Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Estwick , S . W . and Treasurer . —Bro . ESTWICK , in returning thanks said while he desired to see the prosperity of all their Masonic Charities , yet the flattering terms in which Bro . Emmons had spoken of him was really more than he deserved . He would do nil he could for the benevolent fund , he had been tbe Treasurer of the lodge from the commencement and he deemed it to be a very high honour to be entrusted with the care of their money . With respect to his
presentposition he was indebted to Bro . Emmens for it , and nothing would give him greater pleasure than to continue as their Treasurer , but if it should be their will that he should be placed in a higher position , ho would do all in his power to promote the welfare of the lodge . —The W . M . said the next toast he had the honour to propose was "The Health of their brother Visitors . " They were at all times pleased to see them ,
and they gave them a hearty welcome , and hoped they would frequently come amongst them . —Bro . II . M . Smith , W . M , of the Globe Lodge ; Bro . Nicholson , P . M . 101 ; Bro . Mansfield , 201 ; and-Bro . Thompson , 206 , severally returned thanks . —Bro . EMMENS , P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M ., said , as their lodge was an offshoot of the Old Concord Lodge , lie hoped their brother visitors from that lodge would go back to it with
the impression that it had endeavoured to imitate it in its working , and that its officers performed their duty in a satisfactory manner . The working of their W . M . bad been most satisfactory , and the lodge could not fail to prosper under his Mastership . In the Old Concord Lodge the Master never quitted the chair without rising and proposing " Success to the New
Concord Lodge ; " and , as they never forgot them , they ought never to forget the Old Concord Lodge . He asked them to -drink " Success , long life , and prosperity to the W . M ., and that he might go out of office with the same success as his duties had ¦ commenced . " —The W . M . said he was deeply sensible of the kind eulogiums that their P . M ., Bro . Emmens , had been pleased to pass upon him for the performance of his duties , ancl he had in a great measure to thank him for itfor no one could be
, more indefatigable in his teaching than Bro . Emmens . He had already initiated eight gentlemen , and he had many more in perspective , and he hoped to be able to do more to gain their -approbation ; and when he should retire from the chair he should always feel the deepest sentiments of gratitude and pleasure for the kindness he bad received during his year of office . Tlie W . M ., in very appropriate terms , gave " Prosperity
to the Old Concord Lodge , " for which Bro . Nicholson returned thanks . The W . M . then gave "The Past Masters ofthe Lodge . " —Bro . SWINNOCK , in returning thanks for himself and Bro . Emmens , said it was most gratifying to see the members rally round the W . M . during his year of office , as he felt assured he would do his best to promote the interests of the lodge ; and , for himselfhe only regretted he had not done morebut
, , he had done to the best of his ability . On behalf of the P . M . 's of the lodge , he thanked the brethren for the manner in which they had responded to the toast , and wished them long life and prosperity . —Some other toasts were given , and several songs having been sung , the business of the evening was brought to a close .
INSTRUCTION . ST . GEOEGE ' S LODGE ( N O . 164 ) . —The fourth anniversary meeting of this lodge will take place on Thursday , May 7 th , at six o ' clock , at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich . Bro . H . A . Col-Vmgton , Preceptor , P . M ., will be in the chair . The lodge will be opened and closed in the three degrees , and all the working tools given—the first section by Bro . W . Orchard , W . M . 93 ;
the second section by Bro . G . S . Hodgson , I . G . 1173 ; the third section by Bro . J . Stevens , jun ., W . M 805 . A lecture on the first tracing board will be given by Bro . Dr . Wm . Scott , P . M 1173 . and W . M . 164 .
DEVONSHIRE . . LODGE ST . ACTIN- ( NO . 125 D ) . —The first lodge , under the warrant recently granted , was held at the Brunswick Masonic Hall , Plymouth ( kindly lent by a unanimous vote for that purpose ) , on the evening of Friday , the I 7 th instant , when Bro . Samuel Chappie , P . M ., Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., after reading the warrant , invested his officers as follows : —Bros .
