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J . H . Buckley as Curator , which was also carried . Bro . C . H . Taylor proposed Bro . Richard Harrison , P . M ., of No . 384 , Leeds , as a joining member . Bro . D . Salmond proposed , and fM . Rogerson seconded , Mr . Little as a candidate for initiation . Bro . AA'illiam Gath , P . M ., proposed that the Rev . Bro . AVoodford be requested to deliver his lecture on Masonry at the next lodge meeting in December , this was seconded by the Rev . AA'illiam Fearnsides ,
Chap ., and being carried , Bro . Gath was desired to communicate with Bro . AA ' oodford . The business of the evening was concluded at half-past nine , and the brethren sat down to an excellent supper , which had been prepared on the premises . SHEFFIELD . —Brittania Lodge ( No . 162 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , 14 th hist ., in the Freemason's HallSurrey-street . Bro . AVm . Whitejun . AV . M .
, , , , and Prov . G . A . D . C ., presided , and there was a very large muster of the brethren . Bros . Hannath , Glencross , and Hawksworth , were passed to the degree of F , C , and Bro . the Rev . C . E . Camidge , having proved his proficiency in the former degrees , was impressively raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and afterwards invested with the long vacant collar and jewel of Chaplain to the Brittania Lodge . Bro . Longdon , P . M ., said that he had great pleasure in
proposing that Bro . A . Hay , S . AV ., be elected AA ' . M . for the ensuing twelve months , and felt assured that the brethren would unanimously agree that he would be the " right man in the right place , " the very efficient and dignified manner in which Bro . Hay had fulfilled every duty devolving upon him , and his regular and punctual attendance , were a sufficient guarantee that the office of W . M . would not suffer in his hands . Bro . Eadon , P . M ., having seconded the nomination in equally commendatory terms , Bro . Hay was
unanimously elected , and returned thanks in an appropriate manner . A committee ivas appointed to superintend the arrangement of the annual ball , which will shortly take place in the Cutler ' s Hall .
NEW SOUTH AVALES . INSTALLATION OP THE PROV . G . M . The ceremony of the installation of the Right AVorshipful Brother John Williams , as the Prov . G . M . of Neiv South AA' ales under the English Constitution , took place at the Australasian Freemasons' Hall , Clarence-street , Sydney , on Aug . 28 th .
There were about three hundred of the brethren present , and amongst them were Bros . J . AA'illiams , G . Thornton , Dr . Macfarlane , Rev . D . AVoolley . Rev . G . Macarthur , J . Hoskins , M . L . A . ; D . Dalglaish , M . L . A .,- A . Stewart , M . L . A .,- A . T . Hoh-oyd , M . L . A . ; R . Driver , M . L . A . ; and Captain Malcolm . The hall in which the ceremony was conducted was decorated with flags , and the brethren having assembled , were ranged round the Hall according to their rankand the several Constitutions to
, which they belonged . At a few minutes after twelve o ' clock the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened by the 11 . W . Bro . J . AA'illiams in the first degree , and after an appropriate prayer , hy the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . AA'illiams left the chair , which ivas taken by the Rev . Bro . JDr . AA' oolley , the Installing Officer , who opened the lodge in the second degree . A prayer by the Chaplain was then given , and tho lodge was then opened in the third degree . A prayer by the lain next followedand of solemn music
Chap , a piece was then played , on the organ , by the Prov . G . Org ., Bro . Palmer . The Installing Officer read the patent conferring the honour of Prov . G . M ., under the English Constitution of New South AA'ales , on Bro . J . AVilliams , and signed by Bro . Lord Zetland , G . M . of England . The Prov . G . Master Bro . AVilliams , supported on each side by the Prov . G . M ., under the Irish Constitution , Bro . Thornton , and the Prov . G . M . under the Scottish Constitution , Bro .
Dr . Macfarlane , was then presented from the west to the Installing Officer , solemn music being played in the meantime . The obligation having been taken by the Prov . G . M . he was invested with the jewel and badge of office by the Installing Officer . The brethren then formed a circle , the Prov . G . Lodge officers standing in the centre , and the Prov . G . M . conducted by the Prov . G . M . under the Irish Constitution , and Prov . G . M . under the Scottish Constitution , and the Prov . G . Director of the Ceremonies , marched three times
round the circle , solemn music being played ivhile this ceremony was performed . The Prov . G . M . was then placed in the chair , and proceeded to the investment ofthe Prov . G .
lodge officers . The Prov . G . M . was them proclaimed in the east by the installing officer , and saluted with Masonic honours by the brethren , amidst music The Prov . G . M . ivas then proclaimed in the west and saluted , and afterwards proclaimed in ihe south and saluted . An anthem was next sung by the brothers J . and P . Howson ; and the Lodge being closed , the National Anthem , God save the Queenwas sungand the proceedings terminated .
