Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury , street , Strand , London , W . C .
ENOCH LODGE ( NO . 11 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 14 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , ¦ when Bro . John Dale , W . M ., and hia officers were present , and passed Bro . G . A . Thomas to the degree of F . C . Bro . Swan , I . P . 51 ., in a most able manner raised Bro . H . Whittaker to the third degree . Other Masonic business being concluded , the brethren retired to banquet , over Avhice the W . M . presided , supported by Bros . Fergusson and AVallace , Senior and Junior Wardens , aud
H . Potter , I . Bird , P . Matthews , C . Watson , Frederic Ledger , "W . J . Buel , W . Greaves , & c , Past Masters . A very pleasant evening was passed , the vocal and instrumental abilities of Bro . John Baptiste Ciabatta adding not a little to the same , seconded with the assistance of Bros . C . Watson , P . Matthews , and Greaves . The visitors Avere Bros . H . Patten , Prov . G . S . B ., G . Bird , Smith , ( Domatic ) , and Laforest . LODOK OE JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) . —This lodge met on the 14 th
inst ., at the White Swan , Deptford . In tlie absence of Bro . J . Lightfoot , W . M ., through illness , Bro . J . Bavin , I . P . M ., opened the lodge , and afterwards raised four brethren . Bro . G . Bolton then took the chair , raised one brother , and passed another . He then initiated one gentleman into Freemasonry . All the ceremonies were most efficiently performed . Amongst the officers and brethren present were Bros . Chapman , S . W . ; Patte , J . W . ; Bolton , P . M ., Treas . ; Davis , P . M ., Sec . ; Andrews ,
S . D . ; Batt , J . D . ; Sinclair , I . G . j Bavin , P . M . ; Cavell , P . M . ; Walters , P . M . ; Clothier , P . M . ; Avery , P . M . ; Moore , P . M . ; "Wingneld , and Goodman . A large number of visitors graced the lodge . Three gentlemen Avere proposed for initiation at next meeting . The lodge was then closed . WESTBOTTENE LOD & E ( NO . 733 ) . —This highly prosperous lodge held its meeting at Bro . Davison's , the New Inn , Eilgware-road , on the 15 th inst ., under the auspices of Bro . Thomas Carter , W . M .: Oberdoerffer , S . W . ; and H . H . Davis , as J . W . pro tern .
There were nine brethren raised , four passed , and two initiated ( Messrs . Bott and Levin ) . Besides this formidable list , there was the ceremony of installation to be performed , which ivas done by Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . M ., in au impressive manner . Bro . H . A . Stacey , P . M ., upon taking the chair , wound up the business of the lodge ; after which the brethren , numbering between seventy and eighty , sat down to an excellent dinner , which was provided by Bro . Davison , to whcin great credit is
due for the tasteful way in Avhich the tables were laid out , and the accommodation provided . After the usual toasts the W . M . gave " The Initiates , " to which Bro . Bott responded . " The Visitors " came next , amongst whom Ave noticed Bros . Goring , JP . M . 23 , < Scc . ; Thorns , P . M . 186 ; Charles Sinclair , P . M . 226 ; Cobham , P . M . of the Union Lodge , Uxbridge ; Armitage , of the Koyal Arch Lodge , Glasgow ; aud others . Bro . Goring thanked the W . M . and brethren on behalf of the visitors , and
congratulated the lodge upon the success which it had attained under the I . P . M ., Bro . Carter . The W . M . then , in the name of the lodge , presented Bro . Carter with a ten guinea jewel , stating that during the two years Bro . Carter had been in the -chair he had initiated 75 gentlemen , and ten brethren had J oined the lodge . The lodge lud been able to purchase an harmonium , and last , but not least , had been enabled , through . Bro . Carter ' s exertions , to give twenty guineas to the Boys' School .
