich may attain the spirituality of five thousand five hundred and sixty-seven
years , or prolong a healthy and quiet life , until it shall please God to claim him . He who aspires to such perfection must retire every fiftieth year , in the full May-moon , into the country Avith a friend ; there shut up in a chamber , Avith an alcove within it , he must submit for fort y days to the most rigorous dieteating very littleand onlof a thin
, , y soup , of tender herbs refreshing and laxative , ancl drinking nothing but distilled Avater ancl May-rain . Every repast will com " monce Avith the liquid , and finish with the solid , which -will be a biscuit or a crust of bread . On the seventeenth day of this vwtveat , after a slight blood-letting , the aspirant will
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cagliostro's Egyptian Masonry.
abominable ceremony prescribed upon the admission of a Master . They take a young boy , or a young girl , in a state of innocence , Avhom they name pupil , or dove . Then the Venerable imparts to this child the poAver that he had received before the first fall , a poAver Avhich more particularly consists in commanding the pure spirits . These spirits are seven in
number ; they tire said to surround the throne of the Deity , and to govern the seven planets ; their names , according to Cagliostro ' s book , being Asiiel , Michiiel , llaphiiel , Gabriel , Uriel , Zobiachel , ancl Anachiel . The dove is brought before the Venerable ; the members address a prayer to heaven that it would vouchsafe the exercise of that power Avhich it has
granted to the Grand Cophta . The pupil , or doA"e , also prays to obtain the grace of working according to the behests of the Grand Master , and of sening as a mediatrix between him and the spirits , AVIIO on that account are called intermediates . Clothed in a long AvJiite robe , ornamented Avith blue ribbon and a red scarf , aud having received the suffiation
, she is enclosed in the tabernacle , a place hung Avith Avhite . It has an entrance door , a window through which the dove makes herself heard , and Avithin is a "bench ancl a little table , Avhereon burn three tapers . The Venerable repeats his prayer and begins to exercise the power that he pretends to have received from the Grand Cophtain virtue of wliich he summons the
, seven angels to appear before the eyes of the pupil . When she announces that they are present , he charges her by the power granted by | God to the Grand Cophta , and by the Grand Cophta imparted to himself , that she ask the angel N ., whether the candidate haA-o the qualities and the merits requisite for the degree of Master . After having received an affirmative
answer , he proceeds to the other ceremonies for completing the reception of the candidate . The same Avorking is prescribed for raising women to the degree of Mistress . The clove being placed as Ave have just described , she is ordered to make one of the seven angels appear in the tabernacle , ancl to ask him whether it is
permitted to lift the black veil with Avhich the initiate is covered . Other superstitions ceremonies follow , ami the Venerable orders the dove to command the presence of the six other angels , and to address to them the following commandment : — "By the poAver Avhich the Grand Cophta has given to my mistress , and by that Avhich I hold from her , and by my
innocence , I command you , primitive angels , to consecrate the ornaments bypassing them through , your hands . " These ornaments are the garments , the symbols of the order , and a crown of artificial roses . When the dove has attested that the angels haA r e performed the consecration , she is desired to cause Moses to appear , in order that he also may bless the ornaments , and may hold the CI-OAVH of roses in his hand during the rest of the ceremonies . She aftenvards passes
through the window of the tabernacle , the garments , the symbols , and the gloves , whereon is Avritten , ' ' I am man , " and all are presented to the initiated . Other questions are now put to the dove ; but above all to know Avhethcr Moses has held the crown in his hand the whole time , and Avhen she has answered ' - ' yes , " it is placed upon the head of the
initiated . Then after other rites equall y sacrilegious , the dove is questioned anew to learn if Moses and the seven angels have approved of this reception ; finally , the presence of the Grand Cophta is invoked that he may bless and confirm it ; after which the Lodge is closed . The stated object of Cagliostro ' s Masonry is the
