Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
divided Poland into 23 districts , each of which is to bo ruled bybranch Committees , who are to " administer the penal law , " to collect imposts , and to raise recruits , of whom each district is immediately to furnish 400 to the insurgent bands . We still have tidings of conflicts between the Polish insurgents and the Russian troops . Some of the recent encounters are of peculiar
interest , inasmuch as they took place at a point nearer to AVarsaw than the insurrection had previously approached . A collision has occuved between a body of Prussian soldiers and a band of Polish insurgents . It appears that a detachment of troops was sent to seize some waggons laden with arms and ammunition intended for the use of tho insurgents in Russian
Poland . An engagement ensued between this detachment and a band of insurgents who had entered Prussian territory for the purpose of receiving these supplies ; and some 30 Poles were captured , though it seems uncertain whether any lives were lost . " It is affirmed that the Emperor Alexander's amnesty , as published at Warsaw , is less comprehensive than it had been
represented , and that the leaders of the insurrection are excluded from its benefits . Its terms are , however , of little importance ; for it has not induced a single insurgent to lay down his arms . The notes of England , France , and Austria in favour of Poland have been laid before the Emperor , and are said to have pre duced some effect . The Prussian Premier , in reply to a
question put to him in the House of Deputies , declared that the Prussian Government deemed the King of Denmark ' s proclamation regarding Holsteih an infringement of the assurance given by Denmark in 1851 . He added that Prussia would concert with her allies the steps to be taken in consequence of this proclamation , and that the Prussian Government was mind . Jul of the national honour , but would not embark in a war without the House ' s consent . During the debate in the
Chamber of Deputies upen the bill respecting Ministerial responsibility , Herr von Bismarck declared that the present time was unsuitable for the adoption of such a measure , and that the Government , therefore , must refuse to sanction it . Despite this declaration on the part of the Premier , it is believed certain that the Chamber will pass the hill . Tho over restless
Mazzinists are endangering- the peace of the Swiss Republic by the plots they are forming against Austria in the Federal territory . They are , however , closely watched by the Austrian Government , who have officially acquainted the Federal Council that tho agents of Mazzini are planning an attack upon the southern portion of the Tyrol . We have an announcement
from Copenhagen upon official authority that the only obstacles to the acceptance of the Crown of Greece by Prince Williamregarding the abdication of King Otho and the state of the Greek finances—having been entirely removed , Prince Christian has accepted the throne for his son . The Legislative Assembly of Denmark and Schleswighas been opened by the President
of the Council , who read the Speech from the Throne . The Speech alluded to the marriage of the Princess Alexandra , to whom it invited the Chambers to vote a dower . It also adverted to the opposition offered by tho great German Powers to the recent proclamation severing Holstein legislatively from Denmark , but declared that that opposition should not affect
the course of the decree . The Grand Duchy of Baden has recognised the kingdom of Italy . INDIA . —The Bombay mail brings intglligence to the 28 th of March . In continuation of his progress Lord Elgin reached Meerut on the 7 th ult ., and from thence to Roorkee on the 16 th . At the former city he was joined by the commander in chief ,
Sir Hugh Rose . It was supposed they would reach Umballa about the 27 th ult . It is reported that rebellion still lurks in several districts of Oudh , and several persons have been arrested
The Week.
for circulating letters inciting the Mahomedans to rise against the British Government . The war in the Jynteeah Hills was nearly , if not quite , at an end , after a good deal of hard fi ghting . ¦ ^ Several emissaries of the notorious Nana bad been apprehended . The rebel leader , Feroze Shah , is said to have been seen at Herat . AMERICA . —The Asia has arrived with intelligence to the Sth-The Federal operations against Vieksburg were turning out
unsuccessful . All the expeditions intended to reach the rear of the city by way of Sunflower River and the Y ' azoo Pass had been abandoned ; and the battery that General Grant is saitVi : > have placed in a position to reach Vicksburgh in front , according to the latest intelligence , had done nothing . Some skirmishing is reported from Tennessee , but there was no change in the position of the main forces . A large Democratic meeting
has been held at New York , at which resolutions were passed denouncing the Administration , declaring the war a failure , and demanding peace : the idea of conquering the South wasdenounced as insane . In Connecticut the Republicans had carried the state elections , having elected a Republican governor and Republican state officers . The reported evacuation of Richmond is denied ; a serious bread riot in that city is related by
a Federal officer , which was only allayed by the personal persuasion of President Davis . The news of the commencement of the bombardment of Charleston has arrived by the Washington , though at present we have little more than the mere fact . It was expected that the Federal land forces would not venture
within range until the eflect of long bowls from the gunboats had been ascertained . The Confederates appear to have been well prepared , and to have disposed their irou-clacls in support of their forts . The engagement between the Federal and Confederate iron-clads was very severe . The Federals were on [ tatwhole unsuccessful , one of their iron vessels being sunk , find they manifested no desire to renew the conflict . In North Carolina the Federal General Foster seems to have got into a
critical position at Washington , and at the last advices the Federals had failed in succouring him . The Confederates have captured another Northern gun boat upon one of the tributary streams of tho Mississippi , a portion of which , between Por ' Hudson and Vieksburg , Admiral Farrtgut is reported to " hold " though it is apparent that he is on all sides , by land as well af by water , surrounded , and that his sources of supplies are cut
off . At Vieksburg the federals have commenced cutting another canal , but , as the two former ones failed , and as the water of the Mississippi will now daily be getting lower , it is difficult to imagine it can succeed . The attack ou Vicksburjj was still only expected to take place . The minor details are o ); some interest , especially those stating that General Cniaeron ,
late Minister of War , has boon found guilty of corruption by - J committee of the Pennsylvania !! Senate ; that the relations of the English and Federal Governments continue to cause anxiety in Washington ; and that gold is a trifle lower , probably on account of tho hopes exeitcel by the actual commencement of the attack on Charleston .