Kent , S . W . ; Spry , J . W . ; Bro . Bird , Treas . ; G . Elliott , Sec . Clemens , S . D . ; Gudridge , J . D . ; Cock , I . G . ; Hansen and Sutton , Stewards ; Beckford , Dir . of Cers . ; and J . Elliott , Tyler The distribution was made amid the most enthusiastic applause , and seemed in every way satisfactory . A meeting was ordered to be summoned on the evening of Tuesday , the 28 th inst ., to ballot for five candidates and seven joining members , after which a banquet will be held . Suitable premises are being erected at Prince Town , and will be ready "for occupation in June or July next , and will ( B . V . ) be consecrated in the autumn .
HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 462 ) . — This flourishing lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., when three initiations took place , and Bros . Webb , P . M ., ancl A . H . Weston , Sec , became Life Governors of tbe Boys' School' in addition to Bros . Payne , P . M ., and Stebbing , P . M . The lodge was honoured with a visit from Bro . Alfred SmithW . M . and several members of tho
, , Loelge of Economy , Winchester . In the absence of the W . M ., Alderman Weston , engaged in reference to some local Bills in Parliament , Bro . T . P . Payne , P . M ., ably presided . Nearly fiffcy brethren sat down to the b .-incniet , and after the usual toast , " The Prosperity of the Lodge of Economy" was given and enthusiastically received . It was eloquently acknowledged by its distinguished Master , Bro . Alfred Smith . " The Masonic
Charities" were specially given by Bro . Stebbing , P . M ., coupling therewith the name of Bro . Sherry , P . M ., who , on rising to respond , was received with the strongest marks of respect , his exertions in Hampshire having raised many hundred pounds , and a strong and abiding miion in favour of the Charities . Bro . Sherry replied in a sound practical speech , which was , as usual , well and warmly received . Bro . Naish , P . M . No . 90 , and other visitors addressed the meeting , which carried on a most interesting and enlivening Masonic reunion till nearly midnight . ¦
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Ancient tjnion Lodge ( No . 245 ) . — Thursday , April 16 th , being the regular night , the lodge was opened in the Masonic Temple by Bro . C . Rawson , W . M ., assisted by his Officers . The minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed . Mr . W . M'Donaid , Mr . John Aldenlice , and Mr . John Clarke were initiated into the mysteries of the Order , Bro . Crawford , P . M . laining the working toolsand Bro . Freish 3 . W .
de-, exp , , , livering the charge . The lodge was called from labour to refreshment , when the half-yearly banquet , served up in the hall by Bro . Bacon , was all that could be desired . The chair was taken by the W . M . at seven o ' clock ; on his right were Bros . Crawford , P . M . ; Ellis , Bromley , Young , Colborne , Banister , & c . ; and on the left Bros . Carrick , Fryer , W . M . 368 ; Crane , S . W . 310 ; LidelellW . M . 102 G ; CampbellCampionetc . ; Bro .
, , , Freish , S . W ., in the west , and Bro . J . White , J . W ., in the south , and nearly forty members of the lodge . After the cloth was drawn , the W . M . gave in rotation " Tlie Queen , " " Albert Edward Prince of Wales , the Princess of "Wales , and the Royal Family , " "The M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , " "The Earl cle Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . ; " also
" Scotland and Ireland , prefacing each in appropriate terms . The National Anthem and other songs were given in good style between the toasts by Bros . James , Hall , Crompton , Godfrey , Lidelell , etc . The next toast was "The R . W . Prov . Grand Master , L . J . N . Starkie ; his deputy , Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , Hart ., and the Prov . Grand Ollieers , " coupling the name of Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C . of this Province , and officebearer in the Province of Durham and Northumberland . The
toast was drank with full Masonic honours , and replied to by Bro . Banister in a truly fraternal speech , advocating the cause of the charitable institutions of tlie Order . Bro . Crawford , P . M ., having possession of the Master's gavel , called on the brethren to fill bumpers for the next toast ; and in a neat speech proposed the health of tbe W . M ., enlarging on the manner in which he had filled all the officesanel performed the