perfectioning of man , to which he promises to conduct his disci ples by moral and physical regeneration , after they have been raised to the degree of Masters . To obtain the one and the other , he prescribes tu-o quarantines of different kinds—that is to say , for the first , a retirement of forty days ; for the second , a corporeal cure for the same period . He AVIIO Avishcs to obtain moral regeneration , i . e ., a primitive . state of innocence , insist choose a Mtv mountain , to which lie will give the name of Sinai , and on -its summit he
Avill construct a pavilion divided into three floors ; this he Avill call Sion . The upper chamber will be eighteen feet square , Avith four oval windoAVS on each side , and a single trap door to enter by ; the second or middle chamber will be perfectly round . Avithout AvindoAvs , and capable of containing thirteen little bedsit -will be lighted by a lamp suspended
, from the centre , and Avill have no furniture saA e what is absolutely necessary , and Avill be called Ararat ( the name of the mountain on which the ark rested ) , in token of the repose , which is reserved only for those Masons who have been chosen by God ; finabVy , the first chamber , situated on the level of the groundwill be large enough to serve for a
refec-, tory , and will haA'e three cabinets , tAvo to hold provisions and other necessaries , the third to contain the vestments , symbols , and other Masonic instruments , as taught by Moses . All these being collected , the thirteen Masters Avill shut themselves up in the pavilion , Avithout the power of quitting it for forty daysAvhich they Avill spend in Masonic operations
, , observing every day tho like distribution of the hours . Six Avill be given to devotion and repose , three to prayer and a holocaust to the Eternal ( which consists in devoting one ' s self Avitli the deepest effusion of heart to the glory of God ) ;
nine to holy Avorks , that is to say , to the preparation of the virgin leaf , and to the preparation of the other instruments , which must be made from day to day ; and the remaining six belong to conversation , and the re-establishment of the lost moral and physical strength . When the thirty-third day of these exercises has passed , the Masters -will begin to enjoy the privilege of communicating AdsiblAvith the
y seven primitive angels , and of knowing the seal and cypher of ¦ those immortal beings . They Avill both be engraved by themselves on the virgin leaf , which is either a lamb ' s skin jrarified , the caul of a male child born of a Jewess , or a piece of common paper blessed by the founder . This favour Avill last to the fortieth dayon which their labours being
, finished , each Avill begin to enjoy the fruits of his retirement , for each will receive for himself the pentagon , or the virgin leaf ; Avhereon the angels have engraved their seals and cyphers . Thus fortified , and become master and chief of the art without any mortal aid , the spirit of each Avill be filled Avith divine fireand his body Avill become as pure as
, that of the most innocent child , his penetration -will be without bounds , his poAver will be immense , he will aspire only to perfect repose in order to attain immortalit y ; and he may say of
himself" Ego sum qui sum . " There will not only be the pentagon Avhereof Ave have spoken , but seven others also , Avhich he may bestoAv upon seven individuals , men or women , in Avhom he is most interested . Those inferior pentagons bear the seal of onl y one of the seven angels , and the possessor can only control that one
Avithout having any power over the others . Nor can he , like the holder of the first pentagon , command in the name of God , but only in the name of tho Grand Master , from whom he has received the talisman .
He AA ill operate by his own powder , but Avithout knowing the principle . NOAV let us see the Avorking of the regeneration , or physical perfection , the possessor of Avhich may attain the spirituality of five thousand five hundred and sixty-seven
years , or prolong a healthy and quiet life , until it shall please God to claim him . He who aspires to such perfection must retire every fiftieth year , in the full May-moon , into the country Avith a friend ; there shut up in a chamber , Avith an alcove within it , he must submit for fort y days to the most rigorous dieteating very littleand onlof a thin
, , y soup , of tender herbs refreshing and laxative , ancl drinking nothing but distilled Avater ancl May-rain . Every repast will com " monce Avith the liquid , and finish with the solid , which -will be a biscuit or a crust of bread . On the seventeenth day of this vwtveat , after a slight blood-letting , the aspirant will