, , The following letter of congratulation from Batliursfc ivas presented to the Prov . G . M .: —¦ "To the Right AVorshipful John AA'illiams , Esquire , J . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Free Masons , in New South AVales , under the Grand Lodge of England . "Right Worshipful Sir , —AVe , the Worshipful Master , Officers , and brethren of the Independent Lodge of the Great AA ' eslern
District ( No . 904 ) , beg to apprise you that at the last monthly meeting of the brethren , held at the Lodge Rooms , on Monday the 17 th instant , ifc was moved by Bro . AVilliam Farrand , seconded by Bro . Samuel Robinson , and unanimously carried , that a Congratulatory Address be forwarded for presentation to you at your approaching installation into the above-named office . " In obedience with the resolution thus passed , therefore , we beg to congratulate you upon your elevation to the important and
responsible office of Provincial Grand Master of New South AVales .. In doing so , we desire to assure you that ive fully participate in . that appreciation of your Masonic qualifications , and the important services you have rendered to the cause of Masonry in this colony , through a long series of years , which has led to your appointment .. That you may live long in the enjoyment of the distinguished honour thus conferred upon yon , in the estimation of all good Masons —and in the possession of health and happiness , is thesincere prayer of the brethren of our Fraternity . " Signed on behalf of the brethren , " R . Cousins , AV . M ., 904 . "
THE BANQUET . The banquet in celebration took place at the Australasian Freemasons' Hall , and was very numerously attended , probably not far short of two hundred of the brethren being present . The noble apartment in which the banquet was held was handsomely decorated with flags . The chair was occupied by Bro . Richard Driver , having on his left hand Dr . Macfarlane , the Prov . G . M . of
the Masons holding in this colony , under the Scotch Constitution , and on his right the R . AA . Brother who was the honoured guest of the evening . Next to Bro . AVilliams was the R . AV . Bro . George Thornton , the Prov . G . M . of the Masons holding under the Irish constitution . Near these ' gentleman , at tbe eastern end of the room , sat Bros . J . AA' oolley , G . F . Macarthur , James Murphy , J .. Mathews , F . B . Davidson , and other members of the Grand Lodges . There was a good baud in attendance ; and , at intervals in the
course of the evening , Bro . Brooks delighted everybody present hy his masterly performance on the harp . The vice-chair was occupied by Bro . A . T . Hoh-oyd . The dinner having been brought to a close . Bro . DRIVER proposed " The health of the Queen . " It was a toast which was always drunk by Masons with the greatest enthusiasm , in whatever part of the world they might happen to he . Hefelt it was quite unnecessary for him to speak in terms of eulogy of that distinguished lady whom they all were proud to acknowledge astheir sovereign . The toast did not require any such
recommendation at his hands . Soon he doubted not a son of Victoria would become a brother of the Order ; and the loyal feeling which all . true Masons felt towards the Queen be thus still further cemented .. Drank ivith all the honours . The AV . M . next briefly proposed the health ofthe Prince Consort , the Prince of AVales , and the Royal Family . It was with the liveliest satisfaction that they had observed the manner in which the Prince . Consort had always shown himself the patron of the Arts and .