Bro . Carter , P . M ., returned thanks , and in doing so said that lie had only been six months a Mason , out of which period he hacl served the offices of Secretary , S . W ., and two years W . M ., and ¦ he attributed his rapid progress in the Craft fco the great assistance and personal attention of the present W . M ., Bro . Stacey . Bro . Carter , P . M ., then proposed "The W . M . ' s good health , " and congratulated the members upon having so able a Master . Bro . Stacey having briefly thanked the lodge , proposed "The P . M . 's , " ¦ which was suitably acknOAvledged by Bros . Loeweustarke , C . A . Cottebrune , Dietrich , and Harrison . " The health of the
Officers , " Avas then given , Bros . Grunehann , Quinton , and others aesponding . After spending a delightful evening the members separated , but we must not forget tbe efficient services of Bro . Braid , Organist , both in lodge and at the banquet . The pleasures of the evening were enhanced by the vocal abilities of Bros . C . Sinclair , P . M . ; E . Hart , Finch , and others . DOKIO LODGE ( NO . 933 ) . —Tbe installation meeting of this harcl-AA-orking lod was held on the 14 th instantat tbe
ge , Bglinton Arms , Coborn-road , Bow , and from the nature of the proceedings , the day will doubtless be remembered for years to come by every Metropolitan Doric Brother as a red letter day in the chronicles of No . 933 . The brethren having mustered in considerable strength , the chair of K . S . was taken by Bro . D . Seurr , supported by Bros . Gilchrist , S . W . ; Robottom , S . D . ; Barnes , J . D . ; Bowron , I . G . ; Taylor , Secretary ; and
Grant , Tyler . Previously to the installation of the VV . M . elect ( Bro . Gilchrist ) one brother was passed to the F . C . degree , aud two brethren were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremony of installing Bro . Gilchrist into the chair of K . S . as W . M . of the Doric Lodge for the ensuing year was conducted in a manner reflecting the greatest credit on tbe P . M . 's , Bros , Hamilton and Hudson ( 554 ) , who assistedat this imposing and solemn ceremonial . Bro . Gilchrist having
been duly installed into the chair of K . S ., appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —Robottom , S . W . ; Barnes ( sen . ) , J . W . ; Bowron , S . D . ; Taylor , J . D . j Barnes ( jun . ) , I . G . ; Seurr , P . M ., Treas . ; Stokes , W . S . ; Grant , Tyler . The ceremony of initiating a candidate into the Order was then performed by Bro . Gilchrist , the W . M ., in a most able and impressive manner . Votes of money from the funds of the lodge in aid of our charities having been passed , and it
having been announced that Bro . Robottom , the newly appointed S . W ., had undertaken to represent tbe Doric Lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Boys'School . * Bro . Barnes , sen ., moved that £ 5 5 s . be voted for a P . M . ' s jewel to be presented to Bro . Seurr , the retiring W . M . It was with great pleasure he rose to propose this , as he was of opinion that if ever a retiring W . af . Avas entitled to such a mark of respect and esteem , and in appreciation of his unbounded zeal and
attention to all appertaining to the welfare of the lodge during his term of office , then indeed that brother was their highly respected I . P . M ., Bro . Seurr , and he felt assured that when he said this he was expressing the views of all the members . The motion ivas seconded by the S . W ., and carried unanimously by acclamation , after a very warm eulogium being passed upon Bro . Seurr by bis successor in office . It was then proposed by Bro . Barnes , sen ., and seconded by the W . M .,
that Bro , Saqui be elected an honorary member of this lodge . The motion was carried unanimously , after a very justly earned compliment had been paid by several of the brethren to the veteran brother , to whom , as the instructor to the Doric Lodge since its formation , they were so deeply indebted , and Bro . Saqui ' s services during upwards of forty years in the Craft as a most zealous Mason , gave him additional claims their considerationBro . Saqui having thanked the
breupon . thren in very feeling terms for tbe high honour they bad conferred upon him , two gentlemen were tben proposed for the ballot at tlie next meeting for initiation into the Order . Bro . Stevens , of the Yarboro' Lodge , was proposed to be balloted for at the next meeting to become a joining member of this lodge . The lodge business being finished , the brethren adjourned to banquet . Grace having been said , and the cloth drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and , as is customary
among the Craft , heartily responded to . The I . P . M ., Bro . Seurr , then proposed the health of the W . M . in most cordial and appropriate terms , ancl dilated upon the many qualities Avhich rendered Bro . Gilchrist so admirably adapted to preside over this lodge . Due honour having been paid to the toast , Bro . Gilchrist responded in a most feeling manner to tbe honour which he considered had been conferred upon him by being called to preside over this lod . Heindeedwas
upon ge , , this night a happy man , for he had attained the goal towards ivhich he had been aspiring , and for Avhich he had been working during seven years of an active Masonic career ; and he could say it Avith satisfaction that he had filled every office _ in a lodge , and he had ever made it a rule to make himself thoroughly competent in one office before he Avould accept the next higher , feeling convinced that no brother should take
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury , street , Strand , London , W . C .
