Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Hebrew , Arabic , Turkish . This is a goodly list ; but there must be many more than these , and I should like to see it extended . —ECLECTICUS . PSEUDO-MASONIC COIN . In my collection of Oriental coins , I have a coin
with the double triangle on one side and a rose on the other . As it bears no inscription , it is very likely not a legitimate coin , but a token . It was long in circulation , and much worn . It has , of course , no Masonic reference , the emblems being such as are commonly used by Mussulmans as well as Masons . — Smyrna , Nov . 4 th . 1865 . HYDE CLABKE .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondent * . RELIGION OF FREEMASONRY AS A UNIYEESAL INSTITUTION . IO THE EDITOtt OS THE FREEMASONS' JUAGAZIX-E AJfD MASOXIC MIKKOR . DEAE SIE ANB BEOTHEE , —A correspondent iu
your "Notes and Queries" of the 11 th November , makes mention of a letter " undeserving a place in your MAGAZINE , " and it was probably without due consideration that he gave a hasty reply to a query in the letter " What is the religion of Freemasonry as
a universal institution ? " in which he states , "There is a religion formed by man , with no assistance but that reason which distinguishes man from the brute — this is the religion of Freemasonry , " a theorem I have never met with before , to which , as a member
of the institution , I must beg he will excuse my expressing my humble dissent . Tour correspondent strengthens his argument by adding that " It is described in the treatises of natural theology and ethics , which abound in the languages of all civilised nations , both ancient and modern , and which in substance are much the same . "
The universality of Masonry consists in its bein" - extended over every part of the habitable globe , but it can scarcely he considered as a universal institution from its being adopted only by those who seek aud obtain admission amongst us , although society
everywhere around our lodges receive benefit in some way or other from the moral influence of its members . We do not consider it as a religion , but if I understand the term " Religion of Freemasonry " rightly , it is evidently the religion of the Bible , " without note or
comment . " Let auy brother well established in the knowledge of the Order read his Bible attentively , study well and understand what he is reading , and compare the subjects treated upon iu Masonry with his Bible , he will find it to be something higher and of more value than that " reasoning which distinguishes mau from the brute . " We may look upon
the works of creation , and the human mind must confess that the whole arrangements of this beautiful and magnificent universe are perfect , and governed hy systematic laws ; everywhere around us are myriads of beings all subject to the superior powers of man , the depths of the earth are broken up for his uses .
We ourselves exists for a while , and are sensible that all created things minister to our comfort ; we enjoy the social affections implanted in our nature , the intellectual powers of the mind contribute to our happiness aud to the enjoyment of life and society ; yet , with all those attainments , the life ancl love of evil in
our very nature render it impossible for man to frame an acceptable religion with no other assistance but " that reason which distinguishes him from the brute . " If we point to Mahomet , for instance , who framed a religion as he supposed milder and less idolatrous than Popery , yet he determined to establish
it by the sword . Popery , again , the great disturber of tho peace and happiness of mankind , exercises excessive cruelties against all whose religion is of a
higher class , more purely Christian , as well as upon its own subjects where profit and gain present a premium . Its curses are loud and deep upon all our religious and charitable institutions , our Bible societies for sending the word of divine truth iu all languages throughout the world , our societies for
propagating the gospel to the heathen in foreign lands ; its curses and anathemas against Freemasonry , the noblest institution the world ever knew , which interferes not with the religion or politics of any nation under the sun , all clearly prove the insufficiency of the human mind to frame a reliion suitable
g to mankind at large , " with no other assistance than that reason which distinguishes mau from the brute ; " and the heavy judgments of God mentioned in the prophetical writings and now preparing to be poured out upon them sufficiently prove how unacceptable they are before the Majesty of Heaven .