Sciences . They could only hope that the son , with such a pattern before him , might be found to equal his father in this and every other respect . Drank with loud cheering . The W . M , then proposed "The health ofthe Representative of . her Majesty in this portion of her dominions . " The present Governor was as yet , it was true , almost a stranger amongst them but still ivhat they did know of him was in the highest degree of a favourable character . He hoped that when the time did come for
that gentleman to leave the colony they might not have more to say against him than they had at present . Drank with cheers . The AV . M . proposed the " Three Grand Lodges in the colony . " As members ofthe Order of Freemasonry under the English Constitution , they were , as they had reason to be , proud to belong to that branch of their common order—proud of their connection with the Grand Lodge of England , to whom they were under special obligations for the readiness with which ifc had acceded to the request of Masons in this colony , under that Constitution , that a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
J . H . Buckley as Curator , which was also carried . Bro . C . H . Taylor proposed Bro . Richard Harrison , P . M ., of No . 384 , Leeds , as a joining member . Bro . D . Salmond proposed , and fM . Rogerson seconded , Mr . Little as a candidate for initiation . Bro . AA'illiam Gath , P . M ., proposed that the Rev . Bro . AVoodford be requested to deliver his lecture on Masonry at the next lodge meeting in December , this was seconded by the Rev . AA'illiam Fearnsides ,
Chap ., and being carried , Bro . Gath was desired to communicate with Bro . AA ' oodford . The business of the evening was concluded at half-past nine , and the brethren sat down to an excellent supper , which had been prepared on the premises . SHEFFIELD . —Brittania Lodge ( No . 162 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , 14 th hist ., in the Freemason's HallSurrey-street . Bro . AVm . Whitejun . AV . M .
, , , , and Prov . G . A . D . C ., presided , and there was a very large muster of the brethren . Bros . Hannath , Glencross , and Hawksworth , were passed to the degree of F , C , and Bro . the Rev . C . E . Camidge , having proved his proficiency in the former degrees , was impressively raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and afterwards invested with the long vacant collar and jewel of Chaplain to the Brittania Lodge . Bro . Longdon , P . M ., said that he had great pleasure in
proposing that Bro . A . Hay , S . AV ., be elected AA ' . M . for the ensuing twelve months , and felt assured that the brethren would unanimously agree that he would be the " right man in the right place , " the very efficient and dignified manner in which Bro . Hay had fulfilled every duty devolving upon him , and his regular and punctual attendance , were a sufficient guarantee that the office of W . M . would not suffer in his hands . Bro . Eadon , P . M ., having seconded the nomination in equally commendatory terms , Bro . Hay was
unanimously elected , and returned thanks in an appropriate manner . A committee ivas appointed to superintend the arrangement of the annual ball , which will shortly take place in the Cutler ' s Hall .
NEW SOUTH AVALES . INSTALLATION OP THE PROV . G . M . The ceremony of the installation of the Right AVorshipful Brother John Williams , as the Prov . G . M . of Neiv South AA' ales under the English Constitution , took place at the Australasian Freemasons' Hall , Clarence-street , Sydney , on Aug . 28 th .
There were about three hundred of the brethren present , and amongst them were Bros . J . AA'illiams , G . Thornton , Dr . Macfarlane , Rev . D . AVoolley . Rev . G . Macarthur , J . Hoskins , M . L . A . ; D . Dalglaish , M . L . A .,- A . Stewart , M . L . A .,- A . T . Hoh-oyd , M . L . A . ; R . Driver , M . L . A . ; and Captain Malcolm . The hall in which the ceremony was conducted was decorated with flags , and the brethren having assembled , were ranged round the Hall according to their rankand the several Constitutions to
, which they belonged . At a few minutes after twelve o ' clock the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened by the 11 . W . Bro . J . AA'illiams in the first degree , and after an appropriate prayer , hy the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . AA'illiams left the chair , which ivas taken by the Rev . Bro . JDr . AA' oolley , the Installing Officer , who opened the lodge in the second degree . A prayer by the Chaplain was then given , and tho lodge was then opened in the third degree . A prayer by the lain next followedand of solemn music
Chap , a piece was then played , on the organ , by the Prov . G . Org ., Bro . Palmer . The Installing Officer read the patent conferring the honour of Prov . G . M ., under the English Constitution of New South AA'ales , on Bro . J . AVilliams , and signed by Bro . Lord Zetland , G . M . of England . The Prov . G . Master Bro . AVilliams , supported on each side by the Prov . G . M ., under the Irish Constitution , Bro . Thornton , and the Prov . G . M . under the Scottish Constitution , Bro .
Dr . Macfarlane , was then presented from the west to the Installing Officer , solemn music being played in the meantime . The obligation having been taken by the Prov . G . M . he was invested with the jewel and badge of office by the Installing Officer . The brethren then formed a circle , the Prov . G . Lodge officers standing in the centre , and the Prov . G . M . conducted by the Prov . G . M . under the Irish Constitution , and Prov . G . M . under the Scottish Constitution , and the Prov . G . Director of the Ceremonies , marched three times
round the circle , solemn music being played ivhile this ceremony was performed . The Prov . G . M . was then placed in the chair , and proceeded to the investment ofthe Prov . G .
lodge officers . The Prov . G . M . was them proclaimed in the east by the installing officer , and saluted with Masonic honours by the brethren , amidst music The Prov . G . M . ivas then proclaimed in the west and saluted , and afterwards proclaimed in ihe south and saluted . An anthem was next sung by the brothers J . and P . Howson ; and the Lodge being closed , the National Anthem , God save the Queenwas sungand the proceedings terminated .
