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Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . J ERUSALEM CHAPTEE ( NO . 185 ) . —Tbe regular convocation of this chapter Avas held on the 13 th inst . The business done was the exaltation of two brethren , and the election of the following comps . as officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Golds-Avorthy , as M . E . Z . ; Dyer , as H . ; A . D . Loewenstark , as J . ; Pattenas Treas . ; Sheenas S . E . ; Harrisas S . N . ; Stevensas
, , , , P . S . ; and the Janitor was re-elected . After business the companions partook of a banquet . There were several visitors . SUFFOLK . WoODERIDGE . —Soyal Yo-rh Chapter ( No . 81 ) . —This chapter in connection with the Doric Lodge ( No . 81 ) , Avas convoked on Wednesday last to exalt two brethren to the supreme degree
, The mystical , symbolical , and historical lectures were delivered by M . E . Comp . Z . Gissing , E . Comp . H . Troot , and E . Comp . J . Dallenger . E . Comp . Fitzgerald acted as Prin . Sodj . The companions afterwards supped at tbe Crown Inn , where Comp . T . Grimwood had them served in his usual excellent style .
FREEMASONRY IN THE ARMY . COEK . —Lodge of Vi . ity , Peace , and Concord ( No . 316 ) . — On Tuesday , Feb . 13 th , a regular meeting of this lodge Avas held in the Barracks of the 2 nd Batt . 1 st Royal Regiment , at Cork . Soon after the opening of the lodge , two presentations were made ; one , that of a P . M . jeAvel , manufactured by Bro . R . Spencer , London , to Bro . B . AViseman ; and the other , a beautiful gold ring with a Masonic deviceto Bro . J . Humphreys
, , P . M . In presenting them , the W . M . Bro . H . J . Clarke ; made a suitable speech , mentioning tbe zeal and ability displayed by each of tbe recipients iu the duties of their several offices in Masonry ; for Bra . Humphreys has been five times WM . of the lodge ; and Bro . AViseman has held almost every offbe in it . The presents Avere received with great feeling by the tAvo Avorthy brethren , and their replies to the AV . M ., though short , were very apropos . On this occasion there ivere four
initiations , three passings , ancl tliree raisings . Among the visiting brethren was Bro . Toomey , P . M ., who in 1841 was AV . M . of this lodge . AA hen the business of tbe lodge was finished , this old and respected brother complimented the W . M . and officers by telling them that he bad ever been proud of his mother lodge , and that his pride in it was strengthened that night by seeing how excellently the work was carried on ; and we are happy to say that Bro . Toomey is not the only one who compliments Lodge 316 on its work ; every visitor who comes to this lodge , has some praise to bestow on the good Avorking for which it is distinguished .
( From ihe Masonic " Record of Western India . ) BOMBAY . LODGE CONCOBD , ( NO . 757 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , near Baboola Tank , on Saturday , 2 nd December , 1 S 65 : —Present : Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham , as P . M ., as AV . M . ; Bros . R . Donaldson , S . AA . ; H . Avron , as J . AV . ; H . Prescott , Sec ; J . Reynell , as S . D . ; 0 . Burdenas J . D . ; H- Gableras I . G . A . McCombieas Organist
, , ; , ; W . Seager , Tyler . Members ; Bros . D . Sadler , Rev . D . Williamson , J . Powell , AV . F . Lewis , Grant , T . Mills , D . Johnson , J . Fleming , F . Lyle , J . Henderson , W . Colliver , E . Parker , AV . Cambridge , J . Jones , L . Lewis , W . C . Barnes , R . Dryhurst , T . Ford , H . E . Gabler , J . Fallas , R . B . Bruntou , G . Giffert , G . Bales , J . AVeddle , F . AValker , H . James . Visitors : Bros . AV . S . Wetherhall , J . Coulter , J . Bedford , H . D . Rowe , and A .