To Correspondents.
AN ASPIRANT TO THE CHAIR . —Acordmg to the Pooh of Constitutions , the level on the Master ' s or Past Master ' s Apron should be of blue ribbon ; custom , however , seems to sanction silver , thej' beingalmost uuiverslly worn in Grand Lodge without objection . JUSTICE . —The receipt of relief from the Board of Benevolence , or other source , would not disqualify a brother form holding oflice in his mother or other lodge . Good taste would dictate that lie should not do so until he had overcome his difficulties .
B . —We hold that your bye-laws , requiring a two days' notice of a lodge , excepting when a candidate is to be balloted for , when you require seven days' to be given , to be inconsistent with the spirit though not the letter of , ' the law , and that seven days notice ought always to be given , though it is true for distant members a two days' notice is fully equal to seven thirty years ago . Have your rules been certified by the Grand Secretary and Prov . Grand Master —Custom warrants the resuming from one degree to another ,
though the practice is always better avoided , where possible . T . H . S . —The Tyler could have no right to return the note , though not of the Bank of England . It would be impossible to say that- a in an with a , t' 5 note of the llallanishire , or any other solvent Bank , was in a state of poverty—and the tendering it to the Deacon for charity is a proof that the brother thought it of value . It is however unnecessary and unsual to prepare candidates in lodges of instruction .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
divided Poland into 23 districts , each of which is to bo ruled bybranch Committees , who are to " administer the penal law , " to collect imposts , and to raise recruits , of whom each district is immediately to furnish 400 to the insurgent bands . We still have tidings of conflicts between the Polish insurgents and the Russian troops . Some of the recent encounters are of peculiar
interest , inasmuch as they took place at a point nearer to AVarsaw than the insurrection had previously approached . A collision has occuved between a body of Prussian soldiers and a band of Polish insurgents . It appears that a detachment of troops was sent to seize some waggons laden with arms and ammunition intended for the use of tho insurgents in Russian
Poland . An engagement ensued between this detachment and a band of insurgents who had entered Prussian territory for the purpose of receiving these supplies ; and some 30 Poles were captured , though it seems uncertain whether any lives were lost . " It is affirmed that the Emperor Alexander's amnesty , as published at Warsaw , is less comprehensive than it had been
represented , and that the leaders of the insurrection are excluded from its benefits . Its terms are , however , of little importance ; for it has not induced a single insurgent to lay down his arms . The notes of England , France , and Austria in favour of Poland have been laid before the Emperor , and are said to have pre duced some effect . The Prussian Premier , in reply to a
question put to him in the House of Deputies , declared that the Prussian Government deemed the King of Denmark ' s proclamation regarding Holsteih an infringement of the assurance given by Denmark in 1851 . He added that Prussia would concert with her allies the steps to be taken in consequence of this proclamation , and that the Prussian Government was mind . Jul of the national honour , but would not embark in a war without the House ' s consent . During the debate in the
Chamber of Deputies upen the bill respecting Ministerial responsibility , Herr von Bismarck declared that the present time was unsuitable for the adoption of such a measure , and that the Government , therefore , must refuse to sanction it . Despite this declaration on the part of the Premier , it is believed certain that the Chamber will pass the hill . Tho over restless
Mazzinists are endangering- the peace of the Swiss Republic by the plots they are forming against Austria in the Federal territory . They are , however , closely watched by the Austrian Government , who have officially acquainted the Federal Council that tho agents of Mazzini are planning an attack upon the southern portion of the Tyrol . We have an announcement
from Copenhagen upon official authority that the only obstacles to the acceptance of the Crown of Greece by Prince Williamregarding the abdication of King Otho and the state of the Greek finances—having been entirely removed , Prince Christian has accepted the throne for his son . The Legislative Assembly of Denmark and Schleswighas been opened by the President
of the Council , who read the Speech from the Throne . The Speech alluded to the marriage of the Princess Alexandra , to whom it invited the Chambers to vote a dower . It also adverted to the opposition offered by tho great German Powers to the recent proclamation severing Holstein legislatively from Denmark , but declared that that opposition should not affect
the course of the decree . The Grand Duchy of Baden has recognised the kingdom of Italy . INDIA . —The Bombay mail brings intglligence to the 28 th of March . In continuation of his progress Lord Elgin reached Meerut on the 7 th ult ., and from thence to Roorkee on the 16 th . At the former city he was joined by the commander in chief ,
Sir Hugh Rose . It was supposed they would reach Umballa about the 27 th ult . It is reported that rebellion still lurks in several districts of Oudh , and several persons have been arrested
The Week.
