Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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the chair as "W . M . until he was able to go through all the intermediate offices , so as to be thoroughly competent to ensure ¦ upon bis taking the chair accurate ancl careful Avorking upon the part of his several officers ; ancl as long as he was permitted to remain amongst them he Avould do all in his power to maintain ancl carry ovit the good rule in the Doric Lodge that promotion should go by merit . He assured the brethren in conclusion Mint nothing should be wanting on
his part to promote the welfare and interest of the lodge by every means that lay in his power . The W . Master then called upon the brethren to drink " The Health of their retiring AVorshipful Master , Bro . Seurr . " He ( Bro . Gilchrist ) had no inconsiderable knowledge of active and indefatigable members of the Craft , but he must say that he did not know of any instance in which a brother hacl done much in the of
so cause Masonry , and had made himself , by dint of continued perseverance , so efficient a Mason as their I . P . M ., Bro . Seurr , who was only now in the fourth year of his career as a Mason . The difficulties which Bro . Seurr had to encounter in taking the chair from ivhich he had this evening just retired were well known to the brethren present , and IAOAV hard had he striven to remove these . He had succeeded in doing in his year of office what few , even the most
sanguine , would have thought it possible to accomplish -. for himself , he ( Bro . Gilchrist ) Avould say that his esteem for their retiring W . M . was so great that he felt it to be quite equal to that he could feel for a brother of his own flesh and blood , Avhom he could not more respect . The "W . M . then proceeded to place upon the breast of Bro . Seurr the P . M . ' s jewel , which had been voted to him , and he regretted he coulcl not find terms in which to express the gratification it afforded him to execute that dut
y . Bro . Seurr returned thanks most appropriately and with marked emotion . He assured the brethren of his high appreciation of their token of respect and esteem , which he would always most dearly cherish ancl hand down as an heirloom to his family . In leaving the chair it was a matter of the greatest satisfaction to him to feel that the brethren considered he hacl done his duty . He trusted the Doric Lodge Avould flourish till time shallbe
no more . "The Health of the Initiates , " "Tho Visiting Brethren , " and other toasts having been given and responded to , the Tyler ' s toast brought tlie evening ' s proceedings to a timel y conclusion . Several visitors were present at the meeting , amongst whom were Bros . Hudson ancl Stevens , 554 ; Dyer , Strong Man Lodge ; Wren , W . M . Victoria Loclge ; Morley , 742 ; Stevenson , of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZISE , and others .
YAEEOliOiren LODOE ( No . 554 ) . —On the 1 st inst . the regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . AValters , Green Dragon , Stepney . At six o ' clock the W . M . Bro . AV . G . Clarke , assisted by his officers , opened the loclge in the first degree . Bro . Josiah Green , Secretary , read the minutes of the last lodge meeting , ancl they were confirmed . The ballot was taken for Messrs . Kopwood , and William Henry Ellis , and declared unanimous . Bros . Henry Jones and George Bland
then answered the usual questions qualifying them for a superior degree , and withdrew . The lodge was then Opened in the second degree , and Bros . Edward Norris and Thomas Pitcher answered ^ the necessary questions entitling them to the benefits of the third degree , and retired . The lodge was then opened inthat degree , and Bros . Norris ancl Pitcher were very ably raised to the sublime degree of M . M . 's . The loclge was then resumed to the
second degree , and Bros . Jones and Bland passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , _ and Messrs . Lacy Iiopwood ancl William Henry Ellis Avere initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . On the rising of the W . M . for the first time , ifc was proposed by Bro . Stevens , and seconded by Bro . Hudson , that the sum of £ 3 be voted to the widow of n deceased brotherIfc was then
. proposed by Bro . Josiah Green , and seconded by Bro . Stevens , that the sum of ten guineas be voted to the Girls' School , and the brethren Avere invited to rally around Bro . P . M . Hamilton , Avho had kindl y consented to act as steward at the annual festival for tlie Girls' School . Messrs . Adkins ancl Samplough were proposed as candidates for initiation into the mysteries of ancient The
Freemasonry . following officers , Bros . Kindred , Hamilton , ancl Hudson , P . M . 's ; Stevens , J . W . ; Vaughan , Chaplain ; and H . Preeco , J . D . ; and visitors , Thomas Holmes , 229 ; Lacy , 174 ; Allsop , 317 ; and J . E . West , G 73 , Avere present . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed at nine o ' clock . There was no banquet .