Gumming . The lodge having been properly tyled , was opened in tbe first degree . The notice convening the meeting was read . Messrs . J . Freeman , AV . Dickson , and T . Allison being in attendance , were properly prepared and initiated in due and ancient form . Bros . Lyle and Dnnlop were called before the pedestal and examined , ancl having satisfactorily acquitted themselves , were passed out . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , ivhen Bros . Dunlop and Lyle Avere re-introduced
properly prepared , and duly passed to the second or Fellow Craft Degree . Bro . H . Avron , at the desire of the officiating W . M . and brethren gave a lecture on the tracing board of the second degree . A vote of thanks was given to Bro . Avron , and the lodge Avas lowered to the first degree , and closed in peace and harmony at 8 ' 45 p . m . An emergent meeting of Lodge Concord was held on Saturday the ' 9 th December 1865 PresentBroRevJJFarnham
, ; :, . . . . , F . M ' ., as AV . M . ; Bros . R . Donaldson , S . AV . ; H . Avron , as J . W . C . Burden , as Sec ; J . Lockley , S . D . ; H . James , J . D . ; H . Gabler , I . G . ; J . AV . Seager , Ty ler . Members : Bros . Whitaker , AV . Stephen , L . Lewis , J . Borthwick , R . C . Shroff , R . Farrow , G . Giffert , A . Baillie , J . Henderson , P . Haselton , G . Bales , J . Barker , AV . T . Lewis , W . C . Barnes , J . Botchell , D . Sadler , D . Young , R . P . Brunton , and J . Hughes . Visitors : Bros . G .
Gordon and J . Anderson . The lodge having been properly tyled , was opened in tbe first degree . The notice convening the meeting Avas read . The lodge Avas then opened in the second degree . Dispensation having been granted to raise Bros . Dunlop , Lewis , and Lyle Avithin four Aveeks of their passing , tbey being about to leave India , Bros . Lewis , J . Henderson , J . Borthwick , F . Haselton , G . Giffert , and J . Hughes were called before the pedestal and examinedand having satisfactorily
, acquitted themselves , Avere passed out . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , ivhen the above-named brethren Avere re-admitted properly prepared , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons in ancient form . The lodge Avas then lowered to the first degree in rotation . Bro . H . Prescott said that all knew that the time of a clergyman Avas not his own ; he was at all times fnlly occupied , more especially on Saturdays .
Bro . Farnham bad very kindly presided at the last emergent meeting , as also at this time the brethren see him at bis post , he would therefore propose a vote of thanks to him for his kindness , Avhich was duly seconded and unanimously carried . Bro . Farnham , in a very feeling speech returned thanks , and said it was always his aim to do his duty in the lodge , and so long as he was among the brethren , be would do all in his power for the good of tbe Craft . There being no other Avork before the lodge , it AA'as closed in peace and harmony at 8 p . m . The regular meeting of Lodge Concord was held on Saturday ,
the 16 th December , 1865 . Present : Bro . Alfred King , P . M ., as AA' . M . ; Bros . R . Donaldson , S . W . ; H . Avron , as J . W . ; H . Prescott , Sec . ; J . Lockley , as S . D . ; AA . Abraham , as J . D . ; J . Thomas , as Org . ; J . PoAvell , as I . G . ; J . AA . Seager , Tyler . — Members : Bros . J . Botchell , H . E . Gabler , D . Sadler , C . E . Burden , S . Trenn , R . Farrow , J . Fallas , T . Ford , R . Dryhurst , A . . Bailie , AV . AVhitaker , J . Henderson , L . Lewis , A . Colby , R . P . Brunton , T . Mills , C . Beard , AV . C . Barnes , AV . T . Le \ ris , A .
