Article THE WEEK. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE WEEK. Page 3 of 3 Article SPECIAL NOTICE. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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The Week.
administrator of the archbishop had been arrested on account of the churches being still closed , and because he had written a disrespectful letter to General Luders . The arrest was made in pursuance of orders from St . Petersburg , and his trial will take place before a court-martial . The Chapter has refused to comply with the request of the Government to elect another administrator , and
has appealed to Rome . The Russian Government is , therefore , likely to be committed to a contest with the Roman See . A supplement to the Gazette of the 15 th contains the convention agreed upon between England , Spain , and France , with reference to the affairs of Mexico . The strength of the combined force to be employed for the purpose of obtaining satisfaction from the
Mexican authorities is not determined by this instrument , but the contracting parties engage that "the total shall be sufficient to seize and occupy tiie several fortresses and military positions" on the coast . The allied commanders are to be allowed a wide discretion , and arc authorised to execute the other operations which may be considered , on the spot , most likely to effect the objects
contemplated . The three Powers do not seek any territorial acquisition , and they bind themselves not to interfere so as to influence the Mexicans in their choice of a form of government . A commission will be established for the purpose of settling questions as to the application of the money which may be obtained from Mexico . The government of AVashington has been
invited to co-operate with England , France , and Spain ; but the three Poivers will not await the accession of the United States beyond the time at wliich the European forces can he assembled in the neighbourhood of Vera Gruz . Sir Alexander Milne's squadron will be greatly strengthened by the addition of the Donegal , Conqueror , and Sanspareil , which left Plymouth Sound last week , with a battalion of marines ; and two other vessels are under orders for the same station .
AMERICA .- —AVe are now in possesssion of the New York papers to the 3 rd instant , brought by the City of Baltimore . Lincoln announced in person to the veteran general the acceptance of his resignation , and expressed his sorrow at the necessity , arising from age and ill-health , ivhieh compelled it . General M'Clellan is his successor , and has heen placed at the head of the entire army .
No engagement had taken place on the Potomac . The Southerners had erected strong fortifications at Centreville , and had 10 , 000 men at Fairfax Court House and 10 , 000 afc Manassas . The Southerners are said to have 496 , 000 men in all under arms . The principal items of intelligence of two and three days' later date are that General M'Clellan is confident of victory , and believes that the war ivill be short and desperate ; that General Fremont ' s removal is received with sreat dissatisfaction and that there was a
proposal to make him Dictator of the South-AVest ; and that several companies had laid down their arms , and said that they ivould only fight under Fremont . Neiv York papers brought by the Africa stated that General Fremont had obeyed the orders of the Washington Government , and laid down his command . In his farewell address to the troops he thanks them for the confidence they had always placed in him , and regrets that he will not have the honour of leading them to the victory which they were about
to win . Tiie large naval expedition , ifc is thought , intends to make a landing at Bull ' s Bay or Port Royal , to serve as a base of operations against Charleston . Important news has arrived from Southampton , giving an joutline of the burning of a Federal vessel ( the Harr-ei / Birch ) , by order of a Confederate captain , so near the British coast as 3 at . 49-8 , and long . 9 ' 50 . The Confederate vessel had just put into Southampton for repairs . It appears that MrEdwin James has been formalladmitted to the
Ameri-. y can bar . According to the JS ' ew York Times , this " distinguished British member of Parliament , and Queen ' s Counsel" intends to make the Empire City his home ; and despite recent proceedings in London , lie will find " generous , as well as formidable , competitors for the high prizes of his profession . "
IONIAN ISLANDS . —AA ' e have to report another military murderprompted apparently by motives similar to those which led to the tragic occurrences at Preston and Aldershot . A private , named Chaclwick , belonging to the 1 st battalion of the 9 th Regiment , afc present stationed at Corfu , had been sentenced to six days' confine-
The Week.
ment for insubordinate conduct towards his corporal , Donollan . This punishment seems to have maddened him ; and on the 26 th of October he . entered the corporal's room , and discharged his rifle at him . Donollan received the ball in his side , and died two days afterwards . Chadwick was at once tried and sentenced to death , and on the Sth inst . he was hanged on the South Parade , in the citadel of Corfu .
Special Notice.