BERKS AND BUCKS . "WDTDSOE . — Castle Lodge ( No . 771 ) . —The members of the Craft who assembled at the beautiful little temple of the Castle Lodge , Windsor , on Tuesday , the 13 th February , will not soon forget the perfect manner in which the duties of the lodge were carried out , under the auspices of Bro . Devereux , P . M ., and P . G . Sec . for the Province of Berks and Bucks , acting W . M . and Installing Master . The occasion being the annual meeting
of the loclge , the brethren met at two p . m . for the purpose of installing , for the ensuing year , their W . M . elect , Bro . Charles James Palmer , of Denny Court , J . P . and D . L . for the county of Bucks . The lodge being opened in clue form , the Chaplain , the Rev . R . J . Simpson , offeree ! up the aucient prayer in a solemn ancl devout manner . Tnree candidates having been initiated , Bro . Devereux i > roceedecl to instal Bro . Palmer , W . M . of the Castle Lodge , who , after tho usual charges and salutations ,
appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Dempster , S . W . s Martin , J . W . : Gape , S . D . ; Holmes , J . D . ; Tolley , I . G . j Wiggington , Treas . ; Holden , Sec . ; and Rev . R . T . Simpson , Chap . In addition to the musical service peculiar to this lodge , tivo beautiful anthems , sang at the opening and closing , were composed for the occasion by Bro . Tolley , P . G . Org . Berks and Bucks , ivho presided at the organ , ancl most ably assisted by Bros . Marriott ancl Whitohouse , of the Castle Lodge , and Bro . W . A .
Barrett , of the Alfred Lodge , Oxon . Great praise is also due to Bro . Tolley for his arrangement of the music adapted to the ceremonials . The Castle Loclge is particularly fortunate in numbering amongst its members so zealous and expert a Mason aa Bro . Devereux , who , since the formation ol the lodge , has devoted both his time and talents to elevate the character of our beautiful Masonic ritual , ancl to render it complete in its various degrees . After the business of the lodge was concluded , tbe brethren adjourned to the Castle Hotel , where a very elegant banquet was provided by our esteemed townsman , Bro . Pyecroft .
DURHAM . HAETEEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s Lodge , ( No . 531 . )—On Thursday evening , the 15 th inst ., a Master ' s Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . A . Nathan , assisted by Bros . J . J . Armstrong , as S . W . ; L . M . Hill , J . W . ; Thos . Forbes , Treas . ; W . Stockill , S . D . ; H . Sale , as J . D . j Atkinson , as J . G . ; ancl Mowbray , Tyler . The lodge was opened in clue form to the third degree , aud Bro . Robert
Corner , Avho had previously given proofs of his proficiency , Avas introduced and raised with all the solemnities to the sublime degree of M . M . No further business presenting itself , hearty good Avishes ivere proposed , ancl the loclge was closed with solemn prayer in the third , second , and first degrees successively , the brethren adjourning for a short time to refreshment . STOCKIOX-OS ' -TEES . —Lodge of Philanthropy ( No . 940 ) . —On Thursdaythe 15 th inst . the annual meeting of the lodge Avas
, , held at the Masonic Court , Stockton-on-Tees , by permission of the W . M . of the Tees Loclge , ivhen Bro . T . Bowron was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The interesting and impressive ceremony Avas conducted by Bro . Knoivles , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . D ., who acted as Installing Master for Bro . Joseph Dodds ,
W . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . Bro . Pearson was raised to the high degree , and the following brethren ivere selected and invested by the W . M . as his officers : —Bros . J . Dodds , I . P . M ; K . Welch , S . W . R , Tinkler , J . M . ; J " . H . Jackson , S . D . ; E . Cass , J . D . ; Pearson , I . G . ; W . Cnthbert , Tyler ; Joseph Walker , Org . ; W . Graham , Treas . ; J . H . Hart , Sec . During the ceremony of installation the following anthems were sung : — "To the Powers divine ;" "May that great " "Hailmystic liht . " Bro . Jewson
power ; , g , Organist at Sfc . Thomas ' s , presiding at the harmonium . P . M . ' s Best , Kirk , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; Knowles , P . Pro *' . S . G . D . ; J . Dodds , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Settle , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Settle , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; James Groves , Prov . S . G . D . ; and Bros . A . J . Deane , Emra Holms , 18 ° and K . T . ivere amongst those present . After tho loclge hacl been closed down with solemn prayer , the brethren adjourned to the Black Lion Hotelwhen a magnificent