E . Heron , AV . H . Goode , R . Farrow , H . B . Salisbury , AV . G . King , AV . D . Colliver , H . James , AV . G . Rogers , J . Gleave , H . Freeman , G . Giffert , J . Poyntz , J . Phillips , R . C . Shroff , Cassumbhoy Dburrumsey , J . Divyer , J . Forbes , F . J . AValker , J . M . Fleming , J . Scott , J . Hughes , P . Campbell , F . Potter , AV ' . H . Divyer , E . Parker , G . Marley , W . Stephen , Rev . D . AVilliamson , E . AV . Flower , J . AVeddle , D . Young , F . Haselton , G . Bales , and C . AVhite . Visitors : Bros . Pazulbhoy Noormahomed ,
H . D . Rowe , J . C . Houghland , A . Gumming , AV . Read , D . Byramjee , S . H . Patell , F . Smith , A . Harvey , H . L . Hansen , & a . The lodge having been properly tyled was opened in the first degree . The notice convening the meeting Avas read . The first business before the lodge Avas the election of the Worshipful Master , Treasurer , and Tyler for the year 1866 ; the following brethren being eligible for the eastern chair : — Bros . G . TaylorPro *' . G . M . and P . M . ; H . D . Cartwriht
, g , P . Prov . G . M . and P . M . ; J . Gibbs , D . Prov . G . M . and P . M . ; G . S . Judge , D . P . Prov . G . M . aud P . M . ; H . AVickham , P . Prov . G . AV . and P . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . Prov . G . W . and P . M . ; A . King , P . G . W . and P . M . ; T . Diver , Prov . J . G . AV . and P . M . ; E . Parker , P . S . AV . ; R . Donaldson , P . S . AV . ; G . Judd , P . J . AV . ; H . AV . \ A alker , P . S . W . The Secretary said he Avas in a position to state that owing to numerous engagements Bros . Taylor and Cartwright ivould not except the office of AV . M . if elected ,
and owing to the absence from the island of Bros . J . Gibbs , G . S . Judge , T . Diver , and G . Judd , they could not be elected for the eastern chair . Bro . A . King then said that he AVUS extremely obliged to the brethren for all the kindness he had received from tbem . Many of the brethren had asked him to stand for the chair , but he regretted he could not do so as he had a great deal of work in hand , and moreover he was now living out of Bombay ; he Avould therefore hope the brethren Avould not elect him . Bro . E . Parker then said he had no Avish
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . J ERUSALEM CHAPTEE ( NO . 185 ) . —Tbe regular convocation of this chapter Avas held on the 13 th inst . The business done was the exaltation of two brethren , and the election of the following comps . as officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Golds-Avorthy , as M . E . Z . ; Dyer , as H . ; A . D . Loewenstark , as J . ; Pattenas Treas . ; Sheenas S . E . ; Harrisas S . N . ; Stevensas
, , , , P . S . ; and the Janitor was re-elected . After business the companions partook of a banquet . There were several visitors . SUFFOLK . WoODERIDGE . —Soyal Yo-rh Chapter ( No . 81 ) . —This chapter in connection with the Doric Lodge ( No . 81 ) , Avas convoked on Wednesday last to exalt two brethren to the supreme degree
, The mystical , symbolical , and historical lectures were delivered by M . E . Comp . Z . Gissing , E . Comp . H . Troot , and E . Comp . J . Dallenger . E . Comp . Fitzgerald acted as Prin . Sodj . The companions afterwards supped at tbe Crown Inn , where Comp . T . Grimwood had them served in his usual excellent style .
FREEMASONRY IN THE ARMY . COEK . —Lodge of Vi . ity , Peace , and Concord ( No . 316 ) . — On Tuesday , Feb . 13 th , a regular meeting of this lodge Avas held in the Barracks of the 2 nd Batt . 1 st Royal Regiment , at Cork . Soon after the opening of the lodge , two presentations were made ; one , that of a P . M . jeAvel , manufactured by Bro . R . Spencer , London , to Bro . B . AViseman ; and the other , a beautiful gold ring with a Masonic deviceto Bro . J . Humphreys
, , P . M . In presenting them , the W . M . Bro . H . J . Clarke ; made a suitable speech , mentioning tbe zeal and ability displayed by each of tbe recipients iu the duties of their several offices in Masonry ; for Bra . Humphreys has been five times WM . of the lodge ; and Bro . AViseman has held almost every offbe in it . The presents Avere received with great feeling by the tAvo Avorthy brethren , and their replies to the AV . M ., though short , were very apropos . On this occasion there ivere four
initiations , three passings , ancl tliree raisings . Among the visiting brethren was Bro . Toomey , P . M ., who in 1841 was AV . M . of this lodge . AA hen the business of tbe lodge was finished , this old and respected brother complimented the W . M . and officers by telling them that he bad ever been proud of his mother lodge , and that his pride in it was strengthened that night by seeing how excellently the work was carried on ; and we are happy to say that Bro . Toomey is not the only one who compliments Lodge 316 on its work ; every visitor who comes to this lodge , has some praise to bestow on the good Avorking for which it is distinguished .
