Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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brethren that anything he could do to promote the interests ot the lodge , he would do cheerfully . —The W . M . proposed the health of the other P . M . ' s in a neat speech . —Bro . FROUD , P . M ., and Treasurer , Bro . GARROD , P . M ., and Secretary , and Bro . MOMANNS , P . M .. replied in suitable terms and at considerable length . —Tho next toast was " The Officers of the Lodge ; " the W . M . said it was a well known fact that the Belgrave possessed good officers : good officers were of infinite service to a lod and a great
ge , ¦ aid to the AA ' . M ., and lie hoped that each of the officers would follow him through that chair . —Bro . EVENDEN , S . AV ., on behalf of the officers , thanked the AV . M . and brethren for the manner in which the toast was proposed and received , and ¦ assured him that they ivould each endeavour to discharge their respective duties to his entire satisfaction . —The AA ' . M . said that he now brought before the notice of the brethren a toast which he
had no doubt would be well resjionded to , "The Press . " The necessity of possessing a medium by whose means civilisation was fostered and promoted , or instruction and information conveyed , was generally recognised ; the Masonic body happily possessed a Magazine at all times ready to defend the Craft and promulgate its true tenets , and in its pages much instruction and information were to be found , he would therefore give the " FREEMASONS'
MAGAZINE , " coupled with the health of Bro . Stewart , S . D . —Bro . STEWART thanked the AA ' . M . and brethren on behalf of the Press iu general , and the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE in particular , and could endorse the statements of the AA ' . M . with regard to the usefulness of the Magazine . He also thanked the W . M . for appointing him S . D ., and said that ifc was the hope of reward which sweetened labour , his labours as S . D . would be sweetened by the hope of receiving the approbation of the brethren . —Bro . GROGAN then said :
¦ it fell to his lot to propose the health of an individual to whom the "brethren were much indebted for a large share of their enjoyment , he meant Bro . Clemow , their host , the manner in which the ban-• quet was served reflected great credit on him , and spoke well as to his resources . On behalf of himself and the rest of the brethren he tendered him their united thanks . —Bro . CIEMOIV said he felt highly gratified , that his exertions met with the approbation of so
distinguished a lodge as the Belgrave , and no exertions ivould be spared on his part to merit a continuance of their good feeling and esteem . The Tyler's toast brought the proceedings to a termination . The enjoyment of the brethren was considerably enhanced hy the harmony of Bros . Hunting , Evouden , Martin , Baily , and Thorns .
DEVONSHIRE . "TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY or THE LATE EARL FORTESCUE , PROV . G . MASTER . The brethren of Devon have made a move with the view of paying a tribute to the memory of the late Lord Fortescue , who was for more than a quarter of a century Provincial Grand Masterand
, who , throughout that period , always had the general respect and love of the brethren . A meeting was held in the Masonic Hall , Tore-street , Exeter , on AVednesday , the 13 th insfc ., ivhieh was attended by the representatives of the various lodges throughout the province , at ivhieh the question of paying a tribute to tbe memory of the Prov . G . M . was discussed , it was generally felt that such a tribute , to be in keeping ivith the leading principles of
the Order and with the character of the deceased brother , should he of a benevolent character ; and that as there must needs be amongst tbe thousands of Freemasons in Devonshire , many who , from unforseen misfortune , may be reduced to circumstances in which pecuniary assistance would be acceptable , if not absolutely necessary , it was thought a fitting useful form for the tribute would be to form a fund that should lie available for such a purpose , to be called " The Fortescue Annuity Fund . " This proposal was
so heartily received by the brethren present as to leave no doubt of a large sum being very speedily raised . A committee of nine , which 'includes the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the Rev . John Huyshe , and the Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . AA' . Denis Moore / was appointed to organise a constitution for the new institution . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . BTACxmno * . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Old Bull Hotel , on
the evening of Thursday last , under the presidency of Bros . Bertwistle , AA ' . M ., Tiplady , S . AA' ., and Hartley , J . W . The lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last regular lodge , held October 17 th , were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second and third degrees , when Bro . Henry Weymss Fielden , who had given satisfactory proofs of his efficiency in the first and second degrees , was raised to the sublime degree of
AA ' . M ., the , ceremony being performed by Bro . Bell , P . M ., to whom a vote of thanks was subsequently sriven for the impressive manner in ivhieh this beautiful ceremony was rendered . The lodge was then closed to the first degree when a ballot was taken for the election of AA' . M . for the ensuing year , which was unanimous in favour of Bro . Tiplady , S . AA' ., who is eminently qualified for the distinguished position to which the brethren have so unanimously elected him , and under
whose presidency , we may augur well for the prosperity of 432 , during the ensuing year . Bro . Thomas was proposed as a joining member . The lodge was then closed in form at 9 ' 45 , when the brethren adjourned to supper . After the cloth had been removed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the evening was pleasantly interspersed with speech , sentiment , and song . The following members were present . —Bros . Bertwistle , AA ' . M . ; Tiplady , S . W . ; Hartley , J . AA' . ; Heath , S . D . ; Pearson , Tyler ; Bell , P . M . ; Pilkington , P . M . ; Radeliffe , P . M . ; Fielden , Hirst , Taylor , "Woolfall , Abbott , Banister , Sec , Astley , Eastwood , Clayton , Hilton . Visitors Bros . Thomas , P . M ., and Langley , W . M .