The faint ideas the ancient philosophers possessed with regard to the Divine Being were derived to them from the descendants of Noah , through the patriarchs and the Jews , in their travelling through the Eastern nations . They treasured up this knowledge as traditions , and it was probably from , this they considered themselves accountable for the exercise of the
moral capacities of their nature and of the mmd . It was , therefore , through Divine revelation alone that the ancient philosophers could teach or write any treatise upon any subject to which the term , religion could be applied . There are various degrees in Masonry , and subjects suited to each degree known to the Masonsubjects
, tending to exercise the intellectual faculties , not on natural theology alone , but through the hidden paths of heavenly scieuce in its most enlarged sense , even to the throne of God himself ; and whife they also guide us in the principles of moral truth , they likewise teach us " how to die "—not the mere hysical
dissop lution of the man or the brute , but that to the just and upright man death can present no terror . One of the ancient prophets tells us in that Sacred Volume laid before us in the lodge , that " the just shall live
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Hebrew , Arabic , Turkish . This is a goodly list ; but there must be many more than these , and I should like to see it extended . —ECLECTICUS . PSEUDO-MASONIC COIN . In my collection of Oriental coins , I have a coin
with the double triangle on one side and a rose on the other . As it bears no inscription , it is very likely not a legitimate coin , but a token . It was long in circulation , and much worn . It has , of course , no Masonic reference , the emblems being such as are commonly used by Mussulmans as well as Masons . — Smyrna , Nov . 4 th . 1865 . HYDE CLABKE .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondent * . RELIGION OF FREEMASONRY AS A UNIYEESAL INSTITUTION . IO THE EDITOtt OS THE FREEMASONS' JUAGAZIX-E AJfD MASOXIC MIKKOR . DEAE SIE ANB BEOTHEE , —A correspondent iu
your "Notes and Queries" of the 11 th November , makes mention of a letter " undeserving a place in your MAGAZINE , " and it was probably without due consideration that he gave a hasty reply to a query in the letter " What is the religion of Freemasonry as
a universal institution ? " in which he states , "There is a religion formed by man , with no assistance but that reason which distinguishes man from the brute — this is the religion of Freemasonry , " a theorem I have never met with before , to which , as a member
of the institution , I must beg he will excuse my expressing my humble dissent . Tour correspondent strengthens his argument by adding that " It is described in the treatises of natural theology and ethics , which abound in the languages of all civilised nations , both ancient and modern , and which in substance are much the same . "
The universality of Masonry consists in its bein" - extended over every part of the habitable globe , but it can scarcely he considered as a universal institution from its being adopted only by those who seek aud obtain admission amongst us , although society
everywhere around our lodges receive benefit in some way or other from the moral influence of its members . We do not consider it as a religion , but if I understand the term " Religion of Freemasonry " rightly , it is evidently the religion of the Bible , " without note or
comment . " Let auy brother well established in the knowledge of the Order read his Bible attentively , study well and understand what he is reading , and compare the subjects treated upon iu Masonry with his Bible , he will find it to be something higher and of more value than that " reasoning which distinguishes mau from the brute . " We may look upon
the works of creation , and the human mind must confess that the whole arrangements of this beautiful and magnificent universe are perfect , and governed hy systematic laws ; everywhere around us are myriads of beings all subject to the superior powers of man , the depths of the earth are broken up for his uses .
We ourselves exists for a while , and are sensible that all created things minister to our comfort ; we enjoy the social affections implanted in our nature , the intellectual powers of the mind contribute to our happiness aud to the enjoyment of life and society ; yet , with all those attainments , the life ancl love of evil in
our very nature render it impossible for man to frame an acceptable religion with no other assistance but " that reason which distinguishes him from the brute . " If we point to Mahomet , for instance , who framed a religion as he supposed milder and less idolatrous than Popery , yet he determined to establish
it by the sword . Popery , again , the great disturber of tho peace and happiness of mankind , exercises excessive cruelties against all whose religion is of a
higher class , more purely Christian , as well as upon its own subjects where profit and gain present a premium . Its curses are loud and deep upon all our religious and charitable institutions , our Bible societies for sending the word of divine truth iu all languages throughout the world , our societies for
propagating the gospel to the heathen in foreign lands ; its curses and anathemas against Freemasonry , the noblest institution the world ever knew , which interferes not with the religion or politics of any nation under the sun , all clearly prove the insufficiency of the human mind to frame a reliion suitable
g to mankind at large , " with no other assistance than that reason which distinguishes mau from the brute ; " and the heavy judgments of God mentioned in the prophetical writings and now preparing to be poured out upon them sufficiently prove how unacceptable they are before the Majesty of Heaven .
The faint ideas the ancient philosophers possessed with regard to the Divine Being were derived to them from the descendants of Noah , through the patriarchs and the Jews , in their travelling through the Eastern nations . They treasured up this knowledge as traditions , and it was probably from , this they considered themselves accountable for the exercise of the
moral capacities of their nature and of the mmd . It was , therefore , through Divine revelation alone that the ancient philosophers could teach or write any treatise upon any subject to which the term , religion could be applied . There are various degrees in Masonry , and subjects suited to each degree known to the Masonsubjects
, tending to exercise the intellectual faculties , not on natural theology alone , but through the hidden paths of heavenly scieuce in its most enlarged sense , even to the throne of God himself ; and whife they also guide us in the principles of moral truth , they likewise teach us " how to die "—not the mere hysical
dissop lution of the man or the brute , but that to the just and upright man death can present no terror . One of the ancient prophets tells us in that Sacred Volume laid before us in the lodge , that " the just shall live