ENOCH LODGE ( NO . 11 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 14 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , ¦ when Bro . John Dale , W . M ., and hia officers were present , and passed Bro . G . A . Thomas to the degree of F . C . Bro . Swan , I . P . 51 ., in a most able manner raised Bro . H . Whittaker to the third degree . Other Masonic business being concluded , the brethren retired to banquet , over Avhice the W . M . presided , supported by Bros . Fergusson and AVallace , Senior and Junior Wardens , aud
H . Potter , I . Bird , P . Matthews , C . Watson , Frederic Ledger , "W . J . Buel , W . Greaves , & c , Past Masters . A very pleasant evening was passed , the vocal and instrumental abilities of Bro . John Baptiste Ciabatta adding not a little to the same , seconded with the assistance of Bros . C . Watson , P . Matthews , and Greaves . The visitors Avere Bros . H . Patten , Prov . G . S . B ., G . Bird , Smith , ( Domatic ) , and Laforest . LODOK OE JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) . —This lodge met on the 14 th
inst ., at the White Swan , Deptford . In tlie absence of Bro . J . Lightfoot , W . M ., through illness , Bro . J . Bavin , I . P . M ., opened the lodge , and afterwards raised four brethren . Bro . G . Bolton then took the chair , raised one brother , and passed another . He then initiated one gentleman into Freemasonry . All the ceremonies were most efficiently performed . Amongst the officers and brethren present were Bros . Chapman , S . W . ; Patte , J . W . ; Bolton , P . M ., Treas . ; Davis , P . M ., Sec . ; Andrews ,
S . D . ; Batt , J . D . ; Sinclair , I . G . j Bavin , P . M . ; Cavell , P . M . ; Walters , P . M . ; Clothier , P . M . ; Avery , P . M . ; Moore , P . M . ; "Wingneld , and Goodman . A large number of visitors graced the lodge . Three gentlemen Avere proposed for initiation at next meeting . The lodge was then closed . WESTBOTTENE LOD & E ( NO . 733 ) . —This highly prosperous lodge held its meeting at Bro . Davison's , the New Inn , Eilgware-road , on the 15 th inst ., under the auspices of Bro . Thomas Carter , W . M .: Oberdoerffer , S . W . ; and H . H . Davis , as J . W . pro tern .
There were nine brethren raised , four passed , and two initiated ( Messrs . Bott and Levin ) . Besides this formidable list , there was the ceremony of installation to be performed , which ivas done by Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . M ., in au impressive manner . Bro . H . A . Stacey , P . M ., upon taking the chair , wound up the business of the lodge ; after which the brethren , numbering between seventy and eighty , sat down to an excellent dinner , which was provided by Bro . Davison , to whcin great credit is
due for the tasteful way in Avhich the tables were laid out , and the accommodation provided . After the usual toasts the W . M . gave " The Initiates , " to which Bro . Bott responded . " The Visitors " came next , amongst whom Ave noticed Bros . Goring , JP . M . 23 , < Scc . ; Thorns , P . M . 186 ; Charles Sinclair , P . M . 226 ; Cobham , P . M . of the Union Lodge , Uxbridge ; Armitage , of the Koyal Arch Lodge , Glasgow ; aud others . Bro . Goring thanked the W . M . and brethren on behalf of the visitors , and
congratulated the lodge upon the success which it had attained under the I . P . M ., Bro . Carter . The W . M . then , in the name of the lodge , presented Bro . Carter with a ten guinea jewel , stating that during the two years Bro . Carter had been in the -chair he had initiated 75 gentlemen , and ten brethren had J oined the lodge . The lodge lud been able to purchase an harmonium , and last , but not least , had been enabled , through . Bro . Carter ' s exertions , to give twenty guineas to the Boys' School .