, duties of each to the satisfaction of the lodge ; drunk with enthusiasm , ; anel full Masonic honours . The W . M . after returning thanks in appropriate terms for himself , and thanking the brethren for their repeated kindnesses to him , said he had now a very pleasing duty to perform , dilated upon the great ability , talent , and gentlemanly bearing with which the lodge had been presided over for the past year , and proceeded in the name of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Estwick , S . W . and Treasurer . —Bro . ESTWICK , in returning thanks said while he desired to see the prosperity of all their Masonic Charities , yet the flattering terms in which Bro . Emmons had spoken of him was really more than he deserved . He would do nil he could for the benevolent fund , he had been tbe Treasurer of the lodge from the commencement and he deemed it to be a very high honour to be entrusted with the care of their money . With respect to his
presentposition he was indebted to Bro . Emmens for it , and nothing would give him greater pleasure than to continue as their Treasurer , but if it should be their will that he should be placed in a higher position , ho would do all in his power to promote the welfare of the lodge . —The W . M . said the next toast he had the honour to propose was "The Health of their brother Visitors . " They were at all times pleased to see them ,
and they gave them a hearty welcome , and hoped they would frequently come amongst them . —Bro . II . M . Smith , W . M , of the Globe Lodge ; Bro . Nicholson , P . M . 101 ; Bro . Mansfield , 201 ; and-Bro . Thompson , 206 , severally returned thanks . —Bro . EMMENS , P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M ., said , as their lodge was an offshoot of the Old Concord Lodge , lie hoped their brother visitors from that lodge would go back to it with
the impression that it had endeavoured to imitate it in its working , and that its officers performed their duty in a satisfactory manner . The working of their W . M . bad been most satisfactory , and the lodge could not fail to prosper under his Mastership . In the Old Concord Lodge the Master never quitted the chair without rising and proposing " Success to the New
Concord Lodge ; " and , as they never forgot them , they ought never to forget the Old Concord Lodge . He asked them to -drink " Success , long life , and prosperity to the W . M ., and that he might go out of office with the same success as his duties had ¦ commenced . " —The W . M . said he was deeply sensible of the kind eulogiums that their P . M ., Bro . Emmens , had been pleased to pass upon him for the performance of his duties , ancl he had in a great measure to thank him for itfor no one could be
, more indefatigable in his teaching than Bro . Emmens . He had already initiated eight gentlemen , and he had many more in perspective , and he hoped to be able to do more to gain their -approbation ; and when he should retire from the chair he should always feel the deepest sentiments of gratitude and pleasure for the kindness he bad received during his year of office . Tlie W . M ., in very appropriate terms , gave " Prosperity
to the Old Concord Lodge , " for which Bro . Nicholson returned thanks . The W . M . then gave "The Past Masters ofthe Lodge . " —Bro . SWINNOCK , in returning thanks for himself and Bro . Emmens , said it was most gratifying to see the members rally round the W . M . during his year of office , as he felt assured he would do his best to promote the interests of the lodge ; and , for himselfhe only regretted he had not done morebut
, , he had done to the best of his ability . On behalf of the P . M . 's of the lodge , he thanked the brethren for the manner in which they had responded to the toast , and wished them long life and prosperity . —Some other toasts were given , and several songs having been sung , the business of the evening was brought to a close .
INSTRUCTION . ST . GEOEGE ' S LODGE ( N O . 164 ) . —The fourth anniversary meeting of this lodge will take place on Thursday , May 7 th , at six o ' clock , at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich . Bro . H . A . Col-Vmgton , Preceptor , P . M ., will be in the chair . The lodge will be opened and closed in the three degrees , and all the working tools given—the first section by Bro . W . Orchard , W . M . 93 ;
the second section by Bro . G . S . Hodgson , I . G . 1173 ; the third section by Bro . J . Stevens , jun ., W . M 805 . A lecture on the first tracing board will be given by Bro . Dr . Wm . Scott , P . M 1173 . and W . M . 164 .
DEVONSHIRE . . LODGE ST . ACTIN- ( NO . 125 D ) . —The first lodge , under the warrant recently granted , was held at the Brunswick Masonic Hall , Plymouth ( kindly lent by a unanimous vote for that purpose ) , on the evening of Friday , the I 7 th instant , when Bro . Samuel Chappie , P . M ., Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., after reading the warrant , invested his officers as follows : —Bros .
