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Cagliostro's Egyptian Masonry.
take certain Avhite drops ( the composition of which is not explained ) . The dose must be six drops in the morning , and six in the evening , but increased by two drops daily until the thirty-second day . Then in the morning tAvilight the emission of blood will be repeated ; the ' day after he
must go to bed and rise no more till the end of the quarantine ; and IIOAV the first grain of the primal matter is to be sAvallowcd . This primal matter is the same that God made to render man immortal , but of Avhich , through original sin , he has lost the knoAvledge , nor can ho regain it except by the grace of heaven , and by Masonic workings .
When this grain has been taken , he who is to be rejuvenized loses his speech and senses for three hours ; and in the midst of convulsions undergoes violent perspiration and large evacuations . After the patient has come to himself , and his bed has been changed , he must be restored by a cullis made of a pound of beefAvithout fatmixed with divers herbs of a
, , stimulant nature . If by these means he is sufficiently restored , he is given the next day a second grain of primal matter in a cup of jelly , which , in addition to the effects of the first dose , Avill produce a fever , accompanied by delirium , making his skin peel , his hair'drop off , and his teeth fall out . The folloAA'ing day , which is the thirty-fifthif the patient is
, strong enough , he AA'ill take , for an hour , a bath , that is neither too hot nor too cold . On the thirty-sixth day he AA'ill take , in a glass of strong old wine , ' the third and last grain of primal matter , which , AA- 11 make him fall into a soft and tranquil slumber , when , the hair Avill begin to sprout , the teeth to come forth , and the skin to be reneAved . When he
comes to himself he must be again plunged into a bath , but this time it is to be a bath of aromatic herbs , and on the thirty-eighth day into a bath of pure water intermixed Avith nitre . This last bath having been taken , he will dress himself and walk about his room . On the thirty-ninth clay he must swalloAv ten drops of the Grand Master ' s elixir in tAvo
spoonfuls of red wine , and on the fortieth day he will leave the house altogether rejuvenized and perfectl y regenerated . To complete this history AA-e must not forget to add that both methods are equally ordained for women , and that as regards physical regeneration , every one is enjoined to retire to a mountain , or to the country , with no other companion
but one friend , who is to administer the necessary succours , and more particularly in the crises of the bodily cure . When Cagliostro was at Mittau he founded one of his Egyptian Lodges in that toAvn , and finding his audience not sufficiently enlightened by his Avorcls , he undertook to give them actual proof of tho truth of the maxims announced b y him ; that is to say , of the existence of God , and the immortality of the soul . He caused—it is himself who speaks—to be brought into the Lodge a young child , the son of a
nobleman , and placed him , kneeling , before a table on which stood a decanter of pure Avater with illuminated tapers behind it . He then performed certain exorcisms about him , laid his hand upon his head , and both he aud the child , in this attitude , addressed their prayers to God for the happy accomplishment of their enterprise . Next he desired the child to
look into the decanter , Avhen the latter suddenly exclaimed that he SHAV a garden . IvnoAving by this that God was assisting him , Cagliostro took heart and bade the child ask the favour of the Deity that he would cause him to sec tho angel Michael . At first the child said , "I see something Avhitebut cannot make out AA'hat it is . " Aftenvards he
, began to jump about , like one possessed , crying , " I see a child like myself , who seems to have something angelic . " All the assembl y , and Cagliostro himself , Avcre dumbfounded . Then the father of the child desired that his son , by the hel p of the decanter , should see what his daughter - Avas .. doing at that moment , she being at a country house fifteen miles from
Mittau . The child Avas exorcised anew , the hands of the Venerable were laid upon his head , the usual prayers Avere addressed to heaven , when , looking into the decanter , he
said his sister Avas just then coming down the stairs ] and embracing another of her brothers . This appeared impossible to those present because this same brother was some hundred miles off from the place where tho sister Avas . Cagliostro was not to be put out ; he said they might send to
the country house to verify the fact , and , all having kissed his hand , he closed the Lodge Avith the usual ceremonies . After the Lodge AVUS closed they did send accordingly ; and he maintains that AA'hat they had refused to believe was found true in all its details , the young man alluded to haA'ing just arrived from a foreign land .