, , The following letter of congratulation from Batliursfc ivas presented to the Prov . G . M .: —¦ "To the Right AVorshipful John AA'illiams , Esquire , J . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Free Masons , in New South AVales , under the Grand Lodge of England . "Right Worshipful Sir , —AVe , the Worshipful Master , Officers , and brethren of the Independent Lodge of the Great AA ' eslern
District ( No . 904 ) , beg to apprise you that at the last monthly meeting of the brethren , held at the Lodge Rooms , on Monday the 17 th instant , ifc was moved by Bro . AVilliam Farrand , seconded by Bro . Samuel Robinson , and unanimously carried , that a Congratulatory Address be forwarded for presentation to you at your approaching installation into the above-named office . " In obedience with the resolution thus passed , therefore , we beg to congratulate you upon your elevation to the important and
responsible office of Provincial Grand Master of New South AVales .. In doing so , we desire to assure you that ive fully participate in . that appreciation of your Masonic qualifications , and the important services you have rendered to the cause of Masonry in this colony , through a long series of years , which has led to your appointment .. That you may live long in the enjoyment of the distinguished honour thus conferred upon yon , in the estimation of all good Masons —and in the possession of health and happiness , is thesincere prayer of the brethren of our Fraternity . " Signed on behalf of the brethren , " R . Cousins , AV . M ., 904 . "
THE BANQUET . The banquet in celebration took place at the Australasian Freemasons' Hall , and was very numerously attended , probably not far short of two hundred of the brethren being present . The noble apartment in which the banquet was held was handsomely decorated with flags . The chair was occupied by Bro . Richard Driver , having on his left hand Dr . Macfarlane , the Prov . G . M . of
the Masons holding in this colony , under the Scotch Constitution , and on his right the R . AA . Brother who was the honoured guest of the evening . Next to Bro . AVilliams was the R . AV . Bro . George Thornton , the Prov . G . M . of the Masons holding under the Irish constitution . Near these ' gentleman , at tbe eastern end of the room , sat Bros . J . AA' oolley , G . F . Macarthur , James Murphy , J .. Mathews , F . B . Davidson , and other members of the Grand Lodges . There was a good baud in attendance ; and , at intervals in the
course of the evening , Bro . Brooks delighted everybody present hy his masterly performance on the harp . The vice-chair was occupied by Bro . A . T . Hoh-oyd . The dinner having been brought to a close . Bro . DRIVER proposed " The health of the Queen . " It was a toast which was always drunk by Masons with the greatest enthusiasm , in whatever part of the world they might happen to he . Hefelt it was quite unnecessary for him to speak in terms of eulogy of that distinguished lady whom they all were proud to acknowledge astheir sovereign . The toast did not require any such
recommendation at his hands . Soon he doubted not a son of Victoria would become a brother of the Order ; and the loyal feeling which all . true Masons felt towards the Queen be thus still further cemented .. Drank ivith all the honours . The AV . M . next briefly proposed the health ofthe Prince Consort , the Prince of AVales , and the Royal Family . It was with the liveliest satisfaction that they had observed the manner in which the Prince . Consort had always shown himself the patron of the Arts and .
Sciences . They could only hope that the son , with such a pattern before him , might be found to equal his father in this and every other respect . Drank with loud cheering . The W . M , then proposed "The health ofthe Representative of . her Majesty in this portion of her dominions . " The present Governor was as yet , it was true , almost a stranger amongst them but still ivhat they did know of him was in the highest degree of a favourable character . He hoped that when the time did come for
that gentleman to leave the colony they might not have more to say against him than they had at present . Drank with cheers . The AV . M . proposed the " Three Grand Lodges in the colony . " As members ofthe Order of Freemasonry under the English Constitution , they were , as they had reason to be , proud to belong to that branch of their common order—proud of their connection with the Grand Lodge of England , to whom they were under special obligations for the readiness with which ifc had acceded to the request of Masons in this colony , under that Constitution , that a