( From ihe Masonic " Record of Western India . ) BOMBAY . LODGE CONCOBD , ( NO . 757 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , near Baboola Tank , on Saturday , 2 nd December , 1 S 65 : —Present : Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham , as P . M ., as AV . M . ; Bros . R . Donaldson , S . AA . ; H . Avron , as J . AV . ; H . Prescott , Sec ; J . Reynell , as S . D . ; 0 . Burdenas J . D . ; H- Gableras I . G . A . McCombieas Organist
, , ; , ; W . Seager , Tyler . Members ; Bros . D . Sadler , Rev . D . Williamson , J . Powell , AV . F . Lewis , Grant , T . Mills , D . Johnson , J . Fleming , F . Lyle , J . Henderson , W . Colliver , E . Parker , AV . Cambridge , J . Jones , L . Lewis , W . C . Barnes , R . Dryhurst , T . Ford , H . E . Gabler , J . Fallas , R . B . Bruntou , G . Giffert , G . Bales , J . AVeddle , F . AValker , H . James . Visitors : Bros . AV . S . Wetherhall , J . Coulter , J . Bedford , H . D . Rowe , and A .
Gumming . The lodge having been properly tyled , was opened in tbe first degree . The notice convening the meeting was read . Messrs . J . Freeman , AV . Dickson , and T . Allison being in attendance , were properly prepared and initiated in due and ancient form . Bros . Lyle and Dnnlop were called before the pedestal and examined , ancl having satisfactorily acquitted themselves , were passed out . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , ivhen Bros . Dunlop and Lyle Avere re-introduced
properly prepared , and duly passed to the second or Fellow Craft Degree . Bro . H . Avron , at the desire of the officiating W . M . and brethren gave a lecture on the tracing board of the second degree . A vote of thanks was given to Bro . Avron , and the lodge Avas lowered to the first degree , and closed in peace and harmony at 8 ' 45 p . m . An emergent meeting of Lodge Concord was held on Saturday the ' 9 th December 1865 PresentBroRevJJFarnham
, ; :, . . . . , F . M ' ., as AV . M . ; Bros . R . Donaldson , S . AV . ; H . Avron , as J . W . C . Burden , as Sec ; J . Lockley , S . D . ; H . James , J . D . ; H . Gabler , I . G . ; J . AV . Seager , Ty ler . Members : Bros . Whitaker , AV . Stephen , L . Lewis , J . Borthwick , R . C . Shroff , R . Farrow , G . Giffert , A . Baillie , J . Henderson , P . Haselton , G . Bales , J . Barker , AV . T . Lewis , W . C . Barnes , J . Botchell , D . Sadler , D . Young , R . P . Brunton , and J . Hughes . Visitors : Bros . G .
Gordon and J . Anderson . The lodge having been properly tyled , was opened in tbe first degree . The notice convening the meeting Avas read . The lodge Avas then opened in the second degree . Dispensation having been granted to raise Bros . Dunlop , Lewis , and Lyle Avithin four Aveeks of their passing , tbey being about to leave India , Bros . Lewis , J . Henderson , J . Borthwick , F . Haselton , G . Giffert , and J . Hughes were called before the pedestal and examinedand having satisfactorily
, acquitted themselves , Avere passed out . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , ivhen the above-named brethren Avere re-admitted properly prepared , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons in ancient form . The lodge Avas then lowered to the first degree in rotation . Bro . H . Prescott said that all knew that the time of a clergyman Avas not his own ; he was at all times fnlly occupied , more especially on Saturdays .