On many occasions Cagliostro made his experiments without the aid of water , only p lacing the pupil or dove behind a screen which represented a sort of little temple . The questions and workings were not confined solely to the descent and apparition of angels , but extended to the discovery of secrets , future events , and answers to curious
inquiries that were sometimes very much opposed to decency . Nor was Cagliostro the sole operator ; he caused the others , at his pleasure , to work likewise , but it was necessary that he should first communicate with them , and should transfer to them the power Avhich , as he pretended , he had received from heaven . Tho consecration , of an Egyptian Lodge Avas celebrated with the same ceremonies as that of a church . We have
not all the details , but amongst the prescribed ceremonies was a continuous praying for forty-eight hours , pronounced by tAA'o of his sons—so he called his disciples—each alternately relieving the other . The formula' of the patent confirming the formation of a new Lodge is conceived in the folloAving language : —
" Glory , Union , Wisdom , Benignity , Prosperity . " We , the Grand Cophta , founder and Grand Master of high Egyptian Masonry throughout east and Avest , g ive all to knoiv , AVIIO shall see these presents , that during our sojourn at Lyons many members of that east , according to the ordinary ritual , and bearing the name of Avisdom , have manifested an ardent desire to submit to our government , and to receive from us the needful in
lights and poAvcrs for understanding ancl propagating Masonry its true form and primitive purify . We haA-e , therefore acceded to their Avishes , persuaded that , in giving them these tokens of our good will , Ave shall have the sAveet satisfaction of having laboured for the glory of the Eternal , and for the benefit of humanity . " With these motivesafter haA'ing sufficiently established and
, verified to the Venerable , ancl many other members of the aforesaid Lodge , our poAver and authority to that effect , we IIOAV , by the help of these same brethren , found ancl create , for ever , at the east of Lyons , the present Egyptian Lodge ; and Ave constitute it tho mother Lodge for all the east and west , assigning to it the distinctive title of Triumphant Wisdom . "
Cagliostro then names the Officers , —the Venerable , the Orator , the Keeper of the Seals , the Archivist , the Treasurer , the Grand Inspector , and the Master of the Ceremonies ; each of these having a deputy . The emblems were the septangle , the triangle , the troAvel , the compass , the square , the gavel , the death ' s head , the cube
stone , the rough stone , the triangular stone , the wooden bridge , the Jacob's ladder , the phoenix , the globe , time , and many others , Avith such phrases as these : — "Lucent meniere labore" " Ocliprofanumvulc jus et arceo ,- " "Fctile et accipietis : " " Quairile el invenietis ; " "Pulsate et aperielur vobis" "In constants labore spes- " " Aut viucere , aut mo 7 'i . " Amongst other particulars Ave must not omit to mention the jeAvel of the Egyptian Order wliich was a cross , upon the ribbon of which were the letters L . P . D ., for Lilium pedibus cleslrue .
Such is the official account put fonvard by the hol y Horn an inquisition , and , Avith whatever suspicion Ave may look upon the source from whence it emanates , Ave cannot shut our eyes to the world renoAvncd facts—that Cagliostro founded what he called Egyptian Masonry ; that in the Lodges OAvning his supremacy , magic and prediction Avere universally said to be practised , as Avell as the most horrible blasphemy . "It is a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cagliostro's Egyptian Masonry.
take certain Avhite drops ( the composition of which is not explained ) . The dose must be six drops in the morning , and six in the evening , but increased by two drops daily until the thirty-second day . Then in the morning tAvilight the emission of blood will be repeated ; the ' day after he
must go to bed and rise no more till the end of the quarantine ; and IIOAV the first grain of the primal matter is to be sAvallowcd . This primal matter is the same that God made to render man immortal , but of Avhich , through original sin , he has lost the knoAvledge , nor can ho regain it except by the grace of heaven , and by Masonic workings .
When this grain has been taken , he who is to be rejuvenized loses his speech and senses for three hours ; and in the midst of convulsions undergoes violent perspiration and large evacuations . After the patient has come to himself , and his bed has been changed , he must be restored by a cullis made of a pound of beefAvithout fatmixed with divers herbs of a
, , stimulant nature . If by these means he is sufficiently restored , he is given the next day a second grain of primal matter in a cup of jelly , which , in addition to the effects of the first dose , Avill produce a fever , accompanied by delirium , making his skin peel , his hair'drop off , and his teeth fall out . The folloAA'ing day , which is the thirty-fifthif the patient is
, strong enough , he AA'ill take , for an hour , a bath , that is neither too hot nor too cold . On the thirty-sixth day he AA'ill take , in a glass of strong old wine , ' the third and last grain of primal matter , which , AA- 11 make him fall into a soft and tranquil slumber , when , the hair Avill begin to sprout , the teeth to come forth , and the skin to be reneAved . When he
comes to himself he must be again plunged into a bath , but this time it is to be a bath of aromatic herbs , and on the thirty-eighth day into a bath of pure water intermixed Avith nitre . This last bath having been taken , he will dress himself and walk about his room . On the thirty-ninth clay he must swalloAv ten drops of the Grand Master ' s elixir in tAvo
spoonfuls of red wine , and on the fortieth day he will leave the house altogether rejuvenized and perfectl y regenerated . To complete this history AA-e must not forget to add that both methods are equally ordained for women , and that as regards physical regeneration , every one is enjoined to retire to a mountain , or to the country , with no other companion