Kent , S . W . ; Spry , J . W . ; Bro . Bird , Treas . ; G . Elliott , Sec . Clemens , S . D . ; Gudridge , J . D . ; Cock , I . G . ; Hansen and Sutton , Stewards ; Beckford , Dir . of Cers . ; and J . Elliott , Tyler The distribution was made amid the most enthusiastic applause , and seemed in every way satisfactory . A meeting was ordered to be summoned on the evening of Tuesday , the 28 th inst ., to ballot for five candidates and seven joining members , after which a banquet will be held . Suitable premises are being erected at Prince Town , and will be ready "for occupation in June or July next , and will ( B . V . ) be consecrated in the autumn .
HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 462 ) . — This flourishing lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., when three initiations took place , and Bros . Webb , P . M ., ancl A . H . Weston , Sec , became Life Governors of tbe Boys' School' in addition to Bros . Payne , P . M ., and Stebbing , P . M . The lodge was honoured with a visit from Bro . Alfred SmithW . M . and several members of tho
, , Loelge of Economy , Winchester . In the absence of the W . M ., Alderman Weston , engaged in reference to some local Bills in Parliament , Bro . T . P . Payne , P . M ., ably presided . Nearly fiffcy brethren sat down to the b .-incniet , and after the usual toast , " The Prosperity of the Lodge of Economy" was given and enthusiastically received . It was eloquently acknowledged by its distinguished Master , Bro . Alfred Smith . " The Masonic
Charities" were specially given by Bro . Stebbing , P . M ., coupling therewith the name of Bro . Sherry , P . M ., who , on rising to respond , was received with the strongest marks of respect , his exertions in Hampshire having raised many hundred pounds , and a strong and abiding miion in favour of the Charities . Bro . Sherry replied in a sound practical speech , which was , as usual , well and warmly received . Bro . Naish , P . M . No . 90 , and other visitors addressed the meeting , which carried on a most interesting and enlivening Masonic reunion till nearly midnight . ¦
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Ancient tjnion Lodge ( No . 245 ) . — Thursday , April 16 th , being the regular night , the lodge was opened in the Masonic Temple by Bro . C . Rawson , W . M ., assisted by his Officers . The minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed . Mr . W . M'Donaid , Mr . John Aldenlice , and Mr . John Clarke were initiated into the mysteries of the Order , Bro . Crawford , P . M . laining the working toolsand Bro . Freish 3 . W .
de-, exp , , , livering the charge . The lodge was called from labour to refreshment , when the half-yearly banquet , served up in the hall by Bro . Bacon , was all that could be desired . The chair was taken by the W . M . at seven o ' clock ; on his right were Bros . Crawford , P . M . ; Ellis , Bromley , Young , Colborne , Banister , & c . ; and on the left Bros . Carrick , Fryer , W . M . 368 ; Crane , S . W . 310 ; LidelellW . M . 102 G ; CampbellCampionetc . ; Bro .
, , , Freish , S . W ., in the west , and Bro . J . White , J . W ., in the south , and nearly forty members of the lodge . After the cloth was drawn , the W . M . gave in rotation " Tlie Queen , " " Albert Edward Prince of Wales , the Princess of "Wales , and the Royal Family , " "The M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , " "The Earl cle Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . ; " also
" Scotland and Ireland , prefacing each in appropriate terms . The National Anthem and other songs were given in good style between the toasts by Bros . James , Hall , Crompton , Godfrey , Lidelell , etc . The next toast was "The R . W . Prov . Grand Master , L . J . N . Starkie ; his deputy , Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , Hart ., and the Prov . Grand Ollieers , " coupling the name of Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C . of this Province , and officebearer in the Province of Durham and Northumberland . The
toast was drank with full Masonic honours , and replied to by Bro . Banister in a truly fraternal speech , advocating the cause of the charitable institutions of tlie Order . Bro . Crawford , P . M ., having possession of the Master's gavel , called on the brethren to fill bumpers for the next toast ; and in a neat speech proposed the health of tbe W . M ., enlarging on the manner in which he had filled all the officesanel performed the
, duties of each to the satisfaction of the lodge ; drunk with enthusiasm , ; anel full Masonic honours . The W . M . after returning thanks in appropriate terms for himself , and thanking the brethren for their repeated kindnesses to him , said he had now a very pleasing duty to perform , dilated upon the great ability , talent , and gentlemanly bearing with which the lodge had been presided over for the past year , and proceeded in the name of the