for circulating letters inciting the Mahomedans to rise against the British Government . The war in the Jynteeah Hills was nearly , if not quite , at an end , after a good deal of hard fi ghting . ¦ ^ Several emissaries of the notorious Nana bad been apprehended . The rebel leader , Feroze Shah , is said to have been seen at Herat . AMERICA . —The Asia has arrived with intelligence to the Sth-The Federal operations against Vieksburg were turning out
unsuccessful . All the expeditions intended to reach the rear of the city by way of Sunflower River and the Y ' azoo Pass had been abandoned ; and the battery that General Grant is saitVi : > have placed in a position to reach Vicksburgh in front , according to the latest intelligence , had done nothing . Some skirmishing is reported from Tennessee , but there was no change in the position of the main forces . A large Democratic meeting
has been held at New York , at which resolutions were passed denouncing the Administration , declaring the war a failure , and demanding peace : the idea of conquering the South wasdenounced as insane . In Connecticut the Republicans had carried the state elections , having elected a Republican governor and Republican state officers . The reported evacuation of Richmond is denied ; a serious bread riot in that city is related by
a Federal officer , which was only allayed by the personal persuasion of President Davis . The news of the commencement of the bombardment of Charleston has arrived by the Washington , though at present we have little more than the mere fact . It was expected that the Federal land forces would not venture
within range until the eflect of long bowls from the gunboats had been ascertained . The Confederates appear to have been well prepared , and to have disposed their irou-clacls in support of their forts . The engagement between the Federal and Confederate iron-clads was very severe . The Federals were on [ tatwhole unsuccessful , one of their iron vessels being sunk , find they manifested no desire to renew the conflict . In North Carolina the Federal General Foster seems to have got into a
critical position at Washington , and at the last advices the Federals had failed in succouring him . The Confederates have captured another Northern gun boat upon one of the tributary streams of tho Mississippi , a portion of which , between Por ' Hudson and Vieksburg , Admiral Farrtgut is reported to " hold " though it is apparent that he is on all sides , by land as well af by water , surrounded , and that his sources of supplies are cut
off . At Vieksburg the federals have commenced cutting another canal , but , as the two former ones failed , and as the water of the Mississippi will now daily be getting lower , it is difficult to imagine it can succeed . The attack ou Vicksburjj was still only expected to take place . The minor details are o ); some interest , especially those stating that General Cniaeron ,
late Minister of War , has boon found guilty of corruption by - J committee of the Pennsylvania !! Senate ; that the relations of the English and Federal Governments continue to cause anxiety in Washington ; and that gold is a trifle lower , probably on account of tho hopes exeitcel by the actual commencement of the attack on Charleston .
To Correspondents.
AN ASPIRANT TO THE CHAIR . —Acordmg to the Pooh of Constitutions , the level on the Master ' s or Past Master ' s Apron should be of blue ribbon ; custom , however , seems to sanction silver , thej' beingalmost uuiverslly worn in Grand Lodge without objection . JUSTICE . —The receipt of relief from the Board of Benevolence , or other source , would not disqualify a brother form holding oflice in his mother or other lodge . Good taste would dictate that lie should not do so until he had overcome his difficulties .
B . —We hold that your bye-laws , requiring a two days' notice of a lodge , excepting when a candidate is to be balloted for , when you require seven days' to be given , to be inconsistent with the spirit though not the letter of , ' the law , and that seven days notice ought always to be given , though it is true for distant members a two days' notice is fully equal to seven thirty years ago . Have your rules been certified by the Grand Secretary and Prov . Grand Master —Custom warrants the resuming from one degree to another ,
though the practice is always better avoided , where possible . T . H . S . —The Tyler could have no right to return the note , though not of the Bank of England . It would be impossible to say that- a in an with a , t' 5 note of the llallanishire , or any other solvent Bank , was in a state of poverty—and the tendering it to the Deacon for charity is a proof that the brother thought it of value . It is however unnecessary and unsual to prepare candidates in lodges of instruction .