but one friend , who is to administer the necessary succours , and more particularly in the crises of the bodily cure . When Cagliostro was at Mittau he founded one of his Egyptian Lodges in that toAvn , and finding his audience not sufficiently enlightened by his Avorcls , he undertook to give them actual proof of tho truth of the maxims announced b y him ; that is to say , of the existence of God , and the immortality of the soul . He caused—it is himself who speaks—to be brought into the Lodge a young child , the son of a
nobleman , and placed him , kneeling , before a table on which stood a decanter of pure Avater with illuminated tapers behind it . He then performed certain exorcisms about him , laid his hand upon his head , and both he aud the child , in this attitude , addressed their prayers to God for the happy accomplishment of their enterprise . Next he desired the child to
look into the decanter , Avhen the latter suddenly exclaimed that he SHAV a garden . IvnoAving by this that God was assisting him , Cagliostro took heart and bade the child ask the favour of the Deity that he would cause him to sec tho angel Michael . At first the child said , "I see something Avhitebut cannot make out AA'hat it is . " Aftenvards he
, began to jump about , like one possessed , crying , " I see a child like myself , who seems to have something angelic . " All the assembl y , and Cagliostro himself , Avcre dumbfounded . Then the father of the child desired that his son , by the hel p of the decanter , should see what his daughter - Avas .. doing at that moment , she being at a country house fifteen miles from
Mittau . The child Avas exorcised anew , the hands of the Venerable were laid upon his head , the usual prayers Avere addressed to heaven , when , looking into the decanter , he
said his sister Avas just then coming down the stairs ] and embracing another of her brothers . This appeared impossible to those present because this same brother was some hundred miles off from the place where tho sister Avas . Cagliostro was not to be put out ; he said they might send to
the country house to verify the fact , and , all having kissed his hand , he closed the Lodge Avith the usual ceremonies . After the Lodge AVUS closed they did send accordingly ; and he maintains that AA'hat they had refused to believe was found true in all its details , the young man alluded to haA'ing just arrived from a foreign land .
On many occasions Cagliostro made his experiments without the aid of water , only p lacing the pupil or dove behind a screen which represented a sort of little temple . The questions and workings were not confined solely to the descent and apparition of angels , but extended to the discovery of secrets , future events , and answers to curious
inquiries that were sometimes very much opposed to decency . Nor was Cagliostro the sole operator ; he caused the others , at his pleasure , to work likewise , but it was necessary that he should first communicate with them , and should transfer to them the power Avhich , as he pretended , he had received from heaven . Tho consecration , of an Egyptian Lodge Avas celebrated with the same ceremonies as that of a church . We have
not all the details , but amongst the prescribed ceremonies was a continuous praying for forty-eight hours , pronounced by tAA'o of his sons—so he called his disciples—each alternately relieving the other . The formula' of the patent confirming the formation of a new Lodge is conceived in the folloAving language : —
" Glory , Union , Wisdom , Benignity , Prosperity . " We , the Grand Cophta , founder and Grand Master of high Egyptian Masonry throughout east and Avest , g ive all to knoiv , AVIIO shall see these presents , that during our sojourn at Lyons many members of that east , according to the ordinary ritual , and bearing the name of Avisdom , have manifested an ardent desire to submit to our government , and to receive from us the needful in
lights and poAvcrs for understanding ancl propagating Masonry its true form and primitive purify . We haA-e , therefore acceded to their Avishes , persuaded that , in giving them these tokens of our good will , Ave shall have the sAveet satisfaction of having laboured for the glory of the Eternal , and for the benefit of humanity . " With these motivesafter haA'ing sufficiently established and
, verified to the Venerable , ancl many other members of the aforesaid Lodge , our poAver and authority to that effect , we IIOAV , by the help of these same brethren , found ancl create , for ever , at the east of Lyons , the present Egyptian Lodge ; and Ave constitute it tho mother Lodge for all the east and west , assigning to it the distinctive title of Triumphant Wisdom . "
Cagliostro then names the Officers , —the Venerable , the Orator , the Keeper of the Seals , the Archivist , the Treasurer , the Grand Inspector , and the Master of the Ceremonies ; each of these having a deputy . The emblems were the septangle , the triangle , the troAvel , the compass , the square , the gavel , the death ' s head , the cube
stone , the rough stone , the triangular stone , the wooden bridge , the Jacob's ladder , the phoenix , the globe , time , and many others , Avith such phrases as these : — "Lucent meniere labore" " Ocliprofanumvulc jus et arceo ,- " "Fctile et accipietis : " " Quairile el invenietis ; " "Pulsate et aperielur vobis" "In constants labore spes- " " Aut viucere , aut mo 7 'i . " Amongst other particulars Ave must not omit to mention the jeAvel of the Egyptian Order wliich was a cross , upon the ribbon of which were the letters L . P . D ., for Lilium pedibus cleslrue .
Such is the official account put fonvard by the hol y Horn an inquisition , and , Avith whatever suspicion Ave may look upon the source from whence it emanates , Ave cannot shut our eyes to the world renoAvncd facts—that Cagliostro founded what he called Egyptian Masonry ; that in the Lodges OAvning his supremacy , magic and prediction Avere universally said to be practised , as Avell as the most horrible blasphemy . "It is a