Bro . Farnham bad very kindly presided at the last emergent meeting , as also at this time the brethren see him at bis post , he would therefore propose a vote of thanks to him for his kindness , Avhich was duly seconded and unanimously carried . Bro . Farnham , in a very feeling speech returned thanks , and said it was always his aim to do his duty in the lodge , and so long as he was among the brethren , be would do all in his power for the good of tbe Craft . There being no other Avork before the lodge , it AA'as closed in peace and harmony at 8 p . m . The regular meeting of Lodge Concord was held on Saturday ,
the 16 th December , 1865 . Present : Bro . Alfred King , P . M ., as AA' . M . ; Bros . R . Donaldson , S . W . ; H . Avron , as J . W . ; H . Prescott , Sec . ; J . Lockley , as S . D . ; AA . Abraham , as J . D . ; J . Thomas , as Org . ; J . PoAvell , as I . G . ; J . AA . Seager , Tyler . — Members : Bros . J . Botchell , H . E . Gabler , D . Sadler , C . E . Burden , S . Trenn , R . Farrow , J . Fallas , T . Ford , R . Dryhurst , A . . Bailie , AV . AVhitaker , J . Henderson , L . Lewis , A . Colby , R . P . Brunton , T . Mills , C . Beard , AV . C . Barnes , AV . T . Le \ ris , A .
E . Heron , AV . H . Goode , R . Farrow , H . B . Salisbury , AV . G . King , AV . D . Colliver , H . James , AV . G . Rogers , J . Gleave , H . Freeman , G . Giffert , J . Poyntz , J . Phillips , R . C . Shroff , Cassumbhoy Dburrumsey , J . Divyer , J . Forbes , F . J . AValker , J . M . Fleming , J . Scott , J . Hughes , P . Campbell , F . Potter , AV ' . H . Divyer , E . Parker , G . Marley , W . Stephen , Rev . D . AVilliamson , E . AV . Flower , J . AVeddle , D . Young , F . Haselton , G . Bales , and C . AVhite . Visitors : Bros . Pazulbhoy Noormahomed ,
H . D . Rowe , J . C . Houghland , A . Gumming , AV . Read , D . Byramjee , S . H . Patell , F . Smith , A . Harvey , H . L . Hansen , & a . The lodge having been properly tyled was opened in the first degree . The notice convening the meeting Avas read . The first business before the lodge Avas the election of the Worshipful Master , Treasurer , and Tyler for the year 1866 ; the following brethren being eligible for the eastern chair : — Bros . G . TaylorPro *' . G . M . and P . M . ; H . D . Cartwriht
, g , P . Prov . G . M . and P . M . ; J . Gibbs , D . Prov . G . M . and P . M . ; G . S . Judge , D . P . Prov . G . M . aud P . M . ; H . AVickham , P . Prov . G . AV . and P . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . Prov . G . W . and P . M . ; A . King , P . G . W . and P . M . ; T . Diver , Prov . J . G . AV . and P . M . ; E . Parker , P . S . AV . ; R . Donaldson , P . S . AV . ; G . Judd , P . J . AV . ; H . AV . \ A alker , P . S . W . The Secretary said he Avas in a position to state that owing to numerous engagements Bros . Taylor and Cartwright ivould not except the office of AV . M . if elected ,
and owing to the absence from the island of Bros . J . Gibbs , G . S . Judge , T . Diver , and G . Judd , they could not be elected for the eastern chair . Bro . A . King then said that he AVUS extremely obliged to the brethren for all the kindness he had received from tbem . Many of the brethren had asked him to stand for the chair , but he regretted he could not do so as he had a great deal of work in hand , and moreover he was now living out of Bombay ; he Avould therefore hope the brethren Avould not elect him . Bro . E . Parker then said he had no Avish