SOMERSETSHIRE . HIGHBRIDGE BUENHAM . —Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) . —This lodge held a meeting of emergency , on Friday , the 15 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Railway Hotel , Highbridge , for the purpose of initiating three gentlemen , and other lodge business . The Secretary stated he had received a letter from the AV . M . regretting his inability to attend . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro .
Henry Bridges , P . G . S . B . and D . Prov . G . M . presided . The lodge being opened in the first degree , Messrs . Robert Andrews , John Bellamy Payne , and James Cook , jun ., were severallyinitiated into the first degree of Freemasonry , and received the charge from the D . Prov . G . M ., who delivered it in his usual impressive manner . Bro . AV . Hodge having been examined and duly qualified , was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . N . A . Burt having been examined and found duly qualifiedwas
, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The lodge was closed in form , and the brethren adjourned for the banquet , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and a collection made for the Benevolent Fund . The brethren separated at an early hour , having spent a very pleasant eveningtogether .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BRADFORD . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 379 ) . —At a meeting of this prosperous lodge , held at the new rooms on Monday last , Nov . 18 , there were present the W . M ., Bro . James Lumb ; Past Masters T . Hill ; C . H . Taylor , 3 I . D . ; David Salmond , P . Prov . G . AV . ; M . Rogerson ; AA " . Mawson , Prov . G . Sup . of AA'orks ; AA'illiam Gath ,
P . Prov . G . AV . ; Henry Smith , P . Prov . S . G . D ., as Secretary ; Rev . AVm . Fearnsides , Chap . ; John Gaunt , S . AA' . ; A . Hunter , J . AA' . ; Geo . Beanland , Treas . ; Arthur Briggs , as S . D . ; James Pickard , J . D . ; George Coleman , I . G . ; J . J . Holmes , O . G . ; J . H . Buckley , Curator ; L . Borrissow , Organist . A'isitors , R . AA' . Bolton , Dublin ( No . 125 ); AA'illiam Clapham , Bradford ( No . 874 ); E . Harrison , Leeds ( No . 384 ) . There being considerable business , the AA ' . M . opened the lodge punctually at seven , when the minutes of the last
lodge , held Oct . 21 st , were read and confirmed . Bro . L . Goldschmidt passed a satisfactory examination as an E . A ., and was passed to the 2 nd degree . Bro . Geo . Harrison ivas examined as a F . C , and , proving himself proficient , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . Thomas Hill , P . M ., giving instruction in the working tools . This being the night for electing tho W . M . for the ensuing year , the AA ' . M . commanded the Deacons to proceed with the ballot , ivhieh proved to be unanimously in favour of Bro .
