Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
"We are pleased to observe that a new lodge is to he opened at Abingdon on Thursday , the 30 th inst . ; anel also that our Bight Worshipful Bro . Mclntyre , G . B ., the Acting G . M . for Berks and Bucks , will perform the consecration ceremony . The musical arrangements are in the hands of Bro . Dyson , of the Chapel Royal , Windsor , who has given much time and
attention to the subject of music in connection with Masonry . A warrant has been granted for a new lodge , to be named " St . Aubin , " 1256 , at Prince Town , a suburb of the borough of Devonport . At the meeting of the Bodge of Benevolence on Wednesday last , Bro . Hopwood , P . G . D ., in the chair , sixteen petitioners
were relieved with £ 155 , and two recommended to Grand Lodge for grants , one of £ 50 , and the other of £ 30—making a total of £ 235 . The Deccan Herald says : — "We are pleased to learn that Mr . K . B . Barton , Barrister-at-Law , lies been unanimously elected Provincial Grand Master of Western India . The Grand
Bodge of Scotland will , of course , confirm the proceedings of the premier Masonic lodge in British India . Mr . Barton is an old and estimable Mason , and under bis fostering care Masonry is sure to flourish all over Western India . "
The Boys' School.
A Quarterly Court of the governors and subscribers of this School was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday last , Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., in the chair . After the reading of the minutes and the other formal business had been transacted , Bro . JOHN TJDALI ., V . P ., moved" 1 . That Bro . Charles W . Elkington , P . G . S . B ., and D . Prov .
G . M . of Warwickshire , ' for special services rendered to this Institution' in connection with the anniversary festival in 1 S 62 , be elected a Vice-President of the Institution , with ten votes at all elections of children . " This was seconded and carried , as was also the next
resolution"That Bro . It . 11 . Nelson , Prov . G . See . of West Yorkshire , 'for special services rendered to this Institution' in connection with the anniversary festival in March , 1863 , be ' elected a Vice-President of the Institution , with ten votes at all elections of children . " Bro . UDAI / L then moved— "That Mrs . Alfred Lamb , 'for
special services rendered to this Institution' at the anniversary festival in March , 1803 , be elected a Vice-President of the Institution , with ten votes at all elections of children . " He urged that the services of Mrs . Lamb in acting as one of the Stewards at the late festival had been of essential service to the Institution , her list of subscriptions having amounted to
upwards of £ 200 . The motion having been seconded , Bro . Cox : opposed it on the ground that , whilst the rules of the Institution allowed a brother to be made a Vice-President for services performed to the Institution , they gave no such powers as regarded any other person , valuable as , no doubt , were the services of ladies
to any charity . A long discussion ensued , in the course of which Bro . GIEAUD suggested that the rule should be made more definite as to the amount of collection required to entitle a brother or
any other person to the distinction of a Vice-President . Ultimately it was resolved on the motion of Bro . Stebbiug to remit the question to the General Committee for consideration . Bro . BENJAMIN HEAD , V . P ., moved— " That in acknowledgment of the generous gifts of stock to the School at various times hy Bro . W . "Freeman , be be elected a Life Governor ofthe
Institution . " Bro . Cox having also objected to this vote , on the ground that the services rendered were not such as were contemplated by the rules of the Institution , the motion was withdrawn . On the motion of Bro . UDAII , seconded by Bro . CHEATON , it was
resolved"That in Bule 9 , after the words 'Additional Vote , ' the following words be added , ' And to a second additional vote for every subsequent Stewardship with a similar donation ; ancl that the rule so amended shall have a retrospective effect . " This resolution only extends the rule by which a brotherobtains an additional vote when he serves the office of Steward ,
to the festival , and becomes a Life Governor by giving a . similar privilege every time he may serve the office . Bro . HKVMT EMPSON moved— "That the House Committee be instructed to forthwith issue Advertisements for Plans and Estimates for the erection of a New School House at Wood Green and to take such steps in reference thereto as to them
may seem most expedient . " The motion was carried , subject to a limitation that the amount to be expended for such purpose should not exceed £ 200 .
Bro . Captain J . CREATOR , V . P ., moved— " That in consideration ofthe energy displayed by the Secretary in connection with the late Festival , the amount derived being £ 1678 , which result is mainly due to the exertions of Bro . Binckes , he do receive on the present and on all future similar occasions , as a gratuity , the sum of five per cent , on any amount exceading
£ 2000 , accruing from the Anniversary Festival . " Bro . HEAD seconded the motion , which was imaniniously carried . Bro . WAEKES - moved— " That should Frank Herbert Bead not be elected on the ballot , the House Committee be authorised to admit him into the School on the earliest opportunity ,
without proceeding to another election , in consideration of his having been by error declared elected at the last meeting . " Bro . STEBBING seconded the motion , which , on the suggestion of Bro . Savage , was postponed until after the ballot , lest a decision in favour of the resolution might have the effect , by setting a number of votes free , of interfering with the chance of
success of other candidates . The ballot for three boys to enter the school , from a list of twenty-three candidates , was then proceeded with . The scrutineers did not make their return until nearly 6 o'clock , when they declared the election to have fallen on—VOTES . Thomas Noel 2852 Richard T . Richards 2276 Walter P . Weeks 2226
On the various other numbers being read , Bro . Sheen , who had been acting on behalf of the candidate No . 21 , Percy Banks , said that his candidate had been returned with 500 votes less than he himself polled . Bro . DAY said , though he was satisfied with the result , still he believed his candidate ought to have 100 more votes .