, banquet was spread being every way worthy of mine host ancl of the brethren assembled . On the removal of the cloth , the following toasts ware proposed from the chair : — ' The Queen and the Craft ; " " The Right AVorshipful the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England ; " " The Right Worshipful the Earl de Grey and Ripon , Deputy Grand Master of England ; " "Tho Right Worshipful John Fawcett , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the chair as "W . M . until he was able to go through all the intermediate offices , so as to be thoroughly competent to ensure ¦ upon bis taking the chair accurate ancl careful Avorking upon the part of his several officers ; ancl as long as he was permitted to remain amongst them he Avould do all in his power to maintain ancl carry ovit the good rule in the Doric Lodge that promotion should go by merit . He assured the brethren in conclusion Mint nothing should be wanting on
his part to promote the welfare and interest of the lodge by every means that lay in his power . The W . Master then called upon the brethren to drink " The Health of their retiring AVorshipful Master , Bro . Seurr . " He ( Bro . Gilchrist ) had no inconsiderable knowledge of active and indefatigable members of the Craft , but he must say that he did not know of any instance in which a brother hacl done much in the of
so cause Masonry , and had made himself , by dint of continued perseverance , so efficient a Mason as their I . P . M ., Bro . Seurr , who was only now in the fourth year of his career as a Mason . The difficulties which Bro . Seurr had to encounter in taking the chair from ivhich he had this evening just retired were well known to the brethren present , and IAOAV hard had he striven to remove these . He had succeeded in doing in his year of office what few , even the most
sanguine , would have thought it possible to accomplish -. for himself , he ( Bro . Gilchrist ) Avould say that his esteem for their retiring W . M . was so great that he felt it to be quite equal to that he could feel for a brother of his own flesh and blood , Avhom he could not more respect . The "W . M . then proceeded to place upon the breast of Bro . Seurr the P . M . ' s jewel , which had been voted to him , and he regretted he coulcl not find terms in which to express the gratification it afforded him to execute that dut
y . Bro . Seurr returned thanks most appropriately and with marked emotion . He assured the brethren of his high appreciation of their token of respect and esteem , which he would always most dearly cherish ancl hand down as an heirloom to his family . In leaving the chair it was a matter of the greatest satisfaction to him to feel that the brethren considered he hacl done his duty . He trusted the Doric Lodge Avould flourish till time shallbe
no more . "The Health of the Initiates , " "Tho Visiting Brethren , " and other toasts having been given and responded to , the Tyler ' s toast brought tlie evening ' s proceedings to a timel y conclusion . Several visitors were present at the meeting , amongst whom were Bros . Hudson ancl Stevens , 554 ; Dyer , Strong Man Lodge ; Wren , W . M . Victoria Loclge ; Morley , 742 ; Stevenson , of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZISE , and others .
YAEEOliOiren LODOE ( No . 554 ) . —On the 1 st inst . the regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . AValters , Green Dragon , Stepney . At six o ' clock the W . M . Bro . AV . G . Clarke , assisted by his officers , opened the loclge in the first degree . Bro . Josiah Green , Secretary , read the minutes of the last lodge meeting , ancl they were confirmed . The ballot was taken for Messrs . Kopwood , and William Henry Ellis , and declared unanimous . Bros . Henry Jones and George Bland
then answered the usual questions qualifying them for a superior degree , and withdrew . The lodge was then Opened in the second degree , and Bros . Edward Norris and Thomas Pitcher answered ^ the necessary questions entitling them to the benefits of the third degree , and retired . The lodge was then opened inthat degree , and Bros . Norris ancl Pitcher were very ably raised to the sublime degree of M . M . 's . The loclge was then resumed to the
second degree , and Bros . Jones and Bland passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , _ and Messrs . Lacy Iiopwood ancl William Henry Ellis Avere initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . On the rising of the W . M . for the first time , ifc was proposed by Bro . Stevens , and seconded by Bro . Hudson , that the sum of £ 3 be voted to the widow of n deceased brotherIfc was then
. proposed by Bro . Josiah Green , and seconded by Bro . Stevens , that the sum of ten guineas be voted to the Girls' School , and the brethren Avere invited to rally around Bro . P . M . Hamilton , Avho had kindl y consented to act as steward at the annual festival for tlie Girls' School . Messrs . Adkins ancl Samplough were proposed as candidates for initiation into the mysteries of ancient The
Freemasonry . following officers , Bros . Kindred , Hamilton , ancl Hudson , P . M . 's ; Stevens , J . W . ; Vaughan , Chaplain ; and H . Preeco , J . D . ; and visitors , Thomas Holmes , 229 ; Lacy , 174 ; Allsop , 317 ; and J . E . West , G 73 , Avere present . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed at nine o ' clock . There was no banquet .