Henry Ogle Mawson , an old and tried member of the lodge . Bro . Mawson hriefiy expressed his pleasure in receiving so distinguished an honour , and his determination to uphold the dignity of the chair and the character of the lodge in the province , being assured of the constant and unvaried support of the P . M . ' s and brethren . Bro . David Salmond , P . M ., proposed , and M . Rogerson seconded , the re-election of Bro . Geo . Beanland as Treasurer , which was carried -rmammously . On the motion of Win . Mawson , P . M ., Bro . J . J . Holmes was re-elected Tyler . Bro . Thos , Hill , P . M ., proposed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
brethren that anything he could do to promote the interests ot the lodge , he would do cheerfully . —The W . M . proposed the health of the other P . M . ' s in a neat speech . —Bro . FROUD , P . M ., and Treasurer , Bro . GARROD , P . M ., and Secretary , and Bro . MOMANNS , P . M .. replied in suitable terms and at considerable length . —Tho next toast was " The Officers of the Lodge ; " the W . M . said it was a well known fact that the Belgrave possessed good officers : good officers were of infinite service to a lod and a great
ge , ¦ aid to the AA ' . M ., and lie hoped that each of the officers would follow him through that chair . —Bro . EVENDEN , S . AV ., on behalf of the officers , thanked the AV . M . and brethren for the manner in which the toast was proposed and received , and ¦ assured him that they ivould each endeavour to discharge their respective duties to his entire satisfaction . —The AA ' . M . said that he now brought before the notice of the brethren a toast which he
had no doubt would be well resjionded to , "The Press . " The necessity of possessing a medium by whose means civilisation was fostered and promoted , or instruction and information conveyed , was generally recognised ; the Masonic body happily possessed a Magazine at all times ready to defend the Craft and promulgate its true tenets , and in its pages much instruction and information were to be found , he would therefore give the " FREEMASONS'
MAGAZINE , " coupled with the health of Bro . Stewart , S . D . —Bro . STEWART thanked the AA ' . M . and brethren on behalf of the Press iu general , and the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE in particular , and could endorse the statements of the AA ' . M . with regard to the usefulness of the Magazine . He also thanked the W . M . for appointing him S . D ., and said that ifc was the hope of reward which sweetened labour , his labours as S . D . would be sweetened by the hope of receiving the approbation of the brethren . —Bro . GROGAN then said :
¦ it fell to his lot to propose the health of an individual to whom the "brethren were much indebted for a large share of their enjoyment , he meant Bro . Clemow , their host , the manner in which the ban-• quet was served reflected great credit on him , and spoke well as to his resources . On behalf of himself and the rest of the brethren he tendered him their united thanks . —Bro . CIEMOIV said he felt highly gratified , that his exertions met with the approbation of so
distinguished a lodge as the Belgrave , and no exertions ivould be spared on his part to merit a continuance of their good feeling and esteem . The Tyler's toast brought the proceedings to a termination . The enjoyment of the brethren was considerably enhanced hy the harmony of Bros . Hunting , Evouden , Martin , Baily , and Thorns .
DEVONSHIRE . "TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY or THE LATE EARL FORTESCUE , PROV . G . MASTER . The brethren of Devon have made a move with the view of paying a tribute to the memory of the late Lord Fortescue , who was for more than a quarter of a century Provincial Grand Masterand
, who , throughout that period , always had the general respect and love of the brethren . A meeting was held in the Masonic Hall , Tore-street , Exeter , on AVednesday , the 13 th insfc ., ivhieh was attended by the representatives of the various lodges throughout the province , at ivhieh the question of paying a tribute to tbe memory of the Prov . G . M . was discussed , it was generally felt that such a tribute , to be in keeping ivith the leading principles of
the Order and with the character of the deceased brother , should he of a benevolent character ; and that as there must needs be amongst tbe thousands of Freemasons in Devonshire , many who , from unforseen misfortune , may be reduced to circumstances in which pecuniary assistance would be acceptable , if not absolutely necessary , it was thought a fitting useful form for the tribute would be to form a fund that should lie available for such a purpose , to be called " The Fortescue Annuity Fund . " This proposal was
so heartily received by the brethren present as to leave no doubt of a large sum being very speedily raised . A committee of nine , which 'includes the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the Rev . John Huyshe , and the Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . AA' . Denis Moore / was appointed to organise a constitution for the new institution . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . BTACxmno * . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Old Bull Hotel , on
the evening of Thursday last , under the presidency of Bros . Bertwistle , AA ' . M ., Tiplady , S . AA' ., and Hartley , J . W . The lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last regular lodge , held October 17 th , were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second and third degrees , when Bro . Henry Weymss Fielden , who had given satisfactory proofs of his efficiency in the first and second degrees , was raised to the sublime degree of
AA ' . M ., the , ceremony being performed by Bro . Bell , P . M ., to whom a vote of thanks was subsequently sriven for the impressive manner in ivhieh this beautiful ceremony was rendered . The lodge was then closed to the first degree when a ballot was taken for the election of AA' . M . for the ensuing year , which was unanimous in favour of Bro . Tiplady , S . AA' ., who is eminently qualified for the distinguished position to which the brethren have so unanimously elected him , and under
whose presidency , we may augur well for the prosperity of 432 , during the ensuing year . Bro . Thomas was proposed as a joining member . The lodge was then closed in form at 9 ' 45 , when the brethren adjourned to supper . After the cloth had been removed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the evening was pleasantly interspersed with speech , sentiment , and song . The following members were present . —Bros . Bertwistle , AA ' . M . ; Tiplady , S . W . ; Hartley , J . AA' . ; Heath , S . D . ; Pearson , Tyler ; Bell , P . M . ; Pilkington , P . M . ; Radeliffe , P . M . ; Fielden , Hirst , Taylor , "Woolfall , Abbott , Banister , Sec , Astley , Eastwood , Clayton , Hilton . Visitors Bros . Thomas , P . M ., and Langley , W . M .