Bro , STUBBING- and others made a similar protest on behalf ot Read , and it was resolved that a fresh scrutiny should take place , a Committee of four brethren being added to the previous six scrutineers .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
"We are pleased to observe that a new lodge is to he opened at Abingdon on Thursday , the 30 th inst . ; anel also that our Bight Worshipful Bro . Mclntyre , G . B ., the Acting G . M . for Berks and Bucks , will perform the consecration ceremony . The musical arrangements are in the hands of Bro . Dyson , of the Chapel Royal , Windsor , who has given much time and
attention to the subject of music in connection with Masonry . A warrant has been granted for a new lodge , to be named " St . Aubin , " 1256 , at Prince Town , a suburb of the borough of Devonport . At the meeting of the Bodge of Benevolence on Wednesday last , Bro . Hopwood , P . G . D ., in the chair , sixteen petitioners
were relieved with £ 155 , and two recommended to Grand Lodge for grants , one of £ 50 , and the other of £ 30—making a total of £ 235 . The Deccan Herald says : — "We are pleased to learn that Mr . K . B . Barton , Barrister-at-Law , lies been unanimously elected Provincial Grand Master of Western India . The Grand
Bodge of Scotland will , of course , confirm the proceedings of the premier Masonic lodge in British India . Mr . Barton is an old and estimable Mason , and under bis fostering care Masonry is sure to flourish all over Western India . "
The Boys' School.
A Quarterly Court of the governors and subscribers of this School was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday last , Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., in the chair . After the reading of the minutes and the other formal business had been transacted , Bro . JOHN TJDALI ., V . P ., moved" 1 . That Bro . Charles W . Elkington , P . G . S . B ., and D . Prov .
G . M . of Warwickshire , ' for special services rendered to this Institution' in connection with the anniversary festival in 1 S 62 , be elected a Vice-President of the Institution , with ten votes at all elections of children . " This was seconded and carried , as was also the next
resolution"That Bro . It . 11 . Nelson , Prov . G . See . of West Yorkshire , 'for special services rendered to this Institution' in connection with the anniversary festival in March , 1863 , be ' elected a Vice-President of the Institution , with ten votes at all elections of children . " Bro . UDAI / L then moved— "That Mrs . Alfred Lamb , 'for
special services rendered to this Institution' at the anniversary festival in March , 1803 , be elected a Vice-President of the Institution , with ten votes at all elections of children . " He urged that the services of Mrs . Lamb in acting as one of the Stewards at the late festival had been of essential service to the Institution , her list of subscriptions having amounted to
upwards of £ 200 . The motion having been seconded , Bro . Cox : opposed it on the ground that , whilst the rules of the Institution allowed a brother to be made a Vice-President for services performed to the Institution , they gave no such powers as regarded any other person , valuable as , no doubt , were the services of ladies
to any charity . A long discussion ensued , in the course of which Bro . GIEAUD suggested that the rule should be made more definite as to the amount of collection required to entitle a brother or
any other person to the distinction of a Vice-President . Ultimately it was resolved on the motion of Bro . Stebbiug to remit the question to the General Committee for consideration . Bro . BENJAMIN HEAD , V . P ., moved— " That in acknowledgment of the generous gifts of stock to the School at various times hy Bro . W . "Freeman , be be elected a Life Governor ofthe
Institution . " Bro . Cox having also objected to this vote , on the ground that the services rendered were not such as were contemplated by the rules of the Institution , the motion was withdrawn . On the motion of Bro . UDAII , seconded by Bro . CHEATON , it was
resolved"That in Bule 9 , after the words 'Additional Vote , ' the following words be added , ' And to a second additional vote for every subsequent Stewardship with a similar donation ; ancl that the rule so amended shall have a retrospective effect . " This resolution only extends the rule by which a brotherobtains an additional vote when he serves the office of Steward ,
to the festival , and becomes a Life Governor by giving a . similar privilege every time he may serve the office . Bro . HKVMT EMPSON moved— "That the House Committee be instructed to forthwith issue Advertisements for Plans and Estimates for the erection of a New School House at Wood Green and to take such steps in reference thereto as to them
may seem most expedient . " The motion was carried , subject to a limitation that the amount to be expended for such purpose should not exceed £ 200 .
Bro . Captain J . CREATOR , V . P ., moved— " That in consideration ofthe energy displayed by the Secretary in connection with the late Festival , the amount derived being £ 1678 , which result is mainly due to the exertions of Bro . Binckes , he do receive on the present and on all future similar occasions , as a gratuity , the sum of five per cent , on any amount exceading
£ 2000 , accruing from the Anniversary Festival . " Bro . HEAD seconded the motion , which was imaniniously carried . Bro . WAEKES - moved— " That should Frank Herbert Bead not be elected on the ballot , the House Committee be authorised to admit him into the School on the earliest opportunity ,
without proceeding to another election , in consideration of his having been by error declared elected at the last meeting . " Bro . STEBBING seconded the motion , which , on the suggestion of Bro . Savage , was postponed until after the ballot , lest a decision in favour of the resolution might have the effect , by setting a number of votes free , of interfering with the chance of
success of other candidates . The ballot for three boys to enter the school , from a list of twenty-three candidates , was then proceeded with . The scrutineers did not make their return until nearly 6 o'clock , when they declared the election to have fallen on—VOTES . Thomas Noel 2852 Richard T . Richards 2276 Walter P . Weeks 2226
On the various other numbers being read , Bro . Sheen , who had been acting on behalf of the candidate No . 21 , Percy Banks , said that his candidate had been returned with 500 votes less than he himself polled . Bro . DAY said , though he was satisfied with the result , still he believed his candidate ought to have 100 more votes .
Bro , STUBBING- and others made a similar protest on behalf ot Read , and it was resolved that a fresh scrutiny should take place , a Committee of four brethren being added to the previous six scrutineers .