BERKS AND BUCKS . "WDTDSOE . — Castle Lodge ( No . 771 ) . —The members of the Craft who assembled at the beautiful little temple of the Castle Lodge , Windsor , on Tuesday , the 13 th February , will not soon forget the perfect manner in which the duties of the lodge were carried out , under the auspices of Bro . Devereux , P . M ., and P . G . Sec . for the Province of Berks and Bucks , acting W . M . and Installing Master . The occasion being the annual meeting
of the loclge , the brethren met at two p . m . for the purpose of installing , for the ensuing year , their W . M . elect , Bro . Charles James Palmer , of Denny Court , J . P . and D . L . for the county of Bucks . The lodge being opened in clue form , the Chaplain , the Rev . R . J . Simpson , offeree ! up the aucient prayer in a solemn ancl devout manner . Tnree candidates having been initiated , Bro . Devereux i > roceedecl to instal Bro . Palmer , W . M . of the Castle Lodge , who , after tho usual charges and salutations ,
appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Dempster , S . W . s Martin , J . W . : Gape , S . D . ; Holmes , J . D . ; Tolley , I . G . j Wiggington , Treas . ; Holden , Sec . ; and Rev . R . T . Simpson , Chap . In addition to the musical service peculiar to this lodge , tivo beautiful anthems , sang at the opening and closing , were composed for the occasion by Bro . Tolley , P . G . Org . Berks and Bucks , ivho presided at the organ , ancl most ably assisted by Bros . Marriott ancl Whitohouse , of the Castle Lodge , and Bro . W . A .
Barrett , of the Alfred Lodge , Oxon . Great praise is also due to Bro . Tolley for his arrangement of the music adapted to the ceremonials . The Castle Loclge is particularly fortunate in numbering amongst its members so zealous and expert a Mason aa Bro . Devereux , who , since the formation ol the lodge , has devoted both his time and talents to elevate the character of our beautiful Masonic ritual , ancl to render it complete in its various degrees . After the business of the lodge was concluded , tbe brethren adjourned to the Castle Hotel , where a very elegant banquet was provided by our esteemed townsman , Bro . Pyecroft .
DURHAM . HAETEEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s Lodge , ( No . 531 . )—On Thursday evening , the 15 th inst ., a Master ' s Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . A . Nathan , assisted by Bros . J . J . Armstrong , as S . W . ; L . M . Hill , J . W . ; Thos . Forbes , Treas . ; W . Stockill , S . D . ; H . Sale , as J . D . j Atkinson , as J . G . ; ancl Mowbray , Tyler . The lodge was opened in clue form to the third degree , aud Bro . Robert
Corner , Avho had previously given proofs of his proficiency , Avas introduced and raised with all the solemnities to the sublime degree of M . M . No further business presenting itself , hearty good Avishes ivere proposed , ancl the loclge was closed with solemn prayer in the third , second , and first degrees successively , the brethren adjourning for a short time to refreshment . STOCKIOX-OS ' -TEES . —Lodge of Philanthropy ( No . 940 ) . —On Thursdaythe 15 th inst . the annual meeting of the lodge Avas
, , held at the Masonic Court , Stockton-on-Tees , by permission of the W . M . of the Tees Loclge , ivhen Bro . T . Bowron was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The interesting and impressive ceremony Avas conducted by Bro . Knoivles , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . D ., who acted as Installing Master for Bro . Joseph Dodds ,
W . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . Bro . Pearson was raised to the high degree , and the following brethren ivere selected and invested by the W . M . as his officers : —Bros . J . Dodds , I . P . M ; K . Welch , S . W . R , Tinkler , J . M . ; J " . H . Jackson , S . D . ; E . Cass , J . D . ; Pearson , I . G . ; W . Cnthbert , Tyler ; Joseph Walker , Org . ; W . Graham , Treas . ; J . H . Hart , Sec . During the ceremony of installation the following anthems were sung : — "To the Powers divine ;" "May that great " "Hailmystic liht . " Bro . Jewson
power ; , g , Organist at Sfc . Thomas ' s , presiding at the harmonium . P . M . ' s Best , Kirk , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; Knowles , P . Pro *' . S . G . D . ; J . Dodds , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Settle , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Settle , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; James Groves , Prov . S . G . D . ; and Bros . A . J . Deane , Emra Holms , 18 ° and K . T . ivere amongst those present . After tho loclge hacl been closed down with solemn prayer , the brethren adjourned to the Black Lion Hotelwhen a magnificent
, banquet was spread being every way worthy of mine host ancl of the brethren assembled . On the removal of the cloth , the following toasts ware proposed from the chair : — ' The Queen and the Craft ; " " The Right AVorshipful the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England ; " " The Right Worshipful the Earl de Grey and Ripon , Deputy Grand Master of England ; " "Tho Right Worshipful John Fawcett , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master of