SOMERSETSHIRE . HIGHBRIDGE BUENHAM . —Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) . —This lodge held a meeting of emergency , on Friday , the 15 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Railway Hotel , Highbridge , for the purpose of initiating three gentlemen , and other lodge business . The Secretary stated he had received a letter from the AV . M . regretting his inability to attend . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro .
Henry Bridges , P . G . S . B . and D . Prov . G . M . presided . The lodge being opened in the first degree , Messrs . Robert Andrews , John Bellamy Payne , and James Cook , jun ., were severallyinitiated into the first degree of Freemasonry , and received the charge from the D . Prov . G . M ., who delivered it in his usual impressive manner . Bro . AV . Hodge having been examined and duly qualified , was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . N . A . Burt having been examined and found duly qualifiedwas
, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The lodge was closed in form , and the brethren adjourned for the banquet , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and a collection made for the Benevolent Fund . The brethren separated at an early hour , having spent a very pleasant eveningtogether .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BRADFORD . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 379 ) . —At a meeting of this prosperous lodge , held at the new rooms on Monday last , Nov . 18 , there were present the W . M ., Bro . James Lumb ; Past Masters T . Hill ; C . H . Taylor , 3 I . D . ; David Salmond , P . Prov . G . AV . ; M . Rogerson ; AA " . Mawson , Prov . G . Sup . of AA'orks ; AA'illiam Gath ,
P . Prov . G . AV . ; Henry Smith , P . Prov . S . G . D ., as Secretary ; Rev . AVm . Fearnsides , Chap . ; John Gaunt , S . AA' . ; A . Hunter , J . AA' . ; Geo . Beanland , Treas . ; Arthur Briggs , as S . D . ; James Pickard , J . D . ; George Coleman , I . G . ; J . J . Holmes , O . G . ; J . H . Buckley , Curator ; L . Borrissow , Organist . A'isitors , R . AA' . Bolton , Dublin ( No . 125 ); AA'illiam Clapham , Bradford ( No . 874 ); E . Harrison , Leeds ( No . 384 ) . There being considerable business , the AA ' . M . opened the lodge punctually at seven , when the minutes of the last
lodge , held Oct . 21 st , were read and confirmed . Bro . L . Goldschmidt passed a satisfactory examination as an E . A ., and was passed to the 2 nd degree . Bro . Geo . Harrison ivas examined as a F . C , and , proving himself proficient , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . Thomas Hill , P . M ., giving instruction in the working tools . This being the night for electing tho W . M . for the ensuing year , the AA ' . M . commanded the Deacons to proceed with the ballot , ivhieh proved to be unanimously in favour of Bro .
Henry Ogle Mawson , an old and tried member of the lodge . Bro . Mawson hriefiy expressed his pleasure in receiving so distinguished an honour , and his determination to uphold the dignity of the chair and the character of the lodge in the province , being assured of the constant and unvaried support of the P . M . ' s and brethren . Bro . David Salmond , P . M ., proposed , and M . Rogerson seconded , the re-election of Bro . Geo . Beanland as Treasurer , which was carried -rmammously . On the motion of Win . Mawson , P . M ., Bro . J . J . Holmes was re-elected Tyler . Bro . Thos , Hill , P . M ., proposed