AA'ith the MAGAZINE , of Nov . 2 , a beautiful Steel Engraving of the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . & ., P . D . G . M ., in full Masonic costume , was presented gratuitously to every subscriber to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . The Engraving has been executed in the highest style of art , hy
Posselwhite , from a photograph by Mayall . A few copies for framing ( suitable for lodge and other presents ) may be had as follows ;—India Proofs , before letters ( which must be ordered immediately ) 7 6
India Proofs ( after letters ) ..:.. ... 5 0 Large Plate Paper 3 0 A few proof impressions of the Right JHJon . Earl of Zetland , Gr , Master , may still be had : India paper , 5 s . : large plate paper , 3 s .
To Correspondents.
TO SUBSCRIBERS AND OTHERS . —All remittances by cheque , post , office orders , Ice ., are to be made payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AVilliam Smith , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . COMMUNICATIONS for the EDITOR to be addressed to H . Gf . AA ' arren-Esq ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . ALL ORDERS or Communications with respect to the publishing
department to he addressed to the Publisher , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . A PAST MASTER . —A companion cannot be lawfully elected as First Principal of a Chapter , who has not filled the chair of a Craft lodge—nor been the second or third principal . Indeed he cannot fill any of the chairs in Arehmasonry without having first served
as AV . M of a Craft lodge . The rule relative to foreign lodges does not absolve a companion from the necessity of first passing the chair in a Craft lodge . J . H . Y . —A ledge being opened in the third degree may be resumed in the first or second , b : i ; cranot he again resumed in the third ivithout re-cpenhig . B . J . —We do not consider it ; ie _ -e ? = a ; -y to return the name of the
Tyler to Grand or Provincial Grand Lodge . He is not , as a rule , a member of the lodge . Should he , however , pay the dues to the Fund of Benevolerice through the lodge , as provided for at page 82 of the Bool : of Constitutions , he must be returned . PROV . GRAND LODGE OF NORTHUMBERLAND . —In our report last week , 391 , ive accideuily omitted before the speech of Bro . ThompsonProvSGWthe following lines : — ' ' The
, . . .., new officers' health " being proposed hy P . Prov . S . G . D ., Bro . Thos . Crawford . " AV . H . H . —AVe have written to you privately . T . L . —We will reply next week , when we have consulted the work .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
administrator of the archbishop had been arrested on account of the churches being still closed , and because he had written a disrespectful letter to General Luders . The arrest was made in pursuance of orders from St . Petersburg , and his trial will take place before a court-martial . The Chapter has refused to comply with the request of the Government to elect another administrator , and
has appealed to Rome . The Russian Government is , therefore , likely to be committed to a contest with the Roman See . A supplement to the Gazette of the 15 th contains the convention agreed upon between England , Spain , and France , with reference to the affairs of Mexico . The strength of the combined force to be employed for the purpose of obtaining satisfaction from the
Mexican authorities is not determined by this instrument , but the contracting parties engage that "the total shall be sufficient to seize and occupy tiie several fortresses and military positions" on the coast . The allied commanders are to be allowed a wide discretion , and arc authorised to execute the other operations which may be considered , on the spot , most likely to effect the objects
contemplated . The three Powers do not seek any territorial acquisition , and they bind themselves not to interfere so as to influence the Mexicans in their choice of a form of government . A commission will be established for the purpose of settling questions as to the application of the money which may be obtained from Mexico . The government of AVashington has been
invited to co-operate with England , France , and Spain ; but the three Poivers will not await the accession of the United States beyond the time at wliich the European forces can he assembled in the neighbourhood of Vera Gruz . Sir Alexander Milne's squadron will be greatly strengthened by the addition of the Donegal , Conqueror , and Sanspareil , which left Plymouth Sound last week , with a battalion of marines ; and two other vessels are under orders for the same station .
AMERICA .- —AVe are now in possesssion of the New York papers to the 3 rd instant , brought by the City of Baltimore . Lincoln announced in person to the veteran general the acceptance of his resignation , and expressed his sorrow at the necessity , arising from age and ill-health , ivhieh compelled it . General M'Clellan is his successor , and has heen placed at the head of the entire army .