Bro . Carter , P . M ., returned thanks , and in doing so said that lie had only been six months a Mason , out of which period he hacl served the offices of Secretary , S . W ., and two years W . M ., and ¦ he attributed his rapid progress in the Craft fco the great assistance and personal attention of the present W . M ., Bro . Stacey . Bro . Carter , P . M ., then proposed "The W . M . ' s good health , " and congratulated the members upon having so able a Master . Bro . Stacey having briefly thanked the lodge , proposed "The P . M . 's , " ¦ which was suitably acknOAvledged by Bros . Loeweustarke , C . A . Cottebrune , Dietrich , and Harrison . " The health of the
Officers , " Avas then given , Bros . Grunehann , Quinton , and others aesponding . After spending a delightful evening the members separated , but we must not forget tbe efficient services of Bro . Braid , Organist , both in lodge and at the banquet . The pleasures of the evening were enhanced by the vocal abilities of Bros . C . Sinclair , P . M . ; E . Hart , Finch , and others . DOKIO LODGE ( NO . 933 ) . —Tbe installation meeting of this harcl-AA-orking lod was held on the 14 th instantat tbe
ge , Bglinton Arms , Coborn-road , Bow , and from the nature of the proceedings , the day will doubtless be remembered for years to come by every Metropolitan Doric Brother as a red letter day in the chronicles of No . 933 . The brethren having mustered in considerable strength , the chair of K . S . was taken by Bro . D . Seurr , supported by Bros . Gilchrist , S . W . ; Robottom , S . D . ; Barnes , J . D . ; Bowron , I . G . ; Taylor , Secretary ; and
Grant , Tyler . Previously to the installation of the VV . M . elect ( Bro . Gilchrist ) one brother was passed to the F . C . degree , aud two brethren were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremony of installing Bro . Gilchrist into the chair of K . S . as W . M . of the Doric Lodge for the ensuing year was conducted in a manner reflecting the greatest credit on tbe P . M . 's , Bros , Hamilton and Hudson ( 554 ) , who assistedat this imposing and solemn ceremonial . Bro . Gilchrist having
been duly installed into the chair of K . S ., appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —Robottom , S . W . ; Barnes ( sen . ) , J . W . ; Bowron , S . D . ; Taylor , J . D . j Barnes ( jun . ) , I . G . ; Seurr , P . M ., Treas . ; Stokes , W . S . ; Grant , Tyler . The ceremony of initiating a candidate into the Order was then performed by Bro . Gilchrist , the W . M ., in a most able and impressive manner . Votes of money from the funds of the lodge in aid of our charities having been passed , and it
having been announced that Bro . Robottom , the newly appointed S . W ., had undertaken to represent tbe Doric Lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Boys'School . * Bro . Barnes , sen ., moved that £ 5 5 s . be voted for a P . M . ' s jewel to be presented to Bro . Seurr , the retiring W . M . It was with great pleasure he rose to propose this , as he was of opinion that if ever a retiring W . af . Avas entitled to such a mark of respect and esteem , and in appreciation of his unbounded zeal and
attention to all appertaining to the welfare of the lodge during his term of office , then indeed that brother was their highly respected I . P . M ., Bro . Seurr , and he felt assured that when he said this he was expressing the views of all the members . The motion ivas seconded by the S . W ., and carried unanimously by acclamation , after a very warm eulogium being passed upon Bro . Seurr by bis successor in office . It was then proposed by Bro . Barnes , sen ., and seconded by the W . M .,
that Bro , Saqui be elected an honorary member of this lodge . The motion was carried unanimously , after a very justly earned compliment had been paid by several of the brethren to the veteran brother , to whom , as the instructor to the Doric Lodge since its formation , they were so deeply indebted , and Bro . Saqui ' s services during upwards of forty years in the Craft as a most zealous Mason , gave him additional claims their considerationBro . Saqui having thanked the
breupon . thren in very feeling terms for tbe high honour they bad conferred upon him , two gentlemen were tben proposed for the ballot at tlie next meeting for initiation into the Order . Bro . Stevens , of the Yarboro' Lodge , was proposed to be balloted for at the next meeting to become a joining member of this lodge . The lodge business being finished , the brethren adjourned to banquet . Grace having been said , and the cloth drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and , as is customary
among the Craft , heartily responded to . The I . P . M ., Bro . Seurr , then proposed the health of the W . M . in most cordial and appropriate terms , ancl dilated upon the many qualities Avhich rendered Bro . Gilchrist so admirably adapted to preside over this lodge . Due honour having been paid to the toast , Bro . Gilchrist responded in a most feeling manner to tbe honour which he considered had been conferred upon him by being called to preside over this lod . Heindeedwas
upon ge , , this night a happy man , for he had attained the goal towards ivhich he had been aspiring , and for Avhich he had been working during seven years of an active Masonic career ; and he could say it Avith satisfaction that he had filled every office _ in a lodge , and he had ever made it a rule to make himself thoroughly competent in one office before he Avould accept the next higher , feeling convinced that no brother should take