No engagement had taken place on the Potomac . The Southerners had erected strong fortifications at Centreville , and had 10 , 000 men at Fairfax Court House and 10 , 000 afc Manassas . The Southerners are said to have 496 , 000 men in all under arms . The principal items of intelligence of two and three days' later date are that General M'Clellan is confident of victory , and believes that the war ivill be short and desperate ; that General Fremont ' s removal is received with sreat dissatisfaction and that there was a
proposal to make him Dictator of the South-AVest ; and that several companies had laid down their arms , and said that they ivould only fight under Fremont . Neiv York papers brought by the Africa stated that General Fremont had obeyed the orders of the Washington Government , and laid down his command . In his farewell address to the troops he thanks them for the confidence they had always placed in him , and regrets that he will not have the honour of leading them to the victory which they were about
to win . Tiie large naval expedition , ifc is thought , intends to make a landing at Bull ' s Bay or Port Royal , to serve as a base of operations against Charleston . Important news has arrived from Southampton , giving an joutline of the burning of a Federal vessel ( the Harr-ei / Birch ) , by order of a Confederate captain , so near the British coast as 3 at . 49-8 , and long . 9 ' 50 . The Confederate vessel had just put into Southampton for repairs . It appears that MrEdwin James has been formalladmitted to the
Ameri-. y can bar . According to the JS ' ew York Times , this " distinguished British member of Parliament , and Queen ' s Counsel" intends to make the Empire City his home ; and despite recent proceedings in London , lie will find " generous , as well as formidable , competitors for the high prizes of his profession . "
IONIAN ISLANDS . —AA ' e have to report another military murderprompted apparently by motives similar to those which led to the tragic occurrences at Preston and Aldershot . A private , named Chaclwick , belonging to the 1 st battalion of the 9 th Regiment , afc present stationed at Corfu , had been sentenced to six days' confine-
The Week.
ment for insubordinate conduct towards his corporal , Donollan . This punishment seems to have maddened him ; and on the 26 th of October he . entered the corporal's room , and discharged his rifle at him . Donollan received the ball in his side , and died two days afterwards . Chadwick was at once tried and sentenced to death , and on the Sth inst . he was hanged on the South Parade , in the citadel of Corfu .
Special Notice.
AA'ith the MAGAZINE , of Nov . 2 , a beautiful Steel Engraving of the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . & ., P . D . G . M ., in full Masonic costume , was presented gratuitously to every subscriber to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . The Engraving has been executed in the highest style of art , hy
Posselwhite , from a photograph by Mayall . A few copies for framing ( suitable for lodge and other presents ) may be had as follows ;—India Proofs , before letters ( which must be ordered immediately ) 7 6
India Proofs ( after letters ) ..:.. ... 5 0 Large Plate Paper 3 0 A few proof impressions of the Right JHJon . Earl of Zetland , Gr , Master , may still be had : India paper , 5 s . : large plate paper , 3 s .
To Correspondents.
TO SUBSCRIBERS AND OTHERS . —All remittances by cheque , post , office orders , Ice ., are to be made payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AVilliam Smith , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . COMMUNICATIONS for the EDITOR to be addressed to H . Gf . AA ' arren-Esq ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . ALL ORDERS or Communications with respect to the publishing
department to he addressed to the Publisher , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . A PAST MASTER . —A companion cannot be lawfully elected as First Principal of a Chapter , who has not filled the chair of a Craft lodge—nor been the second or third principal . Indeed he cannot fill any of the chairs in Arehmasonry without having first served
as AV . M of a Craft lodge . The rule relative to foreign lodges does not absolve a companion from the necessity of first passing the chair in a Craft lodge . J . H . Y . —A ledge being opened in the third degree may be resumed in the first or second , b : i ; cranot he again resumed in the third ivithout re-cpenhig . B . J . —We do not consider it ; ie _ -e ? = a ; -y to return the name of the
Tyler to Grand or Provincial Grand Lodge . He is not , as a rule , a member of the lodge . Should he , however , pay the dues to the Fund of Benevolerice through the lodge , as provided for at page 82 of the Bool : of Constitutions , he must be returned . PROV . GRAND LODGE OF NORTHUMBERLAND . —In our report last week , 391 , ive accideuily omitted before the speech of Bro . ThompsonProvSGWthe following lines : — ' ' The
, . . .., new officers' health " being proposed hy P . Prov . S . G . D ., Bro . Thos . Crawford . " AV . H . H . —AVe have written to you privately . T . L . —We will reply next week , when we have consulted the work .